Line Renaud

Line Renaud

Рождение : 1928-07-02, Nieppe, Hauts-de-France, France


Line Renaud (born 2 July 1928) is a popular French singer, actress and AIDS activist. Line Renaud was born Jacqueline Ente in Pont-de-Nieppe on 2 July 1928. Her mother Simone was a shorthand typist; her father was a truck driver during the week, but he played the trumpet on weekends, in a local brass band. Line showed the first signs of her talent in primary school, when at the age of seven she won an amateur competition. During the Second World War, Jacqueline's father was mobilised, spending five years away from the family. During this time, Jacqueline was brought up by her mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. Her grandmother had a café in Armentières, where she used to sing for passing soldiers. She auditioned at Conservatoire de Lille, singing songs written by Loulou Gasté "Sainte-Madeleine" and "Mon âme au diable". Louis Gasté was at that time a well-known French composer. At the end of the audition, she was approached by the director of Radio Lille who was looking for a singer. She took the pseudonym of Jacqueline Ray and joined the station singing a repertoire based on the songs by Loulou Gasté. In 1945, she moved to Paris and got her first gig in Folies Belleville, where she was introduced to Gasté. She was 16, and Gasté was 37. He became her mentor, changing her image and her name. Line Renaud made her national debut on Radio Luxembourg, singing on a Sunday morning program. After signing a contract with Pathe Marconi, she recorded "Ma Cabane au Canada", written by Loulou Gasté, which won le Grand Prix du Disque. She also sang with Yves Montand in the Théâtre de l'Etoile. She toured Europe and Africa extensively, came back to Paris to star at the ABC, and recorded numerous adaptations of American songs such as "Ma petite folie", "Étoile des neiges" and "Le Chien dans la vitrine". In 1954, while performing at Moulin Rouge, she met Bob Hope and subsequently appeared in five episodes of The Bob Hope Show in the US. During this trip, she also sang in the Waldorf Astoria (New York) and the Cocoanut Grove (Los Angeles), appeared on Johnny Carson, Dinah Shore and Ed Sullivan shows and recorded with Dean Martin the songs "Relax-Ay-Voo" and "Two Sleepy People". In 1959, she started a four-year run of Plaisir de Paris for Henri Varna and then went on to perform in a Las Vegas show at Dunes from 1963 to 1965. In 1966 she returned to Paris and the Casino de Paris starring in a new show, Desir de Paris. In 1968, she returned to Las Vegas for a number of performances. In France, in 1973 she created an American show which she toured for two years around the country. She then helped Casino de Paris, threatened by closing, by putting on a show called ‘Paris – Line’ with Loulou Gasté, which ran for four years. In the 1980s, she starred in a TV show Telle est Line for Antenne 2 and recorded songs in English and French. At Casino de Paris, she put on a one-off show which retraced her forty-year career. Also, in 1981, she served as an unofficial on-air "guide" for Merv Griffin when he taped "The Merv Griffin Show" in Paris, and in 1982 she was a guest on Perry Como's Christmas special in Paris. In 1989, she toured around Japan as part of a festival which marked the bicentennial of the French Revolution. ... Source: Article "Line Renaud" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


Line Renaud
Line Renaud


Le Prochain voyage
Sheila, toutes ces vies-là
Self (archive footage)
The portrait of a woman who remembers. Sheila tells the story of Sheila, without concessions or evasions. Her childhood, her parents, her beginnings, the rumors, her love affairs, her marriage, her son, her successes, her farewells, her return, her mourning. The journey of an extraordinary popular icon who never stopped fighting. The courage of an artist who never gives up. "Sheila, toutes ces vies-là" is also a journey through time. 60 years of pop music, punctuated by numerous archives, personal films, timeless hits and illustrations by Marc-Antoine Coulon. But also 60 years of fashion, through a legendary wardrobe (her TV show outfits) that Sheila invites us to rediscover.
In France with Madonna
Self (archive footage)
France is at the heart of Madonna's life. She is inspired by French culture and its values and has surrounded herself with French artists for many years. To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Queen of Pop's career, this film revisits the close and unique bond between Madonna and France and features testimonials from close collaborators and French friends who have helped create her unique artistic universe: Maripol, Jean Paul Gaultier, Julien d'Ys, Nicolas Huchard, and Marion Motin. Today's artists such as Florence Foresti, Leïla Slimani, Victor Weinsanto and HollySiz talk about the influence of this emancipating figure, which extends far beyond music.
Driving Madeleine
A seemingly simple taxi ride across Paris evolves into a profound meditation on the realities of the driver, whose personal life is in shambles, and his fare, an elderly woman whose warmth belies her shocking past.
Archives secrètes • Les copains d'abord
Self (archive footage)
They Love Each Other... Well, Almost!
Follows the intertwined stories of five couples and their entourage, living in the same opulent Parisian building, over the four seasons of the year.
Le Squat
Murders in the Three Valleys
Gabrielle Sandraz
A young woman is found dead at the foot of a rocky peak at dawn, her hands crossed on her chest, her face calm. Accident ? Crime? Why this staging? Why does it resemble so much the suicide of a young woman in the middle of the war of 14, found in exactly the same place and under the same circumstances? Commander Godard, for only a year at the head of the gendarmerie platoon, begins a strange investigation, which will lead him into the past. But it will be again and always Gabrielle Sandraz, at the crossroads of all stories, guardian of everyone's destinies, who will put him on the trail of a forgotten event.
Knock, Knock, It's Mom!
While her apartment is being renovated, Jacqueline is thrilled to be forced into spending "a few days" with her eldest daughter Carole and her son-in-law, who are both in couples therapy. These "few days" turn into "a few months". Jacqueline quickly feels at home. She prepares dinners, monopolizes the television, reorganizes the kitchen... She is here, and no one knows for how long!
I Love You Coiffure
Mme Vinard (segment "Le Salon de coiffure")
Liliane and Maud are twin sisters. The first is a modest provincial hairdresser while the second leads the great life in Paris. They both fight over their mother's custody.
Les secrets de la belle endormie
When Huguette, a 78-year-old former school principal, ends up homeless because she did not pay her rent, her neighbor Marion offers her a deal: a roof in exchange of her help to prevent the teenager she is raising alone, Rémi, from failing school.
Танцуй сердцем
Энергия танца, безудержный ритм и биение сердца — ради этого Джозеф готов отказаться от всего и отправиться на битву лучших хип-хоп танцоров планеты. В Париже он встречает Хлою, которой предстоит отбор в легендарную балетную труппу Нью-Йорка. Вместе они мечтают создать невероятное объединение стилей, которое потрясет весь мир.
Mon Chirac
At the close of Jacques Chirac's life, politician Jean-Louis Debré has wished to make a film to celebrate his friend, to tell the story of their friendship and professional understanding, and to make an intimate portrait of the former President of France through the accounts of a few very close friends. Thanks to Jean-Louis Debré's presence, Claude Chirac and some of Jacques Chirac's closest friends, famous or unknown, agreed to talk to the camera, sometimes for the first time, to evoke their untold-before memories and tell about the moments that bonded the two men for a lifetime.
Жан-Поль Готье, с любовью
Любой дизайнер может организовать показ мод, но только Готье мог бы сделать «Fashion Freak Show» в Фоли-Бержер. Зрителю предстоит зайти за кулисы самого возмутительного проекта новатора моды.
Muriel Robin, oser être soi...
Jean Paul Gaultier fait son show
On the occasion of Jean Paul Gaultier's 40-year career and his show "Fashion Freak Show" at the Folies Bergère, France 2 has given carte blanche to the most famous French couturier of the world who has created for the first time a great show of varieties fully immersed in his universe. Jean Paul Gaultier who, in his childhood, dreamed while watching the variety shows of Maritie and Gilbert Carpentier, takes the reins of this great entertainment mixing music and fashion.
От семьи не убежишь
Suzanne Duquesne, Valentin's mother
Валентин — модный дизайнер, который стесняется своих родителей из рабочего класса. Но однажды его сбивает машина, после чего Валентин теряет память и забывает о событиях последних 20 лет, возвращаясь в те годы, когда он только собирался покорить Париж.
Mentalistes : dans la tête des stars
Remembering You
Pleins feux
Alice Margaux
La Douce Empoisonneuse
La voyante
Belinda and Me
An elderly woman, whose best friend has died, meets her friend's favorite nephew to give him his inheritance. The nephew is rather different than expected.
Simple question de temps
Laurence Delcourt
A widow of a billionaire, Marie-France Dubreuil-Joris is also a renowned pianist. Trying to manage her fortune as well as possible, she entrusts most of it to her banker, whom she particularly appreciates. But his butler also has after his money.
Petits arrangements avec ma mère
Fabien has been a manager for years. Overnight, this 40 year old man is unemployed. His wife Daniela pushes him to recover an apartment he had made available to his mother, Marie-Louise. But the woman is not at all ready to leave the apartment, especially not since she now has a new boyfriend, André.
Harold et Maude
Harold Chasen is a young man of 19 years with an overflowing and morbid imagination, who takes advantage of his free time to attend funerals, and stage suicides to react to his mother, Mrs. Chasen, a strict, tyrannical woman and a a bit hysterical, who takes care of finding a wife for his son. But when Harold meets Maude, "80 year old princess", nonconformist and full of life, everything changes for the young man. The old woman teaches him to love life through more wacky experiences than each other, and Harold falls in love with it.
Четыре женщины отправляются в средиземноморский круиз своей мечты. Среди всякого рода веселья и праздничного безумия, уроков танго и загадочных новых встреч, большое путешествие раскроет перед ними новые горизонты, полные сюрпризов особенно по части дружбы и любви.
Большой ресторан 2
The lady with the canary
Рассказ об одном легендарном ресторане, владелец которого является настоящим гуру ресторанного бизнеса.
Très chère Mathilde
Mathilde Giffard
Ученик Санты
Solange Folichon (voice)
Старый добрый Санта не хочет уходить на пенсию, но правила есть правила — он должен кого-то обучить себе на замену. Счастливчика, которого выберут из числа миллионов детей, должны звать Николасом, он должен быть сиротой и, конечно, обладать чистым сердцем. И такой ребенок есть!На другом конце света живет маленький мальчик, который идеально подходит для этой ответственной миссии, но неуверенность в себе и, главное, страх высоты делают его никудышным претендентом. Согласится ли Санта помочь своему ученику справиться со страхами и достойно занять его место?
В случае несчастья
Viviane Guérand
Во время попытки ограбления квартиры ювелирши Люси отталкивает хозяйку дома, которая падает и ударяется головой. Думая, что женщина мертва, Люси в страхе бежит и ищет помощи у известного адвоката Вивиан Геран, которая соглашается вести дело в память о событиях собственной жизни, когда много лет назад она не смогла уберечь от смерти свою 20-летнюю дочь…
Fallen from the Sky
Бобро поржаловать
Mrs. Bailleul
Филипп Абрамс, начальник почтового отделения на юге Франции в Салон-де-Прованс делает всё для того, чтобы быть переведённым по службе в Кассис, райский уголок близ Марселя. Однако все его старания и мечты идут крахом, когда за мелкое служебное нарушение он получает дисциплинарный перевод на два года в Берг на Севере, близ Дюнкерка.
Aller retour dans la journée
Élise Villedieu
Дом со скидкой
Tata Suzanne Bailleul
Шарль — редкий скряга и жмот. Но однажды, устроив жене скандал из-за денег, потраченных Анной на подарок к 15-летию их свадьбы, он начинает терзаться угрызениями совести. Решив стать другим человеком, Шарль готов преподнести жене роскошный подарок — загородный дом. Агент Дракар предлагает ему сэкономить на строительстве и вместо дорогого архитектора нанять его лучших работников, которые построят дом супердешево и в рекордные сроки. А в результате — все происходит совсем наоборот, Шарль оказывается в долговой яме, ему приходится продать квартиру и от него уходит жена. Но к этому времени Шарль действительно становится другим человеком: чтобы вернуть Анну и наказать проходимцев, он готов пойти на самые крайние меры…
The Robin Sisters
Marie Robin
Two elderly ladies, Marie and Aminthe, both single and without children, live together in the house of their grandfather. Aminthe lives in the memory of Fabien, her husband to-be, who died in Indo-China more than fifty years ago. Marie, the elder one, likes to remind the happy time of their childhood - before they lost their parents prematurely. As kids, each have their own character flaws but seem to have a pure and simple childhood. Now, they live their pensions - small -, vegetables of the kitchen garden that Marie sells at the market and of the piano courses which Aminthe gives... Not enough to maintain their old residence, badly heated and of which the roof is to be remade... But when Aminthe affirms that it is necessary to sell and buy an apartment, Marie refuses categorically. Soon we learn what secrets these girls have kept all their lives.
A Cursed Monarchy
Marie de Hongrie
It is the early 1300's and the treasury of France, under the rule of Philippe IV (Philippe le Bel or Philippe the Beautiful), is empty. The king decides the only solution is to raid the treasures of the Knights Templar (amongst others) and concocts various charges of treason, heresy and deviance against the Knights and their Grand Master Jacques de Molay. Having confessed under torture to the crimes of which he is accused, de Molay is condemned to be burned at the stake. With his dying breath he curses the king, the king's advisor (Guillaume de Nogaret), the pope (Pope Clement V) and the thirteen succeeding generations of their families. There follows one of the most dramatic periods in French history, half a century of political intrigue, murder, treason, war and famine, which ultimately culminates in the 100 Years War.
Смелость любить
Уличный артист Массимо встречает красивую и амбициозную Шаа. В совместных выступлениях они обретают любовь и признание, но Шаа бросает его, получив шанс для собственной однодневной карьеры. Но подлинный успех приходит к Массимо, однако у него так и не получается оправиться от утраты любимой. После долгих уговоров каждый из них соглашается на предложение о съемках фильма по событиям своих «звездных» жизненных перипетий, не подозревая, что им придется обнажить перед зрителями не только свою душу, но и израненное сердце.
Suzie Berton
Suzie Berton
Three Men and a Cradle - 18 Years Later
Marie (and her three fathers) are taking A-levels. Marie passes. She spends the summer in the country with her mother, Sylvia, who has returned from America with her Californian husband who has two sons. Marie falls in and out of love for the first time in front of her alarmed fathers, who see Marie's innocence slipping away at frightening speed, and their relationships with the two women become even more complicated.
A bourgeois couple, modern yet conventional. One night by accident, a young prostitute barges into their lives. Hounded down, beaten up, threatened, she will continue to struggle, with the help of a well off lady, first for her survival-her resurrection-then for her dignity and freedom. Stormy encounters for everyone involved.
Doggy Bag
La mère
A young woman neglected by her mother, who prefers her dog, plunges into a totally crazy dream. She imagines herself getting rid of this unwanted dog in the company of her bizarre driver.
Любимая теща
Антуан очень долго оставался холостяком. Скорее всего, потому, что был слишком придирчивым: одна кандидатка в жены казалась ему слишком юной, другая — недостаточно сексуальной, третьей не хватало светского лоска. Но наконец — то поиски завершены: невеста — элегантна, привлекательна, в меру серьезна и вдобавок ждет от него ребенка. Отступать некуда, и Антуан решается на брак. Вот он стоит перед алтарем, слушает священника, задающего традиционый вопрос, на который следует ответить «да». И в этот торжественный момент понимает, что должен ответить «нет», так как секунду назад всем сердцем, по самые уши и до конца дней своих влюбился в ту, что вот — вот должна стать его тещей.
À nous deux la vie
After returning from a long African exile, a sixty-year-old woman leaves her unfaithful husband and starts anew with her five-year-old granddaughter.
La voisine
A retired woman befriends her neighbor without suspecting that it is her own daughter whom she abandoned at birth.
Sixième classique
By dint of inventing stories, a boy neglected by his mother comes to lead a double life.
Ma femme me quitte
Margot Piquet
Joanna Martin, a mid-life journalist, is investigating a marriage agency organizing white marriages. She uses her sister's identity to infiltrate.
Rendez-moi ma fille
A singer tries to get her daughter out of the grip of a guru by becoming a member of his cult herself.
I Can't Sleep
In 1980s Paris, a series of murders captures public attention. Meanwhile, the gorgeous Daiga moves from Lithuania to Paris, immigrant musician Théo struggles to raise his young son, and Théo's brother, a gay transvestite named Camille, sings and dances in a cabaret for a living. All three grapple with isolation and the problems of modern living, but one of them could be so desperately alienated that they have a hand in the serial murders.
Polly West est de retour
Polly West
Polly West, a very rich American star, has bought the castle of Sainte Apolline, a small village in Provence. As soon as she arrives, the dynamic actress causes trouble among the inhabitants. After having received her in confession, the priest seems to be taken by madness. To add to the turmoil, the country warden and the grocer enter her service. Honorin, the mayor, tries to cope and maintain order. While the people of the village keep asking questions, Polly flies to the rescue of the beautiful Italian girl Clara, who has been raped by the landlord Léonce. Soon, Honotin discovers that Polly is buying up the village's land using a few nominees. He then understands that this woman is not a stranger and that, a few years ago, the villagers chased her away because she was a mother, and these same villagers caused the death of her parents. Polly has returned to seek revenge.
Пески времени
Mme. Angelis
Действие фильма происходит во второй половине 30-х годов XX века в Испании во время гражданской войны. Одна из главных героев фильма — девушка Лусия. Её отец — один из главарей мафии, возлюбленный девушки узнаёт об этом и сдаёт его полиции. Лусия, мстя за отца, совершает преступление — убивает своего бывшего возлюбленного. Теперь девушка скрывается от полиции — она прячется в монастыре и становится монахиней. Через некоторое время начинается гражданская война, и монахини должны убегать от преследующих их военных, которые обвинили их в пособничестве терроризму. Четыре монахини уходят от преследователей вместе навстречу неизвестности и одному из испанских мятежников.
Pleins feux
Adeline Margaux
A famous actress learns the hard way that the devotion of a young admirer is not what it seems.
Откройте, полиция! - 2
Продажный и его неподкупный напарник попались на пустяке, и их выгнали из полиции, после чего им пришлось уехать на ферму к старому другу Рене. Пришедшая же им на смену пара негодяев поставила вымогательство на широкую ногу. С таким размахом, что все мелкие жулики, смеявшиеся над старостью и юностью наших героев, против которых дружно давали показания, просто взвыли. Взвыли и послали делегацию к отверженным бедолагам, забавляющимся мошенничеством на скачках. Они умоляли их вернуться и спасти от новых полицейских, по форме «работы» больше напоминающих беспредельных рэкетиров. И они вернулись…
Folle Amanda
Hully Gully
Before music videos, there were scopitones (a popular music jukebox/viewing machine). This is a strangely homoerotic scopitone featuring the French singer Line Renaud and many, many shirtless men.
Mademoiselle et son gang
Agnès Bourdieux
La Madelon
Madeleine Thuilier dite La Madelon
1914, a small village of the Marne. Charming and woken up, Madeleine, said the Madelon, who works in the coffee(café) of his father, Tourlourou, account of numerous pretenders. To the rich Antoine Pichot, she prefers corporal Beauguitte. When the war bursts, she(it) searches for the latter.
Boom on Paris
In the early 1950s, the popular radio show "La Kermesse aux Étoiles", hosted by the famous Jean Nohain, mixing lottery games and performances of various artists, will be disrupted by the adventures of a man and his fiancée seeking to recover a dangerous bottle of perfume (explosive) which was unfortunately mixed with the prizes to be won ...
Double or Quits
The singer
In Bourganeuf, an old maid, Charlotte Bourdier, confesses to Marie Chassagne that she has forged a sentimental intrigue by correspondence with the presenter of the Radio Circus, Zappy Max. Marie agrees to meet him when he comes, but she in turn falls in love with him, who confesses his love to her.
Ils sont dans les vignes...
Rose Filhol
In 1935, in the Burgundian village of Valromey, Commissioner Desbordes was the very unpopular leader of the anti-alcoholic league. His own brother, Pimpin, is an unconditional defender of the vineyard. Pierre Moreau is, for his part, the representative of a hygienic drink, the "Koku-Kolu". The cafe owner's daughter, Rose, will find the man very to her liking and will manage to seduce him.
Paris Still Sings!
A famous comedian decrees that his fortune will go to whoever collects as many pop star autographs as quickly as possible. When he dies, two cousins ​​embark on the race for signatures.
Over the waves
Panorama of the programs and hosts who made the heyday of radio in the 1950s.
Une belle garce
During a crossing, Professor Rabas, a famous tamer, meets a certain Raymonde whom he brings back with him to his circus. The presence of the young woman leads to disagreement between Rabas and his younger brother, Léo; she suggests to the latter to enter the cage of the untamed lions, where he is injured. Rabas and Leo understood the lesson; Raymonde is hunted like an evil beast, and calm returns to the circus.
Devil and the Angel
Cabaret singer
The Director of an international banknote printing institute, mutilated by the face of the Great War, Frank Davres, falls in love with a young woman, Jeanne, admirably beautiful, but blind. He marries her. For her, he ruins himself and comes to issue counterfeit banknotes. The young woman does everything to make people forget her infirmity. One day, following an operation, she recovers her sight and notices the physical and moral ugliness of her husband. She hides her cure until the day when Frank, taken by the police, kills one of his accomplices and commits suicide. Jeanne leaves to join a friend with whom she was performing in a circus.
Le Palmier