Eric Peterson
Рождение : 1946-10-02, Indian Head, Saskatchewan, Canada
Eric Peterson was born on October 2, 1946 in Indian Head, Saskatchewan, Canada. He is an actor and writer, known for Corner Gas (2004), Street Legal (1987) and Corner Gas: The Movie (2014). He is married to Annie Kidder.
Elder Sprite (voice)
Set in 80’s-Britain, when a group of rowdy teenagers trek into an isolated forest, they discover peaceful mushroom creatures that turn out to be an unexpected force of nature.
Фильм рассказывает о переплетающихся историях, в которых решающие моменты изменили жизнь героев раз и навсегда.
A gay, married man is continuously forced to 'come out' to his father, who suffers from late-stage Alzheimer's.
When a giant Grippity-Grab snags Grizelda's friendship bracelet and turns her into a mermaid, True heads under the sea with magic wishes to save the day.
Spring has sprung in Rainbow City, and Wuzzle Wegg Day is right around the corner! But Bartleby's convinced that a Wegg-stealing monster is on the loose.
Rainbow King (voice)
Все жители Радужного Королевства готовятся встречать Зимние Праздники. Но сбежавшая из Ледяного Королевства Вечная Мерзлота может поставить праздник под угрозу.
Rainbow King (voice)
James MacAvoy
When the CFO of a Chinese multinational tech giant is arrested on Canadian soil and faces extradition to the United States, the claws come out in a heated political battle over which nation will rule the 5G cyber space. "Claws of the Red Dragon" is based on true events.
Protesters have appeared outside the gates of Ambrosia Manor. From behind strange baby-faced masks, they issue a chilling simple demand: it's time for the residents of this posh retirement home to give up their space on earth.
Rainbow King
True and Bartleby try to cheer up the Rainbow Kingdom's loneliest citizen, but his gloomy mood is contagious! Can a trio of wishes turn things around?
A Hungarian journalist who is about to start a family journeys to the United States in the hopes of finding his own father, a scientist who went missing in the 1970s while working on a top secret military research project that examined 'voices' from outer space.
Oscar Leroy
It’s been a few years, and there’s still not a lot going on 40 kilometers from nowhere. But that’s all about to change as the fine folks of Dog River, Saskatchewan face their biggest crisis ever. Brent and the gang discover that the town’s been badly mismanaged, leaving residents with little choice but to pack up and leave. As residents make one last rally to save Dog River as they know it, they discover a devious plan by a corporate chain that would change life for Dog Riverites forever.
A dying Doctor, who plans to check out on his own terms, takes a reluctant detour when he inadvertently winds up on the lam with an 'anything-but-normal' 22-year-old girl.
Jeff Thorpe
Stephen Leacock recounts his growing up period in the small town of Mariposa, Ontario, located on the shores of Lake Wissanotti with its notoriously leaky holiday steamer. It is a town similar to many other small towns in Canada with its odd assortment of residents.
Pajama-clad and elderly, WWI Flying Ace Billy Bishop wanders around his relic-filled attic reminiscing about his battle years.
Henry Chesser
A virus causes people to age rapidly. There is an antidote, but it has to be taken daily and is under control of a single company. A woman who is not infected carries an infected child, and seeks for it to be cured. This quest leads her to the blue lands, where most of the infected live.
A young woman, being accused of stealing from her employer, falls in love with her lawyer while spending Christmas holidays with him and his family.
Tommy Douglas
This docu-drama spans fifteen turbulent years in the political and personal life of Pierre Elliott Trudeau, one of the most enigmatic and polarizing Prime Ministers in Canadian history. The film explores the many facets of his character and his vision for his country which has both inspired and frustrated Canadians.
Dr. Daniels
Based on a true story about an extraordianry woman, who after a traumatizing rape, refuses to remain a victim. Wendy Crewson stars as Jane Doe (as she must legally be called), a woman who discovers she was the fifth victim of a serial rapist terrorizing a two-block area surrounding her home. When she learns that the police department was aware of this dangerous criminal yet decided not to issue a public warning, she feels that she and all the women in the neighbourhood were offered up as bait. Driven to take action, she investigates not only her own case, but also police procedures with regard to rape and its victims, and is shocked by what she discovers: a legal system that is sexist and uncaring. It is then that she decides to take on the Toronto Police Department. What follows for Jane Doe is a grueling 10-year legal battle, which becomes vicious, all-consuming and personal.
Max MacLeod
The woman who birthed the most children in the City of Toronto within a certain time period would inherit a fortune in the midst of the Great Depression
Howard Downey
Haunted by the murder of her politician husband 6 years ago, former police detective Joanne Kilbourn (Wendy Crewson) keeps looking for clues, with the help of her old partner (Victor Garber). When a prime suspect is caught, it looks as if the killer may finally be brought to justice … but in a shocking turn of events, the suspect is gunned down as he's brought to the police station. Is there more to her husband's death than Joanne realized?
Grandfather Turtle (voice)
Franklin and his family are off on a Christmas visit with Grandma and Grandpa at Faraway Farm. When a sudden ice storm hits and Grandpa takes a terrible tumble, Franklin and his baby sister Harriet begin a magical adventure as they journey home in search of help. With the aid of a mysterious flying creature and some very special new friends, the two manage to return with Doctor Bear and her family. Once back together, friends and family share an enchanted Christmas Ever and a memory they will hold forever of a magical Christmas night.
A pastor's cherished wife is thrown into despair and experiences a crisis of faith after his mysterious death.
Mr. Rogers
1947 год, вырисовываются границы между Индией и Пакистаном. Юная девочка становится свидетелем трагедии, когда её няня оказывается зажатой между любовью двух мужчин и нарастающей волной политического и религиозного насилия.
Sal Rothenberg
At the height of the cold war, the C.I.A. secretly funded Dr. Ewen Cameron, director of the Allan Memorial Institute, and his experimental research into brainwashing techniques. Twenty-five years later, the last nine survivors of those gruesome experiments fight to expose the truth...of The Sleep Room.
Jack Doughty
In 1919 theatre owner Ambrose Small sold his business and vanished. but who , if anyone, was responsible for his disappearance?
Mr. Wright
When Erin's special effects whiz father gives she and her friend Marty the first tickets to a new theme park ride, they think they have won the jackpot. However, when the ride breaks down midway through, things quickly go from bad to worse.
Eric Black
Грузовик химической компании «Петродайн», перевозящий бактериологическое оружие терпит аварию. В результате ядовитое вещество попадает в воду на территории Йеллоустонского заповедника, где в ближайшее время должна состояться встреча политических и ученых представителей ведущих государств. Для обеспечения безопасности участников встречи на место прибывает сотрудник секретной службы Кен Фэйрчайлд и узнает о грозящей опасности. Химическая компания, в свою очередь, нанимает убийц, чтобы предотвратить нежелательную утечку информации.
Dr. Spring
Marlene Moore has spent most of her life in prison, and is considered so dangerous that the authorities want her locked up indefinitely — though she has never committed a serious crime.
Rebecca Barnes is a successful photographer who has it all—including the curse of vampiric immortality. Longing for companionship, Barnes leaves a disastrous trail of blood-less bodies in her wake. Shockingly, photographs that she snapped of one of the victims bring Rebecca into the police investigation and into the arms of Detective Sean O'Connor. As the passion between Sean and Rebecca mounts, so does the evidence against her.
Verlin is 9 years old and does not talk, nor does he even seem to hear. Henry, a child-like adult, befriends Verlin and pulls him from his shell. Verlin's mother mistrusts Henry, who she feels is dangerous.
Judge Head
Tough City - where grifters, dips and shysters scramble for a dirty dollar and a clean shirt - where one man stands head and shoulders beneath the rest - Al Hacker - small time pickpocket - master bungler. Only Lisa, his curvaceous sister and partner-in-crime, stand between Al and disaster.
Owen Baker
An armful of destitute orphans transported to the New World at the turn of the century. This is the turbulent and moving story of four British 'bricks for Empire building' - based on the memoirs of some of the 100,000 'home children' who helped build the new Canada.
Вьетнамский ветеран кончает жизнь самоубийством, спрыгнув с крыши городской больницы. В оставленном письме он сообщает своему другу Митчу о плане захвата центрального парка перед днем ветеранов. Также он оставляет ему карту, на которой отмечены оружие и боеприпасы, разбросанные по всему парку. Митч решает воплотить неоконченный план умершего друга в жизнь…
A Nova Scotia singing group has a reunion concert 20 years after their successful start.
Billy Bishop
Paul Cowan's feature-length film combines fiction and reality to tell the story of how William Avery (Billy) Bishop became one of the leading fighter pilots of World War I. By no accounts a biography of Billy Bishop, the film uses a 'docu-drama' approach to show how one person goes from being a brash kid from Ontario to Canada's most decorated military figure.
This rarely-screened teleplay written by Rick Salutin offers a dramatic glimpse into Canada’s Red Scare that pre-dated the rise of McCarthyism in the United States. John Grierson and his National Film Board of Canada become targets of an anti-Communist blacklist in the immediate post-war years, after Soviet clerk Igor Gouzenko produced documents revealing a spy ring operating in Canada. With a cast featuring Eric Peterson as Grierson, Saul Rubinek as Gouzenko, and Aaron Schwartz as Communist Party MP Fred Rose, this forgotten piece of Canadian history is brought to life in a very compelling CBC drama.