Юная девушка из индийской глубинки любит кататься на скейте. Увлечение совершенно меняет ее жизнь. Героиня мечтает выступить на соревнованиях, но ее ждет непростой путь.
While Nooran, learns the ancient art of healing with music from her mother, Aadam a camel trader listens to her sing and falls in love with her and they marry. But soon, Nooran discovers treachery and must avenge herself and rediscover her lost song.
Wisam's Mother
RAW agent Wisam Ahmad Kashmiri prevents an al-Qaida terrorist from executing a massive attack on New York. He must now wade through further traps and conspiracies to thwart a new plot against three democratic nations.
Этот новаторский фильм Апарны Сен рассказывает не только о влюблённых из враждующих семейств, но и о жизни, и о нас с вами.
Love in Bombay (also marketed under the title Love in Mumbai) is a Hindi film produced and directed by Joy Mukherjee. The film was originally made in 1971 and starred Waheeda Rehman, Sonia Sahni, Rehman, Kishore Kumar, and Ashok Kumar. The film was not released and was discovered by Mukherjee's son after his death in March 9, 2013. But it has released on August 2, 2013, that is,42 years after it was made.
Рошан приезжает в Индию, сопровождая больную бабушку, которая хочет провести последние дни на родной земле. Для Рошана Индия - чужая и незнакомая страна, но вскоре он начинает любить гремучую смесь культур и религий современного Дели. Кроме того, он знакомится с Битту, соседской девушкой, которая тоже стремится найти себя.
Mrs. Rathod
Английская журналистка Сью приезжает в Индию, чтобы сделать документальный фильм об индийских борцах за независимость во времена английской колонизации, на основании дневника своего деда. С связи с недостатком средств она вынуждена работать не с профессиональными актёрами, а со студентами. Сначала компания друзей не особо горит желанием участвовать в проекте, но со временем они всё больше и больше погружаются в проблемы того времени… И постепенно понимают, что в стране мало что изменилось, что людям и сейчас приходится бороться за свои права. Вскоре они начинают собственную борьбу…
Chukkallo Chandrudu (Telugu: చుక్కల్లో చంద్రుడు) is a Telugu film released on 14 January 2006 and was directed by Mani Ratnam's associate, Siva Kumar. The film has Siddharth Narayan, Sadha, Saloni Aswani, Charmme Kaur, and Akkineni Nageswara Rao playing important roles but this film story lines nearly equals to Jagapathi Babu film Allari Premikudu.
An exploration of the impact of schizophrenia on a young woman and her family in today's Calcutta. The narrative pivots around the relationship of two sisters, older sister Anjali is a successful professor with a powerful personality. She is the anchoring rock for her family and carer for her sister Meethi whose progression into schizophrenia has been speed ed up by traumatic experiences. Anjali has always dominated the life of her attractive younger sister, and jealously warded off Meethi's handsome fiancé Jojo with fear of Meethi's impending illness. Years later when Meethi and Anjali are on holiday in the Hills there is a chance meeting with Jojo, now with his new wife and children. He is shocked to discover that Meethi does not now recognize him, but lives in a world visited by an imaginary husband and children of her own.
Bhagavati, Narayan's Mother
Индия, 1938 год. Восьмилетняя девочка узнает, что она стала вдовой. Когда-то ее выдали замуж "впрок" за незнакомого взрослого мужчину и оставили в отцовском доме. Теперь согласно святым законам у нее есть три пути: сгореть с мужем на погребальном костре, выйти замуж за его младшего брата или стать неприкасаемой и до конца своих дней жить в ашраме - приюте для вдов при храме, на берегу большой реки...
Saraswati Batra
Когда после блестящего завершения учебы в Америке Джай приезжает вместе с невестой на родину, где в старом отцовском доме его с нетерпением ожидают мать, старший брат Ом и младший брат Ягадиш, кажется, что семейное счастье перельётся через край. Но проходит совсем немного времени и благополучию неожиданно приходит конец. Джай планирует вернуться в Америку и это приводит расколу в семье, хакерский доступ Ягадиша в институтскую экзаменационную базу заканчивается обвинением его в преступлении, но самое ужасное состоит в том, что возникает реальная угроза потерять отцовский дом, который выставляется на судебные торги в счет погашения ссуды...
Вирен впервые приезжает в Индию в свое поместье и там знакомиться с молодой и красивой соседкой Паллави. Вирен влюбляется в нее, но у девушки уже есть жених, за которого она и выходит замуж. Счастье их было недолгим, муж погибает. Умирает и Паллави, дав жизнь дочери. В память о своей любви Вирен, живущий в Лондоне, становится опекуном девочки. Их встреча происходит лишь через много лет, и оказывается, что девушка Пуджа как две капли воды похожа на свою мать... По иронии судьбы Пуджа влюбляется в своего опекуна. Вирен бежит от этой любви, но проделки Пуджи, ее молодость и преданность покоряют сердце Вирена.
Красавица Чандни и сын богача Рохит влюбляются друг в друга, но перед свадьбой Рохит становится инвалидом. Он прогоняет Чандни, не желая быть ей обузой. Она уезжает в другой город, где знакомится с богатым вдовцом Лалитом. Когда Чандни соглашается стать его женой, возвращается вполне здоровый Рохит...
This documentary is a three-part tribute to director Guru Dutt, who died in 1964 at the age of 39. The work traces Guru Dutt's personal story through many interviews with his family members and colleagues and observes his work through the use of extensive film excerpts. The documentary was produced by the British television network Channel 4 producer Nasreen Munni Kabir.
Advocate Salma Anwar
Karim Khan is employed as driver for a gangster named Don, who has an accident with his car, and asks Karim to take the blame for it for a hefty sum of cash, which Karim does so, and is imprisoned. But Don does not fulfill his promise, and as a result, Karim's wife, Razia, and new-born son are left destitute. Razia complains to Police Inspector Anwar, who arrests Don and holds him in prison, pending his trial in court. When Anwar finds out that his new-born son, Iqbal, is in need of a pace-maker, which he is unable to afford, he makes a compromise with Don, who lets him have one. Iqbal undergoes surgery and a pace-maker number 786, considered lucky in Islamic faith, is attached to his tiny heart.
Gayatri Inderjeet
Богатый бизнесмен Индерджит женится на прекрасной женщине по имени Гаятри, но недоволен этим браком, поскольку она неспособна родить. ... И вот в жизни Санни появляется девушка Амрита.
1984 Bollywood romantic drama. India's caste system keeps lovers Rajeshwar and Bharati apart, but their struggles take a backseat when a second pair of lovers, Tilak and Rani, become wrapped up in accusations of murder.
Sudha Kumar
Журналиста Винода Кумара уволили с работы после того, как он написал статью, разоблачающую влиятельного политика и бизнесмена С. К. Вардхана. Кумар селится в трущобах Бомбея и открывает собственное издательство «Факел»..
Икбала жил в нормальной семье. Его окружал своей заботой любящий отец и очень заботливая мать. И однажды Икбал теряет все. После жуткого наводнения их дом оказывается уничтожен, а отец трагически гибнет от рук бандита на плотине. Мать Икбала похищает бандит Зафар. И теперь Икбалу приходится зарабатывать на жизнь, выполняя работу носильщика на вокзале. Постепенно он познает истинную ценность настоящей дружбы.
Amitabh Bachchan in a triple role as father with twin sons. The standard plot of families separated then united many years later with a string of coincidences. Throw in a diamond necklace and Amjad Khan playing the bad guy, some musical numbers, comedy scenes, and some poorly staged fights make up this masala movie from 1983.
While on his deathbed, the Emperor promises that his Senapati, Vikram Singh, will be treated like his son, and he will get married to a woman from a royal family. He also asks Vikram to obey every wish and whim of his wife, Ranimaa, to which Vikram agrees to. A few moments later the emperor passes away. After the formal mourning period is over, Ranimaa announces that she would like Vikram to marry Princess Priya. Vikram agrees to this, and soon Priya and he are married with great pomp and ceremony. After this marriage, Priya learns that Vikram really loves a prostitute named Kesarbai, and has only married her as he had promised to obey every wish and whim of Ranimaa. She also finds out that Kesar and Vikram had a baby girl as a result of this relationship.
A poor and wronged woman's son returns from the big city to avenge his father, a honest school teacher.
Сония, дочь крупного магната влюбилась в Рави — честного и неподкупного полицейского. Её отец настроен против этого брака. Ведь он — глава мафии и не может допустить, чтобы его зятем стал полицейский. Тем не менее, он дает согласие на свадьбу, параллельно отдавая приказ убрать Рави.
Savitridevi / Rani Ma
Бим Сингх работает в качестве телохранителя бизнесмена Сета раджа, неоднократно спасая его от многочисленных попыток покушения. Однажды Раджа назначает жену Бима Савити опекуном своего сына — Раджа Кумара. В этот же день Радж старший и его телохранитель погибают. Савитри вынуждена сбежать с маленьким Кумаром в деревню, чтобы спасти ребенка от смерти. Спустя годы Кумар, которого теперь зовут Арджун вырастает и едет в город, где устраивается на работу посыльным в шикарный отель, который когда-то принадлежал его отцу.
When Bhavani (Raaj Kumar) kidnaps the son of Harnam (Satyen Kappu), he expects to collect his ransom and be on his merry way. But when the boy ends up dead, a curse is placed on Bhavani and his family. Soon, devastating floods separate Bhavani from his children, and bereft, he turns himself in to the authorities. Years later, he returns to the village, not knowing that his sons have turned to crime and his daughter has been adopted by Harnam.
Nimki (Sharmila Tagore) is the mortar that holds her fragile family together. She looks after her younger sisters, the mute, sweet Meethu (Shabana Azmi) and spirited Chinki (Kiran Vairale). Together the three sisters care for their aging Amma (Waheeda Rehman), a troubled, frail woman bordering on senile dementia. Geru (Sanjeev Kumar), an itinerant construction hauler in the family's village for a brief contract, rents a room from the family, and before long bonds of friendship and even love develop between Geru and the sisters.
Все началось с простого лотерейного билета. Билета, который оказался благодаря стечению обстоятельств в руках простого официанта Намдева и оказался не только счастливым выигрышем, но и сигналом к трагедии. В результате из четырех друзей, претендовавших на выигрыш, один был убит, один посажен в тюрьму, а с выигрышем скрылись Даму и Рагу... Но спустя десять лет злодейка Судьба отыгралась на них, владельцах шикарного отеля, по полной программе.
Savita Devi
Шанти и Рада были представителями среднего класса. Шанти была обычным клерком в офисе, а Радж работал инженером в большой строительной компании. Они крепко любили друг друга. Но однажды Рада узнал, что его мать получила предложение о его женитьбе, и не просто о женитьбе на дочери босса, но и предложение стать партнером в компании. Все его мысли о будущем с Шанти улетучились на глазах.Он даже отказался принять Шанти, когда она пришла навестить его с сообщением, что она ждет от Раджа ребенка. Чтобы избежать позора, Шанти была вынуждена покинуть город и родить незаконнорожденного сынаВиджая . Перед тем как покинуть этот свет она добивается от сына клятвы, что он будет избегать несправедливости и никому не будет мстить. Но как только Виджай подрос, он сразу же направился в город в поисках своего отца Раджа, который теперь стал большим боссом Р.К.Гуптой.
Village bred farmer, brave, and honest, Dharamchand alias Dharma is thrilled when his wife, Radha, gives birth to a baby boy, who they decide to call Raju. Dharma comes to the rescue of Ajit, Suresh, and Sujit, when they are being attacked by a tiger, and they graciously offer him a job in Bombay whenever he needs it. When the region experiences drought, Dharma, Radha, Raju and Dharma's sister, Laxmi, re-locate to Bombay, where Ajit makes Dharma the Manager of his warehouse. Dharma does his job diligently, but one day is arrested by the police for carrying on illegal activities. When in court, he tries to prove his innocence, but is disbelieved and is sentenced to 18 months in jail plus an additional six months for contempt of court. When he returns home, everything has changed. His wife and Raju are near destitution; Laxmi has been raped by Sujit and has killed herself.
Anjali Malhotra
Фильм повествует о молодом поэте Амите. Также наш фильм рассказывает историю юной и красивой Пуджи. Это история о том, как эти два молодых и влюбленных сердца мечтали о своем счастливом будущем вместе. Но жизнь планирует судьбу каждого человека по-своему. И так случилось, что планы молодых влюбленных сердец были нарушены решением родителей Пуджи, выдать ее замуж за Виджайя...
Shanta Bangan / Shamrao Dhamle
Shanta Dhamle lives a wealthy lifestyle in Bombay along with her dad, Shamrao, and mom, Ansuya. She incurs their displeasure when she falls in love and gets married to a poor and overly sensitive writer, Gopal, who moves in with them, and continues to suffer verbal abuse at Shamrao's hands. On the occasion of Holi, while his book 'Agla Kadam' is being published and marketed, he puts some color on a pregnant Shanta's expensive Saree, which upsets her, she humiliates him, and he walks out. He starts writing under the pen name of Santosh, and when Shanta finds out, he changes his name to Vivek, and again to Chitrangh, and does not communicate with her. Four years later, a day before Holi, he has accumulated enough wealth, hundreds of expensive and colorful Sarees, a doll for his daughter,
Meeta Sharma
This movie revolves around a village hospital that was built by a generous hearted man, Choudhury Ramprasad (Ashok Kumar) who is also a patient in the hospital. The other patients include Isamil (Iftekhar), Dayaram (Anwar Hussain), Ratan (Jalal Agha), and the doctor is Dr. Sunil (Sunil Dutt). Amongst the patient is a singer (Deb Mukherji), who loves Shyama (Farida Jalal) a worker in the hospital. When Meeta Sharma (Waheeda Rehman) comes to the hospital to admit her son, she meets Sunil and their romance is rekindled. In the background of the hospital atmosphere is an election in the village, which is proceeding smoothly, but causing a disturbance is Ramprasad's son (Ramesh Deo). Other supporting caste include Jagirdar, Chand Usmani, and Jankidas.
Фильм о несчастной любви Шеры и красавицы Решмы, детей двух враждующих семейств раджпутов. Узнав о любви Шеры к Решме, его брат Чхоту выполняет приказ своего отца и убивает отца девушки и ее брата. Не в силах вынести горя овдовевшей прямо на свадьбе невесты, Шера убивает своего отца, полагая, что это он нажал на курок. Спасая возлюбленного от горя и безумия, Решма, пожертвовав собой, выходит замуж за Чхоту…
The film is based in Tehran, Iran. The lead character, Aarun falls in love with a beautiful dancer Shirin. Due to her dubious profession, Aarun and his brother Naseer decide to lie about her origins to their mother. Unfortunately, she finds out the truth and forbids Shirin from marrying her son. Aarun, believing Shirin has changed her mind and refused to marry him, is angered and marries another woman, Nazneen. Only Naseer knows the truth of why Shirin refused to marry Aarun. Years later, Aarun and Nazneen's son, Romil, becomes best friends with a fatherless boy, Razzaq, who invites Aarun to his home. When Aarun goes to his house, he finds out that Razzaq is his and Shirin's own son. Following the death of Nazneen, Aarun finally manages to convince his mother to accept Razzaq as her grandson, and Shirin as his wife.
Hit by endless misfortunes, the orphaned siblings Deepak and Laxmi struggle to make a life for themselves
Nurse Radha
Colonel Sahab is a doctor in a psychiatry ward and Nurse Radha (Waheeda Rahman) is heart-broken after a civilian patient, Dev Kumar (Dharmendra), whom she cared for, pouring out her love and affection, leaves the hospital, as she had been unable to keep her heart separate from her professional work and had fallen in love with her patient. Next Arun Choudury (Rajesh Khanna), a writer and poet enters as a patient, suffering acute mania after being rejected by his lover, Sulekha. After refusing to take his care, Radha relents and starts nursing him. In between while caring for Arun she reminisces her past and tells a story of how she took care of injured brave army soldiers when she was posted in Laddakh during the Sino-Indian war of 1962.
Jwala / Princess Chitralekha
Bharat (Rajendra Kumar) is a patriotic young man for whom patritism does not stop anywhere. He comes to know of the tyrancy of the present ruler's Diwan (Ajit) and he and his colleagues (Soodesh Kumar, Rajendra Nath) rebel. They kidnap Princess Chitralekha (Waheeda Rehman) unknowingly, and call her Jwala. Meanwhile, Bharat's dad (Balraj Sahni) who is the Inspector General, does not approve of Bharat's rebellious nature and decides to arrest him on sight. Bharat's mom (Kamini Kaushal) is torn between the love for her husband and her son. Bharat determination against the Diwan is so strong that he decides to bomb-blast a railway train transporting the Diwan, knowingly that his own dad is also travelling on that train. Will Bharat break his mom's heart by killing his dad and the Diwan? Good acting scores by the entire caste make this movie worth watching. Lyrics by Indivar.
Ramdev Bakshi is the only son of widower and former Indian Army General Durgaprasad, who has been decorated several times with various medals for bravery shown in the line of duty. Alas this did leave him crippled, after he lost a leg during the war with Pakistan. Ramdev is also enlisted in the army, but he is peace-loving and detests war. He has a sweetheart in village belle Suman Mehra, and both hope to get married soon. He does answer the call from the army and joins active duty, only to be arrested and court-martial-ed for disobeying orders. After being dishonorably discharged, he disappears from Suman and his father's lives. Years later, Suman enters a beauty contest and is crowned Miss India. She travels with her mom to Britain, where she meets with Ramdev.
Film starring Waheeda Rehman, Dharmendra and Sujit Kumar
A Teacher from Siddharth College, Balraj Dutt (Sunil Dutt) from a well-known, wealthy, and reputed family falls in love with a former prostitute, Madhvi (Waheeda Rehman) and despite of opposition from his family, marries her, complications arise. The elder brother (Rehman), now married, recognizes Madhvi, as he had spent romantic nights with her. Then arrives Vinod (Ramesh Deo), a family friend, from the United States of America, with full approval for the marriage until he actually meets and then he too recognizes Madhvi, as he had spent some romantic nights with her. How will Madhvi continue to live her married life with the mirror reflecting her past?
Jai is hired to locate the daughter and wife of a wealthy man after they vanish under mysterious circumstances
Elizabeth desilva
Elizabeth's uncle is in deep financial crisis. He somehow manages to prove his own death and cremate someone else's body in order to claim Rs.250,000 (a huge amount during 60s) from the insurance company. Inspector Ajay unfolds the mystery.
Sita Raichand
A newly married woman begins to sleepwalk, and her husband suspects she is inadvertently connecting with a lover from a past life.
Раджеш, хоть и родился в богатой семье, счастливым не стал. Родители его умерли, а затем он потерял еще и подругу, в которую был влюблен. Теперь же он завел себе куклу, которую он принимает за живого собеседника. Из-за этой странной привязанности он даже разругался со своим близким другом. Но многое в его жизни меняется после того, как он встречает прекрасную девушку Мину. С ней он хочет сыграть свадьбу.
Naseem lives a poor lifestyle with his widowed mom in Lucknow, India. He is well-known for his poems, and gets invited to a contest hosted by Nawab Naseemuddin who has offered a reward of Rs.5000/- to the winner.
Rajesh works for Meena's father. Meena and her friend Taruna decide to play a prank on him. Both women pretend to fall in love with him, but he finds out, resulting in acrimony.
Это история двух братьев-близнецов, разлученных в детстве. Являясь наследниками большого состояния, они жили в нищете, терпели унижения и издевательства. Только любовь братьев, их родственные узы помогут им спасти свою мать и обрести законное положение в обществе.
Фильм рассказывает историю Хирамана, и его пассажирки Хирабэй, танцовщицы, которую он должен везти приблизительно 40 миль на деревенскую ярмарку на телеге с волом. Поскольку они едут вместе, Хираман поет, чтобы скоротать время. В песне он рассказывает легенды о Махуа, красивой лишенной матери девочке, проданной торговцу ее мачехой. И во время поездки Хирабэй проникается деревенской простотой Хирамана, а он, в свою очередь, чувствует что-то к Хирабэй, находя в ней добродетель.
A kind-hearted, widowed landlord, Thakur, lives a wealthy lifestyle with his son, Ramesh; daughter, Roopa; and an adopted child, Shankar. Ramesh hates Shankar and often abuses him. Years pass by, Thakur has passed away, and all three children have grown up. While Ramesh visits a stunningly attractive Courtesan, Tara, drinks alcohol, and continues to abuse and mercilessly beat Shankar, who bears this in silence as he and Roopa are in love with each other. When Ramesh finds out that Roopa wants to wed Shankar, he has him severely beaten and thrown off a cliff. He then arranges Roopa's marriage with another wealthy man, Satish, while he continues to romance Tara and even signs over his entire estate and home to her name.
Rosie Marco / Nalini
A tourist guide meets an unhappy married woman who wants to take up dancing. With his motivation, she becomes a successful dancer but success corrupts the man's mind.
In this re-imagining of Du Maurier's Rebecca, a recently wed woman discovers the ghost of her husband's first wife still haunts their home.
Geeta (Waheeda Rehman) and Madan (Kamaljit) are in love with each other and want to marry. They meet each other's parents and subject to the matching of their astrological charts, their engagement is finalized. However, the pandit reports to Madan's mom that the marriage will be ill-fated, and bad things will result for Madan and his family. Madan's mom is opposed to the marriage, however, Madan and Geeta are not superstitious and are determine to marry each other. They do get married, and then one disaster after another befalls Madan's family, his dad, his sister, and his younger brother; which leaves both Geeta and Madan wondering if more disasters are to follow them, and if the Pandit's prophecy is indeed true.
Though from India, this tale rings of Western familiarity -- especially of the Old West. When a beautiful courtesan is kidnapped by a burly bandit, the baddie gets far more than he had anticipated; he finds himself falling for her. Unfortunately for the couple, the authorities catch up with him and their short-lived romance ends in tragedy.
Шекхар живёт в богатой семье. Однажды он принимает решение пойти против воли своей деспотичной бабушки. Та желает, чтобы её внук женился на другой девушке. В итоге, молодой человек женится на своей возлюбленной, Суните. Его не смутило даже предсказание астролога, которое гласит, что в будущем у девушки не будет детей. Бабушка узнает об этом и говорит Шекхару, что он останется без наследства, если не бросит Суниту. Чтобы не терять наследство, молодые люди выдают соседского ребёнка за своего сына.
After a lusty Thakur rapes a young girl, she kills herself. Thereafter, the Thakur is killed by what the local people call the girl's vengeful spirit. Then the Thakur's son is also killed in a similar way. Thereafter the brother of the Thakur is also killed. The grandson of the Thakur, Kumar Vijay Singh (Biswajeet) returns from abroad to claim his ill-fated legacy. He is warned to stay away from the grounds that have killed his ancestors, but he intends to find out who or what is behind the killings, and hires a private detective, Gopichand Jasoos (Asit Sen). Kumar meets with Radha (Waheeda Rehman), the daughter of the local doctor, Ramlal Vaid (Manmohan Krishan), and both eventually fall in love. Then a man is found dead wearing the clothes of Kumar Vijay, and Kumar Vijay must now decide to stay away from his new residence, or continue to live there, and fear for his life everyday until death.
В фильме рассказывается история бенгальского таксиста. Пытаясь открыть свой бизнес, он оказывается вовлечённым в контрабанду опиумом. В фильме затронуты многие морально-этические проблемы, в частности веротерпимость и пережитки кастовой системы Индии.
Neela / Meena
A lawyer investigates the case of a woman who is adamant about taking the rap for a murder, although the details of the case don't add up.
Siblings Rakhi and Raju are orphaned at a young age but grow up to become successful entrepreneurs. However, petty differences over their earned wealth and property threaten to ruin their bond.
A Zamindar neglects his wife and prefers the company of alcohol and dancing girls. The decadence of the Bangali Zamindar milieu and the raising bourgeoisie in the late 19th century, seen through the eyes of a young upward mobile rustic seeking fortune in Calcutta, and fascinated by the lady of the house.
A party of pilgrims voyage to worship at the Shiv Sagar temple during the annual festival with different objectives to accomplish.
Sushma Saxena
Молодой человек из богатой семьи влюбляется в очаровательную Сушму, но сложность в том, что ему необходимо произвести впечатление на ее четырех дядей и получить их благословение на брак. А у каждого дяди своя вкусы и Санджив вынужден играть четыре разные роли, дабы произвести впечатление на каждого дядю.
Alka M. Sinha
A man sells movie tickets on the black market, but starts to have a change of heart after he falls in love.
The setting is the city of Lucknow in northern India, where Islamic culture flourished. Two of the three best friends who live in this city have fallen in love with the same woman named Jameela unknowingly. Aslam and Nawab are the two friends caught in this love triangle. Written by Anonymous Nawab Pyare Mian gets a close look at a stunning woman in a busy market place, and is left stunned by her beauty. Unable to get her out of his mind, he asks his friends, Shedad and Aslam, for assistance. Then to Nawab's delight he spots her at his sister's birthday celebration, and asks Nasibhan to find out who she is. After a few misunderstandings, he does find out her name, which is Jameela. But the problem is that his friend, Aslam, has also fallen for her, and the friends will have to make sacrifices for each other, then after that the decision will be Jameela's to decide who to chose for her life-partner.
The film tells, in flashback, the story of Suresh Sinha, a famous film director and his relationship with an aspiring actress.
Bani Chaudhary
Bani Chowdhury and solicitor Ajoy Kumar are deeply in love with each other. But their world comes crashing down when Bani's cousin, Maya is found dead in the first class compartment.
История фильма рассказывает о девушке, которая, сбежав от родителей с парнем, оказывается ограблена преступниками на дороге. Но добрый человек, который встретился ей на дороге, помогает вернуть девушке украденные драгоценности. Вскоре выясняется, что героиню обокрал ее же парень. Постепенно, вместе со случайным попутчиком, она выходит на след грабителя. Оказывается, что ее ожерелье было украдено и преподнесено в качестве подарка известной актрисе.
Vijay, a destitute poet, searches for true love while attempting to get his work published. With the assistance of two women in his life, his dream comes true - but at a cost that causes Vijay to rethink his worldview.
A newspaper editor, Shrivastav, is killed when he was about to expose the underworld links of a very rich and influential person. C.I.D. Inspector Shekhar is assigned to this case, an investigation of which leads him to suspect Dharamdas and his men. But Dharamdas spins a web of lies and deceit, and Shekhar himself becomes a suspect, and is arrested by the police, and loses his job, leaving Dharamdas and his men to carry on undeterred.
Venu enlightens the villagers against Sagarayya, a greedy landlord who grabs barren lands of the village, and reports to the Collector. Sagarayya creates a rift between Venu and his father which affects his sister's marriage. Venu starts living separately with his wife Radha. The film shows the revolt of the villagers against their oppressors