Jean Coquelin


Carnival of Sinners
The notary (uncredited)
A struggling artist buys a talisman that gives him love, fame and wealth. The talisman is a severed left hand, and it works perfectly, in fact, magically. But of course there is nothing free in this world, and after one year the devil comes and asks for his due.
Граф Монте-Кристо: Эдмон Дантес
Le médecin (uncredited)
Эдмона Дантеса завистники ложно обвиняют в совершении преступления, и его приговаривают к пожизненному заключению в знаменитой тюрьме на острове — замке Иф. Там он встречает аббата Фариа, которого все считают сумасшедшим. Аббат рассказывает Эдмону о спрятанных на крошечном острове сокровищах. После смерти аббата Эдмону удается сбежать из тюрьмы под видом мертвого тела.
Dernière aventure
Comte de Larzac, an aging seducer, leaves Paris for Lannemezan. Accompanied by his friend Charmeuil, he goes there to acknowledge the paternity of Jean, a twenty-year old young man who knows nothing about his biological father. Jean, after falling for Jeanne, the daughter of a farmer, now courts Georgina, a middle-class woman of Romanian origin. After Father Jocasse has told Jean that he is Comte de Larzac's son, the young man follows his father to Paris. But he finds it hard to comply with the usages of high society and when his father refuses to consent to his marriage with Georgina, he returns to Lannemezan. Georgina is so upset by the count's refusal that she comes to see him and tells him very candidly about her past life. Moved by her plea, de Larzac drives her back to Lannemezan so that she can marry Jean. What was not expected is that, during the trip, they discover they are close to each other.
Caprices tells the story of two young rich people. A famous actress poses as a poor florist, and a distinguished society man camouflages himself as forger and swindler. This game leads them to make close relations in a series of adventures.
Mlle. Desiree
Le greffier
Julie and Désirée Clary are courted by the brothers Joseph and Napoleon Bonaparte. Joseph marries Julie and Napoleon is affianced to Désirée. When Napoleon breaks the engagement and marries Joséphine de Beauharnais, Désirée becomes involved with General Bernadotte.
Конец дня
В аббатстве Сен-Жан-Ля-Ривьер, приюте для престарелых актеров (не знающих, что их общему дому грозит закрытие), изводят друг друга три пожилых жильца: Рафаэль Сен-Клер, старый красавец, когда-то обласканный славой и женщинами, а ныне растративший состояние на азартные игры и любовные похождения; Жиль Марни, актер амбициозный и уважаемый собратьями, но никогда не знавший успеха (его жена ушла от него к Сен-Клеру и погибла на охоте; ее смерть была похожа на самоубийство, и эта тайна до сих пор преследует Марни) и, наконец, Кабриссад, затейник и шутник, любящий при случае приврать, всю жизнь просидевший в дублерах. Марни — его главный мучитель — презирает Кабриссада. В отместку Кабриссад каждый день изобретает новые каверзы и однажды зачитывает вслух некролог Марни, по ошибке напечатанный в местной газете…
Let’s Go Up the Champs-Élysées
The history of one of France's most famous streets is retold, featuring multiple performances from Guitry himself.
Café de Paris
This murder mystery is set in a Parisian cafe and examines the mysterious murder of a famed journalist and extortionist who is killed at his table in the cafe. Though the prime suspects are gathered together( including his wife and her lover, the gun-runner, the creditor, and a playboy) and all of them have motives, none of them did it. So whodunit?
La Chanson du Souvenir
A French-language remake of Douglas Sirk's "The Court Concert" (1936).
Un Invité (Prologue)
Завязка лёгкого любовного романа между обаятельной светской дамой и отошедшим от дел адвокатом сулит приятное времяпровождение обоим, да и случай подворачивается удачный. Муж дамы под предлогом деловой встречи отправляется на вечернее свидание, она же получает возможность нанести визит новому воздыхателю. Утомлённые любовники засыпают сном праведников и лишь утром осознают масштабы грядущего скандала, ведь замужняя дама провела ночь вне дома. Поправить положение, кажется, невозможно, тем более что и муж нежданно-негаданно заявляется на квартиру к адвокату. Только вовсе не скандалить – оказывается, он и сам загулял на всю ночь, а теперь нуждается в помощи ловкого приятеля, чтобы оправдаться перед покинутой в одиночестве супругой.
In Old Alsace
The adaptation of a french novel from 1864 describes the idyllic life of a convinced bachelor, Fritz Kobus, in a village in Alsace. With help by the local rabbi, he does get married to young Suzel in the end.
La roche aux mouettes
To restore health to their little boy, the Henry couple decided to live in Brittany. The child has a cult of the sea. One day, he follows a band of little Bretons to the high seas and the children would all be drowned if their fathers had not arrived in time.
Monsieur de Pourceaugnac
Two young lovers. An arranged marriage. An older groom. The lovers develop a plan to convince the groom that she is unworthy and also to discredit him. A surprise ending convinces the father that he should bless the lovers' marriage.
Un chien qui rapporte
Josyane Plaisir, a rather idle singer, who is waiting for the man of her heart,handsome and rich if possible, accepts the offer of a dog handler. The clever man has worked out a scheme to snare rich men. The trick is simple: "Pantoufle", the little dog he lets for 5,000 francs a week, will run off, climb into a luxurious car with only one man inside and "retrieve" him to Josyane, since her address is stuck to the dog's collar. René, the first man who rings her door-bell, is single (or nearly so!), good-looking but ... broke.
David Golder
David is a poor but ambitious Polish Jew who reinvents himself as a powerful New York business magnate. After gaining wealth, he relocates to Paris, only to have his selfish and demanding wife squander his fortune.
L'Abbé Constantin
L'abbé Constantin
Poor abbé Contantin, he is devastated at the news: to think that two American ladies have bought the local manor where he has always been welcome! Worse, Mrs. Scott and her cousin Bettina are protestant. But the good priest soon realizes there is no cause for alarm. The two ladies are charming and open-minded. They insist on Constantin sticking to his old habits and he gladly resumes his visits to the manor. Paul,his nephew, will even fall in love with Bettina and the priest will unite the two young people in the village of mirth.