Fred Jackman Jr.

Рождение : 1913-01-08, Los Angeles, California, USA

Смерть : 1982-12-09


Director of Photography
A dispirited cop chucks his job on the force and, with the help of a college co-ed, sets out to solve the murder of a police colleague who had been his best friend.
The Castaways on Gilligan's Island
Director of Photography
In the second of three additional Gilligan's Island movies following the series, the gang finds a way of getting rescued from the "uncharted desert isle" for a second time through a series of misadventures but comes back to turn it into a tropical resort for uptight mainlanders.
Director of Photography
When an extortionist threatens to force a multi-suicide unless a huge ransom is paid, only Peter Parker can stop him with his new powers as Spider-Man.
Viva Knievel!
Director of Photography
The legendary stuntman plans his most incredible stunt yet while battling the mob in this action-adventure.
Roger & Harry: The Mitera Target
Director of Photography
A millionaire hires a pair of private investigators, who specialize in recovering lost and stolen objects, to find his daughter, who has apparently been smuggled out of the country.
Time Travelers
Director of Photography
When a novel virus devastates the world in 1976, Dr. Earnshaw notices that it resembles a virus that a Dr. Henderson found a cure for in 1871 Chicago. However, the doctor perished and his notes were destroyed in the Great Chicago Fire. Earnshaw is approached by a government agent, Jeffrey Adams, who informs him of a Top Secret time traveling technology and asks for his assistance in finding Dr. Henderson and his cure. But their adventure becomes a race against time when a glitch sends them back to the day before the fire instead of the planned four days.
The Hatfields and the McCoys
Director of Photography
A retelling of the famous feud between two mountain families, the Hatfields and the McCoys, in rural Kentucky in the late 1800s.
Going Home
Director of Photography
After doing 13 years in prison for the murder of his wife, mechanic Harry Graham is out on parole and looking to rebuild his life in a small seaside community. He settles into a trailer park and finds both a job and a girlfriend. But things get difficult for Harry when his estranged son, Jimmy, shows up. He witnessed his mother's murder as a child and, after years spent in foster homes, has come looking for revenge.
In Name Only
Director of Photography
In this romantic comedy, an unwed couple who run a wedding planning business discover, to their horror, that the Justice of the Peace who had officiated their first three weddings was only an actor. Hilarity ensues as they set about trying to get these marrieds married...again.
Каникулы в Гареме
Director of Photography
Элвис Пресли блистает в роли современной поющей кинозвезды Джонни Тиронна, похищенного бандой убийц во время рекламного тура по Ближнему Востоку. Оказавшись втянутым в план убийства руководителя одного из маленьких пустынных королевств, Тиронн пускается в приключения с бандой бандитов, сражается со злодеями, спасает девушек, попавших в беду, и влюбляется в принцессу.
Get Yourself a College Girl
Director of Photography
A young music student faces expulsion after her instructors learn she is moonlighting as a pop-music writer.
Triple Crossed
Director of Photography
Larry is a pet dealer who's seeing Moe's wife while at the same time trying to steal Joe's fiancée. When Moe's become suspicious, Larry attempts to frame Joe as the boyfriend. Larry's plan backfires when Joe catches him and lets Moe deliver some punishment.
The Case Against Brooklyn
Director of Photography
A rookie cop takes on criminals who have the local government in their pocket.
Slaughter on 10th Avenue
Director of Photography
A rookie assistant DA is assigned to investigate the murder of a longshoreman, killed for exposing gangster involvement on the piers, and meets up with a "code of silence" amongst all potential witnesses.
Director of Photography
Болезненно-ревнивое поведение Лайла держит Джулию Бентон в постоянной тревоге и страхе. Внезапно Джулия узнает, что Лайл несколько лет назад убил ее первого мужа. Джулия понимает, что должна уйти. Давний друг Джулии Клиф помогает ей бежать, но даже в Сан-Франциско не удается скрыться от преследований Лайла. Полиция ничего не может сделать, несмотря на смертельную угрозу жизни Джулии...
Земля против летающих тарелок
Director of Photography
Космические ракеты взрываются при взлете, а количество сообщений о наблюдениях НЛО постоянно увеличивается. Вскоре пришельцы из погибшей внегалактической цивилизации попытаются вторгнуться на Землю на непроницаемых летающих тарелках, используя против людей лучевое оружие массового поражения.
Blackjack Ketchum Desperado
Director of Photography
A former gunslinger comes to the aid of ranchers battling a murderous land baron.
Uranium Boom
Director of Photography
Ex-lumberjack Brad Collins (Dennis Morgan) and mining engineer Grady Mathews (William Talman) find uranium in the Colorado badlands. While Grady guards the claim, Brad goes to register it in town, where he meets and marries Jean Williams (Patricia Medina.) Returning to the claim, Brad learns that Jean was once Grady's fiancee. Grady, as one would expect, is somewhat put out and leaves the mine in Brad's hands, while he hooks up with a confidence man and engineers a scheme to break the back of Brad's somewhat rapidly-created mining empire.
Fury at Gunsight Pass
Director of Photography
An outlaw terrorizes the citizens of Gunsight Pass while he searches for stolen bank money that mysteriously disappeared after a robbery.
Apache Ambush
Director of Photography
Two former enemies find themselves together on a cattle drive and fighting marauding Apaches and Mexican bandits.
The Night Holds Terror
Director of Photography
A group of escaped convicts holds a household prisoner as the police close in.
Chicago Syndicate
Director of Photography
An ex-military accountant is recruited by the FBI to infiltrate the mob in Chicago in an attempt to break open the rackets. To complicate his job, two women stand in his way, each with their own agenda.
Существо с атомным мозгом
Director of Photography
Усилиями полиции и конкурентов гангстера Фрэнка Бьюкенена депортировали из США в родную Италию. В Европе он встретил учёного Уильяма Штайга, который к тому времени уже научился оживлять покойников и превращать их в своих слуг. Бьюкенен мгновенно смекнул, что научные изыскания Штайга можно успешно применять против своих врагов.
Cell 2455 Death Row
Director of Photography
A Death Row inmate uses his prison law studies to fight for his life. Based on a true story.
The Man with My Face
Director of Photography
A man discovers that an evil twin has taken over his life.
The Cariboo Trail
Director of Photography
A cattleman fights to establish a ranch in the middle of gold country.
Fighting Man of the Plains
Director of Photography
Former bandit Jim Dancer becomes marshal of a Kansas town and cleans up the criminal element - with the help of his old pal, Jesse James.
Canadian Pacific
Director of Photography
A surveyor for the Canadian Pacific Railroad must fight fur trappers who oppose the building of the railroad by stirring up Indian rebellion.
Unknown Island
Director of Photography
Adventure-seeker Ted Osborne has convinced his finacee Carole to finance his expedition to an uncharted South Pacific island supposedly populated with dinosaurs...
Коронер Крик
Director of Photography
Восемнадцать месяцев назад у Криса Данинга убили невесту, убили случайно, когда она ехала на дилижансе, перевозившем много денег. Напали на дилижанс индейцы, нанятые белым, о котором было известно только, что у него желтые волосы, голубые глаза и шрам на правой щеке. И Крис Данинг поклялся отомстить. Долгие поиски по бескрайним долинам и маленьким городишкам, и наконец в городе Коронер Крик случилась удача — самый богатый землевладелец Янгер Майлз, неожиданно разбогатевший как раз 18 месяцев назад, очень подходил по приметам на беглого преступника. Янгер Майлз держал всю округу в страхе и оставалась только одна независимая ферма — ферма Деллы Хармс. К ней управляющим и пошел работать Крис Данинг...
Director of Photography
Cole Armin comes to Albuquerque to work for his uncle, John Armin, a despotic and hard-hearted czar who operates an ore-hauling freight line, and whose goal is to eliminate a competing line run by Ted Wallace and his sister Celia. Cole tires of his uncle's heavy-handed tactics and switches over to the Wallace side. Lety Tyler, an agent hired by the uncle, also switches over by warning Cole and Ted of a trap set for them by the uncle and his henchman.
The Prince Of Thieves
Director of Photography
After fighting in the Crusades alongside Richard I of England Sir Allan Claire is returning home to marry his betrothed Lady Christable. Accompanied by his sister Lady Marian Claire, the two are intercepted by Robin Hood and his band of Merrie Men. Recognising a friend of King Richard, Robin informs them that Lady Christabel is the be married to another against her well in the interest of politics and her father's fortune. The three team up to rescue the fair lady.
Director of Photography
Gunfighter "Brazos" Kane lays aside his guns "forever" when he is forced to shoot his best friend, and decides to join another friend, Bob Tyrell, as a cowhand on the Inskip ranch. Upon arriving there he finds the bullet-riddled body of his friend. He carries the body to the Banner ranch, the largest in the territory, and is accused by Banner of murdering Tyrell; Banner orders Deputy Sheriff Bill Yount, who is in Banner's pay, to arrest Kane. But Kane has the sympathy of Banner's daughter, Jane, who notifies Inskip of Kane's plight, and Inskip arrives in time to prevent a lynching. Sheriff Kiscade dismisses the murder charge for lack of evidence. Brazos then sets out to find the killer of his friend. Bess Bannister, Jane's sister, is in love with the Banner ranch foreman, Bard Macky, and knowing that Bard killed Tyrell and that Kane will track him down, then hampers Kane's mission somewhat by pretending to be in love with him.
Swamp Fire
Director of Photography
Highlights in this one include a fist-fight between Johnny Weissmuller and Buster Crabbe (I won't give away the winner, but check the cast order); a cat-fight between Virginia Grey and Carol Thurston that the male cast of Sienfeld would pay to see and, just to keep things moving, Weissmuller wrestles an alligator, and there are two mid-water collisions between small-craft boats, a big ship wreck and a blazing swamp fire finale. Toss in a plot that has Weissmuller as a psycho-neurotic war veteran who, because he piled up his Navy destroyer on the rocks, now dreads returning to his pre-war occupation of a pilot guiding ships through the channels at the mouth of the Mississippi. Throw in icy Virginia Grey as a spoiled heiress out to take Johnny away from his job, his friends and the girl he loves (who knows why), and you have enough plot and action for two Pine-Thomas jewels.
Big Town
Director of Photography
A newspaper editor goes on an anti-crime crusade, but gets carried away.
They Made Me a Killer
Director of Photography
A fugitive receives help from a victim's sister as he tries to clear his name of robbery and murder charges.
Tokyo Rose
Director of Photography
Lotus Long plays the title role, an American-educated Japanese woman broadcasting enemy propaganda to American troops. Captured GI Pete Sherman (Byron Barr) is one of a group of POWS slated to be interviewed on Tokyo Rose's radio program. Instead of advising his comrades to surrender (as ordered), Sherman uses his innate Yankee knowhow to hoist the treacherous oriental deejay on her own petard. Managing to make his escape, Sherman hooks up with the Japanese Underground, convincing anti-militarist Charlie Otani (Keye Luke) to aid in a kidnapping plot aimed at Tokyo Rose.
Midnight Manhunt
Director of Photography
Two reporters search for a missing body in a wax museum.
Scared Stiff
Director of Photography
A meek reporter happens upon a murder, an escaped gangster and a stolen jade chess set.
High Powered
Director of Photography
Tim takes a job as a lowly chipper because he has been afraid to go high ever since a bad fall in which he was injured and another workman was killed.
Double Exposure
Director of Photography
In New York City, a newly hired photographer becomes embroiled in a scandal when her photo is mistaken for evidence of a murder and she must try to prove her own innocence.
One Body Too Many
Director of Photography
An insurance salesman, Albert Tuttle, is hired as a body guard for a millionaire.
Gambler's Choice
Director of Photography
The professional gambler Ross Hadley is the owner of a posh gaming establishment in the heart of New York...
Timber Queen
Director of Photography
Russ Evans, A WWII veteran army pilot, decides to check up on the widow of an old war buddy of his, Elaine Graham. The logging company she inherited is doing poorly, but Elaine gets an order in for a huge shipment of lumber. Russ and his friend Squirrel volunteer to help her cut the timber for the shipment, along with her friends Smacksie Golden and his girlfriend Lil Boggs, who are not used to doing physical labor. Russ pilots the plane to deliver the lumber before the company falls to a slimy businessman.
Director of Photography
The owner of an Illinois coal mine struggles to keep his business in operation, all the while unaware that among his employees is a saboteur planning destruction and chaos.
Submarine Alert
Director of Photography
Nazi spies use a stolen shortwave transmitter prototype to broadcast top secret shipping info to an offshore Japanese sub. To nab the spy ring, the Government has the West Coast's top radio engineers fired and shadowed to see if the Nazis recruit them to complete work on the prototype radio. Radio engineer Lew Deerhold, a resident alien without a job to pay for his adorable little ward Gina's life-saving operation, falls prey to the spy ring, and is swept up in a maelstrom of deceit and danger.
The Price of Victory
Director of Photography
U.S. Vice-President Henry Wallace narrates a patriotic, propaganda short designed to boost morale in the the early days of World War II.
A Letter From Bataan
Director of Photography
A soldier pleads to the folks to home to conserve scarce wartime resources.
Director of Photography
Wildcatter Johnny Maverick and his pal go to a town in oil country offering $25,000 to the person who brings in the first well. They find oil on the outskirts but have to sell a share to a promoter who hires Johnny's old enemy.
No Hands on the Clock
Director of Photography
A wise-cracking private detective's honeymoon is interrupted by a kidnapping case.
Flying Wild
Director of Photography
A group of young men who work at an aviation factory begin to suspect that a doctor who runs an air ambulance service is secretly a spy transporting secret information from the plant to enemy agents.
Phantom of Chinatown
Director of Photography
In the middle of a pictorial lecture on his recent expedition to the Mongolian Desert, Dr. John Benton,the famous explorer, drinks from the water bottle on his lecture table, collapses and dies. His last words "Eternal Fire" are the only clue Chinese detective Jimmy Wong and Captain Street of the police department have to work on.
Черный легион
Special Effects
Фильм рассказывает о реально существовавшем «Черном Легионе», который был ответвлением Ку-клукс-клана и действовал в Соединенных Штатах Америки в 1930-х годах. Фрэнк Тейлор, работник завода в Детройте, присоединяется к «проамериканской» группировке, выступавшей против иностранцев и иммигрантов, занимавших рабочие места и обвиняя именно их в растущей безработице. Растущие потребности его семьи, давление со стороны Легиона, в ряды которого он вступил, все более амбициозные планы по поводу работы и повышения в должности, все ведет Фрэнка на путь преступления. Сначала Легион помогает ему занять место мастера, спалив ферму и силой посадив в поезд предыдущего талантливого работника, назначенного мастером, который был из числа иммигрантов. Но когда Тейлор попытался выйти из состава Легиона, ему пригрозили расправой с семьей…
Fugitive in the Sky
Special Effects
Reporter Terry Brewer goes to the Los Angeles airport to say goodbye to his sweetheart, airline hostess Rita Moore. He notices G-Man Mike Phelan among the passengers and assuming Phelan is on the trail of a criminal, decides to go along to get a story.
Двое против всего мира
Special Effects
A radio-network manager's boss makes him air a serial based on a murder, tormenting a woman involved.
Доктор Икс
Special Effects
В медицинской академии, принадлежащей доктору Ксавье, происходит несколько убийств. Желая избежать лишней огласки, которая может разрушить репутацию его академии, Ксавье договаривается с полицией о том, что найдёт убийцу самостоятельно.
The Devil Horse
Young Dave (as Master Fred Jackman)
A boy's family is wiped out in an Indian massacre of a wagon train and he is captured. He befriends a wild colt. Years later, following his escape, he is recaptured by Indians who force him to fight their vicious devil horse . The horse looks somewhat familiar.