Harry Whittington


Dead in the Water
Charlie Deegan has almost everything he has ever wanted. He has an important law practice, a beautiful secretary as his lover, and the chance to be appointed to the high court. The only thing wrong with this is that his shrewish wife Olivia, whose father made all the wealth and all the power, is living and that greatly upsets Charlie. So when his lover, Laura, suggests that they get rid of Olivia, Charlie thinks, being a lawyer, that he can create a fool-proof plan. In this plan, he must incorporate a woman named Victoria whom he detests, but she can help him get into the court and be part of the plan for Olivia. But dreams of judgeship, money and Laura makes him proceed. However, things never turn out as planned and he may not be as smart as he considers himself.
Fireball Jungle
Ambitious driver, wanting to get to the top of the stock-car circuit, gets mixed up with gangsters.
Прощай, гринго!
Полумёртвая девушка, которую жестокие бандиты бросили на медленную смерть в пустыне, случайно оказывается спасённой Бреттом Ландерсом. Герой забирает её с собой, и однажды, во время совместного путешествия, девушка узнаёт своих давних обидчиков и указывает на них Бретту. Но герой сам не в ладах с законом, поэтому обратиться за помощью к местному шерифу они не могут. Остаётся, в лучших традициях вестернов, вершить месть самостоятельно.
Desire in the Dust
Lonnie Wilson returns to small southern hometown after spending six years on the chain-gang for killing Colonel Ben Marquand's son in an automobile accident. He revives his love affair with Melinda Marquand........
The Wonderful World of Tupperware
Industrial film about Tupperware.