Silvana Scandariato


Desirable Teacher 2
Costume Design
Pierino has again flunked the exams. Therefore, his desperate parents send him to boarding school.
L'esercito più pazzo del mondo
Costume Design
In an unnamed village there is a barracks where improbable soldiers have been recruited, who are up to all sorts of things. From a completely wrong flag-raising to a kidnapping, we certainly won't get bored: the two kidnappers ask for an escape route to the Caribbean, where they can move with the blackmail money, but things don't go as planned.
Пиерино против всех
Costume Design
Пиерино — неприятный и неистовый ребенок. Он мучение для своей сестры Сабрины, горе для своих родителей и кошмар для своих учителей.
Nightmare City
Costume Designer
In a nameless European city, a local reporter and his doctor wife try to escape from hordes of blood thirsty zombies, undead people exposed to nuclear radioactivity, while the military leaders fight a losing war of attrition against the relentless atomic zombies.
Nightmare City
Woman at TV Station (uncredited)
In a nameless European city, a local reporter and his doctor wife try to escape from hordes of blood thirsty zombies, undead people exposed to nuclear radioactivity, while the military leaders fight a losing war of attrition against the relentless atomic zombies.
Zombie Holocaust
Costume Design
After Malukan immigrants engage in a string of corpse mutilations at various New York City hospitals, a doctor and a morgue assistant travel to the Maluku Islands to investigate.
Costume Design
Журналистка Эммануэль собирает сногсшибательный материал о проституции и продаже девушек в респектабельные ночные заведения Америки. Под видом женщины, готовой на любые сексуальные эксперименты, она устраивается «на работу» в элитный закрытый клуб в Сан-Диего. Но журналистское расследование, проводимое Эммануэль, становится слишком рискованным.
Эммануэль и каннибалы
Costume Design
Эммануэль, работающая журналисткой, во время подготовки материала о психбольнице сталкивается с девушкой — людоедкой, у которой на лобке нанесена необычная татуировка. Такие знаки принадлежали считавшемуся вымершим племени каннибалов из непроходимых джунглей Амазонки. Чтобы выяснить истину, Эммануэль отправляется в полную опасностей экспедицию.
A Special Cop in Action
Costume Design
A school bus with young children being kidnapped. Commissario Betti will solve the case. High action is promised, including hostage, bank robberies, car chases, prison scenes and mafia bosses!
Rome, the Other Face of Violence
Costume Design
Four bandits commit a robbery in a villa. The maid calls the police and Commissioner Carli immediately orders patrols to chase them.
Violent City
Costume Design
A detective sick and tired of the rampant crime and violence in his city, and constantly at odds with his superiors, is finally kicked out of the department for a "questionable" shooting of a vicious criminal. However, he is soon approached by a representative for a group of citizens who themselves are fed up with what they see as criminals going unpunished, and they make him an offer he may very well not refuse.
Девственница жена
Costume Design
Медовый месяц у Валентины и Джованни не получился по вине молодожена. Все попытки Джованни стать полноценным мужем не увенчались успехом. Тогда по совету дяди и тёщи он решает прибегнуть к помощи различных «укрепляющих средств». Ничто не помогает, невеста и родственники в отчаянии. Дело идёт к расторжению брака — и тут происходит нечто…
Lover Boy
Costume Design
A young man gets a pleasant surprise when a comely "relative" agrees to teach him the rudiments of sex.
Sexy Sinners
Costume Design
During the early Italian Renaissance and the Black Death epidemic, a group of young men and women, seeking refuge in a secluded villa just outside the city of Florence, shares different stories of adultery and forbidden love.
Spiaggia libera
Costume Design
Veneri in collegio
Costume Design
Two competing teams of paparazzi try to enter a college to get a picture of an Arab Prince's fiancée.
Veneri al sole
Costume Design
Three episodes: In the first one a girl gets a journalist to help her recover a case with some precious designs in it; in the second a worker keen on helping his boss gets him into trouble instead and in the third one a shy boy who tries to impress women pretending he is tough ends up in hospital and falls in love with a nurse.
Queste pazze, pazze donne
Costume Design
Four episodes preceded with a narrator in the role of psychiatrist who tells some cases of female madness.