Elena Soarez

Elena Soarez

Рождение : 1965-01-01, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Born in Rio de Janeiro in 1965, Elena Soárez is one of the most important writers of Brazilian cinema today. Elena Soárez holds a degree in economics from PUC; with a master's degree in social anthropology from UFRJ. His debut as a screenwriter was at the invitation of filmmaker Andrucha Waddingotn, who became a screenwriter in the following films: Twin (1999), adapted from Nelson Rodrigues; the award-winning Eu tu eles (2000), a film that took part in the "A Certain Look" show at the Cannes Film Festival and whose screenplay was developed at the Screenwriters Laboratory at the Sundance Film Festival.


Elena Soarez
Elena Soarez
Elena Soarez
Elena Soarez


Рио, я люблю тебя
Фильм рассказывает об одном из самых удивительных городов Южной Америки — Рио-де-Жанейро. Режиссеры из разных стран сняли десять коротких историй, которые рассказывают о любви. Каждый эпизод посвящен одному из районов города, которые обладают своими неподражаемыми колоритами.
История братьев Виллаш-Боаш, бразильских исследователей и активистов за права индейцев Амазонки. В начале 40-х годов прошлого века, бразильское правительство организует экспедиции в неисследованные западные регионы страны с целью открытия и освоения новых территорий. Для множества батраков и крестьян участие в экспедиции сулит всего лишь скромный заработок. Однако, братья Виллаш-Боаш собирались в экспедицию не ради денег. Они искали свободы и приключений. Отправляясь в места, где еще не ступала нога, они не догадывались, что встреча с индейцами навсегда изменит их жизни.
Slightly Out of Tune
A group of friends come of age during the political turmoil that plagued Brazil in the 1960's and 70's. Together, these musicians form a band called "Os Desafinados" and become a part of the groundbreaking Brazilian musical movement called Bossa Nova
Camila Jam
Camila is in her mid-twenties and her life has been thrown into chaos ever since her boyfriend threw her out of their apartment during a bitter argument. Camila's ambition is to become a writer, and she posts regularly on her blog, entitled "Camila Jam." However, Camila wants to take her work into a different direction, and she throws herself head first into life in search of inspiration. As Camila struggles with alcohol, unsettled emotions and relationships with abusive men, it becomes increasingly obvious that her skills as a writer aren't all she needs to sort out if she wants to truly understand her life and her career.
Город бога 2
Лучшие друзья — Ацеролла «Туз» и Ларанинья «Уоллес» готовы отпраздновать 18-летие «Уоллеса». Ацеролла безнадежно пытается найти своего отца, а Ларанинья переживает, что его жена уезжает на работу в другой город, оставляя его одного с маленьким сыном. Но все их мечты и надежды рушатся, когда начинается городская война, друзья оказываются по разные стороны баррикад. Победит ли дружба бессмысленную войну? Смогут ли они забыть прошлое?
The House of Sand
A woman is taken along with her mother in 1910 to a far-away desert by her husband, and after his passing, is forced to spend the next 59 years of her life hopelessly trying to escape it.
Célio Rocha believes he was assigned by God Himself a difficult mission: to persuade his childhood friend Otávio Sabóia, a corrupt entrepeneur in the construction business, to give away all his possessions to the poor.
Diary of a Provincial Girl
The day-to-day life of a young girl in the town of Diamantina, Brazil, on the end of 19th Century, based on real life diaries.
Me, You, Them
A true story that comically depicts the relationship between an ordinary woman and her three husbands, who live in the same house in a poor and arid small village of the Brazilian northeast.
Identical twins Iara and Marilena like to play games and deceive men by pretending to be each other. But when they fall in love with the same man, a rivalry with devastating and horrifying consequences begins.