In 1978, CBS aired the “Star Wars Holiday Special” the week before Thanksgiving to an audience of 13 million people. Considered one of the worst shows in television history, it aired only once. George Lucas tried to bury it and an infamous camp legend was born. This documentary unravels the mysteries behind the most bizarre Star Wars spin-offs of all time.
In 1978, CBS aired the “Star Wars Holiday Special” the week before Thanksgiving to an audience of 13 million people. Considered one of the worst shows in television history, it aired only once. George Lucas tried to bury it and an infamous camp legend was born. This documentary unravels the mysteries behind the most bizarre Star Wars spin-offs of all time.
In 1978, CBS aired the “Star Wars Holiday Special” the week before Thanksgiving to an audience of 13 million people. Considered one of the worst shows in television history, it aired only once. George Lucas tried to bury it and an infamous camp legend was born. This documentary unravels the mysteries behind the most bizarre Star Wars spin-offs of all time.
13 year old Samantha and her 6 year old brother, William Paul, survive a major tragedy that sees their whole family dead, leaving them in a foster home. Life at the foster home slowly becomes abusive and the kids run away and attempt to survive on their own in some abandoned structures in the woods. When the food and supplies run out, Samantha is forced to find a way to feed her brother. She turns to her musical abilities, while finding help from a mysterious source. William Paul falls ill and the clock begins ticking for Samantha to find food and medicine. Will she find it in time?
In 1982, three 11 year-olds in Mississippi set out to remake their favorite film: Raiders of the Lost Ark. It took seven turbulent years that tested the limits of their friendship and nearly burned down their mother's house. By the end, they had completed every scene except one... the explosive airplane scene. 30 years later, they attempt to finally realize their childhood dream by building a replica of the 75 foot "Flying Wing" plane from Raiders in a mud pit in the backwoods of Mississippi... and then blow it up! This is the story behind the making of what is known as "the greatest fan film ever made."
In 1982, three 11 year-olds in Mississippi set out to remake their favorite film: Raiders of the Lost Ark. It took seven turbulent years that tested the limits of their friendship and nearly burned down their mother's house. By the end, they had completed every scene except one... the explosive airplane scene. 30 years later, they attempt to finally realize their childhood dream by building a replica of the 75 foot "Flying Wing" plane from Raiders in a mud pit in the backwoods of Mississippi... and then blow it up! This is the story behind the making of what is known as "the greatest fan film ever made."
In 1982, three 11 year-olds in Mississippi set out to remake their favorite film: Raiders of the Lost Ark. It took seven turbulent years that tested the limits of their friendship and nearly burned down their mother's house. By the end, they had completed every scene except one... the explosive airplane scene. 30 years later, they attempt to finally realize their childhood dream by building a replica of the 75 foot "Flying Wing" plane from Raiders in a mud pit in the backwoods of Mississippi... and then blow it up! This is the story behind the making of what is known as "the greatest fan film ever made."
Young fantasy and science fiction aficionado Gavin Gore and his friends stumble onto some huge footprints in the woods. A local cop, reporter, and a renowned Sasquatch authority investigate, while two of Gavin's dim-witted neighbors hatch a scheme to profit from the situation.
Наполеон Динамит — странноватый подросток, живущий в глуши штата Айдахо, школьный изгой во всех смыслах этого слова. Он целыми днями рисует невероятных животных, ругается со старшим братом и старается не попадаться на глаза пронырливому дяде Рико, промышляющему торговлей всем, что только может прийти в голову. А еще у него есть заветная мечта — стать ниндзя! Жизнь нашего странного героя наполняется приключениями после того, как Наполеон и его заторможенный приятель Педро решают во что бы то ни стало победить на студенческих выборах, где основная соперница — невероятно популярная в школе девушка по имени Саммер Уизли.
Наполеон Динамит — странноватый подросток, живущий в глуши штата Айдахо, школьный изгой во всех смыслах этого слова. Он целыми днями рисует невероятных животных, ругается со старшим братом и старается не попадаться на глаза пронырливому дяде Рико, промышляющему торговлей всем, что только может прийти в голову. А еще у него есть заветная мечта — стать ниндзя! Жизнь нашего странного героя наполняется приключениями после того, как Наполеон и его заторможенный приятель Педро решают во что бы то ни стало победить на студенческих выборах, где основная соперница — невероятно популярная в школе девушка по имени Саммер Уизли.
The short film that Napoleon Dynamite was based on shows a day in the life of Seth, supernerd extraordinaire, rocking the megalopolis of Preston, Idaho, and soon the world, with his illegal ninja moves and his sweet fanny pack. GOSH!
The short film that Napoleon Dynamite was based on shows a day in the life of Seth, supernerd extraordinaire, rocking the megalopolis of Preston, Idaho, and soon the world, with his illegal ninja moves and his sweet fanny pack. GOSH!
A documentary of the making of the movie Napoleon Dynamite
A documentary of the making of the movie Napoleon Dynamite