Pierre Klossowski

Рождение : 1905-08-08, Paris, France

Смерть : 2001-08-12


Georges Bataille - À perte de vue
The film contains the interviews with Pierre Klossowski and Jacques Pimpanneau.
Pierre Klossowski, un écrivain en images
Portrait of french author and painter Pierre Klossowski
The Sequence of Parallel Bars
The film opens with a rubber-clad woman stepping sensuously out of a limousine. The camera lovingly closes-up on her stilletoed foot... She enters a dark desolate warehouse, and meets two men, who proceed to chain her up and worship her body. Originally projected on three screens simultaneously. Music by legendary noise musician Merzbow.
Roberte, 40, resistant during the war, Calvinist and anticlerical, is deputy to the chamber and inspector of Censorship. She married Octave, an old Catholic aesthete, professor of canon law, whom she saves from impeachment for collaboration during the war. He submits his wife to a perverse custom: the laws of hospitality or prostitution of the wife by the husband.
Roberte, 40, resistant during the war, Calvinist and anticlerical, is deputy to the chamber and inspector of Censorship. She married Octave, an old Catholic aesthete, professor of canon law, whom she saves from impeachment for collaboration during the war. He submits his wife to a perverse custom: the laws of hospitality or prostitution of the wife by the husband.
Roberte, 40, resistant during the war, Calvinist and anticlerical, is deputy to the chamber and inspector of Censorship. She married Octave, an old Catholic aesthete, professor of canon law, whom she saves from impeachment for collaboration during the war. He submits his wife to a perverse custom: the laws of hospitality or prostitution of the wife by the husband.
Гипотеза похищенной картины
Дискуссия коллекционера с самим собой на на тему мистицизма картин. Весь этот фильм происходит внутри оживших картин. Первая роль в кино Жана Рено. В фильме много обнаженной мужской натуры, присутствует и гомосексуальная тематика
Сало, или 120 дней Содома
Экранизируя роман маркиза де Сада, Пазолини переносит действие в 1944-45-е годы, в фашистскую «республику Сало» на севере Италии, где группа лиц из высшего общества во главе с принцем унижает, издевается, мучает, пытает юношей и девушек, собранных для услаждения извращённой элиты, чувствующей свою погибель. Четыре месяца длится эта экзекуция. Для взрослых это последняя возможность удовлетворить свои низменные инстинкты, для молодых людей — расплата за свою юность и желание жить.
Наудачу, Бальтазар
Как жизнь людей видится ослу? Давным-давно маленького ослика дети назвали Бальтазаром. Прошли годы, дети выросли, их отношения изменились. Да и Бальтазар все время теперь переходит из рук в руки…
Un metteur en ordre: Robert Bresson
A documentary, originally produced in 1966 for the French TV series "Pour le plaisir," about Robert Bresson's film "Au Hasard Balthazar," featuring interviews and discussions with Bresson, Jean-Luc Godard, Louis Malle, Marguerite Duras and others.
Celluloid and Marble
Celluloid and Marble is based on Rohmer's own articles published in "Cahiers du cinéma", discussing film in relation to the other arts, maintaining that, in an age of cultural self-consciousness, cinema was “the last refuge of poetry” - the only contemporary art form from which metaphor could still spring naturally and spontaneously.