Marina, a woman with a glass eye, has the bad luck to be the victim of an assault witnessed by Rafael, a goodhearted butcher, who rescues her from her attacker, a man named Daniel. Rafael has physical problems of his own, but the two stay together as a couple. A baby not Rafael's, for he lost his testicles in an accident is born. Rafael looks forward to raising the child as his own if Marina will consent.
Действие происходит в Триесте (в Италии) в 1911 году. Эрнесто — испорченный подросток из средних слоев общества. Он — молодой симпатичный клерк работает в конторе итальянского порта Триест и мечтает стать скрипачом. Внезапный роман с красавцем рабочим открывает для него мир чувств, которым он не хочет противостоять, но он боится быть арестованным за свою гомосексуаьность и прерывает связь с парнем. Через некоторое время Эрнесто знакомится с красивым мальчиком Илио и его сестрой Рашелью. Их знакомство начинает перерастать в роман, в то время как все считают, что он влюблен в его сестру Рашель.
One night, Don Luis, a noble and arrogant fifty care manners, bursts into the room of Antonia, one of her maids because as lord and master, all that lives with him are his possessions. Antonia hates him, but is also attracted to the refinement of a man who seeks only pleasure, and become complicit in a crime to bind him forever.
A group of Mexican revolutionaries murders a town priest and a number of his christian followers. Ten years later, a widow arrives in town intent to take revenge from her husband's killers.
The Iberian F.C. is a female football team makes a splash in the world of football, rather than their athletic skills, their physical attraction for the male audience. Each of the components of the whole suffers a different and peculiar relationship status, derived from its new sports.