Erika Sawajiri
Рождение : 1986-04-08, Nerima, Tokyo, Japan
Erika Sawajiri (born April 8, 1986 in Nerima, Tokyo) is a Japan-based actress, model, and musician. Her alias in her music career was Kaoru Amane, but she has recently started her own project under the name Erika. She was affiliated with Sony Music Entertainment Japan for her record label (formerly as Kaoru Amane and later Erika), and Stardust Promotion for her talent agency (with her real name, Erika Sawajiri) before her contract was terminated in late 2009. On September 10, 2010, it was announced that she signed with Avex label for talent management and music releases. She became popular after playing a girl who suffered from an intractable disease called spinocerebellar degeneration (SCD) in the nonfiction drama 1 Litre of Tears.
Shizuko Ota
Послевоенная Япония. Известный писатель Осаму Дадзай ведёт беспутную жизнь — пьёт и при живой жене не прочь завести интрижку на стороне. Ему написала Сидзуко Ота, обеспеченная поклонница западной культуры, и тот в поисках вдохновения жаждет прочитать её дневник. Пока супруга ожидает третьего ребёнка, Дадзай «работает» над новым романом и обольщением молодой красавицы.
Takako Matsudaira
During turbulent economic times in Japan, Masahiko Washizu (Go Ayano) appears. He leads a foreign investment fund and he is criticized for being a vulture. Masahiko Washizu challenges to buy a bank with insolvent bonds and a company that is experiencing financial depression.
A man, who is repaying a 30 million yen debt left by his brother, wins the 300 million yen lottery. He grapples with the question of whether money can buy him happiness.
Keiko Komugita
Follows the daily lives of 8 women with different backgrounds through what they eat and whom they date.
Saori Oishi
A 33-year-old supermarket worker at a provincial city used to be an idol, but could not see a future as a singer. Sick of everything, she moved to a provincial town and met Yoshio, a pet cat she saw at a store.
Yui Kashiwazaki
In the spring, when Yui Kashiwazaki (Erika Sawajiri) and her 3 years old son were coming back home from kindergarten, she let go of her son's hand for a moment and then he was gone. 9 years later, her son appears in front of her again.
Tomoko Tada
Прошлоё наёмного убийцы Тадаси Усобуки покрыто пеленой мрака – такой же чёрной, как его костюм. Заказы от полных ненависти клиентов он выполняет безукоризненно, профессиональный почерк киллера – сила внушения, благодаря которой убийство практически неотличимо от самоубийства.
Arai Mayumi
Content with his perfect life, Yoshinori Arai’s eyesight starts to fail and he despairs. How will he battle his illness and return to his dreams?
Shiratori Tatsuhiko works as a scout for Burst, a talent agency in Kabukichō, Shinjuku's red light district. In a business where money means everything Tatsuhiko finds himself in a constant struggle between rival talent scouts and the yakuza.
Asuka Kandori
Kenta Kurata (Masaki Aiba) lives with his father, Taichi (Akira Terao), his mother, Keiko (Kaho Minami), and his younger sister, Nana (Kasumi Arimura) in an isolated home in the suburbs. He works as an unpopular commercial designer. Kenta Kurata possesses a timid personality, which he picked up from his father. Kenta doesn't like his father. One day, while waiting for the train, Kenta warns a man who pushed a woman and cut in line. Kenta is surprised that he spoke out with his normally timid personality. After that incident, Kenta's family home is targeted by an unknown person with flowers from their garden being pulled out and the seat of a bicycle being torn. Also, Kenta's younger sister Nana is stalked by her ex-boyfriend. Kenta and his family try to find out who is responsible.
Chinami Yoshinari
Set half a year after the first season of "First Class." Chinami Yoshinari (Erika Sawajiri) begins work as a fashion designer. In the high-end luxury field, big money is involved and Chinami Yoshinari is again trampled over by other women. She attempts to get through by using her wisdom and toughness that she gained from experience.
Chinami Yoshinari
Chinami (Erika Sawajiri) works at a fabric shop, dreaming of one day working in the fashion industry. By accident, she begins work in the editing section for a fashion magazine. Chinami believes her new job may open doors for her to new opportunities, but it turns out her new job is like working in a war zone with daily fights and competitiveness between the women who work there. Can Chinami survive in such a cutthroat environment?
Miyahara Ryo
The story is about the emotional and spiritual exchange between an elderly watchmaker and a cheerful and kind young woman who lost her mother in the tsunami of the Great Tohoku Earthquake. The woman asks the watchmaker to repair a wristwatch, which is a precious memento left her by late mother.
Лилико — супермодель и икона красоты. Как и положено, она эгоистична и привыкла всегда получать желаемое, чем бы оно ни было. Но у нее есть секрет, о котором никто не должен знать: ее красота — результат множества пластических операций, сделанных в частной вип-клинике. Однажды, Лилико обнаруживает, что побочные эффекты от хирургических вмешательств постепенно проявляются, и тогда ее размеренная жизнь тут же начинает рушиться, доводя фотомодель до безумства.
Tomikoji Kimiko/Suzuki Kimiko
Erika Sawajiri plays Kimiko, the main character of the story who has died. Although the title implies that it is a story of a “wicked woman,” the original novel was divided into 27 chapters, one for each “testimony” by someone who knew Kimiko at some point in her life, providing a range of perspectives on what kind of person Kimiko was. ~~ Adapted from 1978 novel series "Akujou ni Tsuite" by Ariyoshi Sawako.
Kae Horii
Kae Horii moves into her new flat in an undisclosed area of Kyoto. While unpacking her belongings, she discovers a hidden compartment behind a inconspicuous mirror. In that compartment, Kae finds a notebook, that turns out to be a diary belonging to the previous tenant. Later that evening Kae starts to read the diary. The writer of the diary is Ibuki Mano, a young lady about to embark on her first year as an elementary school teacher. Ibuki is also in love with a man named Takashi, who may or may not hold similar feelings for Ibuki.
Aya Ikeuchi
The Story of the 1 Litre of Tears special takes place after the events in the main drama. The Special takes the view of Asou Haruto who is remembering life the way it used to be before the events of the last episode of the series.
Yumiko Shirai
How have you been? Takeshi's letter is delivered one each month to his younger brother, Naoki. Takeshi is serving a life term in prison for the crime that he had committed to save his brother. But the crime's aftereffect extends to Naoki, and, branded as a "murderer's brother," Naoki is deprived of his love, career and dream. His desperate situation gradually changes when he finds true love with Yumiko, who always stands by him. To protect the love that he has finally found, Naoki begins writing a letter to Takeshi... The touching story of a man who was powerless against his irreversible fate, but still tried to overcome it in the quest for his dream.
Tenshi no Hashigo 2006 (Japan), also known as Angel's Ladder is Japan drama premiere on Oct 22, 2006 on TV Asahi
Natsuki Saito
Девятнадцатилетний Аюта пытается пересдать экзамены для поступления в художественное училище, где учится его девушка Натсуки. На людях Аюта и Натсуки выглядят идеальной парой. Но однажды, Аюта увидел красивую женщину в поезде и влюбился с первого взгляда. Спустя несколько дней, он вновь встречает её в больнице, куда пришёл навестить своего отца. Она оказалась не только лечащим врачом его отца, но и сестрой Натсуки - Харухи. Наученная горьким опытом прошлого, Харухи не может принять человека на 8 лет младше неё. И всё же, решительность Аюты вскоре открывает в ее сердце место для новых отношений. Только готова ли она снова полюбить?
Noriko Watanabe
Recently graduated from high school, 17-year-old Shiro (Yagira Yuya) decides to put off college and work at a gas station instead. Shy and introspective, Shiro understands he is at a turning point of his life, but is unsure of what lies ahead. Though his parents disapprove of his decision, he has the support of his flower child grandmother (Natsuki Mari) who declares that a gas station is a romantic place for life's drifters. Surely enough, soon a new co-worker, college student Noriko (Erika Sawajiri), drifts into Shiro's life. He falls headfirst into a bittersweet first love that ushers him into the world of adulthood.
Nana Kimura
On her way to school, high school girl Nana sees a train accident. Then Nana and her friend Kanae start to come across various bizarre phenomena, including red fingerprints and a female spirit who 'lives' on the station platform. One day, Nana's younger sister is lost, and the only possibility seems to be that she had been taken by these spirits. The missing tracks. The predictions that a mysterious woman makes.
Naomi Honma
The main characters are the Mamiya brothers who are living together although they are over 30-years-old. Unconcerned with appearance and reputations, they enjoy their life in their own way. The only concern is the lack of girlfriends. One day, however, a change occurs to their mundane lives. The elder brother, Akinobu (Kuranosuke Sasaki), falls in love with a girl at a video shop. The younger brother, Tetsunobu (Muga Tsukaji), scrambles around to aid his brother achieve love and arranges various dates. The elder brother strives to return the effort, but gets the cold shoulder. The two brothers return to their original lives, continuing with their ordinary, but happy days.
1614 год. Япония, наконец, объединилась под властью первого сёгуна Токугава. Генноске из клана Кога и Оборо из клана Ига остаются последней надеждой двух деревень, разрываемых трагедией беспрерывной мести. Их благословенная любовь должна принести мир страдающим ниндзя, населяющим деревни.Однако заговор Токугавы снова сеет вражду между ними. Генноске выступает в защиту мира, а Оборо выбирает сражение как средство разрешения конфликтов. И теперь, когда им предстоит встретиться как врагам, смогут ли они сохранить свою божественную любовь?
Two Osaka comedians, Makoto (Tomomitsu Yamaguchi) and Kinta (Go Morita), are riding bicycles in Tokyo when they're hit by a dump truck. They regain consciousness in 1945, but not of their own bodies. Somehow, their souls have been transported into the bodies of two tokkotai (special forces, or "kamikaze") pilots. Having grown up in a peaceful, carefree Japan, the two comedians experience severe disorientation at having to suddenly deal with the realities of war. They attempt to escape their squadron, knowing that Japan will eventually lose the war, but are nevertheless moved by the young men they meet, all of whom have very different opinions about their fate and the responsibilities that have been placed upon them.
Adapted from the successful play, the film takes place in 19th-century Japan, where a war between demons and their slayers is fought. Izumo, a kabuki actor with a demon-slaying past, meets and falls in love with Tsubaki. However, something is not right, as mysterious marks appear on her body as time progresses. At the same time, it is announced that Ashura, the queen of all demons, will be resurrected and bring destruction to the universe.
Honoka Kizaki
Yuki, mother of the Mashiba family, is the grease that keeps this well-oiled machine running and its seven members happy and healthy. But when Yuki herself falls ill and needs to be hospitalized, the rest of the family must cooperate and make sacrifices in order to keep everything running smoothly and make ends meet.
Kyung-ja Lee
Киото. 1968 год. Между молодежью из местного клуба карате и школы, где учатся корейцы, идет постоянная вражда. Но сердцу не прикажешь – «каратист» Косукэ влюбился в сестру вожака корейцев Кён Чжи. Чтобы ей понравиться, парень начинает учиться корейскому языку и игре на гитаре, надеясь когда-нибудь сыграть любимую песню Кён Чжи о ее родине. Благодаря знакомству с девушкой, Косукэ находит друзей среди корейцев и понимает, что их и японцев многое разделяет…
Maki Shintani
Mio Sasaoka hears of a middle school student that was a victim of bullying and then committed suicide. Mio thinks the girl should have confronted her tormentors rather than committing suicide. Mio herself is the leader of a group of students at her school. She is a bully. Her main target is Maria Shiozaki who is weak. Mio pushes her into the swimming pool and scribbles on her book, justifying her actions because Maria is disagreeable.
Teenage girl has to decide if she is capable of being captain of the school's cheerleading squad. Suddenly the team lost the support and inspiration.
Japanese TV movie from 2003
Fuji Television Special
Untitled snickers commercial featuring Erika Sawajiri