25 years ago five suburban kids stumbled on a murder in their sleepy hometown and led police to the killer. Two years later The Cassidy Kids Mysteries, a Saturday morning TV show based on their story, made its premiere. A terrifying real-life story became a brightly-lit colorful world of adventure. Now, in preparation for the shows DVD release, a documentary team has invited all five of the real Cassidy Kids back home to talk about how it all began.
18-летняя Одри живет со своим отцом в маленькой общине в Нью- Мексике Хотя ей необходимо поступать в колледж, каждый день девушка проводит в заботах об отце. Несчастный не покидал родного дома с того момента, как умерла мать Одри. Летом после окончания школы мир юной девушки изменился навсегда: привлекательный молодой человек Моки поселился по соседству вместе со своей мамой Мэри. Зная, насколько Одри истосковалась по любви, ее отец просит парня пригласить дочь на свидание. Молодые
Christian Blackwood's fascination with the open road has led him to visit some interesting places and even more interesting people, several of whom are the subjects of this unique documentary. It's a road movie set just off the road, at the type of unassuming overnight lodging most travelers take for granted. The director's natural curiosity enables him to separate uncommon individuals (mostly women) from their otherwise common surroundings: a trio of owner/managers in Santa Fe; the wives and girlfriends of men behind bars in Florence, Arizona (including one touching May/December romance); and (best of all) the eccentric dancer who, single-handedly, revived the old Amargosa Opera House in the semi-ghost town of Death Valley Junction, California. The film is a reminder that everyone has a story to tell, and those related here are too unusual to be anything but the truth.