Vicky Araico

Vicky Araico


Vicky Araico


Disappear Completely
Oficial Lupe Sampedro
After visiting a crime scene, an ambitious and insensitive tabloid crime photographer falls victim to a mysterious illness.
The newly separated Leonor comes from the monied class, while sixteen year old aspiring ballerina Emilia does not. They begin a tense pas de deux waiting out Emilia’s pregnancy in a remote country home, isolated from the world and each other.
Torn from Her Arms
A mother and daughter who fled violence in El Salvador must find their way back to each other after being separated at the U.S. border and detained in detention centers in different states.
Go Youth!
Four stories about teens living in Mexico City on their way to become young adults.
The Border
Lucia and her family face the consequences of living in the lake that joins the border of Michoacán and Guanajuato, in a war unleashed by drug trafficking and the State Government.
Война миров Z
Tomas' Mother
Сотрудник ООН Гари Лейн наперегонки со временем пытается остановить заражение, способное полностью истребить человечество.
Way of the Monkey's Claw
A gang of malevolent ninjas lays siege to a South London pub in search of a mysterious scroll. Struck with a slow-acting and lethal poison, the survivors must work together to save themselves before it's too late.
Дневники зомби 2
Несколько месяцев прошло с тех пор, как смертоносный вирус уничтожил 99,9% населения земного шара, превращая своих жертв в кровожадных живых мертвецов. В Великобритании выжившие солдаты объединяются с группой гражданских лиц для совместного выживания и укрываются в сельских военных казармах…