Ted Campbell

Ted Campbell


Ted Campbell


Secrets on Campus
Secrets on Campus
Student Seduction
Annie, who in a desperate attempt to bring up her grades, joins a cheating ring and, under its influence, starts a relationship with her lacrosse coach, and a student uses blackmail to prevent her from leaving the group.
Student Seduction
Annie, who in a desperate attempt to bring up her grades, joins a cheating ring and, under its influence, starts a relationship with her lacrosse coach, and a student uses blackmail to prevent her from leaving the group.
A Dangerous Defense
Abby represents her estranged sister in a murder trial. Is her sister guilty or is there a killer on the loose?
A Dangerous Defense
Abby represents her estranged sister in a murder trial. Is her sister guilty or is there a killer on the loose?
Killer Profile
Fearing her boyfriend is cheating on her, Nicole tests him with a fake social media profile she's made under the name "Heather Harris." But when a girl named Heather Harris enrolls at her school, Nicole suspects something sinister.
Psycho Escort
First Assistant Director
Diane is not ready to date but also does not want to attend a work event alone. Her sister suggests a rent-a-date where she can hire a fake boyfriend. Soon, it becomes evident that she has rented a liar with a disturbing past.
Stalked by a Reality Star
Second Unit Director
When teenager Kendra lies about her age to get into a Hollywood party, she meets handsome reality TV star, Brad. But when she discovers that Brad is not as charming as he seems, Kendra rejects him, only to realize that he has become obsessed with her and will stop at nothing--including dating her widowed mother--to be near her.
Stalked by a Reality Star
Assistant Director
When teenager Kendra lies about her age to get into a Hollywood party, she meets handsome reality TV star, Brad. But when she discovers that Brad is not as charming as he seems, Kendra rejects him, only to realize that he has become obsessed with her and will stop at nothing--including dating her widowed mother--to be near her.
The Perfect Daughter
First Assistant Director
Finding his daughter confused and drunk one night, Martin overreacts and puts a wedge between their once idyllic relationship at a time when she'll need him the most.
First Assistant Director
Феликс О`Нил ходит в школу с единственной целью — развлекаться. Когда его проделки достают директора, Феликса с позором изгоняют из учебного заведения. Теперь его главная задача: сделать все, чтобы родители не узнали о его исключении…
First Assistant Director
Когда пара решает взять бездомного кота, их жизненная перспектива меняется, буквально искажая пространство и время и проверяя их веру в себя и друг друга на прочность.
Friendly Fire
Second Assistant Director
A surreal fantasy on the themes of love and friendship, set to the music and songs of the Sean Lennon album "Friendly Fire".
Soldier of God
Second Assistant Director
“Soldier of God” A film by W. D. Hogan From The New York Times Director W. D. Hogan‘s sweeping period epic “Soldier of God” unfurls in the Middle East of the late Twelfth Century. As the story opens, the Knights Templar, a religious order originally assigned to protect Christian pilgrims, has disintegrated from chivalric order and justice into dissolute chaos, as its individual factions bloodthirstily vie with one another for power and control.
Set Production Assistant
Начинающая художница Мирабель работает продавщицей в одном из торговых центров Беверли-Хиллз и никак не может отделаться от ощущения бесполезности своей работы и скуки отношений с не снискавшим славы молодым музыкантом Джереми. Так продолжается до тех пор, пока в один прекрасный день она не встречает Рэя Портера — уже немолодого разведенного богача, который не прочь стать ее «парнем». Теперь Мирабель должна сделать выбор между двумя претендентами на ее взаимность, а это оказывается не так и просто.
The Bug Man
Second Assistant Director
The slice-of-life story of how an exterminator attempts to connect with his clients and the consequences of these connections.
Spin The Bottle
First Assistant Director
Centers on a group of teenagers in small town Texas who unleash a deadly force after playing the famed party game Spin the Bottle in an abandoned house where a grisly massacre once took place.
Rigamortis: A Zombie Love Story
After humanity quells an undead uprising, the last two remaining zombies pair up in search of sanctuary, but instead find love. Rigamortis takes place shortly after humanity has put down a recent zombie outbreak. The last two zombies left “undead” are looking for their place in the world, while one lonely zombie hunter’s newfound fame and glory can’t fill the hole in his heart left by the recent loss of his now undead love. The characters are forced to confront zombies, angry mobs, double-barreled shotguns, and an ever-dangerous thing called love, until fate brings them all face to face in an explosive finale.