Mario Fioretti

Рождение : 1924-10-16, Rome, Lazio, Italy

Смерть : 2008-06-03


The Big Game
Director of Photography
Two soldiers of fortune are hired by an inventor to protect him and his invention, a radar-like machine that is capable of controlling armies and forcing them to fight.
Augustine of Hippo
Director of Photography
A biography of St. Augustine as he enters the episcopacy and deals with heresy and the decline of the Western Roman Empire.
Blaise Pascal
Director of Photography
In this evocative, atmospheric biography, Roberto Rossellini brings to life philosopher and mathematician Blaise Pascal, who, amid religious persecution and ignorance, believed in a harmony between God and science.
African Story
Director of Photography
African set action thriller
Judge Roy Bean
Director of Photography
In a small western town the ineffable judge Roy Bean metes out justice in his own special way. A cargo of gold is ambushed by the outlaw Black Bird who fails in the attempt and then rides into town.
Don Franco and Don Ciccio in a Year of Protest
Director of Photography
Italy's best loved comedy duo play rival priests in the neighboring towns of Roccapizzone and San Antonio. Did Franco crash his bike through Ciccio's new stained glass window on purpose or was he just in town for their mutual confession? Their main beef with each other concerns their opposing football teams and this feud takes up a great deal of the picture.
Black Jack
Director of Photography
Black Jack Murphy (Robert Woods) is the brains in an outfit of outlaws who rob the bank at Tusca City. All goes to plan with the heist but once the loot is safely obtained Jack's men lose no time in trying to double cross him. Wily Jack manages to outfox them at first and gets away with the cash but they soon catch up with him again and not only make off with the money but leave him crippled and carrying multiple causes for wanting revenge. This need for amends possesses Jack with an all consuming passion and he sets out to get even with each of his unfaithful former compadres but has his particular sights set on Indian Joe (Mimmo Palmara) and Sanchez (Rik Battaglia) who abused and killed his beloved sister. Source: SWDB
Spy Pit
Director of Photography
Julien Saint Dominique, an agent of the French counter-espionage service in Berlin, investigates the kidnapping of a functionary taken by German communists into East Germany.
Two R-R-Ringos from Texas
Director of Photography
A western comedy starring the Sicilian comedians Franco and Ciccio who produced dozens of such spoofs in the 1960s. This time, they quote mainly "The Good, the Bad And the Ugly". Ciccio is sergeant in the army and Franco volunteers to join (after too many drinks). Franco has a talking horse telling him where a treasure is buried. They have to get behind enemy lines in the civil war to get hold of it, though. (via IMDB- user unbroken metal)
A Ghentar si muore facile
Director of Photography
In order to overturn the government of some exotic country, the rebels decide to hire an experienced American diver (George Hilton). His risky mission: recover from the botton of the sea a treasure, which would provide financial support to their endeavor.
Idea di un'isola
Director of Photography
A documentary about Sicily and its peculiar customs, with an emphasis on religious rites and the clash of modernity versus traditional values.
The Spy with Ten Faces
Director of Photography
Paul Hubsschmid is Paul Finney aka Upperseven, master of disguise. He's out to stop a diamond smuggling operation which fronts for a missile building project.
Veneri in collegio
Director of Photography
Two competing teams of paparazzi try to enter a college to get a picture of an Arab Prince's fiancée.
Black Humor
Director of Photography
Bullet in the Flesh
Director of Photography
The Masters and the Cherokees living in relative peace until a key member of this tribe falls in love with a woman from the Masters family. From there the situation is complicated to unknown heights.
Veneri al sole
Director of Photography
Three episodes: In the first one a girl gets a journalist to help her recover a case with some precious designs in it; in the second a worker keen on helping his boss gets him into trouble instead and in the third one a shy boy who tries to impress women pretending he is tough ends up in hospital and falls in love with a nurse.
Queste pazze, pazze donne
Director of Photography
Four episodes preceded with a narrator in the role of psychiatrist who tells some cases of female madness.
Le tardone
Director of Photography
A collection of five episodes dealing with aging women.
Siamo tutti pomicioni
Director of Photography
Женщина за рулём
Director of Photography
Чем более обыденными становятся автомобили, тем чаще за рулем можно увидеть женщин. Какие они водители? Разные – хорошие и вредные, осмотрительные и неосторожные, отличницы и двоечницы… Пять историй – «Спринт по-кармелитски», «Путана с прицепом», «Синьора в движении», «Неизвестный постовой» и «Наезд со страховкой» – рассказывают о женщинах, которым машины нужны для бизнеса, развлечения и для служения ближнему своему…
La donna degli altri è sempre più bella
Director of Photography
Five episodes which show Italian peoples pathological unfaithfulness in marriage.
The Fury of Achilles
Director of Photography
In the tenth year of the Trojan War, tensions between Achilles and Agamemnon divide the Greek camp while giving hope to the Trojans.
Twist lolite e vitelloni
Director of Photography
Il medico delle donne
Director of Photography
L'assassino si chiama Pompeo
Director of Photography
Le magnifiche 7
Director of Photography
Totòtruffa '62
Director of Photography
Antonio, a former variety actor, keeps his daughter in an excellent boarding school by organizing small scams with his friend and colleague Felice. Commissioner Malvasia good-naturedly persecuted him. When their respective unsuspecting children fall in love, the two fathers make peace.
Bellezze sulla spiaggia
Director of Photography
A doctor running a health clinic by the sea is convinced that women are the cause of the disturbed behaviour of his (male) patients. We get to follow the adventures of the patients during a day on the beach.
Большая Олимпиада
Director of Photography
Документальная лента, рассказывающая о проведении XVII Летних Олимпийских игр в Риме в 1960 году. Это была Великая олимпиада для Италии, первые летние игры в стране. Более чем двухчасовой фильм рассказывает о событиях Игр и спортсменах, которые показали себя на соревнованиях. Лучшими спортсменами были названы американская бегунья Вильма Рудольф по прозвищу «черная газель», получившая три золотые медали, советский тяжеловес Юрий Власов, эфиопский марафонец Абебе Бикила, который бежал марафон босиком, и Ливио Берутти — итальянский бегун, поставивший мировой рекорд в беге на 200 метров.
Walter e i Suoi Cugini
Director of Photography
Walter Chiari as a Pugliese who lives in Milan. He has two cousins ​​identical to him. The two arrive in the city to find work and twist their lives.
Scandali al mare
Director of Photography
Un figlio d'oggi
Director of Photography
Totò Double or Nothing?
Director of Photography
The penniless Duke decides to participate in "Lascia o raddoppia", a TV quiz show, in order to win five million lira. Then two gangsters bet between themselves on his success and, alas, the Duke is kidnapped.
Банда честных
Director of Photography
Антонио Бонокоре работает портье в одном из домов Рима. Один из жильцов перед смертью раскрывает ему страшную тайну о том, что во время своей работы на Монетном дворе этот жилец похитил клише и бумагу для изготовления денег. На смертном одре, он просит Антонио их уничтожить. Но обстоятельства и нужда складываются так, что у Антонио не поднимается рука уничтожить клише и бумагу для печати денег. Он берет в сговор еще двоих бедолаг, замученных долгами и безденежьем. Удастся ли им стать настоящей бандой фальшивомонетчиков и разбогатеть?
Il coraggio
Director of Photography
A wealthy trader saves the life of a poor suicidal man who then decides that his savior has the responsibility of taking care of him and his family.
Destinazione Piovarolo
Director of Photography
Antonio La Quaglia becomes the railroader in Piovarolo during 1922 meanwhile the fascism is raising. Later he marries a jewish woman. He has career ambitions but can not reach them.
Бедность и благородство
Camera Operator
Феличе Шошаммокка — писарь и Паскуале — фотограф живут со своими семьями, еле сводя концы с концами, не всегда имея возможность даже пообедать. Но случается так, что молодой маркиз Эудженио влюбляется в балерину Джемму. И вот незадача: несмотря на то, что Джемма — дочь разбогатевшего повара, Эудженио, не может открыться в своей любви отцу и к тому же он в ссоре с ним. Но чтобы получить согласие отца Джеммы на ее замужество, он уговаривает Феличе и Паскуале сыграть роли своих дяди и отца.
100 Years of Love
Camera Operator
Six episodes (adapted from as many short stories: Gozzano, D'Annunzio, Guido Rocca, Marino Moretti, Alba de Céspedes and Oreste Biancoli), six love stories set in different moments in italian recent history.
Heroic Charge
Camera Operator
In 1941 an Italian regiment known as the Savoy Cavalry is sent by Mussolini to Russia to assist the German invasion. After crossing an extensive area of Soviet territory the men arrive at a village that seems deserted. A patrol sent on reconnaissance comes under machine-gun fire from the top of a bell-tower.