Mikael Persbrandt

Mikael Persbrandt

Рождение : 1963-09-25, Jakobsberg, Sweden


Mikael Åke Persbrandt is a Swedish actor. In Swedish films he usually has lead roles and “tough guy” parts. He is perhaps most famous for his recurring role as the no-nonsense police officer Gunvald Larsson in the latest installment of the Martin Beck movies. He is frequently the subject of much press gossip in evening newspapers such as Aftonbladet and Expressen.


Mikael Persbrandt
Mikael Persbrandt


Dag Hammarskjöld
A movie about Dag Hammarsköljd that will be released in 2023
Creation of the Kingdom of Exodus
Self / Helmer Jr
Get an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the creative challenges Lars von Trier presents his cast and crew to bring his vision to life from script to shoot and to the screen at home.
The Hobbit: Part 1
Bilbo Baggins is chosen by Gandalf to embark on a quest with 13 Dwarves to reclaim the lost kindgom of Erebor. Thorin Oakenshield leads the company to the mountain and the beast that laid waste to his people and claimed their land. Through mountains, forests and unforseeable dangers, witness the epic quest to reclaim a homeland through the eyes of a Hobbit as he learns the value of courage and friendship in the face of darkness.
Tills solen går upp
Peder runs into his ex-girlfriend Hanna one day. They´re happily married with new partners but although many years has passed Peder and Hanna are still attracted to each other. However, they don´t want to jeopardize their marriages or cheat. One day they come across an antique book about dreams. With the help of the book, they manage to enter a dream world where they can live together in a life where anything is possible, while living their normal lives during the day. But soon enough it becomes hard to separate the dream world from reality.
Музыкальный конкурс Евровидение: История группы Fire Saga
Victor Karlosson
В далёком 1974 году, увидев по телевизору выступление на Евровидении группы ABBA с песней «Waterloo», маленький исландский мальчик Ларс твёрдо решил, что когда-нибудь обязательно там выступит и победит. Много лет спустя Ларс уже немолод, всё ещё живёт с отцом, но свою мечту не оставил и исполняет песни собственного сочинения с подругой детства Сигрит. Хотя их группа Fire Saga выступает в местном баре, жители городка не хотят слушать самодеятельность и постоянно требуют кабацкий хит «Jaja Ding Dong». Однажды эльфы услышали просьбы Сигрит, и внезапно Fire Saga получает шанс участвовать в Евровидении.
X и Y
The Famous Actor
Актриса и создатель фильма выбрала знаменитого актёра-мужчину, чтобы деконструировать себя и свои захватывающие роли. Они вовлекаются в безграничную игру, которая превращается в исследование мужской и женской идентичности.
Девушка, которая застряла в паутине
Alexander Zalachenko
Юный хакер Лисбет Саландер и журналист Микаэль Блумквист оказываются втянуты в историю с участием шпионов, киберпреступников и коррумпированных чиновников.
История мужа, отца, любовника, режиссера, который снимал фильмы и ставил спектакли, признанные безусловными шедеврами в мировой истории искусств. Обращаясь к фрагментам его картин, к уникальной хронике, к интервью с родными, коллегами, друзьями и возлюбленными, к высказываниям самого Бергмана, фильм пытается максимально полно раскрыть правду о шведском гении.
The Cake General
Executive Producer
Set in 1984, Hans Pettersson (Hasse P.) decides to create the largest sandwich cake ever made in order to put his home town, Köping, on the map.
The Cake General
Hasse P
Set in 1984, Hans Pettersson (Hasse P.) decides to create the largest sandwich cake ever made in order to put his home town, Köping, on the map.
Меч короля Артура
Молодой Артур живёт на задворках Лондиниума вместе со своей бандой. Он и понятия не имел о своём королевском происхождении, пока однажды не взял в руки меч Эскалибур. Меч начинает менять Артура. В результате он присоединяется к сопротивлению и таинственной молодой девушке по имени Гвиневра. Ему предстоит научиться понимать магическое оружие, которым он овладел, столкнуться со своими собственными демонами и объединить народ в борьбе против диктатора Вортигерна, убившего его родителей и завладевшего короной.
Осада Жадовиля
Dag Hammarskjold
Фильм расскажет о политическом кризисе в Конго, который охватил страну после провозглашения независимости в 1960 году от Бельгии. Долгое время эта африканская страна была колонией и управлялась из Европы, и, как только конголезцам дали волю, они устроили у себя на родине дележ власти, переросший в гражданскую войну. В итоге, в 1960 году туда ввели миротворческую миссию ООН, а все бельгийские силы попросили удалиться. Удалились далеко не все, и в 1961 году ирландский батальон, насчитывающий 150 бойцов, попал в осаду трех тысяч французских и бельгийских наемников, работавших на горнодобывающую компанию.
Одни в Берлине
Берлин, 1940 год. Отто и Анна Квангель, пара из рабочего класса, узнают, что их единственный сын погиб на поле боя и решают самостоятельно противостоять нацистскому режиму. Вскоре гестапо начинает охоту на эту «угрозу».
Beck 31 - Gunvald
Gunvald Larsson
An investigative journalist is found beaten to death in his home, where the fingerprints of a notorious criminal debt collector are also found. The murdered journalist has been threatened by right wing extremists, but it is the victim’s work with a book about “society’s dark side” that captures the Beck group’s interest. When the case takes an unexpected and terrible turn, there is suddenly much more at stake than finding the journalist’s killer. Martin Beck and his colleagues have never had to protect the balance of their professional and private lives with the same tenacity as they do now.
Beck 30 - The Hospital Murders
Gunvald Larsson
An elderly woman dies in a hospital in Stockholm and it turns out that she suffered from an incurable disease. Her son refuses to believe that it was the disease that was the primary cause of her death.
Beck 29 - Invasion
Gunvald Larsson
The bodies of two buried men are found and despite persistent attempts, they cannot be identified. When another man is murdered they discover new evidence that soon leads them to an Islamist terrorist cell.
Beck 28 - The Family
Gunvald Larsson
When a well-known crime boss is murdered by a sniper in front of his family, Beck and his team are challenged to discover which one of his many enemies could be responsible for the crime.
Beck 27 - Room 302
Gunvald Larsson
The body of a young woman is found in a Stockholm hotel room. It appears that she has been strangled after a night partying with two young men, but the room was paid for using the credit card of a mugging victim whose alibi doesn't add up. Martin and Gunvald investigate under the supervision of their new boss Klas Freden.
Хоббит: Битва пяти воинств
Когда отряд из тринадцати гномов нанимал хоббита Бильбо Бэгинса в качестве взломщика и четырнадцатого, «счастливого», участника похода к Одинокой горе, Бильбо полагал, что его приключения закончатся, когда он выполнит свою задачу — найдет сокровище, которое так необходимо предводителю гномов Торину. Путешествие в Эребор, захваченное драконом Смаугом королевство гномов, оказалось еще более опасным, чем предполагали гномы и даже Гэндальф — мудрый волшебник, протянувший Торину и его отряду руку помощи. В погоню за гномами устремилась армия орков, ведомых пробудившимся в руинах древним злом, а эльфы и люди, с которыми Бильбо и его товарищам пришлось иметь дело во время путешествия и которые пострадали от последствий желания гномов вернуть свой дом, предъявили права на щедрое вознаграждение — часть сокровищ Одинокой горы. Скоро неподалеку от Одинокой горы встретятся пять армий, и лишь кровопролитная битва определит результаты смелого гномьего похода.
Peter Jensen
Джон, фермер, чья семья убита, дает клятву отомстить, выслеживает и наказывает убийцу. Его действия запускают цепочку насилия: лидер местной банды со своими напарниками решает расправиться с Джоном и его деревней.
Кого ты любишь
Thomas Jacob
Всемирно известный певец Томас Джейкоб живет в Лос-Анджелесе. Он очень успешный человек. Он живет и дышит музыкой. Когда Томас отправляется в Данию, чтобы записать новый альбом, к нему приходит его взрослая дочь Джули с его 11-летним внуком Ноа, которого Томас никогда не видел.
Хоббит: Пустошь Смауга
Продолжение путешествия хоббита Бильбо Бэггинса, волшебника Гэндальфа и 13 отважных гномов. Их компания обязана завершить своё путешествие к Одинокой горе. Там они должны встретиться с величайшей опасностью из всех - созданием куда более ужасающим, чем все их прошлые противники, которое проверит на прочность не только их мужество, но крепость их дружбы и правильность выбранного пути, - драконом Смаугом.
Nobody Owns Me
The story of a lone father's relationship with his daughter, of the destructive power of alcohol, of a child's vulnerability, but also of love, betrayal and socialist politics in 1970s Sweden. A unique and moving story freely based on Åsa Linderborg's best-selling novel.
Erik Maria Bark
В пригороде Стокгольма в раздевалке спортивного клуба найден зверски убитый мужчина. Позже в его доме обнаруживают зарубленных с чудовищной жестокостью жену и маленькую дочь. Похоже, убийца задался целью вырезать всю семью, однако тяжело раненный сын выжил. Комиссар уголовной полиции Йона Линна узнает, что в живых остался еще один член семьи — старшая сестра мальчика. Он понимает: необходимо найти девушку до того, как это сделает убийца. Чтобы поскорее допросить единственного свидетеля, Иона Линна связывается с врачом Эриком Марией Барком и убеждает его загипнотизировать мальчика. Только так можно получить описание преступника. Эрик нарушает свое давнее обещание отказаться от занятий гипнозом. И цепочка невероятных событий начинает неумолимо разматываться…
Агент Хамилтон: Похищенная
Carl Hamilton
У знакомой агента Хамилтона, которая выступила перед прессой с критикой одной мусульманской группировки, похищают дочь. Но это не простое похищение, оно несёт как политические, так и личные мотивы тоже. Вместе с отцом девочки Хамильтон отправляется на поиски пропавшей, чтобы найти её и жестоко отомстить похитителям…
Агент Хамилтон: В интересах нации
Carl Hamilton
Специальный агент Карл Гамильтон с секретной миссией на границе между Узбекистаном и Афганистаном. Он внедряется в тайную организацию русской мафии, которая украла сложные GPS-управляемые артиллерийские снаряды, экспортируемые шведской оборонной компанией Nordfors. Неожиданно они подвергаются нападению неизвестной группы вооруженных наемников, которые убивают всех, кроме Гамильтона, и скрываются вместе со снарядами. Между тем, похищен шведский оружейный техник и заключен в тюрьму Сомали. Премьер-министр соглашается провести спасательную операцию при участии частной американской охранной компании Sectragon, с условием, что шведский наблюдатель будет присутствовать, а именно Карл Гамильтон. Гамильтон участвует в спасательной операции, но он чувствовал, что что-то не так. Кто-то говорит неправду, и он готов узнать, что происходит на самом деле.
Somewhere Else
Alongside a tranquil road somewhere in Sweden live a number of people who are pretty much like people in general. When a highly improbable and catastrophic chain of events besets them, it leads to break up and change. A tragicomic story that feels both familiar and alien at the same time.
Стокгольмская восточная
Трогательная история непреодолимой любви между двумя незнакомцами, связанных между собой одной трагедией, которая сказывается на их жизнях и отношениях. Когда Йохан и Анна встречаются на вокзале, связывающим столицу Стокгольм с идиллическим пригородом, где они и живут, они отправляются в опасное путешествие из страсти и лжи…
Сорокалетний Антон возвращается в родную Данию, много лет проработав в африканском лагере для беженцев. Долгие годы среди чужого горя научили его никогда не отвечать насилием на насилие. Даже когда местный автомеханик беспричинно избивает Антона, тот сдерживает гнев. Кажется, что конфликт исчерпан, но тут его сын Элиас вместе со своим другом Кристианом решают отомстить за отца.
Beck 26 - Buried Alive
Gunvald Larsson
In a playground in the centre of the urban idyll, the police find a buried wooden box containing a famous and well-respected prosecutor. Martin Beck and his police team initially suspect a highly criminal MC-leader of the attack, but one pretty soon has to re-evaluate the case once the MC-leader is found murdered in a similar wooden box. Soon, more wooden boxes are found and the police realize that they are part of a cat and mouse game with a crazy serial killer. The investigation soon shows that there is a vague connection between the victims in the shape of a 9 year old event, but what Martin Beck does not suspect is that his own life too is at stake, as the murderer has chosen him as the next victim.
Beck 25 - The Eye of the Storm
Gunvald Larsson
When the charred remains of woman are found, Säpo, the Swedish Security Services, suspect Gunvald Larsson of being mixed up in her murder. The dead woman was wanted internationally and a member of a group of militant eco-activists carrying out attacks around the world. Gunvald sets out on his own to find the woman's murderer, with Säpo on his heels. Martin Beck is ordered to arrest Gunvald and his loyalty to his colleague is now put to the test.
Незабываемые моменты
Sigfrid Larsson
Швеция, 1907 год. Мария влюбляется в Зигфрида и становится его женой. Свое раздражение и недовольство жизнью грубый и агрессивный Зигфрид предпочитает вымещать на жене и детях. Тяжелая и монотонная жизнь Марии изменяется, когда у женщины появляется маленькая тайна: в благотворительной лотерее она выигрывает диковину — аппарат для фотографических снимков. Увлекшись фотографией и научившись снимать, Мария понимает, что помимо бесконечных домашних проблем существует и другой мир. Ее снимки — особенные. Горожане все чаще обращаются к ней с просьбой сделать семейные фотографии. Постепенно выясняется, что у Марии Ларссон настоящий талант фотографа! Но это совсем не нравится вернувшемуся с войны мужу…
Heaven's Heart
Two couples, old friends, end up in a heated debate over adultery at a dinner party.
Бунт в Каутокейно
Carl Johan Ruth
Историческая драма о конфликте на далеком севере, между саамами и норвежскими чиновниками в далеком 1850-1853 годах. Когда конфликт вычерпал себя и перерос в огромный бунт, по тем временам не виданный до сих пор для северонорвежской зоны. По некоторым данным даже в честь этого поставили памятникам саамам в центре Норвегии, уже в 20 веке, так как тот мужественный бунт помнят до сих пор.
Beck 24 - In the Name of God
Gunvald Larsson
A paparazzi photographer gets brutally murdered in Stockholm. His apartment is searched and the computer together with photo equipment is missing.
Tomas Söderberg
While in a party promoted by her chief and friend Måns Wenngren, the fiscal attorney, Rebecka Martinsson, receives a call from her former sister-in-law, Sanna Strandgård, telling that her brother and preacher Viktor was murdered, stabbed and with severed hands, and she would be arrested. Rebecka heads to her hometown Kiruna and defends Sanna, but the evidences found by the police in her house prove her guilty and she is arrested. While investigating the crime, Rebecka is haunted by her past and faces the bigoted and fanatic religious dwellers that worship the local church, and is more convinced of the innocence of Sanna.
Beck 23 - The Silent Scream
Gunvald Larsson
Two young girls are killed on railway by a passing train. It does not seem to fit the profile of a normal suicide. So if this is a double homicide who would do this and why? Martin Beck and his team start following the step backwards in order to figure out what has happened. With good and intensive police work they find man side trails from the main path.
One Eye Red
Mikael Persbrandt
Halim has seen through it all. He has seen through the Integration plan a secret conspiracy that tries to turn all immigrants into Swedes. Unfortunately he has also seen through his own father, who has fallen victim to the Integration plan. But Halim has his own plan; he is going to be Sweden’s mightiest revolution immigrant and take a stand to save his father from forgetting his Arabic roots.
Underbar och älskad av alla
Mikael Persbrandt
Isabella Eklöf is an unemployed actress in her early thirties. Her friends all enjoy stable relationships, children and successful careers. In order to jump-start her life she decides to lie a bit on her next job application with unexpected consequences.
Beck 22 - The Weak Link
Gunvald Larsson
A teenage girl is found by her parents brutally raped and murdered in the woods. It's now up to Beck and his team to catch the criminal.
Beck 21 - The Japanese Painting
Gunvald Larsson
After a woman buys a Japanese shunga painting from an auction and later is found murdered in a hotel in Stockholm, the police gets dragged into a murder investigation where they meet the dark side of the art world.
Antonio Moro works for gangster boss Thomas Ståhl. He lives happily with his girlfriend Tanya who is expecting their child. Antonio's future looks bright, until one evening when he is ordered to kill a person who is close to all of them.
Beck 20 - The Lawyer
Gunvald Larsson
The murder of a prominent attorney is connected to one of his recent cases, in which a company was being sued for serious environmental damage. Martin Beck and Lena Klingström find evidence which brings new light to the investigation - but who's pulling the strings?
Beck 19 - The Vulture
Gunvald Larsson
Swedish politician John Veden vanishes without a trace. There's no hint he's dead yet but Beck's team gets the case due to Police Chief Oberg's friendship with the man whom she dined with him the evening before he vanished. When they find out Veden was a gambler with heavy debts battling his addiction the case leads Martin Beck, Gunvald Larsson and freshly returned Lena Klingström into Sweden's illegal gambling scene. And Veden was planning to expose his own addiction and his party's huge financial profits from gambling in a confessional book - which his political allies got wind of via illegal data theft. With several people having an interest that Veden stays missing the team tries to find the politician and the true perpetrator while Beck is grappling privately with his ambivalent feelings about working with ex Lena again....
Beck 18 - The Girl in the Root Cellar
Gunvald Larsson
A small girl is found dead in a deserted underground cellar. She has been dead for some time but there is fresh food for her. Who is she?
В одну сторону
Tomas Gaal
Эдди Шнайдер — креативный директор, который работает в рекламном агентстве, принадлежащем отцу его невесты. Его ждут блестящие перспективы — известность, карьера, скорая женитьба. Но обеспечив алиби насильнику и избавив его от тюрьмы, он стал объектом мести со стороны жертвы насилия.
No Tears
Magnus is a photographer specializing in family portraits. When he plans for his mother’s 75th birthday he discovers family secrets that will change his life.
Woman, 38, no children no husband! Lisa wants a change of life. She starts internetdating, but it turns out that the more men she meets, the further from family happiness she finds herself. An absurdly realistic journey through the bright nights of the big city filled with friendship, love, sex and selfbetrayal!
Beck 17 - The Scorpion
Gunvald Larsson
An abused woman is feverishly sought by police in the murder of her ex-husband but is being hidden by abused woman-advocates. At the same time, Gunvald Larsson discovers a police report that his long-estranged sister has been abused. He confronts her with his knowledge but she denies it.
The Lovelife of a Fat Thief
Harry is a pickpocket, torn between two beloved women, one of them the cop who arrested him, the other the ghost of his dead wife. Is Harry ready for a new relationship? Can a cop date a thief? Harry learns that a jealous ghost can be a nuisance, but shows unexpected bravery.
Miss Julie: 100 Years in the Limelight
Documentary about the play Miss Julie and dramatist August Strindberg
Lovisa och Carl Michael
Bellman and his wife Lovisa live in a loving marriage, but in extreme poverty. They struggle to keep the family together and Lovisa tries to persuade Bellman to perform in order to earn a livelihood.
Bang Bang Orangutang
An overworked and stressed out man in the middle of his career causes the worst tragedy that can happen to a family...
Double Shift
Jonas has promised to take time off work to take care of his baby daughter so that his fiancé can go back to work. The problem is that his company, a taxi service, needs serious attention so Jonas tries to work nights and be a good father in the daytime.
Den starkare
Day and Night
DAY AND NIGHT is about people that love and want to be loved. It's the story of a father, his young son, his unfaithful wife, her secret lover, his young mistress, his lonely sister, his forgetful mother, a fanatic football coach, a pregnant whore and an angel disguised as an old man. They are all looking for the answer to the same question: "If love is the answer - what is the question?"
Three Suns
An epic drama set in the 14th century. Hanna leaves her family to meet her husband after 4 years spent in the East during a long war. Hanna will find herself fighting for her love, her children and her life.
В точке пустоты
Стильная и захватывающая шведская лента, которая рассказывает о группе профессиональных грабителей банков, которые терроризируют бизнес-центр Стокгольма и женщину-детектива Клару, которая вместе со своим начальником, офицером Кроной, вступает в настоящую войну с опытными и жестокими профессионалами…
Gunnar Govin - en man, en röst, en resa
Gunnar Govin is making a home movie about the Sweden of today.
Adam (young)
Мужчина и женщина встречаются в 1960-ом. Они женятся только потому что так было заведено. Но что-то идет не так уже в их первую брачную ночь. Они понятия не имеют что делать друг с другом. Как в интимном плане так и в эмоциональном. Мужчина встречает другого, который знает как себя вести и что делать с его сексуальностью. Его руки делают то что не делали ничьи прежде и губы тоже. Они тайно любят друг друга. Но есть проблема — женщина. И у нее есть свой козырь в рукаве. Будет ли она действовать? Да, будет. Что произойдет? Неизвестно никому.
Everyone Loves Alice
A love triangle between a man, two women and three children. When love suddenly explodes in these people's everyday lives, it creates a pressure wave that changes the lives of everyone.
Beck 16 - The Last Witness
Gunvald Larsson
A series of grisly murders where the victims faces have been removed by acid starts to turn up around Stockholm. Detective Martin Beck and Gunvald Larsson are once again drawn into the darkness.
Beck 15 - The Boy in the Glass Ball
Gunvald Larsson
Mother of an autistic boy is found murdered in her home. The boy holds the murder weapon, covered in blood..
Beck 14 - The Advertising Man
Gunvald Larsson
A man is raping women after having met them through ads on public noticeboards. At first this seems like an easy crime to solve for Martin Beck and his colleagues but they soon discover that somebody's motivations are far more complex.
Beck 13 - Sender Unknown
Gunvald Larsson
Martin Beck, Gunvald Larsson and Alice Levander investigate the mysterious murder of an accountant that was found shot to death at the airport parking. At the same time a reporter receives a package from an anonymous source, with information regarding the embezzling of funds that should have been used for fixing up nuclear reactors. When the reporter contacts Beck, his home gets blown up by a bomb.
Beck 12 - The Loner
Gunvald Larsson
An Asian woman is found dead in the water of Stockholm's archipelago. She has been murdered and everything indicates that she was a prostitute. Meanwhile a series of break-ins has occurred on an island outside of Stockholm. Suddenly a retired old man is also found dead in his own yard. Now Beck has two cases to solve and they both point in the same direction.
Beck 11 - The Cartel
Gunvald Larsson
It's a dark night in Stockholm. A chef is murdered in his own kitchen and Martin Beck gets on the case.
Beck 10 - The Man Without a Face
Gunvald Larsson
A man is found dead, stabbed to death with a knife. The chocking thing is that his face has been removed. After questioning his wife who described the marriage as happy also told that a mysterious foreign man knocked on their door the day before the murder. Beck and his men are given the case.
Eddie (Kim Bodnia) and Maria (Maria Bonnevie) enjoy an idyllic life in their remote countryside farmhouse. But their happiness is threatened by the arrival of Kullmann (Mikael Persbrandt), an old friend of Eddie's with whom he had committed a crime that landed Kullmann in jail.
Beck 09 - The Price of Vengeance
Gunvald Larsson
Two patrolling cops stumble on to three criminals who have just stolen large amounts of explosives, and are killed in cold blood. Martin Beck and his team must now work day and night to find out who the killers are and what they are planning to do with the explosives before it's too late. Meanwhile, Gunvald Larsson who was a close friend of one of the murdered cops is ignoring all rules in his quest for revenge.
Åke Frigårdh
Ten actresses test films for the title role of a remake of "Queen Christina".
Adult Behavior
Frank leads a respectable yuppie life working at a noted Stockholm law firm. He has also been married for eight years to his beautiful wife Nenne, who runs an upscale boutique. Yet Frank is deeply bored with his life and is supremely randy. He even fantasizes about the marriage counselor that he and Nenne visit weekly. Eventually, Frank shacks up with a young fetching art student named Sofia, though the experience wracks Frank with guilt. Meanwhile, Nenne's friend and co-worker Rosie suspects that Frank is having an affair, though she does not have the nerve to tell her. Little does Rosie suspect, however, that her friend is sleeping with her lover Georg, an uptight journalist with an ego the size of Finland. Soon wires get crossed, and all hell breaks loose.
Deadly Drift
Andreas Persson
A present-day thriller about a man with a needle in his brain. This needle poisons his mind and tortures him with morbid thoughts and an urge to kill. When he finally commits a murder there is a witness, who is drawn into a deadly game of cat and mouse...
Fatimas tredje hemlighet
The paramedic
- Now I will read some poetry for you all. The conditions are as follows: If during my reading I notice the least sign of disinterest, a yawn or a cough or a gesture of impatience, I will immediately terminate the reading. Poetry, like all deeper human activities, requires concentration.
Hela härligheten
Torsten William Olsson is a 43-year-old teacher, living in a small town. He has never had a woman and is desperate for a romance. When he starts fantasizing about the mother of one of his pupils, it is the beginning of a chain of events that will change the lives of himself and others ... —Fredrik Klasson
Beck 08 - Trails in Darkness
Gunvald Larsson
A serial killer that decapitates people is on the loose in the Stockholm subway. Martin Beck and his colleagues try to catch the killer, while the panic in the city increases.
Beck 07 - The Money Man
Gunvald Larsson
A homosexual police officer's double life is paid by Becks archenemy, Gavling. A man who runs Stockholm's underworld. In return have the homosexual police, been serving Gavling with secret information from the archive of the police authorities. Written
Beck 06 - The Monster
Gunvald Larsson
A bomb threat is called in to a police station in Stockholm. The police bomb squad blows the briefcase to pieces and it looks like false alarm, until a baby is found inside. Soon, e-mails are sent out to every newspaper about the nasty situation that the police had tried to keep secret. Will the police ever overcome the "Monster"?
102 Years in the Heart of Europe: A Portrait of Ernst Jünger
102 Years in the Heart of Europe: A Portrait of Ernst Jünger (Swedish: 102 år i hjärtat av Europa) is a Swedish documentary film from 1998 directed by Jesper Wachtmeister. It consists of an interview by the journalist Björn Cederberg with the German writer, philosopher and war veteran Ernst Jünger (1895-1998). Jünger talks about his life, his authorship, his interests and ideas. The actor Mikael Persbrandt reads passages from some of Jünger's works, such as Storm of Steel, The Worker, On the Marble Cliffs and The Glass Bees.
Beck 05 - The Boarding House Pearl
Gunvald Larsson
Inspector Beck and his team get involved in a large-scale smuggling of cesium 133. A gang from the east uses refugees who with a promise to stay in Sweden and with danger to their own life take in the dangerous explosive chemical substance.
Beck 04 - Eye for an Eye
Gunvald Larsson
In this film Beck and his team are trying to find a serial killer, whose victims are spread all over Sweden. An obvious connection is that all the victims are women, and they were all in the same class, and Beck thinks that a scandal back in the past has something to do with the murders. But no one wants to talk about the past and it becomes a struggle to find the perpetrator before the final murder - only one woman is still alive.
The Last Contract
Roger Nyman
Young police officer Roger is on the trail of the international master assassin, while the assassin follows his plan to murder Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme.
Beck 03 - White Nights
Gunvald Larsson
When the police reveal a narcotic smuggling the driver is shot dead. It appears that the driver is Superintendent Martin Beck's son. Beck breaks down and moves out of the way. But on his colleagues request he returns.
Beck - The Man with the Icons
Gunvald Larsson
Beck and his men investigates a murder of a Russian woman. At the same time as SÄPO (The Swedish Security Agency) sees a chance of getting a Russian in the embassy deported.
Beneath the Surface
23-year old Sandra has been doing drugs for many years and has realized that she is in need of some kind of treatment. At the clinic she is told that her pimp / boyfriend Roffe has turned his attention to Sandra's younger and well-behaving sister Jannika.
Beck 01 - The Decoy Boy
Gunvald Larsson
A man working at a garbage incinerator discovers the body of a dead man burned to ashes in the oven. Police detective Martin Beck handles the case. All he knows is that a brutal murder has happened. But he does not know when or where. He has no body, motive or a crime scene, not a single trace. All he has is some teeth and a mysterious Internet address...
Nature's Warrior
13 year old Kim feels at home in the wilderness. One night, nature's soul appears to him in the form of an Indian, and designates him nature's protector.
9 millimeter
The suburb that is a society in a society, a place where young guys do anything for respect. A place where criminality and violence is a part of life. The movie is about Malik, a guy without family and land of origin, and who has made crime and violence to a part of his life. Both to win respect, and to support himself.
Ellinors bröllop
Between Summers
Torun and Mikael have been married for a few years. When vacationing on the Danish coast, their young son Melker accidentally drowns. Torun initially blames her sister, who was supposed to supervise her children. Later she turns her anger and grief against her husband. Since none of them know what to do with their feelings, they start to drift apart.
The Police Murderer
Polis 1
A woman is found murdered in a closed amusement park. A young couple who happen to be there at the same time become, without their knowledge, suspects for the murder. They are chased by a large number of police but only Martin Beck believes them to be innocent.
Nigger is a dark comedy about a young couple who are going to be parents. When the child comes, there's a surprise.