Glenn Roland


Director of Photography
Robotic Officer Tactical Operation Research. A prototype robot intended for crime combat escapes from the development lab and goes on a killing rampage.
Grace Kelly: The American Princess
Assistant Camera
Documentary - She came from a wealthy and competitive Philadelphia family, but the life of well-brought up society held little appeal for this acclaimed beauty. She left for New York City and worked hard as a model, stage actor and TV player. And then she was discovered by Hollywood. In less than four years she was acknowledged as one of movie's most sought after stars and an Academy-Award winner, playing opposite some of the greatest leading men of her time. Suddenly, like a modern-day fairy tale, Grace Kelly turned her back on it all - to become Her Serene Highness Princess Grace of Monaco.
First Strike
Director of Photography
A U.S. Navy submarine captain tries to prevent the Soviets from trying to launch World War III.
What Are Friends For?
Director of Photography
Two 12-year-old girls going through a divorce make a pact never to divorce their friendship.
Ильза — хранительница гарема нефтяного шейха
Camera Operator
Несмотря на гибель в финале «Ильзы - волчицы СС» белокурая бестия в исполнении Дайан Торн возвращается в качестве хранительницы гарема и советницы арабского шейха. По ходу вялого действия Ильза влюбляется в американского шпиона и, чтобы спасти его от гибели после разоблачения, устраивает государственный переворот.
Ильза – волчица СС
Director of Photography
В некий концентрационный лагерь нацистов, в котором заправляет жестокая фройляйн Ильза, привозят новую порцию заключенных. Над женщинами Ильза с подручными ставят жестокие медицинские опыты, в то время как мужчинам тоже приходится несладко. Ильза каждого из них пробует в постели. Цель Ильзы доказать, что женщины способны выносить больше боли и страданий, чем мужчины, а значит им можно позволить сражаться на фронте.
Daddy's Deadly Darling
Director of Photography
Teenager Lynn kills her father while he tries to rape her - the receiving officer at the mental hospital cannot convince her that her father is dead. After electric shock treatment she escapes in a nurses car. There is a farm where the manager is unable to feed his pigs on the usual swill, they have tasted blood - Human Blood! Lynn stumbles on the farm, she is looking for work she explains. "Papa they tell me, what do you see One little girl as deadly as can be." The circle begins, feed people to the pigs - then eat the pigs.
Lions Love
Three actors in Hollywood live and love together. A director comes from New York to make a movie about actors and Hollywood.