Reuben Sallmander

Reuben Sallmander

Рождение : 1966-02-11, Högalid, Stockholm


Reuben Sallmander


What a Damn Circus
"What a Damn Circus" - A young university student Hugo falls in love with promising violinist Agnes, but something happens that changes his life completely. Moving on, the story turns into a romantic drama-comedy with great portions of humour and warmth, as Hugo ends up at Circus Margôt and is drawn into that absorbing existence.
When the conductor suddenly collapses in front of the audience and the orchestra, it’s only the start of a desparate fight for life and loss of senses. When vision goes dim, sound hazy and skin no longer reacts to touch, panic becomes clear far beyond the silver screen.
The Escape
Salomon has achieved everything he ever wanted. From the outside it looks as if he is living the suburban dream with a good looking wife, kids and a nice house. But still he can't get rid of the feeling that something is lost and that he's constantly drifting apart from his family. A film about love, death and God.
Трагедия на сельском кладбище
A murder investigation takes detective Christer Wijk to a small village, where he needs to separate rumors and facts to trail the murderer.
Агент Хамилтон: Похищенная
Pierre Tanguy
У знакомой агента Хамилтона, которая выступила перед прессой с критикой одной мусульманской группировки, похищают дочь. Но это не простое похищение, оно несёт как политические, так и личные мотивы тоже. Вместе с отцом девочки Хамильтон отправляется на поиски пропавшей, чтобы найти её и жестоко отомстить похитителям…
Irene Huss 12: Jagat vittne
Krister Huss
En ung vacker kvinna hittas död i Göta Älv och på fingret bär hon en briljantförsedd vigselring som tillhör någon annan. Kriminalinspektör Irene Huss och hennes kollegor sätts på fallet och får direkt problem. Obduktionen visar att dödsorsaken inte är drunkning utan en skallskada. Vem är hon? Hon är inte saknad, ingen kan identifiera henne, ingen vet någonting. Samtidigt i ett nedgånget barackområde sitter en misshandlad man och ruvar på en fruktansvärd hemlighet... Angela Kovács återkommer i rollen som Irene Huss. Vi får även återse Lasse Brandeby, Reuben Sallmander, Eric Ericson, Dag Malmberg och Anki Lidén. Dessutom kommer en ny kriminaltekniker in i teamet i form av Moa Gammel känd från bl a Sommaren med Göran. Äntligen är succé-serien om Irene Huss tillbaka, även denna gång baserad på Helene Turstens bästsäljande deckarserie, och med mer spänning än någonsin.
Irene Huss 11: I skydd av skuggorna
Krister Huss
Irene Huss 10: Tystnadens cirkel
Krister Huss
A young man is found dead, dumped in a container. The body is naked, bloody and battered. An autopsy shows the victim was GHB in the body and have suffered whiplash, cuts and burns. Everything indicates that he has been kidnapped and sexually abused and tortured. There seems to be an organized gang has done this before, this is just the first time the victim has died. The tracks leading to a nightclub that Irene's daughter Jenny and her friend's visit, unaware of the danger. Irene Huss and her colleagues have a problem with the investigation when those who become victims do not report crimes because of shame, and for fear that someone will find out what happened.
Irene Huss 9: En man med litet ansikte
Krister Huss
The Hunt for a young girls killer get Inspector Irene Huss and her co-worker into a world of evil.
Irene Huss 7: Den som vakar i mörkret
Krister Huss
Wallander 21 - The Sniper
Björn Holmström
When a small-time crook is killed by a sniper, Wallander and the Ystad police investigate. Meanwhile, trainee policeman Pontus is forced to reconsider his career.
Девушка, которая играла с огнём
Enrico Giannini
Поздно вечером в своей квартире застрелены журналист и его подруга — люди, изучавшие каналы поставки в Швецию секс-рабынь из Восточной Европы. Среди клиентов малопочтенного бизнеса замечены представители властных структур. Кажется очевидным, каким кругам была выгодна смерть этих двоих. Микаэл Блумквист начинает собственное расследование гибели своих коллег и друзей и вдруг узнает, что в убийстве подозревают его давнюю знакомую Лисбет Саландер, самую странную девушку на свете, склонную играть с огнем — к примеру, заливать его бензином.
Johan Falk: GSI - Gruppen för särskilda insatser
Tommy Ridders
Johan works in tandem with the GSI organized crime unit to bring in a cadre of armored car robbers
Девушка с татуировкой дракона
Enrico Giannini
Микаэль Блумквист — талантливый журналист, который верой и правдой добивается справедливости в самых скандальных делах — неожиданно терпит фиаско в своей деятельности, в результате чего вынужден отбыть срок лишения свободы.В то же время влиятельный человек Хенрик Вангер поручает ему дело о пропаже его племянницы, которая таинственным образом исчезла из имения Вангеров, и о которой вот уже множество лет нет никаких новостей. А попытки Хенрика разыскать родственницу так же не приводят к положительным результатам.
Irene Huss 5: Eldsdansen
Krister Huss
A series of arsons is affecting Gothenburg. The leads brings Irene Huss to an unsolved case that happened 15 years ago. Meanwhile, a lady gets murdered in the archipelago, and at first it seems like the cases have nothing in common. Irene's investigation of the murder case leads her back far in time where secrets which are forgotten long ago come to the surface again. Irene's hard work gets even more complicated when she finds out that her daughter is a bully in school.
Irene Huss 4: Glasdjävulen
In a small community near Gothenburg three members of a family priest brutally murdered. The walls are covered with up-and-inverted pentagram - the symbol of the devil's face - painted there by the victims blod.Kriminalinspektör Irene Huss drag quickly parallels to a previous case in which a priest was murdered. Even in that case there were satanic connections. But the deeper Irene Huss digs in case the more convinced she becomes that the clergy are not always as pious as they should be
Irene Huss 3: The Night Round
Krister Huss
A blackout leaves the distinguished halls of the Löwanderska Hospital in complete darkness. Doctor Sverker Löwander hears the alarm when one of the ventilators go off, and rushes to the intensive care unit only to find the nurse in charge dead in the stairwell and the other disappeared without a trace. When DI Irene Huss arrives, the only witness claims to have seen Nurse Tekla doing her rounds. There's only one slight problem: Nurse Tekla committed suicide at the hospital sixty years ago.
Ирен Гус – сломанная лошадка
Krister Huss
Человек прыгает с балкона и умирает. Однако Ирена Хусс, прибывшая на место происшествия, вскоре обнаруживает, что, казалось бы, трагическое самоубийство на самом деле является жестоким убийством, а жертва оказывается одним из очень богатых людей.
Ирен Гус: Татуированный торс
Krister Huss
На пляже в Гетеборге найдены части тела расчлененного человека. Единственное, что удалось распознать это татуировка на туловище. Ирен Гус не в первой сталкиваться с подобными чудовищными преступлениями и именно ей предстоит раскрыть это таинственное дело, которое может завести ее прямиком в Ад!
Hon jazzade en sommar
In 1930s Sweden the residents of a small town are upset with the morals of modern times and travel to Copenhagen to see for themselves what is going on with this new jazz music.
9 millimeter
The suburb that is a society in a society, a place where young guys do anything for respect. A place where criminality and violence is a part of life. The movie is about Malik, a guy without family and land of origin, and who has made crime and violence to a part of his life. Both to win respect, and to support himself.
The Blue Angel
When the old University Professor discovers that some of his pupils often sneak into a speakeasy, The Blue Angel, to visit a dancer, Lola, he comes there to confront them. But instead he is attracted to Lola. He returns the next night to The Blue Angel to spend time with Lola and stays overnight. This causes problems at his work and his life takes a steep downward spiral.
Rusar i hans famn
Brown-eyed man
Municipal commissioner Tore dies in a plane crash and leaves his wife Monica and children Lena and Klas behind. Through flashbacks by Monica we see how their married life was, with lots of up and downs.
Just You and Me
Jafet, TV-reporter
Flore is a passionate politician. She is in love but under constant stress, dealing with issues on being black in a more and more aggressive society – Sweden in the early nineties. Soon it will be too much for her.
Ragnar 'Rico' Bensen
David has just started working for a large pharmaceutical company and falls madly in love with a young and very beautiful colleague, Angelica.
Härifrån till Kim
Per is living in a small town and dreams of becoming a jazz musician in New York. As a first step he applies to a music high school in Stockholm and is - much to his surprise - accepted. Then a new chapter in his life begins when he falls in love with one of his fellow students, Kim.
Have a Wonderful Life
Per is doing his military service when he finds out that his girlfriend back home in Stockholm is having an affair. He goes AWOL and tries to find a way back home. On the way he meets Hanna, the daughter of a travelling salesman who joins him on his journey.
The Accidental Golfer
I bet anyone can get better at golf than you are in one week, a golfer says to her golfing businessman for a boyfriend in a quarrel. Unfortunately Stig-Helmer is standing nearby when the boyfriend accepts the bet, and he is chosen to be the competitor. Stig-Helmer has never played the game before, but his Norwegian friend Ole promises to help him.
The Guardian Angel
A radical socialist is placed as a bodyguard with a minister for the purpose of murdering him. The meeting with the minister's family complicates his task.