Geymond Vital

Geymond Vital

Рождение : 1897-01-24, Pont-de-Claix, France

Смерть : 1987-12-06


Geymond Vital


Анжелика, маркиза ангелов
Le révérend-père Kirschner
Анжелика, необыкновенно красивая бедная аристократка вынуждена выйти замуж за Жоффрея де Пейрака. Несмотря на его внешность она со временем полюбила его. Влюбленные живут счастливо в своем замке, пока однажды к ним не приезжает король. Восхищенный красотой Анжелики Людовик XIV хочет сделать ее своей наложницей…
Дневник горничной
Le brigadier sur le quai de la gare
Селестина, приглашенная в семью Монтей, наблюдает за странностями каждого из обитателей дома: ненасытную сексуальность, утонченный фетишизм, склонность к насилию и садизму. Внезапно два события потрясают провинциальных жителей: скоропостижная смерть и убийство с изнасилованием. Селестина безуспешно пытается обвинить того, кого небезосновательно подозревает.
Граф Монте-Кристо
Оказавшись несправедливо заключенным в страшную тюрьму, откуда нет возврата, Эдмон Дантес в течение тринадцати лет вынужден терпеть лишения и лелеять мысли о мести своим обидчикам. С помощью человека, сидящего с ним в соседней камере, Эдмону удается совершить побег…
Барон де Л'Эклюз
La Ramée (uncredited)
Герой войны 14-го года и разоренный барон, Жером Наполеон Антуан ведет роскошную жизнь благодаря своим обширным связям. Он много играет и много проигрывает. Однажды ему улыбается удача во время игры в карты с маркизом Вилламайором: он выигрывает одиннадцать миллионов и, в качестве аванса, получает яхту. Вместе с Перл, его бывшей любовницей, они отправляются в путь. Однако, из-за нехватки денег им приходится на некоторое время задержаться на одном из шлюзов...
Pourquoi viens-tu si tard...
Maître Augier, l'avocat général
Walter, a reporter and photographer, meets Catherine in a train. The young lawyer recently gained an acquittal for a man who killed his alcoholic father to save his mother. Campaigning against alcoholism, she asks Walter to help her unmask a wine merchant engaged in shady practices.
The Crime of the Just
Monsieur Combaroux
Arnal, nicknamed 'Counselor' is the head of a family held in high esteem by the people of a Cevennes village. Now, the dignified man, who is the respected arbitrator of local disputes, has adopted Clémence, a deaf-mute girl. The day when Maurice, Arnal's son, starts a love affair with his stepsister, trouble begins...
Cage of Girls
Pierre Mansois, Micheline's uncle
Micheline, who fled to Paris with the man she is in love with, finds herself on her own when he abandons her. She lands in a reformatory from which she manages to escape.
Dr. Laennec
Breton doctor René Laennec fights tooth and nail against consumption, all the more desperately as his brother Michaud has just died of it.
A Cop
Georges, hunted by the Germans, had taken refuge with his brother, Commissioner PJ Paris. Once released, he teams up for the sake of a girl with the lackluster Zattore. A bank is robbed, but the police is fast and Georges will either lose his life.
Le Bateau à soupe
Hervé is a tough sea captain in command of the "Duchesse Anne", a rum-trading ship. But the sea dog hides a tender heart and he allows Marie-Douce, a poor slum girl who dreams of seeing the wide world,on board. To have her accepted by the crew, he passes her off as his niece. A seasoned master like him, wise enough to ban alcohol use on his ship, should have known better : a beautiful girl on the deck cannot but unleash the savage instincts of all those men without women.
Первый в связке
Maxime Vouillaz
Большинство мужчин из маленькой альпийской деревни близ Шамони работают гидами для туристов, желающих совершить восхождение. Молодой Пьер Серветта – не исключение. Но несчастный случай во время одной из экспедиций едва не ставит крест на его карьере. Получив сотрясение мозга, юноша неожиданно для себя приобрел страх высоты. Для альпиниста это было хуже смерти. Узнав о происшедшем, друзья Пьера и его девушка Алина решают во что бы то ни стало помочь парню. Ради этого вопреки традициям Алина даже надевает альпинистское снаряжение и отправляется в восхождение. Отпустить свою любимую одну Пьер не может, а потому, отчаянно борясь со своей фобией, он отправляется вслед за ней…
The Five Cents of Lavarede
Some try to travel around the world with a time constraint, but Lavarède has to perform an even harder task than Phineas Fogg. His assignment is to go around the globe with a mere five cents coin. Worse, he can't even spend it or else he will not come into the money of his inheritance. To make sure Lavarède plays by the rules of the game, two supervisors stick to him like a shadow. Will the young man meet this unbelievable challenge?
Bargekeepers Daughter
Genral Braoulitch
Prince Sacha studies in Paris and cares more for Marianne than about Silistrie, the country his family was exiled from. But Chautard, a French financier, who has business there (the country is rich in oil), wouldn't mind a little political stability. So why not restore the ancient royal family to the throne? But is Prince Sacha up to his role ? And will Marianne make a suitable princess?
The Southern Trail
As Hélène is conveying her husband's body across the Sahara, her convoy is attacked by looters. The young widow survives only to be taken to a remote desert village called Tirzit amidst a band of lonely, ailing men. She meets her husband's partner who tries to kill her. Hélène does not report him to the police but is curious to learn the reasons for his action. Before dying of a terrible fever, the man confesses that he murdered her husband.
Strange M. Victor
Outwardly, Monsieur Victor would appear to be the model citizen. A respectable Toulon shopkeeper, he has a devoted wife and is courteous and considerate to all who know him. However, beneath this veneer of respectability hides a notorious receiver of stolen goods, who trades with hardened criminals. Victor manages to keep up his double life without any difficulty until the fateful day when one of his partners in crime threatens to expose him. Fearing a scandal, Victor kills the crook in a moment of panic, using a shoemaker's tool. Naturally, the murder is blamed on a local shoemaker, who is sentenced to ten years' hard labour. Seven years later, the former shoemaker reappears in Toulon, having escaped from prison. The first person to recognise him is Monsieur Victor...
Double Crime in the Maginot Line
Lieutenant Le Guenn
Commander d'Espinac is found murdered. Having argued the day before the murder with Captain Bruchot, he is accused. The captain will have to conduct his own investigation if he wants to clear himself. His suspicions will fall on one of the three officers attached to his unit.
The Gardens of Murcia
Murcia countryside, Spain, at the end of the 19th century. Pencho, a peasant, and Xavier, son of a powerful landowner, get into a bloody fight after arguing over the distribution of irrigation water. When Xavier is injured, Pencho is forced to flee from justice.
The Kidnapping
Hans has killed the dog of Firmin, a shepherd. Wild with rage, Firmin kidnaps Elsi, Hans' fiancée and locks her up at his home. Hans, a peddler, vows to find the missing girl. This is what he does and he manages, with the help of Mânu, the village idiot, to give Elsi a letter. On seeing her, the changeling falls in love at first sight with the young woman. Elsi soon realizes that Mânu can become her instrument of vengeance.
L'agonie des aigles
Messenger from Nantes
Under the regime of Louis XVIII. Years after Waterloo, Napoleon's loyal officers live in retirement on half-pay. Useless and idle, they have lost their prestige and keep meeting in the hope of the Emperor’s return. When Napoleon dies, they decide to plot the rise to power of Napoleon II.
Le fils de l'autre
A doomed love story between a top model and a handsome young man. Born on a liner between New York and Europe, the union sinks when the married lady learns that her lover is none other than - the son of her old husband.
The Big House
French-language version of "The Big House" (MGM, 1930), with Charles Boyer in Chester Morris's role, filmed by MGM parallel to the English-speaking version, at a time when good subtitles weren't yet in use.
The Lighthouse Keepers
Yvon Bréhan
In a lighthouse off the coast of Brittany, a young man slowly goes mad following a bite by a rabid dog while his father looks on helplessly. Thwarted by a raging sea, they are prisoners of the lighthouse. In a rustic Brittany village, a young bride waits, unaware of the tragedy.
Marcellin Maldone
Maldone is a canal worker, happy with his life after running away from his family estate. He falls in love with Zita, a young gypsy girl, during a local fete. However, after his brother dies, Maldone is called back to manage the estate. There, he takes up the life of a landowner and marries a neighbor's daughter. Years later Maldone is still restless on the estate, and becomes obsessed with Zita, after meeting her by chance one evening.
The Italian Straw Hat
Le lieutenant Tavernier
On the day of Fadinard's wedding, his horse eats a lady's hat on a bush at the roadside, while the lady is hidden behind the bush with her lover Lieutenant Tavernier. Because she is married, she cannot return home hatless without being compromised, and Tavernier orders Fadinard to replace the hat with one exactly like it - or else he will wreck his new home. In an elaborate sequence of complications, Fadinard tries to find a hat while keeping to his marriage schedule
The Italian Straw Hat
Lt. Tavernier
On the day of Fadinard's wedding, his horse eats a lady's hat on a bush at the roadside, while the lady is hidden behind the bush with her lover Lieutenant Tavernier. Because she is married, she cannot return home hatless without being compromised, and Tavernier orders Fadinard to replace the hat with one exactly like it - or else he will wreck his new home. In an elaborate sequence of complications, Fadinard tries to find a hat while keeping to his marriage schedule
L'Ile enchantée
The story takes place in Corsica, where a young business woman (Jacqueline Forzane) tries to construct an electric system for her steel plant. But this project is not welcomed by everyone...