In the thirties, the modern industrial technologies applied to wars create a new situation: the mass destruction and indiscriminate instant, affecting both civilians and combatants. Barcelona was the first city bombed from the air, after the tragic bombing of Gernika. Between 16 and 18 March 1938, Barcelona was bombarded continuously day and night for three days, thousands of people lost their homes and in 1300 died (including 118 children). Events beyond the specific case of Barcelona, were decisive in establishing the foundations of the fateful World War II and the bombing of Dresden, Cologne, London, Hiroshima, Nagasaki ...
Все журналисты жаждут сенсаций! Но начинающий телерепортёр Анжела Видал из хроники происшествий — жаждет особенно страстно. С завидным упорством она ищет уникальный материал, а потому выезжает с командой спасателей на место жуткого происшествия в большом жилом доме. Прибыв туда, Анжела, азартно занятая работой, не сразу понимает, откуда именно она ведет свой репортаж. Осознание жуткой реальности приходит слишком поздно. Жители дома, пораженные страшным вирусом, один за другим превращаются в зомби. Чтобы зараза не вырвалась на улицы города, власти заблокировали дом — выхода нет! Но телекамера будет работать до конца…
Dr. Bolggen
Спустя пять лет после убийства дочери Клаудиа, наконец, начинает оправляться от страшной психологической травмы. Но однажды в телефонной трубке она снова слышит детский голос: «Мама, это я… пожалуйста, забери меня отсюда…» Боясь поверить в чудо, Клаудиа с помощью отставного полицейского и специалиста по чёрной магии и оккультизму пускается в отчаянные поиски, которые приводят их к разгадке зловещей тайны, берущей начало из мрачного и кровавого прошлого.
Jugador 1
Бартоломе надоело, что о нём постоянно заботятся его разведенные родители. После еще одного каприза родителей он ночевал как бездомный на автовокзале в Мадриде, куда с утра приезжает автобус, в котором едут беженцы-дети из Боснии. Он решает выдать себя за одного из таких беженцев и едет в дом, который расположен на северном побережье Испании.
Spain, 1950s. The corpse of an unknown person appears in the town square of Bocentellas, within the mythical territory of Región. The inhabitants will ask for help to Captain Medina, young officer in command of a nearby military fort, until the arrival of the judge.
A group of generals of the army meet for a course about NATO and new weapons. In the beginning everything is normal but as the time passes they behave more and more like school children.
After the end of the Spanish Civil War, General Antonio Escobar Huerta stoically awaits his execution, accused of military treason and sentenced to death for having sworn allegiance to the Republic. Despite being a man of deep religious convictions, Antonio Escobar decided to make an oath honoring the legally constituted government of the Second Spanish Republic against the military uprising led by Francisco Franco and supported by the Catholic Church. While waiting for his execution in prison, he recalls the beginning of the Civil War, the years of battles during which he ascended to the rank of General, and his own decisions, of which he has no regrets. With a clear conscience, Escobar waits his own execution with the calm of those who know they have done their duty. "If my life and that of all who have fallen serves to avoid this from happening again, our blood will not have been in vain" - Antonio Escobar Huerta.
Cliente de Puri
A young woman wins 200 million pesetas at the 'quiniela' football pool with 14 successfull 'aciertos' and begins to help everybody with the fortune.
In the middle of the first world war, Barcelona is the center of multiple operations related to war, although Spain is a neutral country.
Vocal del comité
Empleado Cadesbank
While the Torete rob banks, the Heifer, another delinquent who has not noticed it, enters the same place to rob him. After failing the coup, both decide to associate.
1939: The remains of the Spanish Republican Army crossed the French border. Among the exiles are Lluís Companys, President of the Generalitat de Catalunya, and also Aguirre, President of the Basque Government. After the invasion of France by Nazi troops, Companys will be arrested by the Gestapo and handed over to the Francoist authorities. Led by the Count of Mayalde, he is transferred to Madrid and later to Barcelona. After a summary trial, Companys is condemned to death and shot.
Empleado de oficina de empleo
Falso policía (uncredited)
A pair of sexy bisexual nurses live in an apartment building, one floor up from a middle-aged couple and their son Albert, who is busy putting his new science project—a periscope—to good use by spying on the lingerie-wearing lovelies. Meanwhile, Albert’s mother is being even naughtier than her precious boy, sneaking off for some extra-marital action while her hair-obsessed husband is at the salon, having his follicles tended to.
Adiestrador de perros (uncredited)
Jefe de Elisa
A story of the sexual adventures of three fifteen year old girls: Elisa, Marian and Susi.
Crime drama centering on a gang of rapists, the aftermath of their crimes on the victims and the gang members being brought to justice.
Manolo is the trusted servant of a famous tenor, Riccardi, an international opera singer. Although his life is overshadowed by the fame of his master, one day his luck changes. In a short time, two unusual events occur: he falls in love and an eccentric inventor offers him the deal of a lifetime...
Working-class dude grows up surrounded with petty delinquency and ghetto temptations; he marries a rich girl and faces the disapproval of her parents. Then the young couple plans a crime...
Padre de Adela
A group of adolescents from the same school, although of different social classes, intervene between them. Oscar falls in love with Sandra until Diego seduces her and makes her pregnant...
Maquillador (uncredited)
The film plunges the intrigue of a love triangle in which is involved a former actress who has a relationship with her husband, a film producer, her lover, the screenwriter of the films he produces, and a criminal lawyer.
The film depicts ten years of Catalan history, from 1899 with the defeat of the Spanish side in the Cuban War of Independence to the Tragic Week 1909.
Payés #1
Лето 1936-го года несколько семей из Барселоны привычно собирались провести в своих загородных домах. Но началась гражданская война, и отпуск для большинства из них затянулся на три года. Несмотря на то, что симпатии невольных дачников разделились между разными сторонами конфликта, все они прекрасно понимали, что выжить в начавшемся противостоянии могут только вместе, какие бы власти не сменялись на их многострадальной земле…
Pillo 1º
A convict is released and is mobbed by "Zorrita", an adventurer, accompanied by her close friend Barbara and a young millionaire, loaded with jewels and kilos. The convict is subject to the maximum erotic attacks, as they intend to involve him in the theft of the jewelry that a marquis of small stature keeps in a safe.
Director del Banco (as José Bronchud)
Doctor del hospital
The world of prostitution, where women meet men of all kinds. These young women who have often left their families by rebellion, but who find themselves in a universe that they will generally no longer be able to leave
The actual Viscount Arnau wants to acquire the power and fame that had their ancestors. For this reason decided to hav many children, preferably males, to revive the Empire.
Secretario del juicio
Jugador de póquer
The bizarre adventures of the three gunmen Western grosser, next to a delicate young.
Train Guard
After stealing money transported in a train, Sacramento, Big Jim and Tequila arribe to "La Paz" town. They rent a room there in order to hide the money but Sacramento and Big Jim, while Tequila is sleeping, run away with the money. Tequila follow them...
This sequel to the popular spaghetti western "Clint the Stranger" was released four years after the success of the first film and essentially uses the same plot. George Martin returns as Clint (renamed Trinity in some countries), an ex-gunslinger desperately wanting to be forgiven and accepted by his family that he abandoned years earlier. One major differences in the plot when compared to the first film is the addition of Klaus Kinski as a ruthless bounty hunter. The bounty hunter tracks Clint down and forces him to return to his violent ways to protect himself and his family.
John (uncredited)
Doc Saxon and his gang rob the Crown City bank but are double-crossed by Carrasco, a Mexican bandit, who steals the gold and leaves Doc and Donovan with nothing.
Долгое время Аризона отсутствовал в своем родном краю, занимаясь охотой беглых и разыскиваемых преступников за вознаграждение, но вот пришел момент, когда он решил вернуться. Однако дома он находит, что их семейное ранчо захватили какие-то неизвестные ему чужаки, которые понимают лишь силу кулака и выстрел револьвера. Для стрелка Аризоны этот язык вполне известен и он собирается применить его против захватчиков без всякого стеснения...
Empleado de la tienda
Lázaro and Sabino, employees of a large furniture store, fall in love with Laura, a new young and naive employee, who accepts their love. The trio lives a happy engagement. In the big store is planned a sensational advertising campaign with the bed "Eternal happiness," to be launched on New Year's Day. Lázaro and Sabino have to give the last touches on New Year's Eve. When they leave, they enter the exhibition truck and lie down on the bed. When they wake up in the morning, they are surrounded by a crowd and a scandal is organized.
Gold Guard
Watch Out Gringo! Sabata Will Return
Julian is a womanizer who has affairs with several girls at once. To escape the clutches of a cuckolded husband, he is forced to dress as a woman and join a women's professional football team, posing as a famous athlete in Argentina. This is the beginning of a series of deranged adventures.
Trabajador de McGowan (uncredited)
Steve McGowan has proposed to avenge the death of his father, murdered by one of the followers of Chief Miller. This engages the services of a famous gunslinger called Sabata and instructs him to kill Steve. The fate joins Steve and the Mexican bandit Leon Pompero, and together they decide to defeat the murderous gunman.
Un policier (uncredited)
Isabelle (Marisa Mell) runs a nursing home for wealthy women who are trying to detox from their various obsessions. Her lover, Serge Belaiev (Robert Hossein), a petty gangster, has pulled off a big hit but his partners have denounced him to the police in order to appropriate his share of the loot. Isabelle takes him in and hides him in an attic of this strange house. In love with Isabelle, Philippe Lansac (Alberto Dalbes), the owner of the place, decides to close the castle...
Empleado de lavacoches
A young police officer fresh out of the academy, sees casually as a man is beaten and forcibly put into a car in the car park at Barajas airport. The rookie cop tracks them down and discovers a band dedicated to trafficking in women in Spain.
A drug has been discovered, Liberxina 90, which will erase "establishment" conditioning from the human mind. It has fallen into the hands of some diversely anarchistic revolutionaries who spend most of the film discussing how and whether to use it; should they wait for the forces of "history" to undermine society or speed things up using the drug? They are finally forced into action by the police who are, somewhat ineptly, hunting them down.
Владелец респектабельного издательства Карлос получает странную посылку, в которой находится отрубленная женская рука, сделанная из воска. Сделав среди своих подчиненных вид, что стал жертвой глупого розыгрыша, он в панике бросился домой, где обнаружил еще одну посылку. На этот раз в ящике были женское платье, фотография и записка, в которой неизвестный предлагал подождать новых почтовых отправлений. Узнав о происходящем, жена Карлоса решает самостоятельно выяснить причину странного «розыгрыша». Ей удается выйти на таинственную женщину и даже вступить с ней в контакт. Незнакомка поведала печальную историю любви между двумя женщинами, которую безжалостно разрушил один мужчина, за что и должен теперь понести наказание…
An antique hustler, a couple of thieves, one pickpocket, a seductive man ... These are the elements of the criminal gang led by "the Brain". Together they aim to make a big score that allows them to retire. "The Brain" master of manipulation, has assigned a role to each one separately, but only he knows all the secrets of the plan.
Recepcionista (uncredited)
Andres and Luis are two young taxi drivers eager to succeed. The first one sings and the other composes songs, and together they intend to record an album to finally jump to fame. They have it all planned. Taking advantage of a visit to the city of the famous singer Silvia, Luis tries to gain the confidence of her manager and, in this way, be directly launched to fame.
Банда Слима бесчинствует на просторах Дикого Запада. Они убивают, грабят и насилуют. Главный герой Сартана живет размеренной жизнью, в которой появляются минуты счастья — он встретил женщину своей мечты. Но в его дом приходит беда: банда Слима насилует и убивает эту девушку. Сартана поклялся отомстить и отправился по следу этих нелюдей. Тем временем они захватили целый город и стреляют в его жителей из развлечения, а Слим нашел себе нового компаньона — охотника за головами Кирхнера. Справится ли Сартана со всей этой бандой и сможет ли отомстить за смерть своей возлюбленной?
Vendedor de coches
An aspiring young writer lives with his pregnant wife and works for a newspaper to provide for his growing family. When his sister-in-law comes to visit, there is a mutual attraction between the guest and the writer.
Barcelona, 1967. Hans Fromm, a German-born architect, lives an well-ordered everyday life. He has become the target of an antifascist death squad though. Indeed their leader, Julius, whose brother was killed by Schmidt, a merciless S.S., believes, without being absolutely certain, that Fromm and Schmidt are the same man. The team, whose other members are Georges, the son of a deportee liquidated by Schmidt craving for action, Raphaël, a mercenary type, Nils, the photographer and Romain, watch Fromm's every move until Julius, convinced at last that the quiet German is their man, gives the green light for the operation. They manage to lure the former Nazi to an old house but Schmidt/Fromm won't let himself be captured so easily...
An American adventurer who has a gambling den in Istanbul, who is suspected to be involved in the kidnapping of a nuclear scientist, but ultimately becomes self on the search for the disappeared and gets a striving for world domination secret organization.
Secretario de Mendel
Elisa, a seller of a fashion house, sends a model to the wrong address. For fear of being fired she decides to recover it on her own. She encounters Alberto, a guy whose wedding is at noon, going to the same place it. From the moment they meet, they begin to suffer all kinds of mishaps.
Portrait of the life of an amateur boxer, who falls into the hands of a cruel manager while turning into professional.
Ligón en Club La Pachanga
Biography of the famous bandit El Tempranillo, acting with impunity in Sierra Morena during the reign of Ferdinand VII.
Fernando Laredo
In Tordesa, a small fishing village in the Spanish Levant, appears a coelacanth, an important fish that in recent years has attracted the attention of the press and scientists around the world. In this village, the only one who realizes the importance of the fish is Julia, who is also aware of the significant rewards that sages offer for the capture. But due to a number of circumstances, the news reaches the head of a scientific institution and they send a delegate to handle the fish. Facing the danger of having the fish removed, Julia hides it aided by his brothers
Andras Pulac, a young pianist, refuses to perform a concert in honor of a senior Soviet leader, as a sign of rebellion against the 1956 invasion of Hungary. His refusal, although he does not know it, harms the organizers of a demonstration against the communist cruelty, since his concert had been chosen like slogan. When Pulac finds out, he agrees to give the concert. Andras and Maria Kondor, the daughter of a communist journalist, are in love and decide to get married before the concert. Meanwhile, communist repression in the streets provokes the anger of the Hungarian people and gives rise to a real revolution.