Shreyas Talpade
Рождение : 1976-01-27, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
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Shreyas Talpade (born 27 January 1976) is an Indian actor who appears in Marathi and Bollywood films.
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Sakharam Patil
A stingy farmer whose family leaves him because of his silly actions. From then on, he quirkily attempts to regain his family as well as their respect for him.
Pravin Tambe
Mumbai-born leg-spinner Pravin Tambe made his debut in professional cricket at the age of 41 in the IPL for Rajasthan Royals in 2013 not having played any international or even first-class cricket before that. The story traces the extraordinary journey of Tambe as he became the oldest debutant - at an age when most cricketers have retired or are on the verge of retirement - a modern-day fable of an underdog who fought against his destiny.
SarCar Ki Seva Mei is a Bollywood drama, helmed by Shreyas Talpade. The movie will be based on true events.
SarCar Ki Seva Mei is a Bollywood drama, helmed by Shreyas Talpade. The movie will be based on true events.
A thriller set in Benares, Jaipur, Mumbai and Delhi, Setters is about a racket profiteering from academic scams. The film follows a cat-and-mouse game between two good friends: one a cop, and the other a "setter" who arranges brilliant students in place of weak students to appear in examinations.
Cameo Appearance
Будучи ещё ребёнком, Санграм Бхалерао по прозвищу Симмба усвоил самый главный урок в жизни — хочешь жить, умей вертеться. А если хочешь жить припеваючи — то надо обязательно стать полицейским. Симмба упорно идёт к своей цели, сметая все препятствия на своём пути, и вскоре добивается звания начальника участка. И теперь он становится одним из участников такого мира, где принципы морали размыты и далеки от реальности, где тонкая грань между добром и злом пересекается каждый день. Отныне закон в его руках и он решает, кому сидеть за решёткой, а кому гулять на свободе...
Tarun Porno Ghosh
A kind-hearted goon decides to get his wife back by making a film on their love story, while his arch nemesis tries to thwart his plans.
Laxman 1
Перед вами четыре приятеля, всегда при необходимости готовых прийти друг другу на помощь. В один прекрасный день герои фильма узнают о существовании дома, в котором, если верить слухам, живут настоящие привидения. Друзья решают посетить этот таинственный дом, чтобы развенчать очередную городскую легенду. Они и предположить не могли, что все эти истории – чистая правда. Печально известный дом на самом деле хранит множество древних секретов и тайн, которые должны быть раскрыты…
Life of three men comes in trouble when their photos appear on advertisement for sterilization.
Arjun Singh
Life of three men comes in trouble when their photos appear on advertisement for sterilization.
Mahipat Babruvahan becomes the first from his caste and village to complete his M.A. degree. Being fired from his current job after expecting a raise, he takes up a new job as a professor where his patience is put to the test by his students and his love interest.
Wah Taj is a Bollywood drama film directed by Ajit Sinha, presented by Jayantilal Gada (Pen India Pvt Ltd) and co produced by Pawan Sharma and Abhinav Verma under the banners of Pun Films Pvt. Ltd. and SpyderWave Films. It features actors Shreyas Talpade and Manjari Fadnis in the lead roles.
Babu Rangeela (Special Appearance)
Amar, Meet and Prem go into a small town where they encounter a 'femme fatale' in the form of Ragini. Ragini is everything they had dreamed of, but she slowly turns into their worst nightmare!
Baji / Chiddvilas(Chidu) / Akash
It is an action-adventure-romance laced superhero vigilante film that transcends both folklore and present day. It is based on the legend of a man who took upon himself to protect the common man against oppression and injustice.
Cricketer (Cameo)
Akhil (Akshay Kumar) finds out that he is the heir of 3000 crore rupees as he and his mother were abandoned by his diamond baron father (Panna Laal Johari) who is now dead. However, his life goes Topsy-turvy when he learns that the empire goes to entertainment (a dog).
Jhonny is often fooled by villagers as he is fit for nothing. He is in love with Maria but is often targeted by her brothers. Then enters Sam, who will be like a Samaritain to Jhonny's family.
В 1947 году, когда чертились границы Индии и Пакистана, местечку Паглапур нигде не нашлось места. После одного из боев во время передела границ, пациенты крупнейшей психиатрической лечебницы региона вырвались на свободу и поселились в Паглапуре, создав свою собственную республику. И так они существовали 60 лет! В то время как мир вокруг менялся, Паглапур оставался изолированным, без электричества, без телевидения и без здравого рассудка!
Jolly 3 / Jai
Это история четырех отцов, четырех дочерей и четырех претендентов стать зятьями и, как предполагает вторая половина названия, они все и являются грязной дюжиной. Каждый из этих отцов хочет, чтобы его дочь вышла замуж за самого богатого наследника. Каждая дочь думает, что она выходит замуж за сына самого богатого человека. Каждый сын притворяется самым богатым наследником. Тем не менее, все эти люди терпеть не могут друг друга, но все они находятся под одной крышей, в одном доме.
Kartik Iyer
Employed with Paradigm Entertainment and assigned to work under Company President Ravi Agarwal by their employer, Wadhwa, two Mumbai-based rival colleagues, Rishi Malhotra and Karthik Iyer, who both had hoped to secure Ravi's position, travel to Goa to participate in a beauty pageant 'Miss Glamorama'. Both get attracted to a nervous contestant, Shabana Raza, and do try to outwit each other to assist her in gaining confidence - but the winner turns out to be a much taller, seasoned, and determined Rhea Dixit. Crestfallen at her loss, Shabana returns home but the duo follow her there, and are told that she likes both of them but her life and marriage is not under her control.
Fancy Gill
Bhatinda-based middle-classed Harpreet Gill is unable to get his three rather plain-looking and overweight daughters married and must live with constant criticism from his wife; his brother, Chiksi, is a fake dentist who incurs wrath of his patients; while his second brother, Fancy, is an out-of-work Punjabi movies' actor. The trio dislike each other and keep their distance. When their grandfather, Khetrapal Singh, passes away, the trio do get together and waste no time in squabbling with each other. They are, however, pleasantly surprised when they find out that he had left a mansion in their respective names. Their joy will turn to anger and disgust after they find out the location as well as the terms and conditions, spread over a period of three years, that go with this procurement.
Laxman Prasad Apte
Golmaal 3 highlights the story of hatred between two bunch of siblings within a family. The family that eats together prays together, lives together, and can't stand each other.
A story-writer attempts to convince a producer to accept four erotic stories from the Panchtantra.
Рахул - азартный игрок. Однажды он выигрывает 30 млн. рупий. Рахул предлагает своей подруге Нафисе выйти за него замуж, устраивает пышную помолвку, во время которой теряет сознание. Врачи находят у него рак лёгких и говорят, что ему осталось жить не более 3 месяцев...
Avi is a photographer having a relationship with Sonia who is a model. One night the couple after driving from a late night party accidentally bumps of a young girl. As Sonia is driving the car, to avoid further complications, Avi insists on them fleeing away from the accident scene. But trouble starts for the couple soon after. While Avis clicked photos start having strange white marks over them, Sonia starts having spooky experiences. Avi also develops a severe shoulder pain and even though he is not overweight he starts weighing 120 kilos. Avi too then starts having similar experiences like Sonia. The couple is petrified when all three of Avis best buddies kill themselves in a similar manner. It then comes to light that the spirit haunting them all has a connection to Avis college life. Meanwhile Sonia finds out that Avi was friends with one Aarti during his college days. What is Aartis connection to all this and what revelation awaits Sonia forms the rest of the film.
Based in Bhaje in Malavali, Maharashtra, Shiva Sathe lives a poor lifestyle with his wife, Parvati, and son, Ganesh, and works as an executioner for the Government of India circa 1972. The Jail Superintendent sends a helicopter to pick him to hang Billa, a man found guilty of killing 23 persons, and Shiva accordingly prepares his rope to carry out his unpleasant task. He returns home, ensures Ganesh finishes his school with honors, and then sends him to live with the Jail Superintendent and his daughter, Gauri, to study in college in order to become a police inspector. Shiva is informed that Ganesh has done well in his college examinations. Hoping to see his son back home, Shiva and Parvati will soon be devastated when they will be told that Ganesh has been arrested by the police.
Dinkar Waghmare
Фильм — о полицейском и террористе. Проходя через ряд событий, не поддающихся контролю полицейский теряет свое оружие, а террорист теряет свое сердце. Их два мира сталкиваются в лабиринте шанса и погрома.
Bhavesh Verma
Four friends' attempts to find employment and accommodation pits them against landlords and gangsters in Bangkok.
Laxman Prashad Apte
Гопал – герой этой комедии, живет в своем доме с супругой, со своей сестрой Эшой и ее немым мужем Лаки. Однажды вечером Гопал возвращался домой и увидел, как хулиганы пристают к девушке. От спас Меру и провел с ней чудную ночь на яхте. Вернувшись утром домой, Гопал понимает, что жена почувствовала не ладное. Но Гопал тут же придумывает весьма правдивую историю – он говорит, что ночевал у друга Антони, которого на самом деле не существует. Но жена просит пригласить Антони в гости. Гопалу ничего другого не остается, как попросить друга сыграть роль Антони. Но самое интересное, что по адресу, который Гопал случайно назвал жене, на самом деле живет некий Антони…
Mahadev (Shreyas Talpade) is an unemployed graduate with a Bachelor of Arts from Satna college, who is forced to make a living writing letters for the uneducated people of his village. His real ambition is to become a novel writer. Through his humble occupation, Mahadev has the potential to impact numerous lives. The movie is a satirical, but warm-hearted portrait of life in rural India.
Sanai Choughade is a Marathi movie released in 2008. Produced by Deepti Shreyad Talpade & directed by Rajeev Patil. It is a family entertainer full of twists & turns which forces everyone to inspect the conventional arranged marriage system
Narad (voice)
В индийской семье происходит настоящая трагедия: преступники похитили маленьких детей-брата и сестру, и теперь требуют большой выкуп за их освобождение. Родители детей находятся в полном отчаянии потому, что не знают что делать и к кому обращаться за помощью. Но происходит настоящее чудо: в то время, пока родители горюют, детям удается сбежать из плена, но дорога домой оказалась слишком сложной. Оказавшись в дремучем лесу наедине с природой, найти выход в короткое время им так и не удалось.
Однако спустя какое-то время главные герои нашли необычный сказочный храм Кришны, попав в который стало ясно, что и он не имеет выхода. Девочка, которая уже отчаялась увидеть еще хоть раз своих родителей, стала просто терять надежду и даже думать, что Бога вовсе не существует, раз он послал им такие тяжелые испытания.
Bombay to Bangkok is a Bollywood film starring Shreyas Talpade and Lena Christensen in the lead roles. It is written and directed by Nagesh Kukunoor and produced by Elahe Hiptoola and Rahul Puri. Shankar (Shreyas Talpade), a petty thief, in desperate need of money, steals from the local don (Naseeruddin Shah) and escapes his way into a team of doctors heading for relief work to Bangkok. Unfortunately, he loses the all-important money bag in the chaos. In Bangkok, his world turns upside down at a massage parlour where he bumps into Jasmine (Lena Christensen). The hitch is, she is all Thai and he can't converse with her at all. A ray of hope comes his way the next day when Jasmine turns up desperately in need of a doctor. Shankar, posing as a doctor along with the Sardar buddy Rachinder, jumps into this whirlpool, while Jasmine soon gets pulled into his bumbling adventures while running away from the don and his son (Vijay Maurya).
Pappu Master
Фильм-история о реинкарнации. Бомбей 70-х годов XX века. Ом Пракаш Макиджа (Шахрукх Кхан) и его лучший друг Паппу (Шреяс Талпаде) мечтают стать актерами, но пока им достаются только роли статистов. Мать Ома, тоже бывшая исполнительница второстепенных ролей в кино, убеждает сына, что когда-нибудь он все-таки станет звездой экрана! Об этом Ом мечтает каждую минуту, каждую секунду...Ведь он тайно и безответно влюблен в Шанти (Дипика Падукон), молодую и очаровательную кинозвезду. Когда во время съемок очередного фильма случается пожар, Ом спасает жизнь Шанти, и они становятся друзьями... Но это только начало волнующей и романтической истории Ома и Шанти.
Sanjay Mishra
Two college boys from diverse backgrounds believe that since time is on their side, anything is possible. Consequently, their arrogance leads them to challenge each other to prove their efficiencies.
Dr. Aditya Merchant
Подозревая мужа в измене, модельерша Джанви находит утешение в любовной связи с новым менеджером своего агентства Арьяном, взяв его с собой в поездку в Бангкок. Однако по возвращении домой выясняет, сто все ее подозрения были напрасны. Просто муж был занят подготовкой подарка ей к дню рождения и тщательно скрывал это. Связь с Арьяном начинает тяготить ее и она попытается ее разорвать, но это приводит к самым непредсказуемым последствиям…
Arjun Fernandes
Kishan is a young man from Goa whose brain is full of every conceivable trick to make a quick buck. He cons people by slipping into different outfits and by assuming many guises. Julie, is a sexy club dancer with quite a local reputation, but behind her raunchy exterior is a compassionate, kind-hearted woman who goes out of her way to help the needy...
Shankar Singh and his wife, Meera, live in Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India along with widowed paternal grandmother, Laxmibai, his mom, Gowri, and dad, Randhir. The family feel that they are blessed after Meera's entry in this family. Shankar must go and abroad in Saudi Arabia and bids farewell to Meera, promising to keep in touch, which he does, and also sends them a large portion of his earnings, which is used to pay off the family's debts. Then when no word is received from him, a worried Meera phones, and is devastated to learn that Shankar has been killed by being thrown off a 10th floor balcony. Her status quickly changes, her jewelery, ornaments, fancy clothes are taken off, and she is told to remain indoors. wear dark clothes, and is only allowed to pray at a Mandir.
Akash Mohan Ranade
Ratnagiri-based young Gargi, who lives a fairly wealthy lifestyle with her widowed mother, Devki, re-locates to Pune to enroll in a hostel. It is here she will have to deal with a hostile ...
This is all about chasing your dreams, no matter what the obstacles. The story involves a young deaf and dumb boy who is crazy about cricket.
The story of a rebel trash picker living in the slums of Bombay India. She dreams of being able to have simple luxuries like a bath or decent clothes to cover her body. One day she gets her opportunity through a drug smuggler of Bombay and quickly learns all that glitters is not gold. Whether it be a drug lord, a murder, rapist or the legal system; Revati is a fighter that keeps a sense of humor about her plight. Revati shows the life's struggles of a woman struggling to keep her morality and dignity in a place that tries hard to strip her of all she has in many extreme circumstances. Revati dares to be different and live by her own rules. Will she win and yet keep her morality? Will she survive?
Atal Bihari Vajpayee
Emergency is based on true events that unfolded in 1975. The film chronicles incidents that took place under the leadership Mrs Indira Gandhi, one of the most Powerful Women in Indian History.
Kid in song
Raja, a car enthusiast and mechanic, chances upon a four-wheeled wonder that is nothing like the other ordinary vehicles. The car is a witness to Raja's father's death years ago. It cares about Raja, protects him from goons, and punishes the culprits who murdered his father.