Eugénie Grandval


PUNK! Il était une fois Gilles Bertin
Gilles Bertin founded in 1980 the punk band "Camera Silens" whose name is inspired by the isolation cells in which members of the Red Army Fraction were locked up. Years of music, heroin squats, anarchy and theft follow... He is one of the masterminds of the legendary Brinks robbery. It was April 26, 1988. Disguised as gendarmes, an unlikely team of robbers – punks, anarchists and drug addicts – rob the coffers of the Brinks. Balance sheet: 11.7 million francs (1.8 million euros) and not a shot. Most of the criminals were arrested and convicted, except Gilles Bertin who managed to escape. His escape will last nearly thirty years. No one imagines then that he has rebuilt his life a few hundred kilometers away, in a popular suburb of Barcelona.
PUNK! Il était une fois Gilles Bertin
Gilles Bertin founded in 1980 the punk band "Camera Silens" whose name is inspired by the isolation cells in which members of the Red Army Fraction were locked up. Years of music, heroin squats, anarchy and theft follow... He is one of the masterminds of the legendary Brinks robbery. It was April 26, 1988. Disguised as gendarmes, an unlikely team of robbers – punks, anarchists and drug addicts – rob the coffers of the Brinks. Balance sheet: 11.7 million francs (1.8 million euros) and not a shot. Most of the criminals were arrested and convicted, except Gilles Bertin who managed to escape. His escape will last nearly thirty years. No one imagines then that he has rebuilt his life a few hundred kilometers away, in a popular suburb of Barcelona.
Маменькин сынок
Фильм рассказывает о трудоголичке Виолетте из мира моды, которая неожиданно влюбляется в компьютерщика Жана-Рене. Однако 19-летний сын Виолетты, Лоло, не в восторге от их отношений. Лоло решает во что бы то ни стало избавиться от возлюбленного своей матери.
Три дня на побег
Жизнь Джона казалась идеальной, пока его жену не арестовали по подозрению в убийстве. Пока Лара сидит в тюрьме, Джон один воспитывает сына и пытается всеми способами доказать её невиновность. Но когда законные способы освободить любимую исчерпаны, единственное, что ему остаётся — разработать изощрённый план побега. И Джон готов рискнуть всем.