Jean-Pierre Malo

Jean-Pierre Malo

Рождение : 1951-08-28, Clermont-Ferrand, Puy-de-Dôme, France


Jean-Pierre Malo


Любовь до смерти
Antoine Touvenin
Тело Жиля Тувнена было обнаружено на сталелитейном заводе в Уканже, в долине Фенш в Мозеле. Капитан криминального отдела жандармерии Меца Клеман Леруа проводит расследование и вновь встречается с увлечением своей юности Лорой Тувнен, дочерью жертвы, специалистом по истории промышленности. Вместе они узнают о шокирующей истории своих семей, охватывающей три поколения...
Ложные признания
Comte Dorimont
Прекрасный, но бедный юноша Дорант безнадежно влюблен в богатую вдову Араминту. В то время как его дядя намерен женить племянника на Мартон, деловитой компаньонке вдовы. А мать Араминты, мечтающая о том, чтобы состоятельная дочь вошла еще и в аристократические круги, хочет выдать ее за графа Доримона…
Людовик XI: Разбитая власть
Capitaine Guillaume
В августе 1483 года таинственный посланник прибыл в замок Плесси-ле-Тур, где в уединении живет ослабленный болезнью король Людовик XI. Посланник раскрывает тайный план герцога Орлеанского — убить короля. Имея разветвленную сеть соглядатаев и шпионов король был в курсе всех событий. Его борьба с феодальной раздробленностью многим была поперек горла. Король окружил себя астрологами, боялся смерти, посылал богатые пожертвования в церкви, но до последней минуты обдумывал политические планы по сохранению целостности государства.
4 garçons dans la nuit
Paul Morin
In 1995, four student friends formed a band. Upon returning from a party, they discover the body of a young waitress of 19 years at the edge of a road. The young woman died in their arms. Commissioner suspect the four boys but can not prove it. None of them admit ... Fifteen years later, on the anniversary of the death of the young waitress, one of four men killed by a bomb hidden in his apartment ...
The Two-Sided Mirror
Le commandant Meyer
Alice is a happily married woman with Christophe, who loves her deeply despite suffering facial deformation. His life changes dramatically following a cosmetic operation, but also that of her husband, a man becomes extremely jealous and possessive.
Bel ami
Loser Takes All!
Serge Vaudier, a mathematics teacher, wins the lotto twice and claims he can do it again, thanks to an infallible system he has designed. Is a he genius or a con man? Angèle, the head of the the government's bureau, is determined to entrap him. She asks her secret lover, Jacques Loriot, an expert player in the casinos, for help.
Руби успевает спрятать награбленные деньги прежде, чем угодить в тюрьму, где знакомится верзилой Квентином. Теперь они вместе ломают голову над тем, как выбраться на волю и вытащить деньги из тайника... К тому же Руби мечтает отомстить своим бывшим компаньонам, ответственным за смерть его возлюбленной! Но вот как-то им все время не везет! Однако, не даром говорят, если долго мучиться...
The Costly Truth
Investigating judge at the 3rd Criminal Chamber of Marseille, Françoise Larchey is the wife of Jean-Pierre Larchey, a famous architect of the Coast. The couple has a son, Valentin, seventeen years old... The death of Edith Mesniel, a local political figure, puts the town in turmoil. But when Emilie, Edith's only daughter and Valentin's girlfriend, confides to Françoise that her mother's death was not accidental, Madame le Juge decides to look into the case. By attacking this case, Françoise disturbs many people. She receives death threats, her son and Emilie are also threatened but she refuses to give up. And she discovers little by little that the mafia infiltrated in all the country.
Rendez-moi ma fille
A singer tries to get her daughter out of the grip of a guru by becoming a member of his cult herself.
Dieu que les femmes sont amoureuses
Anne divides her time between her children, a 16-year-old son and twins Lili and Lolotte and her work as an editor. Her life is turned upside down by the reappearance on the scene of Arthur, one of her first loves, whom she never wanted to see again. He doesn't know that he is the father of the twins but he is determined to win Anne over. The trouble is, she is surrounded by men desperate for her hand and thinks she is in love with one of them.
Commissaire Steve Morin
This "heist" film tells the story of a robbery in a stadium during the Le Mans 24 hour motorcycle race. Throughout the film are constant references to other movies in the genre. A policeman investigating the robbery is surprised to discover that the heist bears striking resemblance to the robbery depicted in Stanley Kubrick's 1956 film, The Killing. The robbery itself was perpetrated by Bernard, an ex-racer who dedicates the theft to a dead peer. He enlists the help of Thierry and several others to steal 6 million francs from the gate. He and his gang then hideout in the stadium until the race is over. Things are working against Bernard though. Two martial-arts experts try to cut in on the action. A gang member's girlfriend squeals to the cops, and an Arab assistant is killed.
Picture Perfect
The American photography student Josh gets involved in a mysterious and deadly intrigue, when he takes pictures during an attempt on the top model Francesca's life.
Gueule d'atmosphère
Le ministre
A César award winning short drama about the security guard on patrol in the Louvre late at night who discovers something strange about the famous "Mona Lisa".
Сплошной обман
Мюриэль замужем за издателем, который открыто заводит любовные романы. У неё взрослый сын, который скоро будет жить самостоятельно. Единственным развлечением в её пустой, но обеспеченной жизни являются посиделки с подругами за чашкой кофе. Не желая отставать от мужа, Мюриэль тоже заводит интрижку. Чтобы договориться с мужем о разводе, она нанимает частного детектива, чтобы документировать свои измены.
Charly Schneider
До каких границ может дойти служитель закона в борьбе с преступниками, которые границ не знают? Комиссара Стэна называли фашистом с куриными мозгами и стальными мускулами. Но он справедлив и надежен и не остановиться ни перед чем, чтобы отомстить за гибель своего напарника и друга…
Death on a Rainy Sunday
Alain Milles
Thriller about a psycho looking for revenge. Bronsky is a paraplegic because of an accident at a construction site that was partly due to the head architect, David Briand. Many years after the accident, Bronsky shows up at Briand's residence with his family and his trailer looking for assistance. He and his wife insinuate themselves into the household without revealing their true identity. They start to work for Briand and his wife Elaine as a gardener and a babysitter with the sole objective of wreaking havoc on their lives and avenging Bronsky's disabilities.
No Man's Land
Le banquier
Madeleine, who runs a disco on the French-Swiss border, dreams of going to Paris to pursue a singing career. Her lover, Paul, who makes his living smuggling money, gold and goods across the border, plans to emigrate to Canada. Mali, a pretty young Algerian woman who lives in France and works in Switzerland, would like to be anywhere except where she is. Louis, born on a Swiss farm and trained as a clockmaker, would give anything to leave his mistress, Lucie, and move in with Mali.
Spécial police
Paris Flic and computer-crack David Ackermann is a teacher at the academy advising the rookies in computer-crime. By coincidence Informations about personalities from the high-politics and police-authorities that are involved in organized crime fall into his hands. From than on he's been chased merciless, even having his ex-wife kidnapped to blackmail him. With the help from his new girlfriend he lashes back.
Rouge Capucine
L'ami de la famille
The life of the actress and model Capucine inspired this film by Michel Soutter, played by Capucine herself in the company of Heinz Béat, Antoinette Moya, Corinne Corderey and Jean-Pierre Malo.
La Martingale
Jean-Pierre Serchal
L'amour des femmes
Although there are women in the lives of the three main protagonists -- a middle-aged architect, his construction designer, and a journalist -- the women are not as crucial to the men's search for an identity as the title might suggest. When the three men run into a former professor of the architect and designer, they are inspired by his fanfare and expansive nature. Still in search of solutions to their particular problems, the men head out to visit the professor and get to the bottom of their own issues. Unfortunately, the professor turns out to be more "loco" than otherwise, and the three men watch their hopes burst like a popped balloon -- it seems like their ability to assess human character should now be added to their list of problem spots.