Rosa, la voyante
La Rapet - segment 1 'La Bestiole'
Картина повествует о знаменитой высадке в Нормандии, легендарном дне «Д» — 6 июня 1944 года. Ранним утром того дня армада из 5 тысяч судов армии союзников, сосредоточенных на Британских островах, пересекла Ла-Манш и начала высадку экспедиционных сил на побережье Нормандии. Как для союзников, так и для немцев это был самый долгий день…
Two women, Léa and Clotilde, with two men, Ludovic and Papillon, form a nice quartet of crooks. Their targets: pharmacists, diamond dealers, and gogos of all kinds who respond to enticing classified ads. Business is booming, but the police are watching. Commissioner Masson will eventually arrest them, but, ironically, for a matter of which they are totally innocent.
Il 'Marieuse'
La chef des choristes
Eveline Bernard
Jojo’s ambition is to become a gangster, but to be admitted into a gang he has to prove himself by committing a daring act. To that end, he kills someone in broad daylight, not knowing that his victim is an actor who is playing a scene in a film directed by a cranky film-maker (Darry Cowl). The murder is caught on film, leading Commissaire Bernard (Michel Simon) to think that the killer will be easy to find. Sure enough, Bernard soon makes his arrest, a clown from a circus, but then he faces an almost insurmountable problem. The clown has an identical twin, who is also a clown with the same circus. Both men claim to be innocent…
la refoulée "violeuse"
A man becomes the lover of his former persecutor's wife.
Pauline, une amie fidèle des Boyer
Two ambitious parents decide to change their name for a foreign patronymic so that their young son Edmond can win fame easier. He's a eleven-year-old orchestra conductor.
Une propriétaire
Georges Pinson, who wants to spend his holidays on the riviera with his wife and his two kids,buys a car.His neighbors and the drivers who overtake him gibe at him.
La salutiste
la bouquiniste
Профессор университета беседует со студентами в форме «ясного признания в любви» и рассказывает им о разных исторических фактах, которые складываются в историю Парижа… Это история Шарля VII и Аньес Сорель, создание типографии при Луи X, Лувр во времена Франсуа I, Варфоломеевская ночь, убийство Анри III монахом-фанатиком, процесс над Марией Антуанеттой, Парижская коммуна, дело Дрейфуса и другие…
La femme du brigadier
An innkeeper
The film follows the life of Napoleon from his early life in Corsica to his death at Saint Helena. The film is notable for its use of location shooting for numerous scenes, especially at the French estates of Malmaison and Fontainebleau, the Palace of Versailles, and sites of Napoleonic battles including Austerlitz and Waterloo.
La Voisin
Остроумная история Версальского Дворца, основанного королем Луи XIII, разросшимся при деспотичном Луи XIV, разграбленном во время французской революции, после рассказа о которой фильм переносит нас в современность.
Julien Pauphilat is the doorman at the famous restaurant, Maxim's and is also the confidant of many of his customers. As a consequence, in this post, he has managed to make a comfortable living and even acquire a country mansion. Retirement beckons and he is going to be able to enjoy the quiet life at last. The wedding of his daughter, Genevieve with Andre du Velin, a well born playboy is going to endanger this dream, for Genevieve is ignorant of her father's job. However, her fiance doesn't see any problem with this.
The leading coach the company of Jean Nohain make a program fails in a small village. The people immobilize the troops to force him to do the show there.
Mademoisellle Michel aka 'La Punaise'
Unfairly accused of her husband's murder, a woman is imprisoned.
la patronne de l'hôtel
Десятилетиями упорного труда и бережливости пробивался к своему положению промышленник Альбер Менар-Лакост. Свою добродетель он привык возводить в абсолют и не прощал людских слабостей, за что, в свою очередь, не пользовался симпатиями ни в семейном кругу, ни в деловых отношениях. Однако внезапное возвращение из Канады блудного брата-близнеца Алена, благополучно «похороненного» Альбером 30 лет назад, заставляет его другими глазами взглянуть на свою жизнь и оценить упущенные возможности.
Жан Ренневал, стареющий, но всё ещё красивый актёр, соблазняет зрительницу Терезу Вердье. Она назначает ему свидание после ужина, когда её муж Анри уедет. За ужином Анри рассказывает Терезе и её подруге Генриетте о своих предыдущих двух жёнах. Обе изменили ему: Люси — с его двойником Гектором, а Жюльетт с султаном Амманлифа. Отправившись в путь, Анри опаздывает на поезд и возвращается домой, где застаёт свою третью жену в постели с Ренневалом, нарядившимся в костюм кардинала, который убеждает его смириться с изменой.
La bonne
The daughter of a notorious smuggler is raised as a boy by her foster mother.
la tante de Lily
Водитель такси Пьер Вержер, по прозвищу Господин Такси, колесит по Парижу со своей собакой по кличке Гангстер. Лучшие клиенты таксиста, конечно, богатые иностранцы. Однажды одна из его пассажирок забывает в машине сумочку с большой суммой денег. С этого момента и начинаются злоключения нашего героя. Пьер пытается разыскать иностранку, чтобы вернуть ей деньги, но безуспешно...
La concierge
Скульптор Раймон Корбье без памяти любит свою жену Сильвию. Именно поэтому он болезненно ревнив и подозревает жену в измене с музыкантом Франсисом Жерменом. Чтобы убедиться в этом, Раймон делает вид, что влюблён в Маргариту, жену своего лучшего друга дантиста Гастона Ривала. После множества комических ситуаций на горнолыжной базе супруги наконец убеждаются в своей любви друг к другу.
Mme Michaud
Личная жизнь Поля Браконнира и его жены Бландины очень далека от идеала. Лучшие супруги просто ненавидят друг друга — на грани желания убийства. Когда Поль слышит о Матра Обане, адвокате защиты, который не проиграл ни одного дела, он отправляется к законнику. Поль хочет знать, как он сможет убить жену и избежать наказания. Вдохновленный тем, что он услышал, Браконнир закалывает жену, в то время как она собралась отравить его…
Ursule, the maid
Sylvette welcomes three soldiers on the eve of Saint-Jean 1945. Each claims that she promised him five years earlier to belong to him on Saint-Jean... Which one is the right one? Finally, it is Francis who manages to prove his good faith. Sylvette will be, we couldn't be happier to get rid of a flighty husband who has gone to look for the damsel in the four corners of the world...
Inspector Dumont and his deputy Inspector Queneau investigate the murder of a young woman. They learn that the victim was pregnant before her death and that she was the mistress of Mario, a shady playboy who had dumped her while she was with child. A doctor is first suspected but is he the real culprit?
Panorama of the programs and hosts who made the heyday of radio in the 1950s.
Apolline Meunier
Endive-Meunier, a prosperous silk dealer from Lyon has an affair with his secretary he tries hard to keep secret. One day, he nevertheless accepts to accompany her to the seaside resort of Coeur-sur-Mer. Unfortunately for him, once there, he finds himself in the presence of Claudius Paquito, the popular barman of a fashionable club. The trouble is that the man is no other than one of his former employees he once fired for insolence...
Pauline Carton hosts a revue of Paris stripteasers
Virginie Pastouret, la mère
Madame Husson and her circle of holier-than-thou ladies (including an old maid Madame Cadenas)are looking for a chaste and pure girl who will win a hefty sum.
Eulalie, la bonne du curé
While he was about to end his life, Baron de Cantenac wanted to return one last time to the land of his ancestors. He then discovers a treasure that he will strive to use to revive his village.
Madame Crépin, Claire's concierge
When he finds a package in the metro, given this period of restrictions, Mr. Truche thinks it may be a good deal, he takes it home but discovers a woman's head inside. A friend of Mr. Truche having just disappeared, the superintendent accuses her of having murdered her and discovers the head buried in his cellar. But the girlfriend, whom Mr. Truche loves platonically, returns from the countryside and at the same time we spot the assassin of the unknown woman.
Cochu, a peasant, is the whipping boy of his regimental comrades. He is called "buffer of the capiston", that is to say the captain's order. But he finds himself in the service of Hortense, the captain's sister.
Minne is a very imaginative young lady. She pretends to have had lovers and can't think of anything better to do other than... to tell Antoine, her husband, the day she marries him. Bad beginning for the couple... As the marriage is not consummated for years, Minne feels frustrated and tries to find elsewhere the carnal knowledge she does not find at home. But Antoine is a kind-hearted man and on the occasion of a trip, a sexual balance is at last found between the two partners.
A provincial ingenue leaves her mother’s tobacco shop with dreams of a life in the Parisian theater, only to become entangled in relationships with a lecherous aristocrat, his starry-eyed nephew, and an old ham actor.
Gaston Bernod is a Parisian bus driver. Honest, upright and hard-working, he is held in high esteem by his superiors. Gaston has always pampered "his" bus, going as far as to equip it with a fuel-saving device of his invention. Very close to his vehicle, he may have somewhat neglected his wife Paulette, who lets herself got round by the smooth words of Pierrot. The gigolo has indeed managed to persuade her to follow him to the Mont Saint-Michel, "a wonderful nest for their burgeoning love" as he says. The trouble is that Gaston, while driving his dear 84, catches sight of the car, and suddenly aware of his misfortune, sees red. He immediately sets off in pursuit of the culprits, involving his load of helpless passengers in the chase.
Madame Auguste
André Garnier, a young pianist, who was sent to deportation following a denunciation, absolutely wants to find his informer. He falls in love with Hélène, the mistress of a wealthy industrialist, Bernier, in whom he soon discovers the man who once sold him to the Gestapo. Bernier is soon found murdered. André deflects suspicion on Jacques, the victim's secretary. Hélène and André's affair ends up being discovered by the police, who seem to see in it the motive for the crime. André surrenders to justice.
Aunt Eugénie
Employed in a beauty salon, Amédée must undergo a pentothal injection. The dose is too strong; suddenly Amédée reveals the truth to everyone; to clients of the institute; to his cheating wife; to his boss that he robs; to the tax collector; etc. When the effects of the truth serum wear off, everyone returns contentedly to their little swamp.
L'astiqueuse de cloches
В этом скетче-комедии, сравниваемом с американским фильмом «Ад раскрылся» (1941), разыгрывается спектакль, посвященный свадьбе дворянина, но результаты его плачевны.
During Christmas night, two police officers make their nocturnal rounds, in their round they meet tramps, brawlers in a café, a naked man, a concierge, a sexton, revelers in a nightclub, and end by signing in their report to the police station.
Old lady
Returning from South America, a singer is hired by an old pal who runs a detective agency to use a perch as a night club performer to be an investigator.The amateur sleuth then falls for a girl whose brother is a jewel thief.
La mère Culoz
Lovers since childhood, Sylvain and Angelina do not see their lives separated from each other. However, Sylvain is sent to war and the young woman desperately awaits his return. Years pass and the latter is forced by her father to marry Jean-Marie, a man she does not love. One day, while Angelica and her family are climbing in the Alps, an avalanche sweeps them away. Safe and sound, she comes face to face with her childhood sweetheart, Sylvain.
Angèle, sa bonne
A man remarried his wife's sister whom he believes died in a fire. The alleged deceased reappears and sows trouble and discord in the new household.
Ирен замужем за Ренальдо Кортезом, популярным певцом, любимцем женщин. Ветреный и ревнивый Ренальдо поручает своему другу Артуру Бидуа следить за Ирен во время его отсутствия, что тот и делает, и при этом узнаёт, что она имеет любовника по имени Жерар. Но верному другу Артуру удаётся помирить супругов.
Mme Ovide
Альфред Пюк - добросовестный налоговый инспектор живёт в одной квартире со своей пожилой тётей. Когда в одно зимнее утро мадам Лоближуа отправляется на грузовике в Клермон-Ферран, чтобы забрать оставшуюся мебель из проданного дома, её племянник убежден, что никогда не увидит её снова. И это подтверждается. На обратном пути тётя внезапно умирает, и водители грузовика, чтобы избежать проблем с полицией, помещают её тело в платяной шкаф. По приезду в Париж, пока водители объясняли всё происшедшее Альфреду, их грузовик был украден, вместе с грузом, который включает мёртвую мадам Лоближуа. Нотариус объясняет Альфреду, что его тётя не может быть объявлена мертвой, пока не будет найдено тело, и Альфред начинает поиски украденного платяного шкафа...
la chiromancienne
The film is a 125-minute, black-and-white biography of French priest and diplomat Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord (1754–1838), who served for 50 years under five different French regimes: the Absolute Monarchy, the Revolution, the Consulate, the Empire, and the Constitutional Monarchy. Its title comes from one of the main historical nicknames for Talleyrand, that he shares with demon king Asmodeus and English poet Lord Byron.
The concierge
Suspected of murder, a man disappears under mysterious conditions, which only increases the charges against him.
Madame Potinel
Naive and good-hearted Léon Ménard arrives in Paris, determined to find work in the capital. In a café, he meets Bob, a seedy guy, who helps him to get a job. On cloud nine, the ingenuous young man, does is unaware of how Bob manipulates him. Having become the night concierge of a hotel, the thankful Léon lets Bob and his accomplices get into the pace. Jewels are stolen as a result.When he is accused, Leon refuses to incriminate his "friend". Fortunately, Charlotte, Léon's fiancé, manages to find evidence of Bob's guilt and thanks to a premium paid by the diamond dealer the two lovebirds can buy a grocer's shop and tie the knot.
Elise Bellanger, l'habilleuse
Biography of Lucien Guitry, stage comedian, by his son, movie director, and a poetic reflection on the passionate love of both men for their chosen art forms.
Tante Marguerite
On the banks of the Rhône, not far from Tain l'Hermitage, Alcide Garonne, an old ferryman - and incidentally a poacher - lives out of wedlock with Victorine Rousset nicknamed Maryse, a colorful tramp. When Garrone's son, Pilou, a worker, falls in love with Augusta, the mayor's daughter, the unconventional old couple tries to protect the unconventional young pair from the disapproval of self righteous villagers.
Maitre de Latour Martin had been reported missing during the war. Peace returned, he finds his two wives. Guilty of bigamy, he shelters the ladies in his home and a third woman arrives whom a dowry hunter had married thanks to the papers lost by the lawyer. Life at four is stormy and Maitre Latour regrets his life as a soldier.
Madame Barbaroux
A historian seeks to clarify the mysterious death of Sire de Malvaleix and will find himself involved in the murder of the current descendant.
Mrs. Gilles
Мария-Луиза — молодая француженка, которая эвакуирована в Швейцарию, когда ее страна наводняется нацистами. Страдая от нервного срыва, она получает укрытие в богатой семье. К сожалению, жизнь в роскоши превращает ее в настолько избалованную девушку, что она отказывается возвращаться на свою недавно освобожденную родину…
Pierre can no longer pay for his medical studies and disappears for several months. During his absence, his fiancée allows herself to be courted by a reveler. Back home, Pierre cannot regain the trust of the young woman, who now leads a dissolute life of which she is ashamed. She tries to kill herself. Pierre saves her and heals her.
On the very day of his wedding, Valentin Le Barroyer sees the one he was to marry fly away. Hélène has always loved her cousin André, to the great displeasure of her aunt who had combined the failed marriage. The two lovers take refuge in the Dordogne at the home of Hélène's grandmother who believes them to be really husband and wife. Valentin finds the young couple too late, he only has to console himself with a friend of Hélène's.
On his fiftieth birthday, Serge Charan, a large industrialist overloaded with activities, decides to leave everything to go on an adventure. In a train heading for the Côte d'Azur, he meets six young girls returning to their boarding school. Arrived at their destination, Serge Charan rents, under an assumed name, a villa with a view of the garden of the boarding school. His presence arouses questions and the interest of young girls who are sensitive to his charm. But one of them, Simone, falls completely in love and runs away from boarding school.
La directrice de la pension de famille
Abandoned by her husband Marc, Thérèse Romanay cheats on him with André Norans. When Romanay finds out, he drives her away. She runs away with her lover. But, during a mountain excursion, Norans is killed and Thérèse is herself seriously injured. But she recovers. The husband then forgives the unfaithful wife, and the couple reunites.
Lucien Mazerand, a bookseller from Châteauroux, goes to Paris to spend a few days in the French capital. At the music-hall, he discovers Stella Losange, a singer who literally enthralls him. Determined to seduce her, he is aware that a mere bookseller from the provinces stands no chance. So he resorts to a stratagem: posing for a globe-trotter who has gone through millions of adventures. The scheme works but the lady wants more : why doesn't he take her along with him so that she can share his dangerous life?
Fernande Richaud
Pierre and Florence meet at the fair in Paris. They vow eternal love and go to Cassis, under the Southern sun. But Florence has a burdensome past: before meeting Pierre she was a kept woman. Her chivalrous lover, Dominique, chooses to set her free. But Pierre is an uncompromising man and, furious with Florence, threatens to leave her...
Tobie is a hopeless daydreamer. He always has his head in the clouds, and this inevitably gets him into trouble with his employer. In the end, Tobie loses his job as a fairground performer and sinks into a state of abject despair.
La bonne Ernestine
Evelyne, a woman of bourgeois origin, now reduced to dancing in a sleazy nightclub, is reunited with her first love, who has become a successful doctor.
Mme Noblesse
A little bank employee wins a plane in the lottery and amazes his companions with his audacity.
To inherit from his late uncle, Narcisse Pigeon is obliged to pass his pilot's license.
Nine Bachelors is a 1939 French comedy film directed by Sacha Guitry and starring Guitry, Max Dearly and Elvire Popesco.[1] An opportunist dreams up a new scheme to make money when the French government passes a law forbidding foreigners from living in France. It's French title is Ils étaient neuf célibataires.
Taking advantage of their uncle's absence, André and Raymond Rafet organize a New Year's Eve party at his house. The uncle returns unexpectedly, disturbs the party, threatens his nephews to disinherit them and then locks himself in his office. A few minutes later, he is found dead, poisoned.
Eugénie, the maid
A young man who wishes to launch his girlfriend in the theater, borrows money from his aunt, making her believe that he wants to buy groceries. His aunt arrives and then wishes to visit “her” grocery store; to save the day he borrows the store of a credulous grocer.
Sidonie Dupont
After the death of her trapeze artist father, a little girl is taken in by two clowns.
A wealthy old maid offers to be the godmother of a regiment in order to find a fiancé for her niece who must come into possession of a large inheritance the day she marries a private.
Mrs. Bouchot
A painter who has led a free and independent life meets true love. A jealous former lover intervenes to prevent her from being happy and succeeds in driving away the one she loves. The young woman regains a taste for life thanks to her work and her friends.
In this sci-fi film, a scientist invents a prescient machine that can tell people when they will die. Oddly enough, the people do not want to know and therefore begin to riot…
La première
What was it about opera diva Grace Moore that attracted the attention of filmdom's top directors? Moore's 1937 American movie vehicle When You're in Love had been directed by Josef Von Sternberg; two years later, her French starrer Louise was helmed by no less than Abel Gance, who a decade earlier had revolutionized the "historical epic" genre with the awesome Napoleon. There was, however, little that was revolutionary in this cinemadaption of Gustave Charpentier's opera. Moore plays Louise, a poor seamstress who is led astray by the rakish Julien (Georges Thill). After falling from grace (no pun intended), our heroine is rescued by her understanding father (Andre Pernet), who demonstrates his forgiveness by singing to her (it is, after all, an opera). Though it played to enthusiastic crowds in both London and Paris, Louise turned out to be Grace Moore's final film; conversely, Abel Gance continued to make commercial potboilers well into the 1970s.
Reine, a young woman, meets for the first time a cousin of hers, Paul. She falls in love with him but she soon leans that Paul is engaged to Blanche, the beautiful daughter of Reine's uncle.
Claire Buisson becomes enamored with Gerard and soon afterwords she becomes pregnant. Gerard advises her to abort the child but, at the last moment, Claire decides to keep her child and leaves for her sister's place in the province.
The history of one of France's most famous streets is retold, featuring multiple performances from Guitry himself.
Anna, la vieille servante
Madame Morin
In 1914, students living in a boarding house are disturbed by a young woman. On the eve of being called up, one of them declares his love for her. She abandons herself to someone who may not come back.
The wife of a Parisian municipal guardian wins a beauty contest in spite of herself and narrowly escapes more or less honest adventures.
Vérotchka, a vivacious theater actress touring in a provincial town, is turned out of her hotel by orders of Monsieur Tricointe, the stern president of the local law court. In a rage, the actress knocks at Tricointe's door with a view to protesting against the treatment she is given. She goes about it so well that she ends up being accommodated by the president himself. This is the moment Jean-Pierre Gaudet, the Minister of Justice, chooses to pay an unannounced visit to his friend Tricointe. There he mistakes Vérotchka for Madame Tricointe and the president does not dare to contradict Gaudet. A lot of absurd situations ensue.
The landlady
Set against the backdrop of the 1937 Paris Exposition, a mistaken identity plot where a travel agent from Morocco is confused by the French police with a dangerous swindler.
The brave Monsieur Breloque has a friend, Pierre Martel, a private detective. When the latter asks him to replace him for a while, Breloque, although having no competence in the matter, accepts. He anticipates adventures and misadventures but also happy surprises.
La Femme de Chambre de l'Hôtel
The battle of the sexes as drawing room social satire. Philippe, a middle-aged newspaper editor, has lived for six years with Paulette, a successful stage actress. He tells her friend Claudine, a realistic and enterprising reporter, that he's thinking of proposing. Into the mix steps Carl Erickson, a charming Hollywood matinée idol in Paris briefly. He meets Paulette, sees her act (his box seat compliments of Philippe), and sets out to seduce her. The next two days bring talk, tears, separation, despair, surprises, and, perhaps, reconciliation as characters speak "exactly half the truth." It's a quadrille of changing partners.
No overviwe found
Sacha Guitry exchanges his usual top hat for a uniform in Désiré, playing a cavalier valet embroiled in an awkward flirtation with his new employer (played by the actor-director's real-life wife, Jacqueline Delubac), who is involved with a stuffy politician. A carefree class farce filled with memorable supporting characters, Désiré blurs the distinction between upstairs and downstairs.
La marquise de Sérignan
The widow of a soldier in the 1914-1918 war, running an inn called "Au rendez-vous des veterans", is happy to see her daughter in love with an officer whose father was once in love with La Madelon.
Camille Morestan serves as a jury member at a court in Paris. The attractive Natalie Roguin is accused of murder. Morestan doesn't want to believe she really killed her lover. He succeeds in convincing the other jury members she was innocent. After her acquittal he takes her into his house. While he tries to keep her identity a secret for his family her presence leads to a number of unfortunate incidents.
An outgoing deputy, put on ballot, experiences many political and marital difficulties before regaining his seat. Ultimately and without suspecting it, he owes his victory obtained by a withdrawal at the last minute, to his young wife who did not hesitate to seduce the opponent.
Mr. Pontbichot has long dreamed of cheating on his wife. To achieve his goals, he looks for a son-in-law who could help him, and finds him in the person of a young painter, who pleases his daughter.
The landlady
During the students ' rebellion against Nicholas the Second in Russia, Viana tries to kill the governor but it's her lover who is arrested and sent to a sinister fortress : hence the title. To help the prisoner,Vania marries the officer who commands the place. There the convicts have really a bad time, but Vania manages to communicate with her dear captive. But beware of informers.
In 1914, during the First World War, the rich chatelaine de Boissière, with a sulphurous past, took in Jean le Barois, a young soldier lost in territory occupied by the Germans, who was none other than the son of the man she loved, then ruined. The young man, after having despised her, falls madly in love with the woman who pushed his father to suicide.
La femme de chambre
The story of the seven pearls of the English Crown, from Henry VIII to 1937; three of them missing.
la préfète
Madame Cambronne, who is English, "it's historic", would really like to know what this famous "Cambronne word" is, which she has never heard. General Cambronne stubbornly refuses to repeat his famous saying.
A colonel decided to be represented at the regiment festival of a tragedy in verse by the poem written by his sister.
A timid young man marries the daughter of the entomologist he works for. On the train for their honeymoon, he takes his young wife in his arms when a customs officer suddenly enters the compartment. The groom is now inhibited.
A man of integrity, Monsieur Pic is the accountant beyond reproach of the Banque Universelle. He would not dream of doing anything wrong and everybody knows it. He is therefore justly indignant when a wealthy woman offers him the position of administrator in the whorehouse she is opening soon. But only fools never change their minds and if Monsieur Pic finally accepts the position in the house across the Banque Universelle, he has three good reasons for that: first he does not get the promotion he deserved ; second, his son Albert is hired by Madame Anna as a decorator ; third, Hortense, his daughter has expressed the wish to "work" there too. The good point is that, once in the place, Pic will be rewarded for what he is worth. Even more important, the unfortunate father will be able there to keep a close eye on his two wayward children and protect them from temptation.
A pilot on one of the air mail flights between France and its African colonies has a brief romance with his distressed cousin before he returns to the call of duty, and the rebels in the desert.
Two brothers-in-law hate each other but, for business interests, they want their respective son and daughter to marry. The young fiancées are not in agreement, as the boy has a happy relationship with a woman, and the girl is in an isolation mood. A crime happens, and the relations amongst this sad family become even worse.
Marie Ganion - sa servante
After being left for another man by his wife, Charles Bellanger raises his only son to fear and suspect women. Years later, such an education is bearing fruit.
Mlle Coltilde
After finding and adopting a child, a man gets a job at an all-girls school which doesn't allow families. Once the girls find the baby, they become his forty little mothers. At the same time, the child's true mother searches for him.
Madame Moriot
Life story of a charming scoundrel, with little dialogue other than the star/director's witty narration. As a boy, only he survives a family tragedy when he's deprived of supper (poisonous mushrooms!) for stealing...concluding that dishonesty pays. Through years of dabbling in crime and amusing adventures, two women appear and reappear in his life, a dazzling blonde jewel thief and a stunning brunette gambler. Finally, he meets the mysterious Charbonnier who had saved his life in World War I, leading to the surprising next phase in his career...
Marguerite and Verdurin, both employed in l'Atout Prix, a store run by Prosper Biscoton, would like to take a vacation at the beach, but they need more money than they earn. They decide to trick their boss into paying for the trip by pretending Marguerite is interested in him. Biscoton falls in the trap and puts himself in a difficult position with his own wife.
La gouvernante
In war against the Poles, the leader Cossack sees itself betrayed by one of his threads, been in love the girl of an enemy.
Mademoiselle Morot
Husbands and wives, lovers and gigolos, all break a sweat when Dr. Marcelin’s newly-revised last will and testament is prematurely exposed.
This French musical comedy was based on the stage play Mademoiselle Mozart, written by Yvan Noe, who also co-directed the screen version. Danielle Darrieux plays Denise, the owner of a music shop that is facing closure. Wealthy young Maxime (Pierre Mingand) falls in love with Denise but knows full well that she despises rich folks and would refuse to accept his charity. Thus, Maxime arranges to secretly buy the store then takes a job with the establishment as a humble sheet-music salesman. When Denise finds out that her new employee is actually her boss, she is furious, but rest assured that Love Will Find a Way. The lovely Danielle Darrieux is permitted to sing on several occasions, which she does enthusiastically if not altogether expertly.
Honorine Guibert
Bobby Guibert and Pat Duvallon are the best of friends. They are also big party animals. Honorine, Bobby's aunt, is outraged by her nephew's bad behavior, all the more as it is with her money that the young man paints the city red, always accompanied by Pat. She then decides to send them both to the West Indies, where she owns a sugar-cane plantation, in the hope that far from temptation they will reform. Once there, the two revelers come up with nothing better than - swap identities, which will be the cause of a series of cheerful misunderstandings. Everything will end not in one, but several marriages.
Mrs. Bernoux
Ginette, a Parisian seamstress, lives poorly but happily with her musician lover. When Count la Ferronnière offers to teach her the manners and behaviours that will open her the doors to a richer world, she quickly chooses wealth over love.
la mère de Marie
A girl, Marie, who got engaged to a boy who is leaving for military training (thirteen days) wins two million on the raffle, thanks to an older man, Claude, whom she calls her good luck …
The maid and the driver of Sidonie de Valpurgis have the absurd idea of subletting the hotel of their boss during her absence, and precisely to Sidonie's ex-friend, who wants to spend his wedding night there.
Ferdinand is an honest and almost prude chemist at the Fourageot laboratories. His boss, Mr Fourageot, is mostly busy with his mistresses but comes to be worried with his young and outgoing daughter.
Mlle Aubry
Tante Anna
Filmed in French Morocco, Itto's dialogue is spoken primarily in the tribal Chleuh language. The jingoistic story concerns a series of clashes between French occupational forces and a rebellious Chleuh chieftain. Itto (Simone Berriau), chief's daughter, becomes embroiled in a romance with a Moroccan tribesman who has gone over to the French side. It is implied in Itto that it's okay to betray one's own people if it will preserve French colonialism in Africa. To modern viewers, the rampant chauvinism in Itto is a difficult pill to swallow.
Mademoiselle Julie
An honest worker is unjustly accused of murder. The culprit promises him to give his son a good education if he allows himself to be condemned.
A friendly young man is accused by a Romanichel of being part of a fearsome band of thieves who are looting the lobster traps of a small Breton village.
Mlle Poche, une cliente
The irresistible rise of a young provincial, Miquette, who, having risen to Paris, will experience success in the theater and love in Hollywood with a very attractive tennis player.
Madame Genissier
Попавший в тюрьму Санте по обвинению в финансовых махинациях, банкир Жюль Тафар самовольно покидает это заведение и под именем месье Гедеона находит место ночного сторожа в прозябающем магазинчике женского белья «Корсеты Сильфиды». Однако талант под спудом не утаишь: деловая хватка и умение располагать к себе людей помогли ночному сторожу быстро дослужиться до коммерческого директора и заручиться безграничным доверием семейства Жениссье – владельцев магазина. Но пока последние радуются росту обороту и расширению производства, месье Гедеон строит собственную экономическую империю, начавшуюся со скупки подержанных вещей и вышедшую, в конце концов, на международный рынок торговли оружием.
In the spring of 1913, Jean Servin, a son of a family, became friends with Roberte, a little midinette. He leaves her a few months later to marry Cécile Breton. The years go by. Jean becomes an important businessman. One evening, he meets Roberte, who has become the wife of a wealthy American. She does not love her husband any more than he loves his wife. They recall their memories. They seem to still love each other. They plan to rebuild their lives. Together, they will spend a few days in Dieppe, as they did in the past after their first meeting. They feel so different from what they were twenty years ago that they understand that the past cannot live again.
Three successive sketches: Sacha Guitry successively calls Pauline Carton, Gaston Severin and Paul Pauley by telephone, to invite them to the Ambassadors gala dinner.
Madame Poschbeim, la couturière
Девушка, получившая образование учительницы, не может найти работу и устраивается горничной в дом, где проживают разорившийся адвокат, толстая кухарка, швея и красавец-футболист из национальной сборной.
A rich American lady has bought the Castle of Longueval. Her sister is being courted by two young villagers, one that fell in love with her, and the other one that fell in love with the Castle.
Suzette and Jack form a very nice and rather well-matched couple. The latter is the partner of the new clown Teddy who seems to please the young lady a lot.
A wrongfully convicted man finds himself suspected of a crime committed in his prison.
Madame Morin
Life is so dull in a quiet little neighborhood that gossips, eager for some kind of scandal to brighten things up, imagine their haberdasher has been having quite a raunchy sex life.
The many difficulties of a couple to harmonize, between the need for independence of one and the brutality of the other...
A deceived husband asks his priest to bring back the frivolous wife.
Mme Frutte
A poor boy lives in the attic of a luxury house. During a party, he pays court to an elegant young woman who, without warning him, surprises him at his home.
Рассказанный в четырех эпизодах, безымянный художник переносится через зеркало в другое измерение, где он путешествует по различным странным сценариям. Этот фильм является первой частью Орфической трилогии Кокто, которая состоит из Крови поэта (1930), Орфея (1950) и Завещания Орфея (1960).
A young American lady has certain prejudices against the people in France, but comes there to find a lover.She causes nothing but trouble.
Tante Aurélie
Two sisters struggle to stay on the straight and narrow.
Mary, la bonne
A one-night stand with an entertainer threatens to destroy a woman's marriage after she gives birth to a black child.
la concierge
While engaged in the six-day Vel d'Hiv event, a cyclist is concerned about the behaviour of his wife, whom he believes to be unfaithful.
Paris 1883. Yvette is the daughter of a courtesan who serves men of wealth and status. She is unaware of how her mother makes money and why they are always in the presence of princes, dukes and barons. Only when Yvette goes away on a holiday she realizes that the Banker Saval is engaging her mother in such activities, she suddenly feels dirty.
Tante Scholastique
Матиас Паскаль, лишившийся наследства из-за мошенника-управляющего, вынужденный пойти на скучнейшую работу, несчастливый в браке из-за ненавистной тёщи, а главное — всю жизнь мечтавший о свободе, однажды получает шанс осуществить свою мечту. Пока он был в отъезде, обнаружили труп утопленника. По ошибке посчитали, что это Матиас Паскаль.
La bonne
Maurice returns out of habit in the apartment from which he has just moved and turns the lives of the new tenants upside down.
A fifty year old woman, scarred by a life of disillusionment and regret, returns to the place where she lived twenty years before, to rekindle happier memories. She meets a young woman, the daughter of the current owners of the property, who is on the point of abandoning her home – just as she did, all those years ago...