Utpal Dutt

Utpal Dutt

Рождение : 1929-03-29,

Смерть : 1993-08-19


Utpal Dutt


The Last Lear
Theatre Play
The film starts with the veteran thespian Harish Mishra, he is gravely ill. The punishments of a film shoot have left the old man in a coma. His co-star, Shabnam, is wracked with worry, but their director, Siddharth, keeps strangely distant and refuses to visit his ailing star. In flashbacks, their story emerges.
A Tribute To Ismail Merchant
Himself (archive footage)
Antar Bahir
Debu and Shikta fall in love with each other but are unable to convince Haldar Babu, his uncle, to approve of their relationship. Finally, they come up with a plan to get married.
Kencho Khunrte Keute
Parama's grandfather leaves a will according to which she must get married if she wants to gain complete access to the inheritance.
The Padma Boatman
Hussain Miah
Based on the timeless literary work by Manik Bandyopadhyay, Padma Nadir Majhi was directed by Gautam Ghosh. The movie illustrates the tumultuous lives of the fishermen and their families, living by the river Padma. Beautiful shots of the river, Ghosh's flair for realism and brilliant display of acting skills by noted actors of Bangladesh and West Bengal, including Utpal Dutt, Robi Ghosh, Abul Khayer, Raisul Islam Asad, Champa, and Rupa Ganguli, fetched the movie local and international honours.
A series of murders in a forest compels the owner to file a complaint with the police. The authorities investigate the killings in order to apprehend the perpetrator and uncover their motive.
Mani Kanchan
Mani Kanchan is a film about a brother-sister duo name Kanchan and Mani. They face hardships after their sexually aroused father remarries. Unable to pay a huge amount of debt, the incompetent father fixes his well-educated daughter’s marriage to the mentally unstable son of the money lender.
Pennam Kolkata
Gobar and Padma get married and go to Calcutta in order to look for Gobar's missing brother. However, to their disappointment, they encounter a fraudster on their first day in the City of Joy.
Manomohan Mitra
Анила получает письмо от человека, который утверждает, что он её давно потерявшийся дядя. Мужу Анилы это кажется подозрительным. Через некоторое время этот человек приезжает и остаётся у них жить. Он представляется антропологом, путешествующим по всему миру. Анилу постепенно убеждают, что незнакомец приехал, чтобы получить часть собственности. И только её сын верит, что этот человек является дядей Анилы.
When Mahua's father refuses to acknowledge her relationship with Abheek, she pretends to be a patient who has lost her memory. Her father is forced to unite the two lovers.
Path O Prasad
Nilu and his mother Dipannita are not accepted by his grandfather, Aditya, as he thinks she married his son for money. However, things change when Aditya adopts Nilu.
Nawab, a police officer, does everything he can to fight injustice. However, his path is not as easy as it seems and is filled with hurdles.
Да здравствует молодость
MLA Goverdhan Verma
Шаши, живущий с мамой и младшей сестрой, категорически против приданого. Во время свадьбы друга, он оказался свидетелем того, как жених отказался жениться из-за того, что отец невесты не смог выплатить приданое. Шаши влюбляется в отвергнутую невесту…
Sadanand Chaudhary
Отец женит Амита против его воли на деревенской девушке Мадури. Сразу после свадьбы Амит убегает от жены. Но не так-то просто вырваться из «сетей» семейного счастья. Чтобы вернуть мужа, Мадури, перевоплотившись в секретаря Малти, устраивается на работу к Амиту.
Jar Je Priya
A well-to-do married couple keeps bickering over minor issues though the pair love each other. With time, their love gets tested but they keep yearning for each other.
The Bengali Night
The Priest / Postman / Beggar
Allan is an engineer working in 1930s Calcutta. He is invited to stay with the family of his boss, Narendra Sen which includes his wife, Indira and daughter Gayatri. Gayatri and Allan become romantically involved leading to tragedy.
Mahaveera description
Parna is rich, educated and talented. She is the only daughter of a tea-estate owner and gears up to take over her father's business. Her father is a hard working and intelligent businessman however is unaware of the fact that he is being cheated by his own employee named Vijay whose motive is to seize the entire estate by marrying Parna. Parna meets Rana, the son of another employee in his father's farm and is swept off her feet at his happy go lucky nature. Their relationship is not taken in a very calm manner by Vijay. He inflicts war against Rana. However love wins in the end. Vijay's craftiness is brought to everyone's notice. The young lovers are united.
Aaj Ka Robin Hood
Drama set during the British rule in India has Jatin Chatterjee, a young revolutionary on the run from authorities, take refuge in the home of Shyam Jadhav, who hires Jatin to teach his sons, Ram, Ramdas, and Ramdulaare. What happens when Jatin instructs his students about the legendary bandit Robin Hood?
Bhujang Chaudhary
Ганга с ребенком приезжает в Бомбей, что бы освободить мужа Ганги, Рамнатха, из тюрьмы, которого задержали по ложному обвинению в воровстве. Но этот приезд оказался роковым — не только Рамнатха не удалось спасти от тюремного заключения, еще и у Ганги похитили новорожденного сына. В отчаянии Ганга поселяется в монастыре при храме.
Binu, a mischievous boy, is forced to leave his village and gets separated from Chandra, his lady love and the local zamindar's daughter. He finds shelter in a theatre group but faces many ups and downs in life before he finally returns home and all problems are thereby solved.
Jamaal Saab
The film is about married couples of urban India having extramarital relations and adultery. Based on Gulzar's own story "Seema", the film portrays the relationship between a theatre director, Sudhir, who neglects everything but his work and is struggling to establish his theatre group. His wife Seema is also the leading lady in the theatre group but is left alone as Sudhir is involved in his work. Things take a turn when Sudhir's friend TK turns up and woos Seema
Samrat O Sundari
Bideshwar Rakshit is a shrewd businessman who has dominance over everyone, except his son Nirmal. When Nirmal falls in love with Bimala, his father refuses to accept their relationship.
Сукумар Рай
Theater Actor
Бенгальский короткометражный документальный фильм 1987 года, снятый Сатьяджитом Рэем о его отце, Сукумаре Рэе. Он был выпущен в год столетия со дня рождения Сукумара Рэя, который родился 30 октября 1887 года. Тридцатиминутный документальный фильм рассказывает о жизни и некоторых работах Сукумара Рэя в форме картин, фотографий и чтений.
Я самый сильный
Police Commissioner Ajay Basu
Это история честного полицейского, который пойман в сети человеческих отношений и становится жертвой недоразумения собственного воспитанника. Анил женится на Гите вопреки воли своего отца. И их выгоняют из дома. Анил умирает, Гита сходит с ума, и их сын Тони остается жить у брата матери полицейского — дяди Чоудхари. Тони влюбляется в Наташу, дочь Басу, специального уполномоченного полиции. Тони, введенный в заблуждение, что дядя виновен в смерти отца, пользуется репутацией своего дяди и выманивает деньги от местных владельцев магазинов. Но двое из них хотят вывести «на чистую воду» вора, укравшего британскую корону с выставки.
Although scores of people migrate to Bombay, from all over India, most do not even have a roof to live under. Some who are lucky manage to find accommodations but pay very high rents, and others who find accommodations refuse to vacate under any circumstances. Two such tenants are Mrs. Laxmi Abhyankar and her employed daughter, Jaya, who live in a flat in Pali Hill area. They had rented this flat from Lucknow-based Kundanlal Choudhury 15 years ago and have been paying him the same amount of Rs.500/- since then. Kundanlal's son, Anil, comes to Bombay to seek employment, and does get employed. His dad wants him to go and live with the Abhyankars, which he does.
Будь счастлива
Супружеская пара Раджекхар и Лакшми счастливы в браке. Они гордятся своими тремя детьми: дочерью и двумя сыновьями. Неожиданно родители испытывают шок, узнав что их старший сын Равви влюбился в дочь проститутки. Он уходит из дома и начинает работать на бензоколонке. Еще один шок супруги испытывают, когда узнают, что младший сын Шаши ворует деньги из дома. Выгнав его из дома, родители решают выдать замуж дочь Бабли, но она вовсе не горит желанием провести всю жизнь в тени мужа…
Tejen Banerjee
A Bengali movie directed by Tarun Majumder, with an ensemble cast.
Вместе с тобой
K. K. Sahib
Чтобы помочь Ашоку, разочаровавшемуся в любви, его дедушка приводит домой Дипу и настаивает на их свадьбе. Он и не подозревает, что молодая красавица горячо и взаимно любит его младшего внука - Вималя. В то время как Ганга, бывшая возлюбленная Ашока, никогда не предавала своего любимого, а сама стала жертвой в чужой, безжалостной игре.
Хоть бы получилось
Mr. Singh
Мистере Сингхе уже достаточно давно живет в огромном городе Бомбее. Он проживает в обычном пансионе вместе со своей племянницей Нишей, которая никак не может найти любовь всей своей жизни. Девушка усердно работает, помогая Сингху вести дела. Но вскоре вся ее жизнь полностью изменится. Любовь изменит ее отношение к жизни.
С одного берега на другой
Mahesh Babu
Молодой бедный рыбак Ганшам живет со своей матерью и отцом в маленьком рыбацком городке и занимает рыболовством. С этой целью он арендует парусник у местного жадного и злобного помещика Махаша Бабу, продает ему же пойманную рыбу и копит на собственную лодку
Mera Damad
Sitanath Ardhnarayan Choudhry
Utpal Dutt stars as Chaudhry, a landowner who comes to town looking to get his daughter Sunita (Zarina Wahab) married to the son of his childhood friend Khanna. Khanna's son, Jai (Farooque Shaikh), isn't interested in marrying anyone, but his determined father nonetheless plans a trip to Chaudhry's village for Jai, hoping things will work out. What ensues is a hilarious comedy of errors.
Badri Prasad Sharma
Анил Капур играет младшего сына в семье, который увлечен своей страстью к футболу. Из-за этого его в семье считают ни на что не годным бездельником. Однако когда того требуют обстоятельства, он продает свою почку что бы оплатить свадьбу своей младшей сестры, жертвуя при этом своей футбольной карьерой.
Bhalobasha Bhalobasha
Keya's Father
A girl falls in love with a boy, the son of a famous deceased singer. However, the couple faces many obstacles when the girl's father decides to get her married to another man.
Utpal Dutt's character lives in a joint family with his two sons. The eldest son is married. The younger son is looking for a groom. His strict principles rule the house which none of the sons dare to go against. The younger son marries and brings in his wife. Problems start arising when his mother arrives from the village with her own set of archaic rules. Finally the new wife adjust to these strict principles.
The Crossing
Bhola Singh (as Utpal Dutta)
When a Dalit wins the elections for mayor in his small village in northeastern India, deadly rioting forces an impoverished couple to escape to Calcutta where they can hopefully find work. Instead, they end up sleeping on the streets until they have a chance at earning a little income -- a man has asked them to take his herd of pigs across a fast-moving river. The current is dangerous, and worse, the wife is pregnant and this would not be an easy task even if she were not. Undaunted and desperate, the couple accept the job and enter the river to face their destiny.
Фотограф Алок Пракаш становится жертвой несчастного случая во время фотосъёмки женской хоккейной команды. Навещая Алока в больнице, его родственник адвокат Прем Сагар советует ему обратиться в суд с целью взыскания с работодателя денежной компенсации за причиненный ущерб здоровью. Они разрабатывают конкретный план, в который вовлечены многочисленные родственники. Хитроумная затея усложнит жизнь всем участникам этой авантюры.
Yeh Desh
Chandramohan Azad, a union leader, is framed for a murder and gets sentenced. However, after getting exonerated, he decides to fight against his brother-in-law who is now a corrupt MLA.
Bandh Honth
A community must unite to fight injustice
The Wandering Company
Documentary about Merchant Ivory Productions, including interviews with the principals of the film production company and actors which have appeared in their films.
Sumita comes from a simple middle-class family and is forced into prostitution due to circumstances. She becomes the sole bread winner for her family after coming out of a failed marriage. But, things start getting better when she meets her long lost friend, Sarbajit. How will Sarbajit react once he finds out about Sumita’s profession?
Kissi Se Na Kehna
Kailashpati Trivedi
Kailashpati is a widower, and father of an only son, Ramesh. He feels that his son has come of age, and must get married. He goes to see a number of young ladies for him, but is disappointed with them, as he feels they are too modern, speak English, and listen to foreign music. He feels that Ramesh will be better off marrying a non-English speaking lady, preferably from a small village. But the predicament of Ramesh is that he is already in love with Ramola, a very well qualified, English speaking Doctor, and he knows fully well that she will not be approved by his dad. So Ramesh, Ramola and Lalaji concocts a plot, making Ramola masquerade as a naive, non-English speaking village belle, with hilarious and unpredictable results.
Rang Birangi
Police Inspector Durendra Bhatavdekar
Sparkling comedy about a meddling friend whose attempt to rekindle the spark in his friend's relationship with his wife of seven years leads to complications to their lives, and to the lives of his secretary and her boyfriend he has not 'scripted' ... Splendid performances by Amol Palekar, Deepti Naval, Parveen Babi and Farooq Shaikh, a perfectly pitched script, witty dialogue and a plethora of aptly placed film references make this a film one can watch over and over and never fail to laugh out loud.
The story is as this is a story of the tribals of Jhalakpukur whose basic living rights are taken away by the mean money lenders who lend little money to them and charged them with a huge amount of interests which they could not repay. As a result, they suffered torture and harassment. Sulata was a contractor who was different and genuinely cared for the tribals. However her employer Sundaram was an extremely greedy man who not only inflicted suffering to the tribals but also longed to marry Sulata. Sulata meets Satinath, a man who would always protect the tribals from any harm and starts liking him. Sundaram does not take this appropriately and one night when Satinath was away, he and another money lender try to kill, Raghu, the tribal leader so that the tribals are thoroughly weakened. His attempt becomes futile when coincidentally Satinath arrives and saves Raghu. Satinath and Sulata together start looking after the interests of the tribal people from then onwards.
Shubh Kaamna
Счастливый случай
Sriram Seth
Опаздывая на репетицию, Гита уговаривает шофера частной машины подбросить ее до музыкального театра. Увидев девушку в автомобиле, принадлежащем миллионеру Сандипу, менеджер театральной труппы решил, что молодая привлекательная актриса покорила сердце бизнесмена, и этим неплохо было бы воспользоваться..
Route of Love
Udit Narayan Gupta
A love triangle, the film is a remake of the Telugu blockbuster movie Dasara Bullodu (1971), made by the same company and director. Mohan Lal Srivatsav loves Gauri and so does Shyama. The rivals in love are close friends, their friendship proves to be stronger than their love. When Gauri learns that Shyama loves Mohan, she decides to sacrifice her love, her dream, her life for her friend's happiness.
Matir Swarga
Raj Badhu is a comical family drama that is based on a traditional Bengali joint-family life. It tells the story of family relations, of love and family values and the importance of society in our lives. It shows the complex story of different love relations and how its complications adversely affect the people involved. It shows the nature of man and how all things work out for the best in the end.
The story of a poverty-stricken family, one of the countless fringe dwellers in India's slums. A man tries to earn some money by selling aborted fetuses to medical institutes.
Бес в ребро
Чаудхри Ом Пракаш — богатый шестидесятилетний старик. Есть у него и два закадычных друга такого же возраста — Джагдиш Бхай и Индра Сен. Все они нормально устроились в жизни, дети выросли и покинули семейные гнезда. А у стариков появилось достаточно времени на размышления и развлечения. И тогда решила великовозрастная троица поехать поразвлечься в большой город Бомбей. А чтобы никто из местных жителей не узнал о задумке стариков они не взяли с собой знакомого водителя, а наняли в Бомбее приезжего молодогопарня. Тот, кстати, пообещал «ухажерам» устроить интрижку со своей знакомой Анитой.
A story of identical twins and mistaken identities based on Shakespeare's play A comedy of errors.
Hamari Bahu Alka
Collegian Pratapchand alias Pratap lives with his father, Badriprasad, a building contractor, his housewife mom, and a younger brother named Ramu. Badriprasad is always critical of Pratap, and never a day passes without Pratap being reminded of his shortcomings. When Pratap's friend, Sunil gets married to Sudha, Badriprasad arranges Pratap's marriage with a village belle named Alka, much to Pratap's chagrin. After the marriage takes place, Pratap finds Alka attractive, and both fall in love with each other, and would some time together. But that is not to be so, as Pratap has exams coming up, and Badriprasad will not permit them to be close to each other. So both of them scheme up a plot to leave on the pretext of visiting Alka's parents in another distant town. Instead both of them go to Bombay, rent a room, and decide to be intimate. But fate has other plans, rather comical, for them, and will make rue their decision of coming to Bombay.
Saheb, a jovial, friendly, and kind-hearted boy loved to play soccer. He was very much neglected by his selfish brothers. Only his sister-in-law and his only sister Boolti appreciated and took care about him. Saheb had a potential to become a good goalkeeper, but lack of support and care from his family became the main obstacle for his growth. Suddenly Boolti's marriage was fixed with a well-educated family. The budget of the event made Saheb's family helpless. At that time, Saheb sold one of his kidneys and spoiled his football career. No one was aware of his decision. At the day of his sister's marriage when everyone was enjoying, Saheb was fighting for his life. Suddenly his sister-in-law came to know everything and became very upset. All his brothers were imposing allegation on him for that unaccounted money, then his sister-in-law exposed everything and made them quiet. At last, Saheb's incompetent father went to hospital and mourned for his neglected child.
Baisakhi Megh
Mohit Moitra is a leftist worker and convicted for Kakdwip Sarajantra Mamla. He always fights for the human rights. He also remembers that he was a committed freedom fighter. Once he didnâ€TMt care for his life and took a great risk to save the life of another freedom fighter Bijoy Ghosal. A woman named Subhra Sarkar, received some ugly treatment from the ruling British Government. She was brutally tortured. After the independence, Mohit Moitra is accused for doing the leftist activities and at the same time Bijoy Ghosal betrayed him. This is a tragic story of the people who sacrificed their life for the struggle for independence.
Baisakhi Megh
Mohit Moitra is a leftist worker and convicted for Kakdwip Sarajantra Mamla. He always fights for the human rights. He also remembers that he was a committed freedom fighter. Once he didnâ€TMt care for his life and took a great risk to save the life of another freedom fighter Bijoy Ghosal. A woman named Subhra Sarkar, received some ugly treatment from the ruling British Government. She was brutally tortured. After the independence, Mohit Moitra is accused for doing the leftist activities and at the same time Bijoy Ghosal betrayed him. This is a tragic story of the people who sacrificed their life for the struggle for independence.
Baisakhi Megh
Mohit Moitra is a leftist worker and convicted for Kakdwip Sarajantra Mamla. He always fights for the human rights. He also remembers that he was a committed freedom fighter. Once he didnâ€TMt care for his life and took a great risk to save the life of another freedom fighter Bijoy Ghosal. A woman named Subhra Sarkar, received some ugly treatment from the ruling British Government. She was brutally tortured. After the independence, Mohit Moitra is accused for doing the leftist activities and at the same time Bijoy Ghosal betrayed him. This is a tragic story of the people who sacrificed their life for the struggle for independence.
Naram Garam
Bhavani Shankar Bajpai
Ramprasad is appointed as a house-keeper for Bhavani Shankar Bajpai's ancestral home, won after a hard-fought legal battle. Ramprasad wants to marry Kusum but cannot as he doesn't earn enough or has a decent place to live. Circumstances change and Kusum and her father come and live in the Bhavani Shankar's ancestral home. Bhavani Shankar, his brother and Bhavani Shankar's manager come one by one to evict the trespassers and are infatuated by Kusum. Ramprasad somehow manages to deal with all of them and marries Kusum after assurances to better pay and a nice place to live.
Одна дождливая ночь
Молодая Раджни со своим отцом работают на чайную компанию. В их регионе полицейский контроль недостаточно силен и все контролируется богатым подрядчиком Хария Саху и его сыном Калирамом. Они терроризируют население до такой степени, что однажды люди, собравшись вместе, подают на них жалобу. Для расследования ситуации в их деревню присылают инспектора Абхиджита Рая, и это задание оказывается началом новой линии в его судьбе.
Newspaper Editor
Burning with a desire to be a journalist, a young man gets his chance when a publisher -- the father of a friend -- suggests that he write a story on the daily life of the people in his house (several families worth of people). The material turns out to be too incohesive and abundant to work into a pointed, thematic article, and just when he is about to give up, his younger brother asks him a simple question: "How many coal burners are there in Calcutta?" This triggers an idea for a story about Calcutta's pollution -- and the aspiring journalist dreams of myriads of burner-toting citizens invading the publisher's home demanding redress. Maybe he is finally on the way to a story that matters.
Королевство алмазов
Hirak Raja
Пожалуй, если бы не злополучные алмазные прииски, жизнь в этом странном королевстве могла бы быть приличной, вернее, сносной - такой, как и положено ей быть в настоящем сказочном королевстве.
Родные и близкие
Молодой безработный Чандраканд с женой и детьми живет со своими двоюродными братьями одной большой семьей. Жены состоятельных двоюродных братьев упрекают его и жену по поводу их бедности. Уставшие от насмешек они уезжают в родную деревню. Там они чинят свой старый разрушенный дом и пытаются начать новую жизнь. Но двоюродные братья настойчиво хотят отнять у них даже эту крупицу счастья. Чандраканд терпит их насмешки и оскорбления до тех пор, пока однажды братья не понимают, что он спас их от разорения.
Paka Dekha
Aparna's father, a police officer, fixes her marriage of his own choice. Aparna does not agree with her father and she flees from home. Her father arrests Aparna's friends and interrogates them one by one.
Рам и Балрам
Prof. Saran
Рам и Балрам были двоюродными братьями, они с самого детства считали себя родными. Балрам с малых лет остался сиротой. Но в доме у Рама, где его воспитывала родная тетя, он всегда себя чувствовал родным и не был ничем обделен.Проходят годы, Рам стал автомехаником, а Балрам стал полицейским. Оба ведут спокойный и честный образ жизни. Но вот только отец имеет на братьев свои виды, он задумал нечистое дело, в котором они оба могут помочь… Этот индийский фильме поражает запутанность родственных отношений. Очень сложно разобраться кто кому кем является.
Public Prosecutor Dalaal
Пратап Кумар Шривастав путешествует из Шьям Нагара в Бомбей. Его берет на работу друг его отца Рам Прасад. Молодой человек поселяется в комнате, где также живут его друг Гопал Матхур с сестрой Майей. Основной целью Пратапа является успех в жизни, он хочет заработать кучу денег и купить квартиру. Пратап преуспевает в этом: знакомится с дочерью босса, Индрани, и вскоре его повышают в должности до заместителя генерального менеджера. В день помолвки с Индрани он неожиданно пропадает, а потом выясняется, что он арестован по обвинению в убийстве беременной Майи.
Что делает Альберт Пинто когда сердится?
'Albert Pinto Ko Gussa Kyun Ata Hai' revolves around the Pintos and the people connected to them. There's Albert who's pretty much angry at everybody. His brother Dominic who thinks it's better to be jobless than to work an underpaid job, his patient sister Joan who works at a sari shop, his independent girlfriend Stella who feels under-appreciated by her boyfriend, his father and his colleagues, client and Stella's family. The film is very much a social commentary about Middle-class life in Bombay during the late ’70s and the conflicts arising in the labour force because workers were getting severely underpaid.
Diwan Dhanpat Rai
История о работе "Службы Охраны Леса", которые должны защищать дикую природу от браконьеров, контрабандистов, расхитителей и других сомнительных людей. Виджай - сознательный служащий, который устроился на эту работу после того, как за несколько лет до этого был похищен его младший брат. Он борется с вооруженными преступниками и помогает ему прекрасная Нита, внештатный фотограф, отца которой заключили в тюрьму по ложному обвинению...
Всё дело в усах
Bhavani Shankar
Рам и его сестра Рата, сироты. Они живут в Бомбее и будущее их весьма туманно. Однако старый друг их семьи подкидывает молодым людям веселую работенку. Много забавных приключений придется пережить героям, пока они не смогут добиться желаемого богатства и почета...
Большая игра
Важные государственные военные секреты были выкрадены и Генерал-майор Сен Варма предпринимает все усилия для предотвращения катастрофы. С этой целью он направляет секретного агента Виджая авиарейсом в Рим. В это время богатый бизнесмен из Гоа Кундун Шарма, замешанный в похищении военных госсекретов, направляет с целью противодействия в Рим своих боевиков Рамеша и Шабнама. Параллельно возникает сюжет о попытке богатого индуса из семьи Ратанда подыскать жениха единственной дочери своего друга-миллионера Дипчанда в столице Португалии Лиссабоне. Он направляет с этой целью в Лиссабон профессионального игрока из своего казино Джоя. Джой должен изображать сына Ратанды и добиться руки дочери Дипчанда. За это профессиональный игрок из казино может получить 50% будущих богатств семьи Дипчанда...
Слава отцу Фелунату
Maganlal Meghraj
Фильм рассказывает о сыщике-любителе Прадоше Митре по прозвищу Фелуда, который отправился в отпуск в священный город Варанаси. Здесь он вместе с двоюродным братом Тапешем и другом Лалмоханом расследует кражу бесценной золотой статуэтки божества Ганеша. Найти статую не так просто, но на помощь друзьям приходит добрый и весёлый пьяница — работник скотобойни Маганлал Мегхрадж, который в одиночку противостоит чарам злого волшебника по имени Мачли Баба.
Avinash Gupta
Navendhu Kumar lives a poor lifestyle with his handicapped father, Mohan, housewife mom, two unmarried sisters, Leela and Rajni, a younger brother, Kundan, and a sweetheart in Meena. He works for Avinash Gupta, however, when differences occur, he is framed by Gupta for breaking and entering, arrested by the police, tried in Court, and exiled from the town for a period of 12 months. After he leaves, the family is almost destitute and are exploited by Gupta. Then some months later, a young man, Anand, comes to visit them, informing them that Navendhu has sent him. He gives them some money for day to day expenses, gets some clothes for everyone, and a wheelchair for Mohan. He arranges the marriage of Rajni with her boyfriend, Ajay, despite strong opposition from Gupta, and falls in love with Leela. What the Kumar family do not know is that Anand is a fugitive on the run from the police in Bombay, and he harbors a dark secret that will change their lives forever.
Village belle Moyna is married to city boy Prasanta and is rejected.
В плену дворцовых интриг
Vikram Singh
Жили-были два брата — глава княжества Бхаратпура добрый Махараджа и злой, завистливый Викрам, который мечтал занять трон Махараджи сам или посадить на него своего сына Канчана. Однажды Викрам узнал, что жена Махараджи Махарани ждет ребенка. Испугавшись, что с появлением законного наследника его планы разрушатся, Викрам оклеветал женщину, и ей пришлось бежать из дворца.
Jeetu and Dolly are in love and would like to get married. After seeking Dolly's dad's blessings, they do get married and move in together. They live harmoniously for quite some time, until misunderstandings occur, minor molehills soon become mountains, and they threaten to separate from each other. That done, each goes to their respective lawyers to negotiate a divorce. When Dolly's dad finds out about this, he decides to pay them a visit. Alarmed that he will disapprove of their move to separate, both pretend to live together and show him that they are still in love. But truth has the nasty habit of showing up uninvited, and it will not be long before acrimony breaks out in his presence
Anand Ashram
A romantic family drama spanning three generations.
Mantramugdha is a 1977 Indian Bengali film, directed by Arabinda Mukhopadhyay and produced by Raja Kapoor, Vinod Kapoor and R.N. Malhotra. The film stars Sabitri Chatterjee, Soumitra Chatterjee, Sumitra Mukherjee, Ranjit Mallick, Rabi Ghosh, Utpal Dutt in lead roles. The film has musical score by Hemanta Mukherjee.
Это жизнь
История о бедном жителе деревни Ананде к которому пришел Кришна, чтобы дать ему трансцендентное знание о плодах материальной деятельности.
Farishta Ya Qatil
A convicted murderer saves the lives of the passengers who meet with a train accident in a desert and protects them from a gang of criminals.
Safed Haathi
Unsuccessful film-maker (Vijay Arora) chronicles the story of two orphaned children, Shibu (Ashwani), and his elder sister, Rani (Gayetri Sharma), who live with their abusive maternal uncle (Sadhu Meher), and aunt (Mala Jaggi). Things take a turn for the better when Shibu befriends an albino elephant in the nearby forest, and through this elephant, named Airawat, finds a pot full of gold coins. Unfortunately, the uncle and his wife come to know of this, and inform the Emperor (Shatrughan Sinha), who undertakes to capture the elephant at any cost, leaving the uncle and aunt to keep the gold coins for themselves.
Честь и вера
Balbir Singh
Мелкие воры и аферисты Ахмед и Мохан подрабатывают лжесвидетелями в бомбейских судах. Встреча с Кабир Дасом, кого они ложно обвинили в убийстве, полностью меняет их мировоззрение. Они пытаются стать честными людьми, а заодно и найти настоящего убийцу…
Mini's uncle
Еще в раннем детстве Мини потеряла отца, мать ее после смерти мужа больше занималась молитвами, чем дочерью, зато дядя души не чаял в племяннице и все ей позволял. Мини много читала, училась в университете и была немного влюблена в своего соседа Нарена. Перед смертью дядя завещает племяннице выйти замуж за некоего Гханшьяма. Только в этот момент Мини понимает, что любит Нарена. Но приходится выполнять последнюю волю дяди.
Shaque is a 1976 Bollywood drama film directed by Vikas Desai and Aruna Raje. The film stars Vinod Khanna.
Два незнакомца
Mr. Sanyal
Амит беден, но молод и полон надежд. Он безумно влюбляется в красавицу Рекху и женится на ней. Но Рекха мечтает о славе и богатстве, она хочет стать знаменитой танцовщицей и ее не радуют ни семейные радости, ни родившийся сын. Однажды в их доме появляется старый друг Алита. Он богат и балует Рекху подарками. При странных обстоятельствах Амит исчезает. Спустя годы Рекха становится знаменитой и богатой, но оказывается, что Амит жив и приходится платить по старым, тяжелым счетам...
Nidhiram Sardar
Sitesh Pyne
Suddenly a thief named "Nidhiram Sardar" totally changed the life of Kolkata police. He theft from the dishonest businessman and distributed them to the poor. Mr. Gangaram an importer-exporter also faced the same at Hotel Love Bird. The owner of the hotel Sitesh Pyne a whimsical, high profile criminal become very anxious about the incident. On the other side Jamini, a young, smart girl is the only earning member of a middle class family suddenly faces some problem. Some unknown antisocial follows her regularly. In such a situation, she asks for help from Ram Prasad Singha. Ram Prasad who is a reputed singer as well as a bold man with his own values tries to reveal the problem. He puts his every effort and solves the case with the help of his relative Mallik and old friend Sanjay.
Sei Chokh
Prankrishna/Nabakrishna's uncle
When Nabakrishna's mother died, he was just a boy. She left him enough fortune to live a well-off life. But, can money fulfil everything that one can desire in their life?
После нескольких месяцев безработицы, недавний выпускник колледжа Сомнатх становится посредником, выполняющим заказы за небольшую комиссию. Для того, чтобы получить крупный заказ от очередного клиента, Сомнатх должен заказать тому проститутку. После долгих колебаний Сомнатх, с помощью мистера Миттира, все же объезжает несколько мест и находит подходящую девушку, однако она оказывается сестрой его друга Сукумара. Сомнатх уговаривает девушку отказаться от этой работы, но та не слушает его и Сомнатх привозит её к клиенту. Сомнатх получает заказ и свои деньги, но в душе остаётся несчастным человеком.
Synopsis::: Chandi is a village girl. She is bold, brave, and extremely courageous. She is the protector of the underdog and punishes the wrongdoers of society in her own way. The zamindar of the estate witnesses Chandi at her act of justice and decides to marry her to his younger son. However, his wife opposes as Chandi hails from a not-so-rich household and proposes her marriage to the elder son Gobindo, a mentally challenged man and the son of Zamindar’s late first wife.
Rajmohan / White Boss
Rajmohan remains in Pakistan at the time of partition and sells Maqbool a giant bed, which upsets the local Muslims.
Maheem Ghosal
Madhusudan Chaudhary lives in a small fishing village in West Bengal, India, along with his wealthy but aging paternal uncle, who trusts him and lets him handle their estate and business. Madhusudan is in love with Dr. Anand's sister, Rekha, and everyone expects them to get married soon. Madhusudan's vices are drinking and having a good time, and this is what is held against him when a woman named Champa confides in Rekha that he had been intimate with her and as a result got her pregnant. Rekha confronts Madhusudan, but he denies everything, however, Rekha disbelieves him. Angry, he goes in search of Champa, only to find out that she is not to be found anywhere in the village.
Mr. Bhattacharya (Usha's father)
Julie is an anglo-Indian girl with a loving, but alcoholic father and a domineering mother, a younger brother and sister. She falls in love with her best friend's brother Shashi Bhattacharya, a Hindu boy, and she has a passionate encounter with him, which leaves her pregnant. He goes away to college, not knowing about her condition. Her mother is distraught when Julie tells her about the pregnancy. They don't tell the rest of the family. Her mother thinks about getting Julie an abortion, but a devout Christian talks her out of it. Julie is sent away to have her baby in secret. The rest of the family is told that Julie got a job. When she comes back home, she runs into her Hindu boyfriend and tells him everything. He agrees to marry her, but his mother objects to the mixed marriage, not knowing about the baby born in secret. Julie's mother doesn't want the marriage either, as she and the rest of the family want to go to England
A young couple struggle with poverty, but a job opportunity which cancels their financial woes leads to new tests of character
The Lady Thug
Thagini (The Lady Thug) is a Bengali suspense drama film directed by Tarun Majumdar based on a short story of Subodh Ghosh. This film was released on 13 December 1974 in the banner of Chaya O Chabi Production. Music of the film was scored by Hemanta Mukherjee.
Fuleshwari, a beautiful young woman, falls in love with Brindaban, a simpleton who arrives in her village. She plans to marry him but is hesitant when she learns that he is involved in a crime.
Alor Thikana
The 1974 film.
A small company advertises for 100 vacancies and 30,000 apply. The applicants are all from the ranks of the poor and there is a virtual riot. Everyone around is seeking for opportunities. Among them are the applicants who desperately need the job, the photographer who is busy seeking a scoop, the village moneylender who is busy exploiting the poor, the ineffective police, the employers who are advertising posts even while a six month old strike has nearly caused the workmen to become destitute. It is a story of society captured in a tiny framework of a small business. Ultimately, the workmen, the unemployed and the farmers all get to gether to protest against this exploitation.
Mr. Ghosh
Inder and Rama fall in love with each other but due to a twist of fate, Inder marries someone else. However, things take an unexpected turn when Inder and Rama meet again after a few years.
Reason, Debate and a Story
Four men, each peculiar in his own way, embark on a quest to reason with the estranged wife of the protagonist. This film is considered to be Ghatak's autobiographical film.
Mr. Romeo
When Pal's son kills a police constable, his best friend, Saxena, the only witness to this murder, comes forward and as a result Pal's son is arrested and charged with murder. Pal pleads with Saxena to change his witness statement, but Saxena refuses to do so, and as a result Pal's son gets convicted and is sentenced to death. Pal swears to avenge his son's death. Years later, Saxena's sons, Ramesh and Suresh, have grown up. While Suresh, the younger son, is serious, studious, and business-minded, Ramesh is quite the opposite. Pal's son, Prem, befriends Suresh and gets him hooked-up with a gorgeous looking girl, and drugs his drinks, thus making him an addict. He falls in love with this girl and wants to get married to her. His parents and Ramesh are opposed to this, and Ramesh goes to the extent of threatening to kill her.
Chhutir Phande
Film starring Soumitra Chatterjee, Aparna Sen and Utpal Dutt
Marjina Abdulla
Alibaba was a simple, hardworking, middleclass personality who once went to a forest for some purpose. When he entered into that forest he found a deep secret, a formula to enter a cave. Actually that cave was filled by robbed jewelleries and gold coins. He took some with him and became very rich. But those robbers realised that something was missing from their hidden treasures. So they began their investigation for the lost treasure. But in the meantime a neighbour of Alibaba also tried for the same thing but he got caught and killed by the robbers. After that the robbers had successfully traced those hidden treasures, entered the city and found Alibaba. But Marjina and Abdullah understand their plans and caught them by their sheer intelligence and wit.
Sabse Bada Sukh
Village born Lalloo re-locates to Bombay, and returns a wealthy man. He goes to meet his friend, Shankar alias Bhompu, and together they meet and share tales, mostly about women, sex, and playboy magazines' pictures. A Bollywood movie director is shooting a film nearby, and they go and meet him and his beautiful actress, Urvashi. After meeting Urvashi, Shankar feigns a racking cough, and tells his family that he must go to Bombay, and seek medical treatment. Together he and Lalloo take the next train to Bombay to see if they can find the biggest happiness in life.
Calcutta 71
The spirit of a condemned 20-year-old student wanders through time, linking together four stories of people struggling for survival in this gritty meditation on poverty, natural disaster and political strife in India. A middle-class family's home is no match for the monsoons, while another clan's morality is compromised when famine strikes. Young boys smuggle rice, and politicians pity the poor while living in the lap of luxury.
Жизнь чудесна
Captain Vinod's Father
Мелодрама о настоящей любви, о печалях и радостях, об испытаниях без которых не может обойтись ни одно сильное человеческое чувство.
Sesh Parba
A film directed by Chitta Basu. Mithu Mukherjee made her film debut in Sesh Parba.
Sriman Prithviraj
Social comedy about two young newlyweds against the backdrop of pre-Independence Bengal.
Fariyad is a Bengali movie released on 05 November, 1971. The movie is directed by Bijoy Bose and featured Utpal Dutt and Suchitra Sen as lead characters.
Prof. Gupta
A teenage girl will not accept her family's attempt to arrange a marriage for her, as her heart is currently too full of love for the movies and heartthrob actor "Dharmendra."
Ek Adhuri Kahani
Ek Adhuri Kahani is 1972 Hindi language movie directed by Mrinal Sen, starring Utpal Dutt, Shekhar Chatterjee, Vivek Chatterjee, Aarti Bhattacharya, Shyam and Shobha Sen. It was based on a Bengali story, Gotrantar by Subodh Ghosh.
A Middle Aged Woman named Sheba comes to an Obscure town named Nijhumgarh to be the Governess of a Renowned Household called "Raykuthi". But little did she know about the Bungalow and the dwellers. She gets startled to know that two murders took place there nearly seven years earlier. The Mist of the mysterious happenings get only thicker. Now Sheba could only pray for it to Go Away as incidents transcend the rules of our physical world.
Бомбейское кино
Американская писательница Люция Лайн приезжает в Бомбей на премьеру фильма, снятого по ее новелле. Драматург Харри приглашает ее на экскурсию, но американка уже положила глаз на восходящую звезду индийского кино Викрама. Правда, Викрам женат, но это не помешает Люции добиваться его взаимности любыми средствами.
Kalankita Nayak
A renowned social worker of the old Bengali culture has been conspired against by the landlord of the village to create criticism against him before the public to hide his crimes.
Bibaha Bibhrat
Ashoke and Mala get married under unavoidable circumstances, but his conservative father does not accept her as his daughter-in-law. When Mala finds no help coming from sheepish Ashoke, she vows to set things right herself.
Семь индийцев
Joginder Nath
Поэт-мусульманин Анвар Али, наряду с пятью другими мужчинами, все из разных религий и из разных частей страны объединяются с Марией, уроженкой Гоа оккупированного португальцами, чтобы поднять националистические настроения в стране и водрузить индийские флаги на португальские форты и здания. В ходе этой борьбы они сдружились друг с другом и забыли о своих религиозных и территориальных разногласиях.
Bhuvan Shome
Bhuvan Shome
Bhuvan Shome is a lonely widower, a proud old man and a strict disciplinarian. Looking back on the trodden path, strewn with staunch determination and drab attitudes, Bhuvan Shome, a throughtly unenchanted man, seeks escape in a holiday.
Ustal Zafar Khan
Молодого англичанин приезжает в Индию изучать секрет игры на ситаре в доме мастера своего дела. Актер проявляет выдающееся мастерство, создавая образ немного эгоистичного и в меру помпезного гуру.
Marco Polo
Sata Bose, the receptionist of hotel Shahjahan and other crew members work hard to make the hotel first choice of the upper class for socializing in the city, just got the taste of freedom from British rule. The movie revolves around different characters - hotel employees to page 3 personalities dealing different human emotions. Although Sata Bose (played by Uttam Kumar) is the central character of the film, he is not the protagonist in many ways, rather the movie can be described as "hyperlink movie" made long ago than the term is coined.
Dhanajay Sarkar (Rati's lawyer)
The widower land-lord fixes his wayward step-brother's alliance with priest's daughter. Groom disappears on wedding day, and he is forced to marry her. The brother comes back and when the elder brother dies, tries to dispossess the widow.
Господин Шекспир
Неторопливый и возвышенный рассказ о труппе кочевых британских актеров. Они путешествуют по городам и деревням постколониальной Индии, играя спектакли шекспировских пьес. Во главе труппы актерская семья: отец Тони Бакингем, его жена Карла и их младшая дочь Лиззи. По пути им встречаются лица современной Индии, в числе которых плейбой Санджу. Лиззи влюбляется в Санджу и между ними завязываются романтические отношения. Но у Санджу также роман с местной кинодивой Манджулой. В процессе путешествия зрителю предстает Индия середины 60-х годов. Налицо произошедшие за полтора десятилетия изменения. Старое сменяется новым, махараджи становятся владельцами отелей, театральная культура уступает место фильмам Болливуда..
Wax Light
Dr. Shome
Deepa, a schizophrenic patient, loses her normalcy due to a mishap that occurred in her personal life. Dr. Surajit Sen takes this case as a challenge to prove that an injured mind needs more care and a better understanding than any medicine on therapy. The film portrays how the doctor gets intimate with his patient and slowly gets into the detail of her crisis and enables her to lead a normal life.
Surya Sikha
The Last Act
Barrister Mitter
Widower Sudhangsu is going to be married with Soma, daughter of Sir Haraprasad. Sudhangsu declares that his first wife Kalpana committed suicide on a railway track in Burma, stating that she was mentally challenged. At the time of the marriage rituals a local advocate, Suren Banerjee, comes with a lady who claims that she herself is Kalpana and that Sudhangshu is committing bigamy. Sudhangsu strongly denies and claims that she is an imposter. In the meantime a mysterious person name Samadder invaded Sudhangsu's house and stole some ornaments of the deceased Kalpana.
Kancher Swarga
Public Prosecutor
A story about a young man, who had to quit his studies as a doctor due to difficult circumstances, coming back and saving a young lady by performing a very difficult surgery.
And At Last
A film by Mrinal Sen.
Забытая мелодия
Попав в аварию и потеряв память, Алок Мукерджи сбегает из больницы. Он укрывается в доме доктора Рамы Банерджи в Палашпуре. Они женятся, но вскоре Алок вспоминает свою прошлую жизнь. Рама следует за ним в Калькутту, но муж ее не узнает. Он нанимает ее в качестве гувернантки к своей племяннице. Его бывшая невеста Лата, заподозрив Алока в связи с гувернанткой, жалуется матери. Раму выгоняют. Терзаемый смутными сомнениями и влюбленный в Раму Алок едет в Палашпур…
Rani Rashmoni
Rani Rashmoni is a Bengali Movie by kali Prasad Ghosh
This movie is based on the life of a famous Bengali philosopher, academic educator, writer, translator, printer, publisher, entrepreneur, reformer, and philanthropist named Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar.
Jan Pahchan
Anil, an artist, comes to stay in a village with his friend Jeevan. While there he meets Asha and asks her to model for his statue. The two fall in love. They marry secretly but Anil must leave as his father is dying. While on the way back his car crashes and he is disfigured. Anil is now reluctant to go to Asha in case she no longer loves him, while meanwhile Asha is pregnant and being shamed by the villagers. From IMDB
Michael Madhusudhan
Michael Madhusudhan Dutta
The life of renowned Bengali poet Michael Madhusudan Dutta.