Michael Colyar

Michael Colyar


Michael Colyar


The Shutdown
Dealing with life changes at the beginning of the 2020 pandemic a black and white family deal with racial tension. Things take a turn for the worse during the city's mandatory shutdown as a high school house party spirals out of control.
Holiday Heartbreak
A hopeless romantic is cursed with relationship problems after her chauvinistic father mistreats the wrong woman.
Holiday Heartbreak
Mike McCoy
A hopeless romantic is cursed with relationship problems after her chauvinistic father mistreats the wrong woman.
Rent Due
Landlord Pete
Two down on their luck cousins are forced to come up with a plan to make some cold hard cash when they lose the rent money after a night of partying with two strippers.
This Is Love
At the age of 18, Rudy Love was touring the US with Little Richard. By the 1970s, he was working as a pilot vocalist for The Temptations and Marvin Gaye, his songs were being recorded by Esther Phillips and Isaac Hayes, and he was appearing on records with Ray Charles and Sly Stone. Yet, his solo career and the albums he produced with his Love Family band failed to achieve success, due partially to dodgy record label practices that saw his recordings distributed under the names of other artists. Now, at the age of 70, Rudy Love is beginning to see his work rediscovered by artists including Jay-Z, and is finally achieving the respect he has long deserved.
It's a Date
Everett Reese
The owner of a dating service falls in love with one of her clients, leaving her to choose between remaining professional or following her heart.
Patterns of Attraction
Uncle Benny
This romantic comedy is a story that emphasizes the importance of commitment, true love and breaking old love patterns in order to create new beginnings.
A Christmas Wedding
Tiffany and Marcus decide to wed during the holiday season in the rural town where Tiffany grew up. Tiffany's older sisters and their husbands are visiting as well. Coming together may not have been such a good idea as the married couples bring along some baggage that may cause the unmarried to think twice before making a life changing decision.
Chocolate Sundaes Presents: Live on Sunset Strip!: Vol. 2
Church: The Movie
Brother Johnson
When a reformed bad boy returns to The Church on the Hill as its Youth Leader, he has his hands full with boisterous kids, a congregation that's $27,000 in debt and a duplicitous deacon determined to make a profit by grabbing the church's land.
Принцесса и лягушка
Buford (voice)
Все мы знаем, что бывает, когда принц целует заколдованную в лягушку принцессу. Но что случится, если переодетая в принцессу официантка поцелует лягушку-принца? Очень веселая картина с участием лягушек, магии Вуду и поющего аллигатора.
Реальная история одиннадцатилетней Джасмин Пламмер — первой девушки, принявшей участие в турнире по американскому футболу среди детей и подростков.
Уловки Норбита
Morris the Barber
Жизнь Норбита с самого детства была полна испытаний и разочарований. Брошенный родителями у дверей китайского ресторанчика и воспитанный мистером Вонгом, с начальной школы он был обречен ходить в ухажерах монструозной Распутии. Не смея возразить своей защитнице, герой смиренно собирается вести ее к алтарю, как в город возвращается любовь всей жизни Норбита, прекрасная Кейт. Теперь ему предстоит как-то избавиться от деспотичной Распутии и завоевать сердце Кейт.
A Get2Gether
Hoping to score some time with his girlfriend, a young man throws a get together. Instead, everyone in the ‘hood turns up for an epic house party.
Out on Parole
With one more day of parole left, J.T. vows to play by the book. But when he finds out his mom will lose their home unless they come up with a serious amount of money, J.T. takes a chance by entering a lowrider contest that violates his parole.
If Love Hadn't Left Me Lonely
A former music producer turned stockbroker tries to make his musical comeback with a beautiful singer/dancer from a nightclub. The pair fall in love despite the treachery of the players and gangsters that surround the music business.
Shaq's All Star Comedy Roast 2: Emmitt Smith
A dream team of sports celebrities and comedians join megastars Shaquille O’Neal and Jamie Foxx to roast NFL superstar, Emmitt Smith, at the world famous MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. Shaq and Jamie are joined by an all star-studded line up including: Mo’nique, Guy Torry, Joe Torry, Jeff Ross, Michael Coylar, Jimmy Johnson, Michael Irvin, Dick Gregory, Stuart Scott, Daryl Johnston and more! No one was safe when this outrageous group took the stage. They showed no mercy for Emmitt, Shaq, or each other. Hilariously funny, unconventional and irreverent, Shaq’s All-Star Comedy Roast II is 90 minutes of non-stop laughter!
Platinum Comedy Series: Michael Colyar - The Michael Colyar Project
This edition of the Platinum Comedy Series: Michael Colyar - The Michael Colyar Project captures a stand-up comedy performance from Michael Colyar, best known to many viewers through his job as host of BET Live.
Platinum Comedy Series: Roasting Shaquille O'Neal
The Shaquille O'Neal Celebrity Roast is a unique urban comedy special that combines the world of sports and entertainment. In an unconventional format, megastar Shaquilee O'Neal rounds up a dream team of some of comedy's hottest stars for an hour of non-stop laughter all at Shaq's expense. Hosted by Grammy award winner and talk show host, Queen Latifah, this hilarious program features a star-studded roster including Cedric The Entertainer, Steve Harvey, D.L. Hugley, Bill Bellamy, Jimmy Kimmel, Joe Torry, Mark Curry, Tommy Davidson, Michael Colyar, Mo'nique, and the legendary Dick Gregory.
A Luv Tale
George Winston
The story of two women one Straight the other Gay, both ending long term loveless relationships. Together they find the love and respect they both deserve and long for.
High Freakquency
A day in the life of an urban radio station.
House Party 3
Hip Hop duo Kid & Play return in the second follow-up to their 1990 screen debut House Party. Kid (Christopher "Kid" Reid) is taking the plunge and marrying his girlfriend Veda (Angela Means), while his friend Play (Christopher Martin) is dipping his toes into the music business, managing a roughneck female rap act called Sex as a Weapon. Play books the ladies for a concert with heavy-hitting pr
Jugular Wine: A Vampire Odyssey
An anthropologist on a sea voyage to Alaska is bitten by a beautiful vampire while aboard the ship. As he slowly begins to transform into one of the undead, he embarks on a journey across the country, searching for answers.
Поэтичная Джастис
Её парня убили на её глазах в машине, когда они смотрели кино на открытом воздухе. Джастис пишет стихи и от мира отгородилась чёрной стеной скорби. Работает она в парикмахерской, и все подруги говорят ей, что она должна забыть и жить дальше. Поддавшись на уговоры одной из них, она отправляется с ней и двумя другим черными парнями-почтальонами в Окленд. С одним из них после долгих ссор и ругани у нее завязывается любовь — оба находят в этом лекарство от горького прошлого.
На что способна любовь
Apollo Announcer
Это история певицы Тины Тернер, чей незабываемый голос вознёс её из небытия к вершинам в мире музыки. Легенда Рок-н-ролла Тина Тернер начала свою жизнь как Анна Мэй Баллок, в маленькой деревушке в Штате Теннесси. Воспитанная бабушкой, она переехала подростком в город Сент-Луис, где впервые познакомилась со своим будущим мужем Айком Тернером и его группой. Деревенская девушка была потрясена этим человеком и его музыкой. Но со временем Айк превратился из прекрасного парня в монстра, из ревности к ее известности избивавшего супругу по полусмерти. И кто знает, как сложилась бы судьба певицы, если бы не музыка, которая была её призванием.
Горячие головы 2
На этот раз пилот-ас Топпер Харли, покинув службу, живет в далеком тибетском монастыре, где он нашел гармонию внутри себя, сбалансировав свой Инь и Янь. Но стране снова нужен герой.И он, с неохотой покидая полюбившихся ему монахов, возвращается на службу. Ему поручается секретное задание по спасению заложников из лап Саддама Хусейна. Но к всеобщей радости, Топпер — необычный человек, который все переворачивает с ног на голову.
Zapped Again!
A new kid moves into school, making enemies with the affluent societies and joining the beleaguered Science Club. But when an old potion is discovered to confer telekinetic power he gets the chance to get his own back, as well as having a bit of fun on the side.
Честер Грант — никак не может решить, кому доверить свое дело. Испытывая своих близких и подчиненных, он только сейчас понимает, насколько грязна и жестока борьба за власть.
A model discovers her wealthy husband is a dangerous drug dealer. She leaves him, taking along two million dollars of his money, but what she really wants is custody of their daughter. She hatches a plan to abduct her daughter and take her to safety. Meanwhile, her husband dispatches someone to find and eliminate her.
Джонни, будь хорошим
Recruiter Mike
Веселая молодежная комедия о подростке из средней школы, игроке в американский футбол, которого преследуют «вербовщики» из различных колледжей страны в надежде получить его в свои футбольные команды. Огромные соблазны манят и кружат голову Джонни, но ему надо определить — его ли это путь в жизни?..
Hollywood Shuffle
Body Guard #3
Aspiring actor and hot-dog stand employee Bobby Taylor catches the ire of his grandmother for auditioning for a role in the regrettably titled exploitation film "Jivetime Jimmy's Revenge." When Tinseltown Studios casts Taylor in the title role, he has a series of conflicted dreams satirizing African-American stereotypes in Hollywood, and must reconcile his career goals with his desire to remain a positive role model for his little brother.