Rik Meier


Turn Your Body to the Sun
The incredible life story of a Soviet soldier of Tatar descent who was captured by the Nazis during WWII. Today, his daughter Sana is tracing the path of her silent father, trying to understand what made him the man she knew as a child, through his diaries, as well as various personal and public archives and registries. As she accompanies Sana in her journey, filmmaker Aliona van der Horst excavates film archives, to find traces of those millions of Soviet soldiers who were caught in the crossfire of fighting between dictators, who were there but were easily left out of the narrative of the global war.
Сладкий дым Отечества
Boom Operator
История трех стариков: одного из старой Европы, другого — из Европы «новой», третьего — из страны, только мечтающей оказаться в Европейском Союзе. Викторино, живущий в горной деревушке в Каталонии, вспоминает гражданскую войну в Испании и диктатуру Франко. Агота, бабушка из Литвы, пережившая четыре оккупации, рассказывает историю своего отца, лесничего, которого отправили в Сибирь за то, что он не донес на партизан. Айваз, живущий в Абхазии армянин, говорит о сталинских депортациях и грузино-абхазской войне.
Ruben (Joren Seldeslachts) is a lone and unbalanced young man who lost his sight in childhood. Marie (Halina Reijn) is an albino woman of temperate look and with a lot of insecurities. She has a beautiful voice and along with Ruben shares a mutual love for books and tales. Ruben's mother hires her as a reader to read her son books orally. While they live in a mansion, between these two lonely souls sparks love, but will love still be blind if the man recovers from his blindness?
Sound Designer
Set in the frozen steppes of Mongolia, a young nomad is confronted with his destiny after animals fall victim to a plague which threatens to eradicate nomadism.