Jane Ainscough


Zeynap Altin is at the end of her tether: she works far too much and is not valued at all by her husband, daughter and father. To make matters worse, the funeral home dressed her beloved late mother in a man's suit instead of her favorite dress. Enough is enough: Zeynep flees from Munich to the previously unknown holiday home on a Croatian island that her mother secretly bought years ago - with the hope of finding quiet, peace and herself there. If only the previous owner Josip, a rough islander, didn't still live on the same property and annoy her with his views and wisdom.
Лесси. Возвращение домой
Двенадцатилетний Флориан и его колли Лесси — неразлучные друзья. Они счастливо живут в немецкой деревеньке. Когда отец Флориана лишается работы, семье приходится переезжать в дом поменьше, т. к. с собаками туда нельзя. Флориану приходится расстаться с Лесси. Новым хозяином становится граф фон Шпренгель, который отправляется в Северное море вместе с ней и своенравной внучкой Присциллой. При первой возможности Лесси сбегает и ей предстоит долгий путь обратно к Флориану.
Любовь между строк
Эмми Ротнер хочет всего лишь отказаться от подписки на газету, но совершает опечатку в адресе получателя. Письмо оказывается в почтовом ящике Лео Лайке, с этого и начинается их долгая переписка и любовная история.
I'm Off Then
Based on the book "Ich bin dann mal weg" by Hape Kerkeling where the author describes his journey on the Way of St. James, a pilgrimage route, and the people he encounters there.
Всё это любовь
Рождество не за горами, праздник любви, а вот с последним кое-кому очень не хватает. Ханнес сталкивается с проблемой, что он изменил своей девушке Кларе с учителем начальных классов и его возлюбленная теперь не хочет его прощать, а Кики не может думать ни о чем, кроме мужчины мечты. Мартин, с другой стороны, сожалеет о том, что бросил жену, и хочет вернуться к ней. Клаус не совсем уверен в отношениях и сомневается, стоит ли ему на самом деле жениться на своем друге Викторе. Керем счастлив в браке и скоро станет отцом троих детей, но перед праздниками его семья находится на грани разорения. Его жена Симона ничего не знает обо всем этом...
Coming In
Notoriously hip Berlin based hairdresser Tom Herzner falls in love with beauty parlor owner Heidi, turning both of their worlds upside down. So far so good. Only one problem: Tom is gay.
Coming In
Notoriously hip Berlin based hairdresser Tom Herzner falls in love with beauty parlor owner Heidi, turning both of their worlds upside down. So far so good. Only one problem: Tom is gay.
Miss Sixty
Now that we’re all living longer and “40 is the new 30,” why can’t 60 be the new 40? That’s what Louise and Frans think when they embark on bold new life adventures. Louise is a molecular biologist who decides to make a withdrawal from the sperm bank and have a baby. Meanwhile, gallery owner Frans decides to re-boot his career by finding the hottest new talent on the art scene. While attempting to recapture their lost youth and avoid total ridicule, Louise and Frans accidentally cross paths.
Christine and Conrad are what we call modern parents nowadays: While he stays home to raise children, she makes a career as a doctor, earning big money. When Konrad with comes home with the offer to act as a theater director again, organizing the day-to-day family life becomes increasingly difficult. Who will take care of their daughters Emma and Kate? As it turns out, it is in fact not that easy to find a competent girl.
The Almost Perfect Man
Hanni & Nanni 3
The Lindenhof School is expecting a busload of proper young English ladies as exchange students. The shock is great when the students turn out to be teenage boys! But while Mademoiselle Bertoux is delighted to stage “Romeo and Juliet” with real boys, both Hanni and her sister Nanni fall for their “Romeo,” Clyde.
Where shall we put grandma? Her permanently anxious and stressed daughter, Marie, knows exactly where: the neighbourhood’s idyllically situated retirement homem where she can find friends of “her own age”. But Granny has other ideas: She wants to see the Pope in Rome, and no one can stop her plan. She wants to finally confess a troubling sin to the highest possible power. She resolves to make the journey alone, and ends up one day on the doorstep of her granddaughter, Martina. What she doesn’t know is that Martina has a secret too, and that a private audience with the Pope is virtually impossible for mere mortals. Together with sly bon vivant, Lorenzo, the three set off on an adventure – but their attempt to receive a Papal blessing almost ends in disaster.
Hanni & Nanni 2
The summer break is over and the twins returned to Lindenhof. That has now changed a lot. Because Mrs Theobald had to travel, Mademoiselle Bertoux has taken the lead.
Hanni & Nanni
A drama centered around twins attending the same boarding school.
Ein Sommer in Long Island
Маленький немецкий городок Шлитц объят паникой — на расположенной неподалёку атомной электростанции произошла авария, и всю округу накрывает радиоактивное облако…