Franca Marzi

Franca Marzi

Рождение : 1926-08-18, Rome, Italy

Смерть : 1989-03-06


Franca Marzi


Невезучий папарацци
Клик — бульварный фотограф, за которым гоняются то бандиты, попавшие в объектив на месте преступления, то разъяренные женщины, также оказавшееся в поле зрения журналиста. Однажды во время столкновения с полицией Клик познакомился с начинающим писателем Гуанзироле Пальмамброджо…
Pardon, Are You for or Against?
A successful fifty-year-old entrepreneur, Tullio Conforti, opposed to divorce for religious reasons, is in fact separated from his wife and leads a frenetic life divided between numerous lovers.
The Man Who Burnt His Corpse
Adriano Prosperi, a bank teller working in Milan, has spent years planning to steal a large sum of money and then disappear without leaving any trace of his existence.
Le tardone
Donna Carla (episode "Canto flamenco")
A collection of five episodes dealing with aging women.
Ghosts of Rome
An old prince lives in his ancient palace in Rome together with the ghosts of his ancestors. For years he has proudly rejected huge offers by a real estate group seeking to buy the palace and build a department store in its place, but when he suddenly dies his nephew signs the deal. The palace seems lost, but the ghosts forge a plan to save it from destruction.
Clotilde Scarponi
Two bumbling actors get wrapped up in a scheme to murder a rich man's wife.
La contessa azzurra
Donna Carmela
Loreley looks back to the happy times when she became a silent movie star with the huge success of "La Contessa Azzurra", directed by Don Salvatore and produced by Don Peppino, the owner of a Café Chantant.
Toto, Fabrizi and the Young People Today
Matilde Cocozza
A boy and a girl fall in love but their fathers take a strong dislike to each other, clashing repeatedly during the preparations for the upcoming marriage.
During the period between world wars, vaudeville sketches were popular before film showings.Gastone is one of the characters played by the famous Ettore Petrolini who figures in these sketches.
The Apartment
A building instructor cheats on his wife with a young fashion model.
Il raccomandato di ferro
An Italian clerk has been helped to his position by a fake kickback letter from a politician who, meanwhile has become a state secretary. His colleagues thus send him to Rome to settle an important matter with the powerful character. The poor fellow goes hoping the truth will not come out.
Love on the Riviera
It is Summer. It is the right time for love, especially in a most romantic place as Golfo del Tigullio. Different stories: Dorina looking for a rich lover; Clara who takes a fancy to the young Walter while her daughter Lina tries to save her; Aristarco who gave up his career to follow Ada's, but who likes Jacqueline; Renata who is offered by her husband to Ferrari to get money; Marcello who, extraditing Micheline to France, misses the train and falls in love with her.
Нанда Дьоталлеви по прозвищу Фортунелла – бедная девушка, которая живет в районе наркоторговцев, и является любовницей одного из них, Пеппино. Чтобы спасти его, она попадает в тюрьму, беря на себя ответственность за совершенное им преступление. Но когда ее отпускают, она узнает, что Пеппино живет с другой женщиной. Теперь единственным утешением Фортунеллы является иллюзия, что она незаконная дочь принца Гвидобальди, чей дворец находится по соседству. Однажды Фортунелла встречает бродягу-профессора Гольфьеро Паганика, который находит её историю интересной и обещает ей помочь.
Ночи Кабирии
Проститутка Кабирия, работающая в одном из самых дешевых районов Рима, как и все её подруги вульгарна, грязна, драчлива, остра на язык. Но вопреки своей древней и циничной профессии, она по-детски наивна и добра, с маниакальным упорством надеется найти мужчину своей мечты и стать честной женщиной. Её сердце жаждет любви, но мир жесток…
La trovatella di Milano
Love story set in Milan during the Five Days of 1848.
Ritrovarsi all'alba
Elba mine manager "Marco" meets, falls in love with, and marries "Paola" only to discover that her ex "André" is still keen.
The Boatman of Amalfi
"Antonio" leaves his family to live a prosperous life with Cristina. Her family live in a slum where their lives are complicated by young love and jealousy. A letter from a local priest that implicates "Antonio" in the murder of an English nobleman comes to light and soon they are all before the King.
Il medico dei pazzi
La moglie di Cristaldi
Felice Sciosciammocca, the mayor of Roccasecca, sends his nephew Ciccillo to Naples so that he will become a good doctor.
I Sing for You
The Island Monster
Gloria D'Auro
An Italian government agent is assigned to break up a drug smuggling ring on the island of Ischia but his daughter is kidnapped by the gang.
Dappled Mare
Ruggero Pascoli, the father of poet Giovanni Pascoli, is killed by a corrupt officer. His body is brought back home by a mare that will, several years later, reveal the one responsible for the murder.
Fermi tutti... arrivo io!
A private detective and a girl obsessed with thriller novels investigate the murder of a rich entrepreneur.
The Glorious Avenger
Eloisa Tisson
Il Cavaliere di Maison Rouge is an Italian adventure film directed by Vittorio Cottafavi based on the novel by Alexandre Dumas.
I Piombi di Venezia
An Italian historical melodrama
Lasciateci in pace
A mild-mannered man is mistaken for a subversive.
Eran trecento... (La spigolatrice di Sapri)
Set in 1857, it's the story of a band of revolutionaries fighting against the Borbones.
I, Hamlet
Tragico ritorno
Donna Carmela
Vendetta... sarda
Annesa Leoni
A cook from Sardinia who had emigrated to Milan goes back to his native island thinking he has inherited some money with his uncles death. He finds out he has to avenge his death instead.
Salvate mia figlia
ex amante di Andrea
A farmer steals some jewelry, desperately looking for money to allow his sick daughter to be operated by a famous surgeon.
I morti non pagano tasse
Delitto al luna park
Tizio, Caio, Sempronio
A satirical story set during the early years of the Roman Empire.
My Heart Sings
Two two-bit singers become thieves to make ends meet. One day during a theft in the house of a music impresario they hear Marco an electrician gifted with a beautiful voice and give him some money to help for his debut as a singer.
Love I Haven't... But... But
La ragazza di Giuliano
Gina tries to commit suicide by jumping into the river but is saved by Teodoro, an innocent young man. Antonio, Teodoro's brother, tries in every way to seduce her.
Revenge of the Black Eagle
When a soldier returns home from the wars, he finds that a local landowner has been terrorizing his family. He disguises himself as a bandit known as "The Black Eagle" and begins taking revenge on the landowner by ravaging his "empire". However, things take a different turn when he falls for the landowner's beautiful daughter
La paura fa 90
Nanda Fougère
A ghost who has spent 400 years in a trunk because of a jealous husband tries to take revenge on a descendant of the man but all in all he's a good bloke and when he gets the occasion he helps a youth wrongly accused of murder.
Valeria, matrigna di Luisa
Barbara Florian is in love with Renalto Baldini. After the latter goes off to a distant job to make enough money to marry her, the girl discovers she is going to have a baby. Marco (Otello Toso), posing as a friend, exploits the situation to his own gain, and uses the situation to shock the girl's ailing father to his death. Marco then marries the widow, Valeria (Franca Marzi), the girl's stepmother.
Toto the Third Man
Teresa, la domestica di Paolo
In a small village two twin brothers are of opposite characters. One is mayor of the town, gruff and precise. The other is totally different from his brother and loves the good life and beautiful women.
Gina is the daughter of a provincial newsstand dealer and spends her time reading pulp magazines and dreaming of a glamorous vocation on the big city. She enters a beauty contest in a nearby city, without her father's permission, and, en route, meets Franco, a salesman.
Milano miliardaria
Italia Furioni
The Milanese Luigi Pizzigoni, photographer, and the Neapolitan barber Peppino Avallone, resident in Milan, are opponents in the sports field. The first is a proud Inter supporter, while the second is from Napoli.
Ours are coming
Gloria Chellis
A ruthless businessman wants to bring a penniless nobleman financially on his knees because he wants to marry the man's daughter. It is the family chauffeur who puts things right.
Beauties on bicycles
Two chorus girls leave Milan to get to the famous Totò's theatre company. Unfortunately the bus they are on breaks down and they ask for a lift, but the driver gets too fresh with them and they decide to continue the journey with any means of transport, including bicycles.
Santa Lucia Luntana...
Senora Anna
Фигаро здесь, Фигаро там
Губернатор Севильи издал указ, запрещающий цирюльникам работать по воскресеньям, но ничего не подозревающий Фигаро открыл свою цирюльню. От штрафа и наказания Фигаро спасает граф Альмавива, случайно находившийся там же. В ответ Альмавива просит Фигаро помочь ему жениться на Розине, дочери губернатора, которую собираются выдать замуж за Дона Алонцо, капитана гвардии.
Streets of Sorrow
A magistrate saves a young woman from drowning and they fall in love.
The Pirates of Capri
A group of men calling themselves 'The Pirates of Capri", headed by Captain Sirroco, who is really Count Amalfi, are trying to restore freedom to the people of Naples. The Queen is advised of the pirate's assault of a member of her court and she seeks to escape to Palermo. But, she is advised it would be good politics for her to attend a ball Amalfi is giving for his fiancée, Mercedes, who is unaware of the dual role Amalfi is playing.
Totò le Mokò
Mobster Pepé Le Mokò dies during a shootout with the police. His gang decide that his successor will be a relative of his from Naples: Antonio Lumaconi (Totò Le Mokò), a street musician.
Fame and the Devil
Three men consider selling their souls to Satan in order to possess a beautiful woman.
Maracatumba... ma non è una rumba!
Corinna Auselli, figlia del fattore
Napoli eterna canzone
Fifa e arena
In Napoli, Nicolino Capece, a truthful pharmacist clerk becomes erroneously recognized as a dangerous Spanish criminal and decides to escape to Spain. In Siviglia, he is blackmailed by the bandit Cast who wants him to marry the rich Patricia Cotten and then kill her. So Nicolino play the bull fighter and heads to the arena....
Una lettera all'alba
L'isola de Montecristo
Без ума от оперы
Это история произошла в годы второй мировой войны. Группа итальянцев живущих в Лондоне собирает средства на восстановление разбомбленного нацистами католического собора. Для этого они организуют музыкальный концерт, доходы от которого поступят на строительство. Возглавляет этот проект журналист Карло Скала. Ему предстоит столкнуться и преодолеть многие трудности по организации мероприятия, но он с честью справится с ними и выступление ведущих итальянских певцов состоится. А в этом ему поможет несравненная Дора Скала.
When Love Calls
Claudio and Anna Tancredi, opera singers, are husband and wife. Their married life, however, is often disturbed by small misunderstandings and Anna's burning jealousy.
I due orfanelli
Susanne de la Pleine
In 19th-century France, middle-aged orphans Gasparre and Battista, watchmen at an orphanage, find out from a soothsayer that one of them is the offspring of the Hangman of Paris and the other is the son of a count. But it is only a dream of theirs.
Tombolo, paradiso nero
The Lovers
After an astrologer has foretold him he will die at an early age if he does not avoid a romantic entanglement, Alessandro Stradella, a well-known composer decides to leave Rome for the North of Italy. Written by Guy Bellinger