Atul Kulkarni

Atul Kulkarni

Рождение : 1965-09-10,


Atul Kulkarni is an Indian film actor who has acted in Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu, Kannada, Marathi and English language films. Kulkarni won the National Award for the best supporting actor for the films Hey Ram and Chandni Bar. He is also the president of Quest, a research-action organization concentrating on enhancing quality of education.


Atul Kulkarni
Atul Kulkarni


Mind Game
Inspired from a shockingly true incident of Hate and Revenge. The film is an investigative thriller that explores the mind-set of a criminal hiding in plain sight. A newly married couple receives a gift box five days after their wedding, their happiness turns short lived when the gift turns out to be a bomb that kills the husband and his grandmother and seriously injuring the wife. A massive investigation begins to find the killer.
Mind Game
Arun Agnihotri IPS
Inspired from a shockingly true incident of Hate and Revenge. The film is an investigative thriller that explores the mind-set of a criminal hiding in plain sight. A newly married couple receives a gift box five days after their wedding, their happiness turns short lived when the gift turns out to be a bomb that kills the husband and his grandmother and seriously injuring the wife. A massive investigation begins to find the killer.
When a mole in an intelligence unit leads to the murder of an undercover spy, a hardened agent relentlessly pursues him to avenge the death.
Лаал Сингх Чадда
В детстве переболев заболеванием опорно-двигательного аппарата, Лаал откроет в себе удивительные способности к бегу, отправится на войну, получит ранение, станет звездой спорта, повстречается с великими людьми своего времени и совершенно случайно заработает состояние. И через всю жизнь пронесет светлое чувство к подруге детства.
Inspector Javed Khan
Нэйна Джайсвал работает педагогом в детском саду "Карапузы", расположенном в одном из самых престижных районов Мумбаи. После длительного пребывания на больничном, учительница возвращается в детсад и внезапно звонит в местный полицейский участок и сообщает им, что взяла в заложники своих 16 подопечных и у неё есть условия, которые полиция обязана выполнить...
Black Bud
Mehmood Khan
Sanya, a rebellious contemporary girl but a poet at heart, escapes her strict orthodox father's house in search of a new life.
Никто не знает
Dr. Rao
Борющийся с отсутствием вдохновения писатель пытается изменить свой образ жизни для того, чтобы у него вновь стали появляться творческие идеи. С этой целью он решает отправиться на тихую горную станцию, расположенную на большом отдалении от городов. План писателя реализуется успешно, и у него появляется концентрация, которой он никак не мог достичь в привычной обстановке. Там же, на горной станции он находит свою любовь и неожиданно встречает серийного убийцу-подражателя, который расправляется со всеми, с кем сводит его судьба. Главный герой начинает расследование, цель которого – выведать как можно больше информации о похождениях этого убийцы…
Wild Dog
Wild Dog aka Vijay Varma is an NIA agent who’s brought back to field from a desk job to handle a terrorism case. Despite having a personal motive, he moves heaven and earth to ensure justice is served for the sake of the country.
Gul Makai
Ziauddin Yousafzai
Fear is like an elastic band. You stretch the band inside of your mind and it keeps expanding, till one moment it snaps or you cut it for it to break. 'Gul Makai' is such a story, a story of courage that overcame fear and oppression. 'Gul Makai' accounts the courageous journey and struggle of Nobel laureate Malala Yousufzai, from her humble upbringing in the Swat Valley to her becoming the champion for free education to all. 'Gul Makai' is a small tribute to this lion hearted girl who is in every essence a global citizen championing a cause that transcends boundaries, caste, religion and geography.
Movie revolves around a group of people living in a harbor town. The story delves into their love for each other and a certain festival of sacrifices.
Alidu Ulidavaru
The film follows a popular TV host and a Bonafide myth buster of superstition, through his journey of making the 100th episode for his show.
Deva is a powerful gangster from Visakhapatnam who moves to Spain to put his past behind him. But what happens when he realises he can’t shake off his enemies no matter where he goes?
Inspector Rajpal Singh
A peon's son who is an aspiring IAS officer is compelled to change his path leading him to turn into a gangster.
Мадурай Раджа
Большая власть - большая ответственность. И если кто-то пользуется этой власти лишь для собственной наживы и вреда беззащитным людям, это не значит, что так будет продолжаться всегда. Придет тот, кто сможет восстановить справедливость и наказать виновных.
Dr. Benjamin Diaz
In an isolated hospital in the high ranges of Kerala, an autistic patient with special skills piques the interest of a psychiatrist, whose investigation into her past leads to startling revelations
Anshu's Father
Poorna fails to appreciate the blessings in his life due to his unfulfilled dream of a cricket career and a failed romance that changes him.
Джунгли: Альма Сальвахе
История вращается вокруг ветеринара, который по возвращении домой в слоновий заповедник своего отца сталкивается и борется с международным рэкетом браконьеров.
Inspector Ramesh Narayana
Set in an abandoned house, the film follows a team of professional ghost hunters trying to conduct a paranormal investigation to unveil the mystery of two sisters, Jessie and Amy, where Amy shows unusual mental and physical behaviour.
Mere Pyare Prime Minister
Prime Minister's Official
A story about four children living in a Mumbai slum in India. An eight-year old Kanhu writes a letter to the Prime Minister after a dramatic incident with his mother.
Маникарника: Королева Джханси
Tatya Tope
История об индийской национальной героине, символе сопротивления деспотизму британских колонизаторов, лидера княжества Джханси - Лакшми Баи (имя при рождении - Маникарника). В 1857 году женщина принимала активное участие в Сипайском восстании против жестокой политики англичан: возглавляла оборону Джханси от армии генерала Роуза и воевала во главе кавалерийского отряда.
DCP Shekhawat
Dr.Suman Asthana is a doctor, whose husband Anil Asthana is missing since last 11 days and investigating officer DCP Shekhawat is unable to find him. A psychic child patient revels the whereabouts of Dr.Anil and opens the doors of secrets.
Helicopter Eela
Prime Minister
Eela, an aspiring playback singer, and single mother has given up all her dreams to raise her only son, who backlashes her for invading his privacy.
Coach Ashraf
After years of being away in Dubai, Joshua returns for his sister's funeral. But it gets weird when he starts seeing his beloved sister's spirit.
Mumbai Underworld
Mumbai Underworld tells the tale of two 12 year old boys (Vijay and Yakub) who grow up in the slums of India. Wanting to make a name for themselves in the mafia world, they start delivering drugs and loot people with the help of their transvestite friend. Things go wrong when they are sent to a juvenile reformatory after being wrongly convicted for a murder. They learn life is much tougher in the reformatory than the world they came from. They are tortured by the warden and senior inmates. But instead of reforming they develop a more sinister plan in their quest for ultimate power. Unexpected events force the two men to decide between redemption and their quest for power. Will they find redemption, if so, at what price?
Two families have a tough time dealing with a revenge-seeking spirit, which is strangely connected with one of its members
Three hi-tech burglars, who lose their jobs because of a business tycoon, set out to take revenge against him.
Нападение Гхази
Действие картины перенесёт вас в начало 70-х годов прошлого века. Между Индией и Пакистаном возникает очередной конфликт, который развивается не на суше, а под водой. Пакистанская армия принимает решение уничтожить индийский авианосец, находящийся в Бенгальском заливе. Для того, чтобы добраться до цели, экипажу подводной лодки «PNS Ghazi» предстояло пройти незамеченными в непосредственной близости от индийской субмарины. В результате случайного стечения обстоятельств, индийские военные обнаруживают вражескую подлодку. Начинается сражение, итог которого может быть абсолютно любым…
Jairaj Seth
Для жестокого и умного бутлегера наступают тяжелые времена, когда храбрый полицейский начинает преследовать его.
Shor Se Shuruaat
"Shor Se Shuruaat" is an omnibus feature of mentored short films, around the central theme of "Shor"- noise. These films have been made by budding directors, mentored by some of India's leading filmmakers.
Akira Sharma is your average Jane from Jodhpur. Early in life she sees an atrocity committed on a neighbour and learns to defend herself. And, a spitfire is born.
Kuruvila Mathew
The story is set against the backdrop of global phenomenon "recession" in United Arab Emirates, a time when economic collapse were being felt. The story revolves around a thriller - revenge plot that has resulted as an aftereffect of recession. The story explores the basic nature of cruelty and love in human nature through the lives of four individuals John David (Mohanlal), Anantharaman (Anoop Menon), Raghuchandran (Pratap Pothan) and Kuruvila Mathew (Atul Kulkarni).
Rajwade and Sons
The movie follows the story of cousins Anay, Shweta, Annaya and Virajas, the youngest generation of the rich and powerful Rajwade family. They each wish to follow they own dreams, but their grandfather, the head of the family, has other plans for them. Each will have to fight, argue, and question the foundations of the joint family if they want to live their dreams. Rajwade and Sons is the story of a happy joint family who want to find a way to stay together, in the ever-changing modern times.
Balu is an engineer, who is out of a job and returns home to attend his sister's wedding. His life takes an unexpected turn when he helps a friend caught in some illegal activities
Fast paced and evocative, this contemporary social drama delves into concepts of love and fidelity in human relationships in view of modern liberal lifestyles, through the lives of a scientist and a news anchor.
Вне времени
Это история о храбрости и великой силе любви. Археолог-подводник Джей Финнел вместе с женой исследует затонувшее торговое судно XVIII века. Однажды, пытаясь спасти супругу, он получает опасное ранение и впадает в кому. Борясь со смертью, герой переступает грань реальности и переносится в Индию 1778 года, где начинает жить жизнью британского офицера Джеймса Стюарта, поглощенного страстью к прекрасной воительнице Туладже.
Happy Journey
Happy Journey is a 2014 Marathi drama film directed by Sachin Kundalkar and produced by Sanjay Chhabria under the banner of Everest Entertainment. It features actors Atul Kulkarni and Priya Bapat in the lead roles. The story revolves around the relationship of a brother and his sister's ghost.
Sampath is an expert in car, seizing, and works for Atul Kulkarni, who is a financier in North Madras. Burma aka Parandhaman works under Sampath for peanuts and the moment he comes to know the true colors of his boss; he makes his crooked intelligence to show the jail for Sampath and eventually gains the trust from Atul after creating his own brand for siezing cars. Sampath comes back from the jail and secretly plans the downfall of Burma. Burma gets an opportunity to seize 28 cars and he has completed 99% of his job without any fuss only to get stuck on the last car. What happens to Burma and to the rest of lead characters forms the rest of the story with parallel stories layered like a double decker sandwich.
Krishna, a talented basketball player, moves to a new college after a fatal accident on court. There, he clashes with the college team's egomaniacal cricket team captain, Vamsi, who will not have any other game sharing the limelight with his own sport.
Ugramm is a 2014 Indian Kannada action thriller film directed by Prashanth Neel and produced under the banner Inkfinite Pictures with his brother Pradeep Neel as the executive producer.
Rajan Pilla
Rajan Pillai (Atul Kulkarni) is an underworld gangster living in Mumbai. Sub Inspector Sreedharan Menon (Sreenivasan) is a police officer. Sreedharan is very concerned about the family of a colleague who has been murdered while on duty. He shares a strong emotional bond with his colleague's two sons. The elder of the two, Pappan (Disney James), is a taxi driver who is married and has a child. The younger one, Appu (Bineesh Kodiyeri), is jobless and is ready to do anything to land a job. The rest of the story unravels the emotional bond between Pappan and Appu.
A straightforward man, who uses violence to settle disputes, decides to mend his ways for the sake of his lover, but when he learns that her family is in danger, he decides to save them at all cost.
JCP Milind Virekar
A man, along with a computer hacker, sets off on a mission to uncover a government scandal. As the dark secrets begin to tumble out, the duo faces dangerous consequences from the people in power.
Затянувшаяся расплата
Помощник комиссара полиции Виджай Кханна за 5 лет службы в полиции переводился на новое место 17 раз. Попав в Мумбаи, он принимается за расследование жестокого убийства на автозаправке, единственным свидетелем которого становится родившаяся в Америке индийская девушка, приехавшая в Индию на свадьбу подруги. С помощью криминального репортёра Джай Дева Виджай Кханна в ходе расследования выходит на нефтяную мафию, и ревностное выполнение служебных обязанностей столкнёт его с кошмарами из собственного далёкого прошлого.
The Attacks Of 26/11
Inspector Shashank Shinde
The real-life story of eight Pakistani terrorists, who sail to Mumbai and wage war on the populace for the next 24 hours.
Premachi Goshta
Premachi Goshta (Marathi: प्रेमाची गोष्ट , meaning: Story of Love) is a 2013 Marathi language film directed by Satish Rajwade. The story is all about LOVE and discovering that correct person in life who can become the life partner. It's a story of believing on the person in front, its like a leap of faith.
The story is set around a young man. prabhu, an engineering college student and his friends including five girls.
Chaalis Chauraasi
Bhaskar Sardesai (Bobby)
Four friends -- Pankaj (Naseeruddin Shah), Bobby (Atul Kulkarni), Shakti Chinappa (Ravi Kissen), Albert Pinto (Kay Kay Menon) -- want to rob a lonely house in a lonely stretch of it's Rs 20 crore fake Indian currency... and the very fake note vending machine that lies in there. Just one problem: They have no plan...
Jai, an orphan, falls into bad company after Bhagwan, a gangster, gives him shelter and hope to live. However, Jai and Munna, Bhagwan's son, fight with each other after Munna kills an innocent woman.
Koffi Bar
Koffi Bar is about the way a life changes to couple of youngsters who by accident get to know some terror plans of terrorists in a coffee bar. This knowledge added with some romance lead them to a horrifying experience.
Kaccha Limboo
The words Kaccha Limbo denotes a child who is not mature enough.The movie follows the trials and tribulations of 13 year old Shambu.His friends in school ostracize him for being obese calling him names. Despite his school problems, Shambu does have a loving and caring family. He does not seem to relate to his step father, who seems to have a highly sympathetic attitude. He has crush for a girl, who does seem to despise him for his looks. He continues talking to her as an anonymous another person on phone. Things take a turn for worse when he accidentally causes damage to Videocam of another student, for which he is asked to pay damages. On the same day his forging parental signatures in school diary is found out. He runs away from home and befriends few slum children.
Главные герои фильма «Бам-бам-боле» дети, родные брат с сестрой. Однажды мальчик по имени Пину потерял сандалии своей сестры. Конечно же, сестра очень расстроилась. Да и как тут не расстраиваться ведь у отца нет денег на новую пару обуви, и узнав об этом, он обязательно расстроится. Дети решили пока не расстраивать своего отца, и Пину предложил сестре носить свои сандалии по очереди. А как только у отца будет возможность, они попросят у него новые сандалии.
Gunvantrao Kagalkar
Guna is a village labourer in the hinterlands of Maharashtra. Holding a passion for the 'tamasha' theatre shows, he decides to start his own troupe. Instead of the prestigious role of the king he always dreamed of, he ends up having to play a 'nachya', an effeminate, homosexual man. He goes ahead with the decision, which forever changes him and his family, as he ends up torn between his artistic passion and his societal prestige.
Yeh Mera India
Raja Shetty
Every night we go home & turn on the news,to find headlines full of atrocities & we wonder how this world keeps moving in spite of so much multi-layered bias which is the root cause of all this. YMI is an attempt to explore the truth behind these headlines. These stories deal with racial,communal,caste,gender,lingual & immigrant bias that plaque the today's society and the outcome... Startling!!!!
Producer Anuya Mhaiskar’s ‘Sukhaant” directed by veteran Sanjay Surkar discusses the serious topic of euthanasia i.e. mercy killing. The approval of the lawmakers has still not been received for mercy killing but this film poignantly supports the concept of mercy killing.
Chowrasta Crossroads of Love
the movie director ed by Anjan Dutt.
Рошан приезжает в Индию, сопровождая больную бабушку, которая хочет провести последние дни на родной земле. Для Рошана Индия - чужая и незнакомая страна, но вскоре он начинает любить гремучую смесь культур и религий современного Дели. Кроме того, он знакомится с Битту, соседской девушкой, которая тоже стремится найти себя.
Satyameva Jeyate
Satyameva Jayate is a Telugu film and remake of 2004 Hindi Movie Khakee, starring Dr. Rajasekhar, Shivaji, Sai Kiran, Neetu Chandra, Sanjana and Sheryl Pinto. It was directed by Jeevita with music composed by Chinna. The movie didn't farewell at the box office.
Kasi Anandan
Rocky is looked down upon by his father and spends all his time in a mechanic shop. Problems arise in his life after he falls in love with Gayathri.
Krishnadeva Saivar
Thalappavu (English: The Headgear ) is a 2008 Malayalam film based on the story of Naxal Varghese and Police Constable P. Ramachandran Pillai, directed by Madhupal and written by Babu Janardhanan. The film portrays the social and political issues of the Naxalite era of the 1970s in Kerala.
The Wild Bull
Swanand Gaddamwar
A Forest officer send in a small village to catch a wild bull. He met different people and with help of them he tries to catch the Bull.
Gauri The Unborn
Sudeep 'Deepu'
Gauri: The Unborn is a 2007 Hindi film directed by Akku Akbar, starring Atul Kulkarni and Rituparna Sen Gupta. It received great critical acclaim, but commercially was an average grosser. The film was produced by Shogun Films. [1] It was remade as a Malayalam film, Kana Kanmani (2009) directed by Akku Akbar.
Aa Dinagalu
Agni Shridhar
Chetan loves Mallika but his father hires an underworld don, Kotwal, to break their relationship. Irked by his father's actions, Chetan approaches Kotwal's rival, Jayaraj, to defeat him.
A happy-go-lucky student at a university gets embroiled in a love triangle with two very different young women.
Цвет шафрана
Laxman Pandey
Английская журналистка Сью приезжает в Индию, чтобы сделать документальный фильм об индийских борцах за независимость во времена английской колонизации, на основании дневника своего деда. С связи с недостатком средств она вынуждена работать не с профессиональными актёрами, а со студентами. Сначала компания друзей не особо горит желанием участвовать в проекте, но со временем они всё больше и больше погружаются в проблемы того времени… И постепенно понимают, что в стране мало что изменилось, что людям и сейчас приходится бороться за свои права. Вскоре они начинают собственную борьбу…
Page 3
Vinayak Mane
'Page 3' takes a behind-the-scenes look at the lifestyles of the A-list celebrities in metro cities. It explores the networking and the power play between the air-kissing
1:1.6 An Ode to Lost Love
In this topsy-turvy romance, Gulshan Grover plays Prabhod, a filmmaker at work on his latest movie with director of photography M (Atul Kulkarni). When M is introduced to the project's star, Sushmitha (Masoomi), the actress is instantly smitten. But during shooting, Prabhod begins to have feelings for Sushmitha as well. To further complicate matters, Sushmitha's seductive mother (Rathi Agnihotri) also stirs things up. Who will end up with whom?
MLA Sarvarayudu
Chanti (Ravi Teja), a soldier, arrives at his village for his father's (Ranganath) funeral. He is bequeathed a huge property which he plans to use for his blind sister (Revathy). Unfortunately, the land happens to be between two proposed sites for a road in which the local MLA (Atul Kulkarni) has an interest, as it leads to his factory. He offers to buy it from Chanti, who refuses, citing it as a memorial of his father. Chanti's sister is married to Raja Ravindra (Raja Ravindra), Chanti's army friend. However, the MLA kills Raja. The rest of the story is how Chanti avenges his friend's and father's deaths and him getting married to his cousin Vasantha Laxmi (Charmme Kaur).
When Mythili meets Madhan, she's at once attracted towards and terrified of him since he looks exactly like the serial killer from her nightmares.
Ravi Roy
Kerala-based George Nair is an efficiency expert who travels to Pune to provide a report on downsizing. He is met with the firm's Vice-President, Malathy Chandran, and must come up with a plan to let go a number of employees. Both spend time together and Malathy confides how she had exchanged matrimonial correspondence with another male from Kerala, while George describes his family, his Hindu mother and Christian father, and his elder brother who has been missing for two months. Neither are aware that George's brother, and the male that Malathy refers to, is one and the same. Will they find out his whereabouts?
Gowri (Sumanth) is a motorcycle mechanic living in Dhoolpet area of Hyderabad. Shweta (Charmme Kaur) is a college student who is the daughter of media baron Chandra Shekhar (Vizag Prasad). Gowri and Shweta fall in love with each other to the disapproval of Chandra Shekhar. He seeks the help of a mafia leader Sarkar (Atul Kulkarni) to separate Gowri and Shweta. The rest of the story is all about how Gowri overcomes Shweta's father and Sarkar to gain Shweta's hand in marriage.
Tushar Khot
An Indian engineer from America, visits his village on an assignment. There, he gets embroiled in the mystery and suspense surrounding his ancestral house and the mango factory in the village.
Shesh Desai
Devrai depicts a story of a man who suffers from schizophrenia and is struggling to come to terms with his illness and the frustration of his helpless sister.
Долг превыше всего
Dr. Iqbal Ansari
Это полицейская история об одной из перевозок опасного преступника из Чандангада в Мумбаи. Злодей Икбал Ансари имеет связи в определенных кругах, поэтому повседневная полицейская миссия перевозки преступника терпит неудачу. Благодаря храбрости одного из офицеров преступнику не удалось бежать, и он был передан «на руки» другому эскорту. Накануне свадьбы дочери полицейский Анант Шривастав по прозвищу «Профессор» получает шанс показать себя в этой миссии, доказать себе и окружающим, что он еще на что-то способен и полностью раскрыть свои способности. Итак, трех офицеров сопровождают также два констебля. Им предстоит научиться работать в команде, потому что пособники Икбала не дремлют и хотят, во что бы то ни стало освободить его...
88 Antop Hill
Atul Kulkarni, Jasmine, Rahul Dev, Sweta Menon and Suchitra Pillai star in this fantastical mystery directed by Kushan Nandy. After a strange phone call lands him at 88 Antop Hill, Pratyush Shellar (Kulkarni) discovers he's not the only one who's been summoned; there's also a cop (Dev), a streetwalker (Menon), a rich woman (Jasmine), a dancer and a criminal. What brings them all there and what happens next will shock viewers.
Yashwant Varde
A liberal woman from Delhi weds a politician in Mumbai, only to find herself standing for election in his place when he is sent to prison.
Inspector "Encounter" Shankar
Uday dreams of becoming a police officer and serving his country. His dream is accompanied by a fierce determination and drive to make his dream come true. Even as he courageously treads on his chosen path, he is confronted by the face of evil in the form of a crooked police officer, Shankar. But Uday soon meets with a television employee named Kaveri and once again finds his life upside down.
Dahavi Fa
School kids who feel discriminated against must learn to channel their righteous indignation in a positive way.
Priya's Brother
Siva comes to Madras from a small Tamil Nadu town to study. He instantly falls in love with elusive stranger Priya who resists his charms quite persistently. Madhavan later discovers that romancing Priya can be a dangerous hobby.
Суфле Манго
Сестре одного из друзей некто предложил руку и сердце. После долгих подмигиваний авторы, наконец, раскрыли карты: будущий молодожён последние два года был ... возлюбленным её брата. И оставил его, встретив эту женщину. Но не зная, что она - его сестра. Увидев, кто её избранник, друзья оказались перед серьёзной проблемой: сказать ей или не сказать? Брат категорически против: пусть сестра будет счастлива. Как был счастлив он..
The Third Film from Director Jayaraj's 'Navarasa' Series.
Dr. Bhaskar, a Magsaysay Award winner, returns to his native village after forty years accompanied by his doctor son and American daughter-in-law. While watching the ruins of his ancestral manor, Dr. Bhaskar remembers the critical year before his joining medical college. It was not his Gandhian freedom fighter father nor his feudal uncle or romantic elder brother, but his mother who motivated him to be a doctor for the service of the poor. She believed that is the only way to appease the Guardian Spirit of the house. Bhaskar is indebted to another woman, Krishnatai, his brother's lower caste lover, who was enlightened enough to support his mother's dream. Bhaskar is now back home to fulfill the wish of his mother
Танцующая на грани
Potya Sawant
После смерти родителей Мумтаз уезжает из деревни в Бомбей, где устраивается танцовщицей в бар «Чандни». На симпатичную девушку обращает внимание гангстер Потия. Спустя некоторое время она становится его женой и матерью двоих детей. Однако после убийства мужа, во время одной из криминальных разборок, обстоятельства вынуждают Мумтаз вернуться в бар, чтобы зарабатывать на жизнь танцами…
The Raw Mango
Kairee narrates the sweet and sour experiences of a ten year old girl brought to her maternal aunt Taani's house due to the loss of her parents. The girl, uprooted from a secure and loving home, struggles to cope with hostilities in her new environment. Taanimausi, living a barren existence with a brute of a husband, tries single-handedly to preserve the child's innocence and sensitivity as together they face the unpleasantness of an adult world. Taanimausi helps the girl create a world of their own... a world full of love, beauty and hope... a world full of sunshine, woods, streams, peacocks... and a world of raw mangoes.
Дыхание времени
Shriram Abhayankar
Амджад Али Кхан по профессии - археолог. Его коллега Сакет женат на бенгальской красавице Апарне. Когда они были в Калькутте, начались столкновения на религиозной почве. Апарну изнасиловали и убили обезумевшие фанатики...