Verónica Forqué

Verónica Forqué

Рождение : 1955-12-01, Madrid, Spain

Смерть : 2021-12-13


Verónica Forqué
Verónica Forqué
Verónica Forqué
Verónica Forqué
Verónica Forqué


Перед зеркалом
Merce (Madre Álvaro)
Пять сотрудников борются с желаниями и спорят со своими отражениями в зеркале накануне корпоратива в честь 50-летия их косметической компании.
В тысяче километров от рождества
Аудитор, который терпеть не может Рождество, едет в командировку в небольшой городок. Там герой встречает женщину, твердо решившую изменить его отношение к празднику.
Journey to Somewhere
Self - Actress
A young woman, who has inherited her grandparents' huge house, a fascinating place full of amazing objects, feels overwhelmed by the weight of memories and her new responsibilities. Fortunately, the former inhabitants of the house soon come to her aid. (An account of the life and work of Fernando Fernán Gómez [1921-2007] and his wife Emma Cohen [1946-2016], two singular artists and fundamental figures of contemporary Spanish culture.)
So My Grandma's a Lesbian!
Eva, a young and promising Spanish lawyer based in Edinburgh, sees her wedding plans with the heir to an important and ultra-conservative Scottish family in jeopardy when she learns that her grandmother, Sofía, has decided to marry…
Stories of Our Cinema
Herself - Actress
In Spain, on May 11, 1896, at the Price circus, the first moving images ever shown in the country are projected. From that event, the Spanish actor Antonio Resines intends to compile a series of anecdotes to shape the amazing history of Spanish cinema, holding several conversations with prominent figures of the Spanish film industry.
Julia has just received the test result. The cancer has spread and she doesn't have much time. She goes with her sister to a spiritual retreat looking for peace and quiet. However, something unexpected happens.
Помни меня
Mrs. Owen
Узнав, что любовь его юности страдает болезнью Альцгеймера, безнадежно влюбленный вдовец пытается воссоединиться с ней.
Growing Up
Tía Laura
Emma, who writes stories for children, wakes up in her thirties without a partner or stable work. In the midst of the chaos in which her life has become, her best friend Lola announces that she has become pregnant and asks her to be the godmother of her first baby
Que el fin del mundo te pille bailando
Luna grande
Toc Toc
Paciente nuevo grupo #1
Toc Toc follows the adventures and misadventures of a group of patients with OCD dated at the same time.
Нам нужно поговорить
У Нурии всё замечательно: отличная работа, дом, парень, за которого она собирается замуж. Но есть небольшая проблема: она до сих пор не разведена с Хорхе.
In a role reversal that is challenging for any young adult, Ali has become a caretaker to her mother’s delicate mental health. Scarred by the past, she chain smokes, refuses to learn to drive, and is terrified of falling in love. Ali spends her days working in a supermarket and the rest of her time off on misadventures with her friend. But when she meets Julio, her tough veneer starts to crack and she may have to amend her strict rules of non-engagement.
Blanca confesses to her aunt Barbara she met the man of her live and he disappeared. By chance in a charming old couples house for sale, they find his picture. It's their son and he's dead. Mad Blanca and Barbara began a crazy investigation in a city underconstruction. An insecure actress, a secretery with ESP and a husband who's fed up with all the madness, will help them unravel these knot marked by humor and intrigue.
Испания, 17 век. С приездом двух женихов соперничество и ревность возникают между двумя сестрами с очень разными характерами.
Come Away with Me
Maria, daughter of Italian emigrants, lives with her son Santino who lives by expedients. In a small American town, inhabited mostly by children of Italian immigrants, the woman does everything to prevent her boyfriend from getting lost by taking the wrong path, so every time Santino tries to score a shot, Maria manages to blow his plans. Until one day the loving mother decides that the time has come to teach a fundamental lesson for the life of her son.
За несколько дней до коллективной гей-свадьбы сплетаются судьбы пятерых женщин, чьи сыновья готовятся вступить в брак. Судья Элена отвечает за церемонию, хозяйка гостиницы Магда — за прием гостей и банкет. Правда, свадьба под угрозой срыва из-за забастовки в отеле. Другим матерям тоже не сладко: нимфоманка Райс больна, состоятельная Рейс сходит с ума по жениху ее сына, Офелия на грани банкротства. Три дня жизни этого блистательного женского ансамбля, такого разного, но в чем-то похожего…
Clara y Elena
I Love You Baby
Boy Meets Boy. Boy gets hit in head. Boy loses boy to girl. What will he do?
No Shame
A movie script is presented to Isabel. After reading it she realizes it's based on an old love affair she had with movie director Mario Fabra, the author of the script.
Sugar Times
Miguel is a child that loves her neighbour Ángela and enjoy working in the pastry-cook's shop of his family. He don't tell Ángela his feelings, and when they grow Ángela marry with another man and has two sons with him, but she continues her friendship with Miguel.However, she will not be happy with her husband and will return to the town with Miguel, and they will show their true feelings.
Pepe Guindo
El tiempo de la felicidad
It's summer 1970, and the hippie movement has taken over an entire generation. In a beach house, a very unique family begins their summer vacation, which will change everyone's lives: Fernando (the father) an actor, Lucia (the mother) devoted housewife, and their four children- Chucho (the eldest), Elena (the intellectual), Juan (car-crazy) and Veronica (the youngest).
What Makes Women Laugh?
Luci, Graci and Mar­, three sisters that make a comedy trio, go to the wedding of their father with a woman who is 45 years younger than him. During the feast Luci's husband dies in an accident. Despite the tragedy, the trio have to fulfill their commitment acting during August in Benidorm. The widow discovers thanks to a notebook that her husband cheated on her, so she decides to flirt with everyone.
Sombras y luces: Cien años de cine español
La mujer vacía
The empty woman.
Self Esteem
Juana Miranda
A woman married to a bank director sees how her life is destroyed in a matter of hours when the police discovers that her husband has escaped with money from the bank.
Вокруг нее всегда крутятся странные мужчины. Ее возлюбленный — вуайерист. Ее свекор — маньяк. Брат ее служанки — сбежавший из психушки насильник. А сама она — маникюрша Кика — обладает поразительной способностью притягивать к себе всевозможные неприятности и недоразумения…
Why Do They Call It Love When They Mean Sex?
Gloria is a porn artist that performs live-sex. When his mate gets sick he brings her a young substitute, Manu. The boy works surprisingly well and then Gloria decides to go into business with him. Things get complicated when Gloria discovers that Manu is in trouble because of his gambling debts.
Orquesta Club Virginia
Presentadora TV egipcia
Pink Sauce
Ana's husband is the perfect wealthy middle-class man. Koro's husband is a cook with no more ambitions. One day, Ana meets Koro in a night club and she proposes Ana to seduce each others husbands. The following morning Ana thinks this was a joke, but things are not always what it seems. Written by Dulzz
Don Juan, My Dear Ghost
Señora de Marquina
Seville, November 1, 1990. Tenorio goes out of his grave, as every year. Similarly, Juan Marquina, a great actor, makes the general rehearsal of a musical version of the play. Since that moment, two worlds come together in a circle of adventures, facing both Don Juans, helped by four beautiful women with decisive influence on their destinies.
El baile del pato
Spanish comedy.
Going Down in Morocco
A girl, who lives together with her cousin who earns some money by dealing and her boyfriend who is a policeman, is regularly transporting some drugs from Marocco for her cousin. As all of them smoke grass from time to time there is need for more. Deciding to take a friend of hers who has just left home down to Marocco for a transport she gets problems because it is the first time for her friend and this makes it difficult. But as all are very open minded there is no problem they would not try to solve. Written by Volker Boehm
Moors and Christians
A peculiar family, which owns a nougat factory, decides to set out on a trip to Madrid in order to advertise its products in a Food Fair. Besides the disapproval from the family head and company founder, events are not as expected.
Madre Caín
La vida alegre
Ana starts working as a Doctor in the S.T.I.U. (sexual transmission illnesses unit) at a Hospital. She begins meeting a lot of strange and bizarre characters there, while her jealous husband has to deal with it...
Hans, a German director, is in Madrid to film a television production about the capital and the Civil War, 50 years after it occurred. Accompanied by Lucía, his editor, and Goyo, his cinematographer, he films shots of the modern city, searching for spaces and people related to its past. At the same time, he views materials related to the past. In this search, Hans questions the point of his project, and disagrees with his producers until he discovers a project that he is passionate about.
Год пробуждения
Сюжет фильма разворачивается вокруг гражданской революции в Испании средины двадцатого века. В это время вся планета погрязла в войнах, но даже те, кто не принимал участия во Второй мировой, не отставали по числу несчастных судеб. Именно в такой ситуации оказались два главных героя киноленты – Иисус и Мануоло – братья, которые сложно переживали за судьбу собственной Родины в послевоенное время.
Romanza final (Gayarre)
Alicia's voice
Biography of Julian Gayarre (1844-1890), one of the best tenors of all times. At 19, a professor at the Conservatory of Music in Madrid heard him singing for the first time and offered him a scholarship to continue his studies. His artistic life runs between continued success, becoming the world's greatest tenor. But in 1890, while singing at the Teatro Real in Madrid, a failure in his voice is like a cruel reminder of what would happen a few days later: his death at a young age. The doctors gave a diagnosis, but his friends know that Julian Gayarre died because he could not sing anymore.
El orden cómico
One of the presidential candidates whose main campaign promise to end crime. When a day come back home with his wife, found the lifeless body of her son who had come to steal. The young man was a drug addict, just with what the candidate wants to end. So he decided hide his body until elections are for the matter not to spill his candidacy.
Матадор Диего жестоко ранен быком и более не имеет возможности убивать на арене…
Ни стыда, ни совести
Пако и Фернандо – друзья и владельцы небольшого издательства, которое в данный момент находится на грани банкротства. Поправить дела должен контракт с популярной детской писательницей Аделой Морой. В тот вечер, когда Фернандо должен был подписать договор в фешенебельном отеле, его приятель решил встретиться со своей любовницей, для чего попросил своего друга уступить ему одну из комнат своего дома, оборудованную для тайных свиданий. Но находящаяся в расстроенных чувствах секретарша отправила писательницу не в гостиницу, а домой к своему боссу...
За что мне это?
У обычной домохозяйки Глории появляются серьезные проблемы. Ее муж страстно увлекается бывшей певичкой; один из сыновей с удовольствием продает наркотики, а другой заводит бурные романы с отцами своих одноклассников. Положение становится еще хуже, когда из-за странного стечения обстоятельств взбалмошная Глория оказывается замешанной в убийстве и попытке продать поддельные дневники Гитлера.
The Song of the Cicada
Everybody Calls Me 'The Cat'
La fierecilla domada
The swaggering Petruchio agrees to marry the spitting hellcat, Katherine.
Tiempos de constitución
Blindfolded Eyes
Alumna (uncredited)
A drama teacher casts a woman in a play about torture, and the two eventually become lovers. As production of the play develops, the director begins to receive threatening letters.
Lolín Rodríguez Merino
In a restaurant they're preparing a grand banquet in honor of a sports association of anglers, but several circumstances seem to have conspired to boycott the event.
The Standard
Louise Lang
During the final days of the First World War, Officer Menis does his duty in defending the battle flag of the defeated Austro-Hungarian empire, while his fellow troops, a motley gang recruited from several different countries not loyal to the royal family, simply try to survive by any means possible.
Daddy's War
Madrid, Costa Fleming
Sexy comedy.
El segundo poder
País S. A.
Hija Sra. Pesón
A useless kidnapper tries to kdnap a rich industrialist.
Una pareja... distinta
Empleada tienda de perros
Zoraida is a single mother and bearded woman in a circus, while Charly works in transvestite shows. Together they will live a difficult and unusual love story.
My Dearest Senorita
A woman living in a small town discovers after fifty years that she is actually a man. Will she change her sex and suffer the reaction of a narrow-minded society?