Upton Sinclair

Upton Sinclair

Рождение : 1878-09-20,

Смерть : 1968-11-25


Upton Sinclair Jr. was an American writer who wrote nearly 100 books and other works in several genres. Sinclair's work was well known and popular in the first half of the 20th century, and he won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1943. In 1906, Sinclair acquired particular fame for his classic muckraking novel The Jungle, which exposed labor and sanitary conditions in the U.S. meatpacking industry, causing a public uproar that contributed in part to the passage a few months later of the 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act. In 1919, he published The Brass Check, a muck-raking exposé of American journalism that publicized the issue of yellow journalism and the limitations of the “free press” in the United States. Four years after the publication of The Brass Check, the first code of ethics for journalists was created. Time magazine called him "a man with every gift except humor and silence".He is also well remembered for the line: "It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it." He used this line in speeches and the book about his campaign for governor as a way to explain why the editors and publishers of the major newspapers in California would not treat seriously his proposals for old age pensions and other progressive reforms. Many of his novels can be read as historical works. Writing during the Progressive Era, Sinclair describes the world of industrialized America from both the working man's and the industrialist's points of view. Novels such as King Coal (1917), The Coal War (published posthumously), Oil! (1927), and The Flivver King (1937) describe the working conditions of the coal, oil, and auto industries at the time. The Flivver King describes the rise of Henry Ford, his "wage reform", and the company's Sociological Department to his decline into antisemitism as publisher of The Dearborn Independent. King Coal confronts John D. Rockefeller, Jr., and his role in the 1913 Ludlow Massacre in the coal fields of Colorado. Sinclair was an outspoken socialist and ran unsuccessfully for Congress as a nominee from the Socialist Party. He was also the Democratic Party candidate for Governor of California during the Great Depression, running under the banner of the End Poverty in California campaign, but was defeated in the 1934 elections.


Upton Sinclair


Экранизация романа «Нефть» классика американской литературы Эптона Синклера. Действие книги происходит в конце 1920-х в Калифорнии и описывает взлет нефтедобывающей компании, принадлежащей амбициозному и бездушному магнату Плейнвью.
Сергей Эйзенштейн. Мексиканская фантазия
Eisenstein shot 50 hours of footage on location in Mexico in 1931 and 32 for what would have become ¡Que viva México!, but was not able to finish the film. Following two wildly different reconstruction attempts in 1939 (Marie Seton's 'Time in the Sun') and 1979 (Grigori Alexandrov's '¡Que viva México!') Kovalov has here compiled another hypothetical version of what Eisenstein's film might have been.
Да здравствует Мексика!
В прологе говорится о далеком прошлом и памятниках архитектуры Юкатана. Идиллическая новелла «Сандунга» — воспоминание о Мексике дофеодальных времен. Новелла «Магей» — драматическая история любви бедного пеона и его невесты. «Фиеста» — романтическая любовная история и бой быков. «Солдадера» (четвертая новелла) не была снята Эйзенштейном. По замыслу она посвящалась мексиканской революции 1910 года. В последней новелле использованы фрески Ороско, Сикейроса, Риверы.
The Gnome-Mobile
An eccentric millionaire and his grandchildren are embroiled in the plights of some forest gnomes who are searching for the rest of their tribe. While helping them, the millionaire is suspected of being crazy because he's seeing gnomes! He's committed, and the niece and nephew and the gnomes have to find him and free him.
Damaged Goods
Warning of the dangers of sexually transmitted diseases, specifically syphilis.
Смертельный день
Production Director
During his adventure in Mexico, Sergei Eisenstein made footage of a Mexican "Death Day" celebration for inclusion in his "Que Viva Mexico!" film project. When the 200,000-plus feet of film he eventually exposed in Mexico was first attempted to be made into a feature film, "Thunder Over Mexico", the producers excluded the Death Day material for subsequent compilation as an independent short subject. Silent with music track and explanatory English intertitles.
Гром над Мексикой
Production Director
Мексика начала двадцатого века, в стране правит диктатор Порфирио Диас, и богачи под его крылом, чувствуя полную безнаказанность, творят все, что им вздумается. В одном из крупных частных поместий (асьенде) разворачивается трагедия юного рабочего, чью супругу сделали невольницей для утех богатого гостя жестоких хозяев поместья, а самого его всячески запугивает бесцеремонный и беспринципный работодатель.
The Wet Parade
The evils of alcohol before and during prohibition become evident as we see its effects on the rich Chilcote family and the hard working Tarleton family.
Джимми Хиггинс
The Adventurer
A young girl is trying to live an honest life in a crooked city. Caught up with a crook that might be the son of a millionaire and other crooked people, she must attempt to reform things, or at least one person.
The Jungle
Executive Producer
Drama directed by George Irving et al.
The Jungle
Drama directed by George Irving et al.