Осенью 1944 года, когда казалось, что война на Западном фронте подходит к концу, и американцы надеялись к Рождеству вернуться домой, 28-я пехотная дивизия получила приказ взять укрепленные вражеские позиции на германской границе, прозванные «фабрикой смерти». Солдат, завязших на минном поле и обстреливаемых градом снарядов, со всех сторон подстерегает смерть. Рядовой Мэннинг, единственный оставшийся в живых из своего взвода, мечтает об отправке в тыл на лечение, но вместо этого его назначают командовать необстрелянными новобранцами. И хотя Мэннинг далеко не бесстрашный храбрец, у него есть лишь один способ выжить — стать героем…
Бандиты захватывают автобус с глухонемыми девочками и их учительницей. Жизни заложников угрожает смертельная опасность, ибо главарь жесток до маниакальности... Самый большой сюрприз ждет зрителей уже после того как благополучно освободят заложников и арестуют бандитов...
For a generation, the mobs main money machine was the Teamsters Union. When Jimmy Hoffa disappeared, the fight was on to see who could follow him. Jackie Presser was the son of a long time union board member and when he retired, Jackie was elevated to one of the most powerful position in the country; President of the Teamsters Union.
Biography of the African-American who became a major performer in the Paris cabarets of the 1920s and 1930s. The film follows her life beginning as a struggling performer in 1917 St. Louis, her frustrations leading to her move to France, and follows to her death in 1975. Written by John Sacksteder
1958. In the cell of the condemned, seven men await the signs of an approaching execution. All of them recall their pasts and envision their wish-dreams.
Executive Producer
Прошло пять лет с того момента, как Глен, Эл и Тэрри обнаружили яму ведущую в мир демонов, с тех пор многое изменилось в жизни Терри. Друзья переехали, умерла мать и запил потерявший работу отец. Мальчик решает вызвать демона, чтобы тот исполнил его желание — вернуть отцу работу. Для этого он идёт в заброшенный дом Глена и устраивает спиритический сеанс и призывает монстра. В это время в дом приходит компания — двое парней и одна девушка, один из ребят стреляет из пистолета в гостя из преисподней. Тот падает замертво, но через некоторое время, оживает…
A biographical portrayal of Simon Wiesenthal, famous Nazi Hunter. From his imprisonment in a Nazi Concentration Camp, the film follows his liberation and his rise to become one of the leading Nazi hunters in the world, bringing such criminals to justice as Adolf Eichmann and Klaus Barbee. (Written by Anthony Hughes)
Некое неназванное ближневосточное государство угрожает Советскому Союзу и США межконтинентальными баллистическими ракетами с ядерными боеголовками. Для устранения опасности создана объединённая советско-американская боевая группа под командованием полковника ВВС США Чарльза «Чаппи» Синклера (по ходу фильма быстро дослужившегося до бригадного генерала). Чтобы решить поставленную задачу, отряду необходимо преодолеть помехи со стороны политиков, а также культурные и личностные противоречия в своих рядах.
Executive Producer
Marine officer Rob Cutter and his wife Barbara have a son named Johnny. Rob discovers that two newly delivered helicopters in his squadron have crashed because a defective part, a C-ring, has been made of a weaker, less expensive alloy. Before Rob can go public with this, Rob is killed on the orders of corrupt General Howard, who did not want Rob to go public with the defective part. Howard believes that Barbara, who is also a marine, now has the part, so Howard and his henchmen set out to kill Barbara and Johnny and get the part, but Howard is underestimating what Barbara is willing to do to protect Johnny.
После выкорчевывания старого дерева во дворе дома в земле обнаружилась большая загадочная дыра. Когда родители Глена и его сестры Эл уехали из дома на три дня, с детьми начали происходить страшные события, так или иначе связанные с таинственной дырой…
Банда подростков останавливают водителей и заставляют их участвовать в гонках, ставка в которых — машина, принадлежащая несчастным, попавшимся им на пути. Молодой парень, погибший от рук этих бандитов, возвращается с того света в виде призрака на черном гоночном автомобиле и начинает мстить за свою смерть, вызывая подонков на дуэль и убивая их одного за одним…
Фильм рассказывает историю взлетов и падений успешного канадского гребца Неда Ханлана.
Вьетнамский ветеран кончает жизнь самоубийством, спрыгнув с крыши городской больницы. В оставленном письме он сообщает своему другу Митчу о плане захвата центрального парка перед днем ветеранов. Также он оставляет ему карту, на которой отмечены оружие и боеприпасы, разбросанные по всему парку. Митч решает воплотить неоконченный план умершего друга в жизнь…
A Roman Catholic teenage boy in Glace Bay, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia during the 1930s faces various growing-up problems: Should be become a priest? What should he do about the murder he witnessed, committed by a local cop and upstanding parishioner? And how far should he go with his girl friend, who happens to be the murderer's daughter?
Молодая героиня по имени Элен оказывается невольной участницей Сопротивления, поскольку в это антифашистское движение активно вовлечён Жан, её любимый, а с другой стороны, она не отвергает ухаживаний со стороны представителя немецкой администрации по фамилии Бергман. Девушка не сразу осознаёт, что в сложившейся исторической ситуации многие обычные люди являются лишь марионетками в игре политиков и тех, кто развязал войну за передел сфер влияния в мире, что своеобразной разменной монетой в этом противостоянии властных интересов выступает жизнь целых народов, и всё здесь делается "чужой кровью", за счёт принесения в жертву "других", кем может стать практически каждый…
Virginia Tregan returns to her home in the U.S. Deep South from a sojourn in Paris only to discover that her family plantation and its holdings have been lost. She determines to recoup her family's fortune.
Гангстер Лу ушел на покой и живет в Атлантик-Сити, такой же, как и Лас-Вегас, столице американского игорного бизнеса. Но жизнь Лу круто меняется, когда он знакомится с молодым жуликом Дэйвом, укравшем наркотики у мафии, и его бывшей женой Сэлли, работающей в одном из казино Атлантик-Сити. Мафиози настигают и убивают Дэйва, а Лу и Сэлли попадают в самый центр событий, в которых смешалось все — любовь и деньги, наркотики и смерть…
A young girl is on top of the world until a tragic accident dashes her hopes and dreams of becoming a world-class figure skater. Only with the help of those who love her can she prove to the world — and herself — that she still has the potential to realize her dreams.
Jan-Michael Vincent stars as Mike, the grandson of Native American shaman Old Man Hawk who is called back to his village to help defeat evil forces threatening the tribe. After years of living in the city and working in a business world altogether apart from his roots, Mike is contacted by a freelance reporter, Maureen, who was enlisted by Old Man Hawk to track his grandson. When Mike assents to returning with Maureen, they find that the village is beset by the evil spirit of an ancient sorceress, Dsonoqua, animating beasts and objects and causing strange, deadly accidents. Only the heir of the tribe’s shaman can stand in the way of the evil and protect his people, but will Mike be able to harness his power in time?
Отслужив в армии Кэррол Джо Хаммер возвращается домой и женится на симпатичной Джерри Кейн. Взяв в рассрочку мощный тягач, он нанимается в транспортную контору, в которой работал до службы. Теперь, имея собственный грузовик, Хаммер надеется честным трудом пополнить семейный бюджет. Однако времена изменились и бизнесом заправляют совсем другие люди, наживающиеся на контрабанде товаров. Отказ Хаммера учавствовать в махинациях нарушает налаженную схему перевозок, к тому же несговорчивый водила «плохо» влияет на других дальнобойщиков. Путем обмана, шантажа и насилия его пытаются заставить нарушить закон, но у Хаммера есть ружье и желание навести порядок на «белой полосе».
Дадди — дотошный еврейский мальчик, мечтающий разбогатеть. По ходу осуществления своей цели он теряет все личные контакты с женщинами, друзьями и даже родными.
A poor bush worker refuses to sacrifice his dignity to provide his family with a better life.
This short film presents a lively discussion between black and white youths at the interracial club in Halifax, touching on racial discrimination in employment, housing, education and interpersonal relations.
The magic island of Fogo, seen from the eyes of the kids and the reason why its inhabitants will never leave it.
William Wells defends the viability of Fogo Island and expresses his apprehension about the exodus of young people.
By using film as a catalyst for change, the people of Fogo Island, Newfoundland, voice some of their daily concerns. This film shows how one of the Islanders built a longliner (a fishing boat using long lines) with the help of his friends, overcoming the problems of financing and the lack of tools and government support.
This short documentary features Newfoundland fisherman Billy Crane, who speaks frankly on the state of the inshore fishery and how the lack of government support has contributed to the industry’s downfall. He is being forced to leave home to seek employment in Toronto. This film was made with the Challenge for Change program.
Two women discuss the roles and problems of women, education, and shopping on Fogo Island.
In this short film, we witness two Fogo Island festivities: a Roman Catholic wedding in Joe Batts Arm South and a party with music and dancing in Joe Batts Arm North.
Produced in 1967, this black and white film is an inmate's view of Daytop, a drug treatment centre on Staten Island, New York, where addicts learn to get along without drugs. Uncompromising, often brutal group therapy sessions are designed to shake loose the excuses a victim makes for himself. The people and situations shown are authentic; only one actor was employed. The results obtained at Daytop are regarded by some psychiatrists as a breakthrough.
"This feature documentary is considered to be the forerunner of the NFB's Challenge for Change Program. The film offers in inside look at 3 weeks in the life of the Bailey family. Trouble with the police, begging for stale bread, and the birth of another child are just some of the issues they face. Through it all, the father tries to explain his family's predicament. Although filmed in Montreal, the film offers an anatomy of poverty as it occurs throughout North America." - NFB
This short documentary is about Mike Duff, a Canadian motorcycle racer, and the sport that almost killed him. After a near-fatal crash in Japan and extensive surgery and therapy, Duff returned to racing to claim two victories in Canadian races. Though the sport takes its toll on the lives of his friends and fellow competitors annually, the racer explains he can’t give up just yet – not before winning a world championship.
A rollicking Newfoundland party on Fogo Island.
It’s the typical boy-meets-girl game, but played without rules and at a time when the boy must prove himself. Touching on the subject of teenage sexuality, the film shows that the game often starts with a challenge to the boy’s masculine ego from his peers.
A tale from downtown, where the morality of business is not always as transparent as the shining glass fronts of the office buildings. The film follows the adventures of a young man on the way up, intent on building an image to match his ambitions. In doing so he leaves a trail of hurt feelings among those he uses as steps toward his goal.
A 1964 documentary portrait of Cohen in his pre-musician days as a poet and stand-up comedian.
A film biography of Dr. Norman Bethune, the Canadian doctor who served with the loyalists during the Spanish Civil War and with the North Chinese Army during the Sino-Japanese War. In Spain he pioneered the world's first mobile blood-transfusion service; in China his work behind battle lines to save the wounded has made him a legendary figure. This hour-long documentary film pieces together his remarkable career.
A film biography of Dr. Norman Bethune, the Canadian doctor who served with the loyalists during the Spanish Civil War and with the North Chinese Army during the Sino-Japanese War. In Spain he pioneered the world's first mobile blood-transfusion service; in China his work behind battle lines to save the wounded has made him a legendary figure. This hour-long documentary film pieces together his remarkable career.
A film biography of Dr. Norman Bethune, the Canadian doctor who served with the loyalists during the Spanish Civil War and with the North Chinese Army during the Sino-Japanese War. In Spain he pioneered the world's first mobile blood-transfusion service; in China his work behind battle lines to save the wounded has made him a legendary figure. This hour-long documentary film pieces together his remarkable career.
A film biography of Dr. Norman Bethune, the Canadian doctor who served with the loyalists during the Spanish Civil War and with the North Chinese Army during the Sino-Japanese War. In Spain he pioneered the world's first mobile blood-transfusion service; in China his work behind battle lines to save the wounded has made him a legendary figure. This hour-long documentary film pieces together his remarkable career.
Cага о семье, покинувшей восточную Канаду в поисках лучшего будущего в прериях.
A discussion of the problems and efficacy of a fishermen's cooperative.
A look at the relationships among the Fogo Island merchants and fishermen, and at the demoralizing effects welfare has on them.
By using film as a means of communication, the people of Fogo Island, Newfoundland, voice some of their daily concerns. In this film, some of the problems discussed are the lack of fish and the inability to market any species but cod.
A discussion about the effects of welfare on Fogo Island residents.
Individuals who have moved away from Fogo Island express their opinions on the life and problems of the Island.
Joe Kinsella talks about the problem of young people leaving Fogo Island after they finish their education.
By using film as a means of communication, the people of Fogo Island, Newfoundland, voice some of their daily concerns and thoughts about the future. Some of the problems discussed are the fishermen's unions, the fish plant, able-bodied men on welfare, the problems of education, and the issue of the consolidation of schools.
The story of how one Fogo Island family managed to raise an old passenger boat from where it had been sitting for four years, and to renovate it for use as a fishing boat, despite lack of capital and government aid.
A discussion on the methods of fishing, marketing, organization and welfare in Norway, with reference to the situation on Fogo Island.
By using film as a means of communication, the people of Fogo Island, Newfoundland, voice some of their concerns. This film discusses efforts to obtain provincial support for the United Maritimes Fisheries Co-op to run the Seldom fish plant, and comments on the subsequent decision by the Newfoundland government in favour of the Yellow Fish Company.
By using film as a means of communication, the people of Fogo Island, Newfoundland, voice some of their daily concerns. In this film, Islander Chris Cobb sings his own songs and recites his poems about the old days and the recent changes on Fogo.
The Mercer family discusses the pressures that force the young people to leave Fogo Island and their families.