Aleksandar Berček

Aleksandar Berček

Рождение : 1950-09-04, Vrdnik, Serbia


Aleksandar Bercek is a Serbian actor. He graduated acting on the Academy for theater, film, radio and television. Has starred in over 40 films and numerous theatrical productions. He was in the National Theatre in Belgrade on 21 January 1993. to 10 May 1997. year. In 1980. he won the Golden Arena for role of Miško in the film "Ko To Tamo Peva".  Award "Pavle Vuisic" which is awarded for lifetime achievement actor, he received in 2001.


Aleksandar Berček


South Wind 2: Speed Up
Nenad, Maras his little brother, wants to follow the ilegal footsteps of his brother and now Maras and Baca have to free him from the clutches of the bad guys.
Южный ветер
Как и у многих в его неспокойной стране, единственный путь из бедности для Петара Мараша лежит по ту сторону закона. Профессиональный гонщик, он специализируется на краже очень дорогих автомобилей и крышуется местным авторитетом. Но однажды Петер угоняет Мерседесс, загруженный наркотиками и этим нарушает планы очень серьезных людей.
Santa Maria della Salute
Arhimandrit Gavrilo
The film narrates a tormented love story between one of the most famous poets of Serbian literature, Laza Kostic, renowned for his sublime poetic puns and word coining and an enchanting young girl by the name of Lenka Dundjerski, an educated and refined daughter of a landowner Lazar Dundjerski. Standing in the way of their love is the insurmountable age gap between the two, as Kostic is 29 years older than his beloved one. The affair inspired one of the most sophisticated and tender love poems of the time, an utmost expression of yearning, in which the poet's unflinching devotion is linked to his admiration for a Venice basilisk by the name of Santa Maria della Salute.
Circles (Serbian: Krugovi) is a Serbian movie based on the true story of a Serbian soldier who risked his life to protect a Muslim civilian during the war in Bosnia. During the war in Bosnia in 1993, a Serbian soldier pays for his life after protecting a Muslim civilian from being attacked by three other soldiers. 12 years later, the consequences of this act of heroism are still having their repercussions.
Professor Kosta Vujic's Hat
Profesor Kosta Vujić
Professor Vujić's Hat (Serbian: Sesir profesora Koste Vujica) is a Serbian movie. The story was first presentet as a TV drama in 1972. The story of professor Kosta Vujić who in the mid-19th century taught an extraordinarily talented generation of gymnasium students, some of whom would go on to become prominent members of the Serbian society and eventually historically significant figures. They include Mihailo "Mika Alas" Petrović, Stevan Stojanović Mokranjac, Jovan Cvijić, and Jaša Prodanović.
Deda, Živojin Marković
В один прекрасный день, чувствуя приближение смерти, дед просит своего внука исполнить его завет — пойти в город, продать корову, на вырученные деньги купить икону, затем купить то, что ему захочется и, наконец, найти себе жену. В городе Цане с легкостью справляется с первыми пунктами дедовского завета... но где же найти подходящую женщину?
Жизнь как чудо
Главный герой — Лука — немножко сумасшедший железнодорожник, который строит тоннель между Балканами и остальным миром. Жена Луки — Джарданка — певица, сбегает с венгерским музыкантом. Их сын Милош мечтает стать футболистом, однако таланта к игре у него не слишком много. Странная семейка постепенно распадается: жена сбегает, сына забирают в армию, отец всё дальше углубляется в связующий разные культуры тоннель… Разрешится ли сложный, коварный конфликт отцов и детей? Может ли новая женщина отца стать препятствием в отношениях с сыном? Победит ли любовь, или бессильно голодное сердце, алчущее любви, против барьеров, установленных обществом?
Serbia, Year Zero
Self (archive footage)
Documentary that follows events after the fall of Slobodan Milosevic, while looking back on the previous fifteen years, tracing his rise to power. Personal testimony alternates with analysis of a disintegrating society.
Normal People
Nikolin ujak
Film "Normalni ljudi" is based on the motives of various writings by Srdjan Valjarevic. Srdjan is an excellent writer so unpretentious and humble that it is a crime placing his ideas into this context. I do not wanna go into the reason why did he except to sign this film. Oleg NOvkovic's approach to it is wrong from the very beginning. Surreal is only his attempt to make a noir film ( by: ninjakrme)
War Live
Belgrade, 1999. Producer Sergei and his film crew are in a disastrous situation - the film they're making is under threat - there's no money, the crew are dissatisfied - and NATO bombing is just around the corner. Then a member of the State Security Service (Mileta) comes looking for American co-producer Harvey. Anxious and worried, in the midst of the bombing that's begun, Sergei hides Harvey from what he thinks is awaiting him - arrest. During the night, he thinks up a plan. He announces the start of filming on a new, patriotic film - in which the main role will be played by Harvey. The plan works - the State supports the film and Mileta, as the State's representative, joins the crew. However, the underlying conflict between Mileta and Sergei explodes during the first screening. Mileta accuses them of being artists, and not being patriots.
The Secret of Family Treasure
Paja 'Trošak' Pandurović
Tihomir Stojkovic suspects that there's a hidden treasure in the property of his neighbors. Since this piece of land belongs to a man who has unmarried daughter, Tihomir persuades his friend Djosa to marry her so they could get in possession of that jar full of money. The characters are based on TV series "Family Treasure".
The Battles of Simeon the Student
David Štrbac
Thematically diverse stories written by Petar Kocic are bond by the thread, creating the basis for a dramatic story of the events surrounding the student Simeun. In the foreground there's a summary of Simeun's features, some patriotic, but some arrogant as well. These Simeun's actions are manifesto of the complexity of his nature, acting like a tyrant and patriot who displays bravery for the sake of freedom of his people.
Halil 'Sikter' Efendija
Главного героя фильма всю жизнь мучает мысль о его происхождении, многие годы собирает он по крупицам воспоминания очевидцев о страшном рождественском дне 1942 года, когда соседи из мусульманского села Османовичи напали на сербское село Юговичи. Они согнали жителей в церковь и заживо сожгли, только его, новорожденного мальчика, оставили в живых и отдали на воспитание в ту мусульманскую семью, которая и убила всех…
Evil Woman
Sultana and the bootmaker's wife Pela looks very much like each other, with replacement clothing and residence, Sultana becomes Pela and Pela becomes Sultana. The consequence of disguise is that the Sultana are undergoing torture from Pela's husband which changes her nature, which makes positive impact on her environment. The script abounds with musical numbers that contribute to the atmosphere, establish era and the place of action, and in this play bring vaudeville jollity.
Бочка пороха
Что значит человеческая жизнь, когда вокруг бушует война, делающая сердца людей каменными, а умы — безразличными ко всему? Еще недавно цветущая, а ныне — разодранная на куски и обильно орошенная кровью, земля Югославии жестоко мстит за свою боль. Лишь вера в себя помогает молодым героям противостоять мраку, сгустившемуся над пороховой бочкой Европы — Балканами…
Barking at the Stars
Slobodan Lazarević
Comedy about teachers and students at a high school in a small provincial town. Mihailo tries to win the heart of a girl his brother is also chasing.
Balkan Rules
Movie about secret relations between Yugoslavian, Serbian and Croatian secret police during last 50 years. Here in Balkans truth and lies are so much mixed and it lasts so long that no one knows the difference. That is why this fictitious story looks so true.
In the Middle of Nowhere
The exploits of a depressed architect in Belgrade as he wanders about searching for the future in a land where the future no longer exists. Handsome Nikola is in his mid-thirties. He earned the nickname Champ because he used to race speedboats. He makes a decent living as a free-lance architect and his apartment is spacious and comfortable. Ana is attracted by the Champ's good looks and apparent prosperity. He is always pensive though; even when he is out drinking at the local clubs with his companions he cannot help but brood about the state of Belgrade. Though the city appears fairly normal on the outside, the presence of the war is signalled when a reluctant conscript in the army is dragged away.
Better Than Escape
A Yugoslav stage actor marries an American girl in Belgrade and has a child with her, when his career downhill out of political reasons he develops a drinking habit, his wife leaves him and takes their daughter to U.S.A.
Introduction to Another Life
Bivši kapetan Rodin
A writer with a writer's block is tormented by his lack of inspiration. His girlfriend shows up and talks to him about his writing and her father. After she leaves, her father, an ex officer of the military and ex communist party member, rings the doorbell. After a tense introduction, the father starts to retell his life in order to try to explain why he did things that his daughter hates him for. It is not clear if writer's girlfriend and her father are part of writer's fiction, memories or reality.
A Girl with the Lamp
Specijalni gost
The famous Serbian painter Milena Pavlovic-Barili, author of the masterpiece "A girl with the lamp", spends her last summer accompanied by young, curious actress.
Plum Noodles
Stanko Zec, sin
Three families who live in a shared backyard wait their problems to be solved by others. Drama develops when owner of the house comes back from America with his rich pension. His family starts to fantasize what will they do with all this money once he passes away, but old man dies after a month without leaving a written testament behind.
My Brother Aleksa
Brat Pero
The story of poet Aleksa Santic, visionary and romanticist, great loser in private life. The poet was born in strict patriarchal, rich trading family from Mostar, in conservative social environment, in controversial times in the end of XIX and beginning of XX century. As a young man, he falls in love with the Slavonian girl, Anka Tomlinovic, daughter of poor photographer, leaving her under pressure of his family. Later, he meets Zorka Solina, young and rich girl from Mostar who, again because of the interests of her family, leaves the poet. In his mature years, Aleksa Santic engages himself passionately in social and political life of his age. Disappointments, poverty, sickness and loneliness follow. And the certainty of early death. His older brother tells the story of poet's life, while he is dying.
Sugar Loaf
It describes the social process of stratification in the Serbian countryside during late 19th century, which occurs with the penetration of the commodity-money in the countryside. Under new conditions, peasants and farmers are unable to adapt, and rot under the burden of debts.
Dear Video
Dear Video is a black epistolary comedy which stars some of the finest actors from the former Yugoslavia. The film is constructed around the video 'correspondence' between two branches of a family, one living in Germany and pursuing 'modern' life and the other one living in a little village in Yugoslavia clinging to tradition. Through the home video 'letters' sent back and forth, petty jealousies, love liaisons and financial squabbles drive the family to the brink of war, a situation that reflects the collapsing state of affairs in what was then Yugoslavia.
Ship Floats to Shanghai
Ljiljanin otac
A young married couple does not share the bed. However, they try to hide all the obstacles and their problems in public, presenting their marriage to be an idyllic and exemplary one. Below their provincial mask, one can reveal the intolerance, strong emotions and passions of a spoiled Belgrade girl and an ambitious small-town lawyer.
Святое место
Lord Županski
«Святое место» основано на литературной классике - известном рассказе Николая Васильевича Гоголя «Вий». Однако Джордже Кадиевич использует его только в качестве отправной точки для своего собственного повествования, в котором есть место и психологическому триллеру, и мистике, и тёмной стороне эротики.
Meeting Place
During the excavation of ancient Roman ruins, an old archaeology professor accidentally opens the gate between our world and the world of the dead.
Hamburg Altona
Three prisoners, Combe from Rijeka, Menso from Bosnia, and Bogart from Belgrade, escape from prison. Their final destination is the city of their dreams - Hamburg. They temporarily part ways and agree to meet at the train station in Zagreb. First, each of them goes to his hometown. From there on, we follow three separate stories. In the first, Combe, in the shady harbor district of Rijeka, tries to get back at his former crime partner, Mrvi, who turned him in to the police. In the second story, we witness Mensa's relationship with his wife Riza and their children in a small Bosnian village. The third story depicts Bogart's love affair with a young teacher in a Belgrade suburb. Afterwards, at the train station in Zagreb, Bogart finds out from the newspaper that the police caught his friends. At the last minute, he changes the original plan.
The Forgotten
Tungijev otac
The story about two boys and a girl escape from a home for abandoned children for a wild weekend. TV series (11 episodes) with the same name and same story was released 1988.
Miloradov otac
A story about friendship between two boys coming from different social backgrounds, but with the equally bitter family experiences.
Balkan Express 2
A group of musicians, whose band is called "Balkan express", in fact a quintet of small-time crooks , trying to make some money in Nazi-occupied Serbia.
It Happened on This Very Day
Belgrade in 1963. In a yard surrounded by buildings, a group of young people of different backgrounds and social status, but of similar views about love and self-affirmation, spend their time together. Their friendship is dyed with various events typical for socialism, such as working actions or Youth Day's parade. All what happens within this yard may become an allegory of one generation's destiny.
The Felons
Peter Berdon (Mario Selič) joins a group of Stalinists after his father is killed by the Nazis in this grim political drama. The film begins with his arrest and uses flashbacks to tell the events that led to his incarceration. His abuse is chronicled both in and out of prison after he falls in with a Bonnie and Clyde-like duo after the war is over.
The Man in a Silver Jacket
A tale of depressed Novi Sad cab driver and his continuous obsession with the long lost love, the stewardess who left for America and his passion for the American pop-culture. As his depression reaches the peak a serial killer with a sexual deviation starts killing Novi Sad cab drivers.
A married woman unsuccessfully tries to find a job in order to provide a better life to her son.
Strawberries in the Throat
A story about partly miserable lives of middle aged men and unfulfilled dreams of youth.
The End of War
As WW2 comes to an end in the former Yugoslavia, a man without an arm and his young son are on a mission. Their goal is to find and kill five members of the fascist militia who had tortured and killed their wife and mother
The Igman March
Doktor Relja
The story of a forced march of the first proletarian shock brigade during World War II.
The Death of Black George
Miloš Obrenović
The story about the death of Karadjordje, the elected leader of the First Serbian Uprising that aimed at liberating Serbia from the Ottoman Empire.
This Time Only
A young prison inmate gets released together with an old gangster. They go to town together in order to visit their families and friends, but nobody knows that the old man is mortally ill.
Натуральная оспа
События фильма основаны на эпидемии натуральной оспы, имевшей место в Белграде в 1972 году.
The Southern Trail
Follows the course of three different and independent relationships. The first in which a man renews a relationship with a former girlfriend. In the second a couple suddenly decide to marry, while in the third a couple are getting a divorce.
A Man Who Ate a Wolf
Aleksa, pinter
After being ridiculed by his surrounding, a man who makes the wooden sculptures leaves the village with his best man to live high up in the mountain and devote to his hobby.
The Promising Boy
A normal boy receives a blow to the head which sets him off to perform rebellious acts.
Handymen, Handymen
Đoka 'Viski'
The staff of elementary school prepare the retirement party for their cleaning woman. The complicated relations within the school will emerge to the surface on the same night.
Кто там поет
5 апреля 1941 года в автобусе, отправляющемся в Белград, собралась очень замечательная компания…
Cattaro Mutiny
Jerko Sizgorić
In February of 1918, in Boka Kotorska, the greatest uprising of Austrian sailors broke out. Forty warships, with 6.000 sailors, rebelled against the Austrian Monarchy. The uprising was bloodily crushed after two days, and it's leaders shot.
Dreams, Life, Death of Filip Filipović
Filip Filipović
The life and death of an educated communist activist who brought Bolshevik ideas to his native Serbia upon his arrival from Russia at the beginning of the 20th century.
National Class Category Up to 785ccm
One week in life of Branimir Mitrovic "Floyd", a young rally driver from the National class (up to 785cc), dreaming of promotion to the higher category. He lives a carefree life of a Belgrade dandy boy, neglecting his girlfriend, avoiding his draft calls, and refusing to deal with any life responsibility in general. The decisive race on Saturday is only what he cares about.
A journalist lives his smooth citizen life, married to a woman from respected family. But, conflicts with manager at work are becoming more often, his marriage is unstable and the outer manifestation of all this is a strange skin disease. Doctors recommend resting in nature and self-examination. In the mountains, in a lonely house near the lake, he meets a woman, also unadjusted and lonely. The consequences of this encounter are beneficial. Capable to love again, he gets his moral strength, and disease retreats. He breaks off his contacts with his wife's family and with "petit bourgeois" of his former life, confronts his boss and wins, realizing that this is only a first victory which has straightened him up.
Bravo Maestro
A young man who long ago gave over the hard work of being a composer for the easy life of a rich man's son is bamboozled into slapping together a musical production. Having borrowed right and left, and plagiarized the works of a friend, he feels cheap, very cheap. He feels even worse when the awful thing is a success.
The Fragrance of Wild Flowers
A well known theater and movie actor, dissatisfied with condition at home and at the theater, suddenly stops the dress rehearsal of a play in which he has one of the main roles, and goes to Danube to visit his friend, a boatman transporting bricks on his small barge from a brick plant in a settlement of poor people to Belgrade. This unexpected action confuses the actor’s environment. Everybody sets out to the Danube in order to find out the real reasons for the actor’s odd behavior and to hear when he will return to normal life. The actor refuses to talk, stating that only known what he does not want! The young director, who earlier started work on filming a portrait of the actor, doesn’t know what to do. The opening night is postponed.
Special Education
Educator and those educated in a home for juvenile delinquents in the same test: approach, take a peek into his soul to become a man. The story of a minor, neglected boys-offenders and their teachers who try to reject the old methods of rehabilitation.
The Written Off Return
Prle and Tihi, being the only surviving members of their resistance group, had been forced to leave Nazi-occupied Belgrade and join Partisans in country. In Summer of 1944 somebody is assassinating resistance sympathizers, and Prle and Tihi must return to Belgrade deal with it. In order to cross through enemy lines, they use cars, clothes and documents of captured pro-Nazi minister. During their journey the minister escapes and warns the Gestapo.
Four Days to Death
Between the two World Wars, Yugoslavia was ruled by a monarchy. This movie explores the difficulties faced by a Communist Party organizer under that regime when an order goes out to kill anyone threatening the current regime. At first he is willing to leave the country, but his experience of the situation of workers moves him to stay. Despite efforts of captors to help him escape, he refuses, and dies a martyr's death.
Soldier's Love
Petar Živković
Young Belgrade playboy, spoiled child of a rich family, changes for the better after spending some time in the army.
Hitler from Our Street
Zaretov sin Pavle
Before and during WW II and the German occupation of Serbia, in a village in Vojvodina, inhabitants are separated based on their nationality. Local Volksdeutschers (ethnic Germans) enlist with the Nazi occupiers. The village bum, Leksi, jumps at the opportunity to put on a uniform and parade around with a gun. Leksi gets into an argument with villagers Marko and Joca, who devise a plan to get rid of him. At the same time, Marko tries to seduce Leksi's wife, Anika.
Petko, novinar
The Dervish and Death
Ahmet Nurudin is a dervish and head of the Islamic monastery of the Mevlevi order in Sarajevo. He is a personification of morale and dogmatic belief, everything that Muslim religion of the Ottoman rule rests on. Throughout his life, the atmosphere of the city, the relations with the judge and the mechanism of government, the image of Ottoman Empire at the beginning of the nineteenth century is being revealed. Based on a highly praised novel by Meša Selimović.