David Spielberg

David Spielberg

Рождение : 1939-03-06, Weslaco, Texas, USA

Смерть : 2016-06-01


David Spielberg
David Spielberg


Обреченный рейс
Dr. Conroy
Пассажирский самолет авиакомпании Конкорд Эйр. Рейс Лос-Анджелес — Париж. В грузовом отсеке аэробуса тайно, под усиленной охраной перевозится бронированный контейнер с генетически модифицированным вирусом, представляющим смертельную опасность для человечества. Контейнер сопровождает группа ученых, создавших вирус и скрывающихся от ЦРУ. Ни пассажиры, ни экипаж не подозревают об опасном соседстве, пока самолет не попадает в зону турбулентности и не оказывается в самом центре штормовой бури. После очередной воздушной ямы замки контейнера открываются и вирус, вырвавшись наружу, быстро распространяется через укусы. Озверевшие живые мертвецы начинают охоту на пассажиров, вынужденных бороться за свою жизнь. А в это время на земле предпринимаются все меры, чтобы зараженный самолет никогда не приземлился.
Final Draft
Marty, an anti-social realist, and Harry, a passionate ideologist, are two young writers who have come to Hollywood to make it as successful screenwriters.
Silent Predators
Mayor Parker
In 1979, a delivery truck makes its way up a lonely southern California highway in a storm, bound for the San Diego Zoo with a deadly tropical rattlesnake as cargo. When the truck suffers a blowout, the driver loses control and hits a tree, shattering the snake's aquarium in the back and the window separating the snake from the driver. The snake slithers into the front of the truck, kills the driver with its bite and then moves off into the forest. Flash forward to 1999. The small southern California town of San Vicente has grown from 6,000 to 30,000, and the rattler, which escaped nearby years ago, has bred. There are now 25,000 of these hybrid rattlesnakes, and they are slowly making their way downhill into the town, attracted by the movement of the blasting as the town paves its way toward progress. Progress, in this case, brings terror, in this tale originally penned by John Carpenter.
Mr. Murder
Mobile Home Owner
A group of scientists are trying to produce the perfect soldier by cloning. The day the clone is born, Marty Stillwater, a mystery novel writer, feels that something strange is going on inside his body and mind. Seven years later, Marty discovers that his double has his same physical appearance but has the personality of a murderer.
Mother Knows Best
George Cooper
A woman urges her daughter to get married. And when her daughter does, she doesn't think that she made a good choice. So she goes out and hires a killer to kill her son-in-law.
Deadline for Murder: From the Files of Edna Buchanan
Inspired by the the life of Pulitzer Prize-winning, Miami-based journalist, Edna Buchanan, who investigates the murder of a man with ties to the Miami mafia.
Where Are My Children?
Based upon a true story, Marg Helgenberger stars as a single mother mysteriously arrested by the FBI and separated from her children, thus beginning a 25-year struggle to be reunited with them.
Приют для Энни
Dr. Palmer
Сьюзан — медсестра по уходу за новорожденными. Она привязывается к ВИЧ-инфицированному младенцу, девочке, от которой отказалась мать, и решает удочерить ее. Но оказывается, что найти няню, которая согласилась бы ухаживать за таким ребенком, непросто. А тут еще и возвращается мать девочки, инфицированная вирусом СПИДа, она изменила свое решение и хочет забрать дочь.
The Corpse Had a Familiar Face
The Corpse had a Familiar Face is a 1994 American TV-Movie with Elizabeth Montgomery, playing Edna Buchanan, a Miami's criminal journalist.
Bloodlines: Murder in the Family
Stewart and Neil Woodman plot to have their parents murdered.
A Murderous Affair: The Carolyn Warmus Story
Gary Pillersdorf
A married man meets a beautiful woman and they begin an affair.
Mr. Reynolds
Служащий авиакомпании Йорк пытается опередить время — ему необходимо скорее сдать смену, собрать багаж, захватить подругу Нэнси (по совместительству чужую жену), вернуться в аэропорт и успеть на самолет в Рио. И навсе про все у него лишь 90 минут.
Paul Kramer
When the police finds a necklace with some criminal, a detective remembers that it was missing evidence in a murderer case many years ago. So it turns out that Jeff Hayes, sentenced to life-long prison, was innocent. After 18 years in jail he's finally released - but has problems finding back into normal life. There's his father who believed him guilty and his ex-wife Ellen, who told their son Kerry and her new husband Paul Kramer his father had died.
The Last to Go
Albert Holliver
Tyne Daly plays a woman who sees the dreams of her youth change over a 22-year period as, first, her surgeon husband leaves her for another relationship, and then, her children, on reaching adulthood, go their separate ways. Adapted from the 1988 novel by Rand Richards Cooper.
Ken, Dorothy's Husband
Богатая, скучающая, помешанная на магазинах жительница Манхэттена мечтает познакомиться с Матерью Терезой. Эгоистичный муж постоянно ей изменяет. Но тут жизнь внезапно и навсегда меняется, когда она попадает к доброму и таинственному человеку с Востока, обладающему чудодейственными способностями вплоть до гипноза.
The Stranger
Bonnie Bedilia stars in this psychological thriller about a woman who witnesses a murder and then flees. During her escape, she has a car accident. She becomes an amnesia victim and although, she doesn't know her own identity, is able to describe the murder, but doesn't remember where it occurred or who was involved.
Sworn to Silence
Aaron Goodman
A lawyer who is defending an accused murderer, is told by his client the whereabouts of the bodies. However, being his lawyer, he is unable to reveal this information.
War and Love
Aron Szteinman
Jacek, who is Jewish, miraculously manages to survive World War II in Nazi-occupied Poland. As a subplot to Jacek's story, which also involves a love affair with Haling ( Kyra Sedgwick ) and German soldiers' repeated attempts to kill him, is a tale of how young kids in the Warsaw ghetto devise their own method of fighting oppression.
Policewoman Centerfold
Steve Jones
A policewoman loses her job after she poses naked for an erotic magazine. Based on a true story.
Mr. Casey
Ее зовут Кристина. Ее классические формы вызывают восхищение. Она соблазняет 17-летнего Арни Каннингэма и делает его своим слугой. У нее нет и не может быть соперниц, ибо она их убивает. Она требует беспрекословного подчинения.Она… автомобиль! Чтобы сохранить свою жизнь, юноша должен посвятить ее жестокой Кристине. История роскошного красного Плимута 1958 года полна страшных тайн. Все его предыдущие хозяева погибли. И юный Ромео должен стать очередной жертвой ненасытной Джульетты.
Games Mother Never Taught You
Alan Porter
Hard-working career wife Laura becomes the first female executive in an all-male office and is dismayed to find she now has to learn the rules of the corporate game.
Maid in America
Harold Klumper
An unemployed worker answers a personal ad for a housekeeper to a crusading female lawyer, and then takes her to court to force her to accept him into her home, claiming sex discrimination.
The Best Little Girl in the World
Dr. Garrett
Casey Powell is a teenage girl who is secretly suffering from anorexia nervosa, a mental and physical illness of deliberately starving herself or self-inducing vomiting, because of her inability to cope with family stress and because of social pressures.
Act of Love
Victor Burton
A tragic motorcycle accident leaves one brother paralyzed while the other brother is left guilt-ridden. Seeing his brother struggle with his new life of limited mobility and function, the young man finds his own life weighed down by his thoughts and feelings about the accident. Motivated by his emotions and the suffering of his brother, the young man performs an "act of love" which creates more chaos for him.
Sgt. Werblo (uncredited)
МакКуин играет профессионального охотника за головами Ральфа "Папу" Торсона, занимающегося "отловом" беглых преступников и подследственных, выпущенных "под залог". "Папа" — опытный специалист в своем опасном и трудном "бизнесе", и, несмотря на то, что герой уже не так быстр, как в старые добрые времена, рука его все еще тверда, а воля несгибаема. Новая "добыча" охотника — мстительный и кровожадный психопат!
The Henderson Monster
Mayor Frank Bellona
A small town becomes gripped by an ethical debate when the community discovers a moody, egotistical scientist is experimenting with DNA and the creation of new life.
Lt. Carey Roth
Dennis Weaver is a Joseph Wambaugh-type novelist cop and Pat Hingle is his hard-nosed superior who wants him to stick to police work or get off the force in this pilot to the short-lived series.
Зима приносит смерть
Miles Garner
Младший брат убитого президента США пытается раскрыть дело.
Реальная жизнь
Dr. Jeremy Nolan
Дебютный фильм Альберта Брукса, представляющий собой едкую сатиру на такой известный феномен как "Реалити-ТВ". Шутки для фильма взяты из шоу "Субботним вечером в прямом эфире". Обольщение яркого шоу-бизнеса и соблазнительность всемогущего доллара проступают в каждом кадре этого гениального фильма.
Сержант Матлович против ВВС США
David Addlestone
Правдивая история Леонарда Матловича, сержанта ВВС США, уволенного из ВВС за то, что он гей, и история его борьбы за восстановление в должности.
The Choirboys
A group of Los Angeles cops decide to take off some of the pressures of their jobs by engaging in various forms of after-hours debauchery.
The Storyteller
Louis Kellogg
A television writer is troubled by accusations that a young boy's death resulted from actions the boy copied from the writer's teleplay.
In the Matter of Karen Ann Quinlan
Dr. Mason
Based on a true case, this tells the story of two parents in New Jersey whose daughter has lapsed into a coma from which doctors say she will never recover. The parents must decide whether to keep her alive on life support systems, or to disconnect them and let her die with some dignity left.
American Raspberry
Mr. Dorset
Some unknown source has interrupted all television transmissions around the world. In place of the regular broadcasts, a lineup of extremely tasteless programs and commercials have been substituted. Included in the mix are such show as The Shitheads, The Charles Whitman Invitational, and commercials for a number of improbable products.
The 3,000 Mile Chase
Frank Oberon
Secret courier Matt Considine accepts the mission to escort chief witness Dvorak and his wife from San Francisco to a trial in New York. They have to cover 3,000 dangerous miles, because the drug mob wants to kill them at any price.
Грязное дело
Jerry Bellamy
Лейтенант Фил Гейнс — опытный лос-анжелесский детектив, расследующий темную запутанную историю убийства стриптизерши. Он влюблен в дорогую и очень красивую девушку по вызову, один из высокопоставленных клиентов которой является главным подозреваемым. Расследование еще больше осложняется тем, что неуравновешенный отец жертвы решает сам найти преступника.
Force Five
Norman Ellsworth
Law and Disorder
In crime ridden New York of the seventies two cops has had enough. They decide to take justice into their own hands. Things turn exciting and humorous. No hoodlum goes safe.
Newman's Law
LAPD Officer Newman has not gotten the reputation of a straight arrow by avoiding conflict when fighting for right. In this police drama, his honesty is put to the test when he and his partner discover an international drug ring involving some of the department's highest ranking officers.
Judgment: The Trial of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg died for betraying atomic secrets. Were they guilty beyond a reasonable doubt?
Влияние гамма-лучей на бледно-желтые ноготки
Mr. Goodman
Сходящая с ума вдова Беатрис с двумя дочерьми отчаянно пытаются выжить в обществе, которое они с трудом понимают. Обвиняя в собственных проблемах всех, кроме самой себя, Беатрис не замечает, как ее дети оказываются на пути к безумию.
Story Theatre
Ensemble Member
Brothers Grimm tales like "The Golden Goose," "The Bremen Town Musicians" and "The Blue Light" come to life in this stripped-down stage production, which forgoes elaborate sets and costumes in favor of creative acting techniques and storytelling.