Esko Nikkari

Esko Nikkari

Рождение : 1938-11-23, Lapua, Finland

Смерть : 2006-12-17


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Esko Nikkari (23 November 1938 Lapua, Finland – 17 December 2006 in Seinäjoki, Finland) was a prolific Finnish actor who made more than 70 appearances on film and television. He debuted in 1974 in the movie Karvat. Nikkari was a workhorse of the Kaurismäki brothers, with whom he first worked on Rikos ja rangaistus in 1983. His last role with Aki Kaurismäki was in Man without a Past in 2002. He starred in the 1994 film Aapo opposite actors such as Taisto Reimaluoto, Ulla Koivuranta and Kai Lehtinen. More recently, he has appeared in a number of Timo Koivusalo films such as Kaksipäisen kotkan varjossa (2005), which is the last full-length movie he appeared in. Description above from the Wikipedia article Esko Nikkari, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Esko Nikkari


Shadow of the Eagle
Aaro's father
The story of a young poet who became a symbol for Finnish optimism and was subsequently forced underground during Tsar Nicholas II's oppressive dictatorship.
Человек без прошлого
Bank Robber
Безработный и безымянный мужчина, обитатель финской провинции, едет в Хельсинки с единственной надеждой — найти работу. Но не успеет он сойти с поезда на вокзале, как тут же будет жестоко избит местными хулиганами, избит буквально до смерти. Его доставят в больницу, где он умрет. Умрет, чтобы тут же воскреснуть и, полностью потеряв память, обнаружить себя в совсем другом, нежном Хельсинки. Чтобы забыть прошлое, отказаться от него и получить от судьбы новый шанс. Этот шанс — встреча с Ирмой, женщиной в форме офицера Армии спасения.
The Rose of the Rascal
The life of Irwin Goodman, a Finnish singer.
Pieni pyhiinvaellus
In a religious rural community in the 1950s, Ritva, a young woman has kept her pregnancy a secret. Helped by her sister, she gives birth but soon abandons the baby. The next day the infant is brought to the hospital where Ritva works. Troubled with shame, Ritva finds consolation from a dying priest.
A Charming Mass Suicide
Sakari Piippo
Two men, who both have tried to commit a suicide, decide to found a "Let's do it together"-suicide association to help the self-destructive people to succeed in their goal. Soon they have a bus load of candidates and together they start a bus tour in order to find a suitable place for the mass suicide.
Lakeuden kutsu
Paavo Hakala
Police Chief
На милом хуторке живут Юха и Мари — растят капусту и возят ее на рынок. После удачного дня Юха выпивает кружечку пива, а Мари съедает мороженое. Супруги катаются на мотоцикле с коляской и живут счастливой жизнью, пока случай не заносит в их мирную глушь коварного обольстителя Шемейку. Шемейка увозит Мари в город, обещая девушке сплошное беззаботное веселье вместо скучной работы. Но среди столичных огней наивную пейзанку ждет не вечный праздник, а публичный дом и тяжкие испытания. Исстрадавшийся Юха бросает все и едет вызволять свою заблудшую супругу.
Love & Crime
Kassu Vartio
A Summer by the River
Topi's mother, who is also Tenho's wife dies and Tenho and Topi have to move out from the town because they don't have enough money to pay their rent. Tenho gets a job as a lumberjack (which by the way is the title in Finnish). The movie tells the story about Tenho and his 10 years old son who both have to grow up in the same summer. Written by Mikko Saranen
Pekko ja unissakävelijä
Reino Kuovi, Poliisi
Pipsa has fallen prey to a shady scientist Kalevi. Pekko tries to save her.
Vaiennut kylä
Jarva, police officer
Pekko ja muukalainen
Reino Kuovi, poliisi
A Black man arriving in Tyräaho causes consternation among the villagers. Meeri Aavasuo wants an adopted child and to promote the cause, she tries to get Pekko as her husband, whose heart still beats for Pipsa. Beauty salon owner Kaisa Kuovi's and her policeman Reino's baby goes missing.
Вдаль уплывают облака
Restaurant Manager
Илона, метрдотель в отеле «Дубровник», теряет работу, а затем ее мужа, водителя трамвая тоже увольняют. Выброшенные из общества супруги строят амбициозные планы открыть ресторан.
Pekko ja massahurmaaja
Pekko is jealous when Pipsa is under the spell of the handsome Markku. The children Kalle and Katariina enjoy each other's company. Beauty salon owner Kaisa Kuovi and police officer Reino are preparing for their wedding.
The Last Wedding
Jalmari Pesonen / Grim Reaper (voice)
Pekka (Martti Suosalo) arrives back to his home village of Jerusalem to celebrate the last wedding of the village. His own marriage seems to have reached a dead end. The people of the village gather to prepare for the event, and the bitter spectrum of all human life, with its joys and sorrows, is condensed into one summer's day. Written and directed by Markku Pölönen, based on Heikki Turunen's book, as a swan song for a lifestyle that ended with the emigration of the 1970s.
Pekko ja poika
Finland 1917. Aapo is a single peasantry who tries to live a good life before the finnish civil war begins.
Play It All
A film group is making movie in the little town. Writer Pentti Töysä interrupts film group's press conference and claims that script is written by him and it is based on true story. Töysä also says that he has written a new ending to the movie and that it reveals an old murder. Not everyone is happy about the new twist.
Pekko Aikamiespojan poikamiesaika
Pekko has a crush on Pipsa, a beautiful archeologist.
Vääpeli Körmy ja etelän hetelmät
Pohjalainen perheenpää
The Minister of Defence asks sergeant Körmy to take part in operation, where the United States and Russia are to hand over their nuclear weapons launch equipment and codes to neutral Finland.
Goodbye Trainmen
Trainman Kauno Saario
Small-town boys Vähy and Hapa are best friends who swear an eternal blood oath. As they grow up, however, their paths drift apart and they both find themselves searching for their place in the world.
Девушка со спичечной фабрики
Некрасивая Ирис работает на спичечной фабрике. Все деньги она отдает матери и отчиму, и ее единственным развлечением является местная дискотека, где ее никто не приглашает танцевать. Лишь однажды она делает попытку разорвать этот порочный круг — покупает розовое платье, знакомится с мужчиной и проводит с ним ночь, но все завершается беременностью и лишь новой цепью унижений и оскорблений. После этого терпение Ирис лопается и она хладнокровно и жестоко мстит всем своим обидчикам.
Зимняя Война
Yrjö 'Ylli' Alanen
Фильм посвящен финским солдатам, сражавшимся в "Зимней войне" и оборонявших линию Манергейма. Литературный классик Антти Туури, сочинивший сюжет для фильма «Зимняя война», не прогадал. Режиссер Пекки Парикк снял батальный эпос о событиях зимней войны 39-40 годов. Фильм вышел на экраны в 1989-м, и по сути стал самым кассовым финским фильмом года. Будет любопытен любителям исторических фильмов про войну, особенно интересен взгляд "с другой стороны".
Cha Cha Cha
A lawyer pays a visit to Matti Ojanperä (Matti Pellonpää), a bum living under a bridge in the Helsinki harbour, to inform him that he is about to inherit an American aunt of his. The sum 1,000,000 Fmk would be his, if only he meets the qualifications set by his aunt. He must show that he is capable of 'living properly' and possessing a 'respectable occupation and a family he can support'. Otherwise the money would go to a foundation the chairman of which the lawyer himself happens to be!
Car Dealer
С героем фильма шахтером Таисто случается серия неудач…
Based on a novel of the same name by the Finnish author, Antti Tuuri, this delicious late-80's comedy builds its dark humour on the stereotypical mentality of the northern part of Finland. While perhaps not as entertaining to a person unfamiliar with Finnish traditions, the brilliant acting, directing, plus the warm, beautiful Finnish summer more than make up for the cultural gap.The story begins with a group of brothers with their families coming up to honour the memory of their recently deceased father. Spending time together, opening old wounds and creating new ones... it all boils down to brotherhood. No matter what happens, brothers take care of their own.
Гамлет идет в бизнес
Клавдий безропотно превращается в Клауса, а Принц Датский — в чувствительного недоросля «с сердцем теплым, как холодильник», пожирающего колбасу ломтями и ногой врубающего магнитофон. Борьба за власть осталась неизменной пружиной человеческих отношений с шекспировских времен, зато в качестве предмета нежной страсти деньги вытеснили все остальное.
The Final Arrangement
Two men, Nieminen and Varjola, commit a mail van robbery. Varjola betrays his friend: shoots him and takes the loot. Nieminen is arrested, but he refuses to reveal his accomplice's name. On his first leave on prison Nieminen finds Varjola in a small town, where he has became the mayor. Varjola, of course, is shocked to see his old friend again.
Goodbye, Mr. President
Asko Mertanen is a waiter who is very interested in shooting. He gets fed up how the things are run in Finland, so he thinks that the best way to change them is to shoot the Finnish president.
A Finnish film version of Macbeth. Macbeth, the Thane of Glamis, receives a prophecy from a trio of witches that one day he will become King of Scotland. Consumed by ambition and spurred to action by his wife, Macbeth murders his king and takes the throne for himself.
A revolver changes hands seven times, each time serving a different purpose shot in a film style which tests the traditional story-telling form of film.
Тени в раю
Nikander's Co-Worker
История любви мусорщика и кассирши универсама. Мрачный усатый тип по имени Никандер холост, обычно вечером после работы идет в кино, потом в бар, пока не упьется и не вляпается в странную историю. Утром рискует обнаружить себя то ли в тюремной камере, то ли на мусорной свалке с разбитой головой.
The Wrestler
An ageing wrestler and circus strongman is put in an institution located somewhere in a world of its own.
Hei kliffaa hei!
Nikulan isäntä
Ilona, a young elementary school teacher, arrives in Hämäläiskylä . He and Aarne, the host of Niskavuori, who is frustrated with his marriage, fall in love. The relationship becomes a public secret. Aarne's wife Martta, who owns half of Niskavuori, wants to hold on to her husband until the last. For Liskisa, the matriarch of Niskavuori, the most important thing is the reputation and honor of the family.
The Clan – Tale of the Frogs
Young Alex Sammako has seen his brothers defy the law in a series of deeds that first land them in jail, and then, after they escape and return to their rural home, land them back in the lap of their locally notorious family. Alex wants nothing to do with them. He is in love with Mirja, whose family is not that different from the Sammakos, but who shares Alex's viewpoints and feelings. Not helping matters is a police department convinced that all Sammakos are bad, and the family itself, pressuring Alex to follow in their murky footsteps.
Irma Auer (Satu Silvo) is a former call-girl, trying to distance herself from the past. In a séance she is told to be 'marked for death', and is afterward threatened by her former pimp and abandoned by her groom, as he learns about her past. Irma attempts to commit suicide, and resurrects at the city morgue after being pronounced dead. After the incident, she wanders out direction-less, being pursued by the doctor who treated her and also a strange, tall man.
Преступление и наказание
Действие романа Достоевского перенесено в Хельсинки начала восьмидесятых годов двадцатого века. Главный герой — студент юридического факультета Анти Рахикайнен, тяжело переживающий гибель своей невесты в автокатастрофе, бросает учебу и идет работать мясником. Он выясняет имя виновного в смерти своей любимой и приходит в его дом, чтобы отомстить. Анти убивает виновника своего горя, но его преступление видит свидетель — Ева Лааско. Она становится совестью Анти, пытаясь убедить того пойти в полицию с повинной. Дебютная работа финского режиссера Аки Каурисмяки посвящена адаптации произведения Ф.М. Достоевского «Преступление и наказание».
Aspiring young comedian Hepi rides a moped and sleeps in cars left at a garage for repair. He joins a group of older but equally bad comedians trying to capture and sell their art on videotape. Hepi charms a girl working in the Zoological Museum with his imitations of bird sounds. Alienated look at the frustrations of show business, as presented by a cast of popular Finnish TV comedians with their absurd dialogue and eccentric inside jokes.
The Worthless
Manne, Harri, and Ville Alfa are rootless twenty-somethings in search of purpose for their banal lives. After Manne steals a priceless painting from a group of petty criminals, Manne and Harri flee from the gangsters across Finland, while Ville goes to Paris. On the road they meet Veera, an old girlfriend of Harri's, and try to avoid the gangsters in pursuit.
Kahdeksan peiliä
A 1982 short film from Finland.
Drama set in Stockholm and Helsinki and a village whose existence is threatened by a power plant. A group of young people return to their roots and are disappointed by what they find.
Kauhea murhamies Lalli
Mustakulma Kaukovalta
TV play about the legend of Lalli.