Ivan Matouš


Autíčková romance
Umění betlemářské
Švec a čert
Do zubů a do srdíčka
I Count on the Wire
The story of some mischievous clothes drying on a string. A cheerful fairy tale.
Monkey Love?
The puppet monkey saves the baby from the pernicious influence of cigarettes.
Daisies for the Lady of the Manor
Fifteen-year-old Kateřina will once again spend the holidays at the Castle Krabonoš, where her parents are both wardens. She finds it dull because she's got to sit at the castle's ticket office and sell tickets. That is, until the arrival of the new tour guide, Petr, a young history student. She falls in love at first sight. But for Petr she's just a young crazy girl. Katka tries to get Petr's attention in various ways, but all in vain. She makes a last ditch effort by pretending to steal some rare castle steins from the castle's collection. It's only after some detectives arrive that Katka realizes that she may have overdone it, but she finally manages to get Petr to notice her.
A New Boy Started Today
In his feature debut, Dneska přišel nový kluk (A New Boy Started Today) from 1981, the director Vladimír Drha set the tone for a number of Czech films, which critically depicted the state of society from the perspective of young protagonists. Although, Drha primarily found scope for his work in television, he returned to the world of a “working youth” in his second film Mezek (The Mulish Victor, 1985) – albeit following him from the point of view of an educator. NFA.CZ
The Tale of John and Marie
Young knight John travels the world in search of fame and fortune, but also to help others and prove himself. However, things go dire fast and he becomes burdened with life's hardships. But then he meets a pretty water nymph, Mary.
Karel Zeman for Children
Nekonečná – nevystupovat
Two somewhat crazy friends Milan (Milan Lasica) and Julo (Július Satinský) resolve to have a peaceful holiday in an old guard house that Julo has bought from his uncle. But in the early hours of the very first morning they are woken up by the loud sound of a trumpet. It is the severe supervisor of a nearby recreation center forcing the children out of their beds and out to exercise drill. To protect themselves from the children, Milan and Julo put up signs saying "private property". The first to disturb their privacy is the supervisor's little granddaughter Miluska, who uses their shed as her gingerbread house. The children in the camp are disgruntled, the supervisor's program bores them, and so they make up all sorts of other things to do.
Крабат ученик колдуна
Чешско-немецкий мультфильм по сказке писателя Отфрида Пройслера «Черная мельница». Юный сирота Крабат скитается по Лаузицу. На очередную войну уходят солдаты, а Крабат тем временем спасается от охотников курфюрста Саксонского. Наконец ворон заманивает его на мельницу у Черной реки, где Крабат становится учеником колдуна. Слишком поздно Крабат понимает, что вместе с другими подмастерьями оказался в ловушке на заколдованной мельнице. Один за другим в сражении с Мастером черной магии они погибают. И только Крабат может спасти свою любимую и друзей от проклятия колдуна…
Strýčkův sen
How They Went to Work
A stop-motion animated short about the journey of Nicholas, an angel and two devils to distribute gifts. The devils are bored on the way, so they invent all kinds of tricks.