Georges Lannes

Georges Lannes

Рождение : 1895-10-27, Paris, France

Смерть : 1983-07-08


Georges Lannes


Граф Монте-Кристо
Le président du tribunal
Оказавшись несправедливо заключенным в страшную тюрьму, откуда нет возврата, Эдмон Дантес в течение тринадцати лет вынужден терпеть лишения и лелеять мысли о мести своим обидчикам. С помощью человека, сидящего с ним в соседней камере, Эдмону удается совершить побег…
Par-dessus le mur
Le beau-père
Три мушкетера
Louis XIII
Молодой гасконец приезжает в Париж, чтобы стать мушкетером, и в первый же день своего приезда умудряется завязать сразу три дуэли, но не успела и первая из этих дуэлей начаться, и вот он уже становится участником сражения королевских мушкетеров с гвардейцами кардинала.
Operation Abduction
Col. Durand
The Secret Service abducts a "rocket scientist" to better protect him against gangsters acting for Chinese agents.
Sénéchal the Magnificent
Sénéchal, an actor touring the provinces with the "Tournées Carlini" does not meet the success he thinks he deserves. One night in Dreux, he finds himself without his luggage and dressed up as a Foreign Legion officer, he is invited to a party thrown by a colonel. He creates a sensation there and does not leave the colonel's wife ... indifferent! Back in Paris, Sénéchal goes through a similar experience. This time around, wearing tuxedo and top hat, he gets mistaken for a diplomat and charms the guests of a wedding party. Arrested by the police, he chooses to do without an attorney at his trial and his brilliant eloquence has him acquitted. A question remains unanswered though : will all those people who give an ovation in real life ever go to see him on stage ?
Дело доктора Лорана
le docteur Ripert
Доктор Лоран переезжает из Парижа в деревню Сен-Мартен, чтобы стать преемником доктора Бастида. Едва сойдя с автобуса, Лоран услышал из окна дома женский крик, и узнал, что это страдает будущая мама, которой вот-вот предстоит родить первенца. Бедняжка испытывает такие сильные боли, что ей не помогает даже морфий.
Весь город обвиняет
The mayor
Печальный и одинокий сочельник встречает в своем новом жилище Франсуа Нерак – не самый известный писатель-романист, как раз в канун Рождества перебравшийся из Парижа в провинциальный Обинас. Однако тощий кошелек не помешал Франсуа стать Санта-Клаусом для нескольких уличных мальчишек, получивших от него подарки к празднику. Дающему воздастся сторицей: на следующее утро Нерак находит у своего порога мешок с 10 миллионами франков. Потом – второй, третий… Чем дольше длится чудо, тем сильнее мучают Франсуа вопросы, кто же такой его таинственный благодетель и как распорядиться свалившимися с неба деньгами по справедливости.
Le Crâneur
Commissaire Godet
A singer tries to rescue a man drawn into the drug trade.
The Contessa's Secret
The lover of an Italian revolutionary offers herself to Napoleon in exchange for her sweetheart's life.
The Secrets of the Bed
Le 2e président
Four-episode Franco-Italian omnibus film. Four men from different national and cultural background take refuge in a cabin after being sidetracked by bad weather on their way to conference.
The Unfrocked One
Le colonel
Pierre Fresnay plays the title character in Le Defroque (The Defrocked One). Cast out by his church, former priest Maurice (Fresnay) delights in mocking the traditions and credos of Catholicism. Even so, young Gerard (Pierre Trabaud) becomes convinced that Maurice has never truly lost his calling. Becoming a priest himself, Gerard devotes his life to bringing Maurice back into the fold. Things don't turn out quite as Gerard hopes, however; he has not reckoned with the possibility that Maurice may have been driven into insanity by his raging self-hatred.
Sins of Paris
Madeleine Lebeau, a woman who charges for her easy virtue, has a plan that has some of her customers paying more than others; she tells them she is pregnant and, to avoid complications, the men pay her money and don't hang around for the birth. Yves Furet, a shiftless gambler, who not only encourages her in her business ventures but is also her fiancée, shares the fruit of her non-labor. She latches onto a wealthy widower, Henri Vilbert, who throws her a curve-ball when, after she tells him she is pregnant, he is overjoyed as he has fallen in love with her and is looking forward to becoming a father. She plays along for a while, but becomes ashamed when she sees how Vilbert is devoting his whole life to a child that she isn't carrying. She fakes a miscarriage and his kindness makes her feel guilty and she confesses, but he doesn't believe her. So she tries another plan.
Мулен Руж
Sgt. Balthazar Patou
Париж. Конец XIX века. Молодой художник Анри Тулуз-Лотрек проводит целые дни в «злачном месте» — кафе «Мулен Руж», рисуя девушек, танцующих канкан. Но, несмотря на богатство и принадлежность к старинному графскому роду, Анри глубоко несчастлив. Он — калека, и лишь в объятиях уличной проститутки Мари забывает об этом. Но вскоре Анри понимает, что Мари интересуют только его деньги. Пытаясь облегчить свое горе, Тулуз-Лотрек рисует для кафе серию афиш. Наутро он просыпается знаменитым, а «Мулен Руж» навсегда входит в историю…
Дамский цирюльник
Провинциальный фермер, который большую часть жизни стриг овец и заплетал хвосты кобылам, волею судьбы становится модным дамским цирюльником. Его клиентки очерованы его мастерством и обаянием, а особенно его руками, когда он делает массаж головы. Он становится самым популярным мастером в городке и клиентки выстраиваются в очередь. а самые богатые начинают вызывать его сделать прическу на дому. Все это не нравится его супруге, которая начинает понимать, что кроме стрижки и укладки ее суженый, возможно, оказывает и другие услуги дамам....
Jamais deux sans trois
Alexandre Mouthon
Father Benoît would like one of his twins to take over his inn, at 3 plates. But his ancillary ambitions are not commensurate with his last 3. Bernard is also in love with Hélène, daughter of Colonel Flouc de La Donzelle. He dreams of becoming an actor and goes to Paris to find a job. Difficult beginnings since from the theater, he goes to the cabaret, then to the radio, without success. In the final scene, the 3 brothers meet, which gives rise to a series of gags during the wedding.
Монте Карло
Le détective / Radio boss
В один прекрасный день, миловидная сиделка, перепутав младенцев в яслях, отправляет чужого ребенка погостить к чужому дедушке. Дедушка оказывается музыкантом джазового оркестра, едущего нагастроли в Монте-Карло. Оркестрант не удивляется «подкидышу» ведь он истинно верит, что это его внук, которого он еще не видел. Музыканты становятся «няньками на гастролях». Старшая воспитательница пришла в ужас, узнав, что ребенок пропал. Для того, чтобы исправить оплошность, она отправляет няню вслед за малышом и оркестром в Монако, где красотке суждено распутать пестрый клубок комедийных курьезов и встретить свою любовь…
Ночь - мое царство
le docteur Vaugeois
After an accident, Raymond has gone blind. His family treats him like a child, but fortunately a nun comes to his rescue. She works in a center where blind people learn to read using the Braille alphabet.
Гару-Гару, проходящий сквозь стены
The director of the 'prison de la Santé'
Леон Дютилель скромный государственный служащий, однажды изрядно выпив вина, вернулся в свою квартиру, пройдя сквозь стену. Обнаружив у себя такой божий дар, он решает, что это чудо не изменит его образ жизни, а сделает ее только приятней и позволит ему узнать всю тайную жизнь Парижа. Во время одной из своих прогулок, Леон становится свидетелем квартирной кражи, причем грабителем оказывается симпатичная англичанка Сюзен. Парень пробует наставить девицу на праведный путь, предложив бросить воровать и выйти за него замуж, но Сюзен отвергает его предложение, ей нужен только герой, а не какой-то клерк. После таких слов «скромняга» Леон встает на путь преступлений - он грабит банки один за другим, оставляя в пустых сейфах свой фирменный автограф «Гару-Гару». О неуловимом злодее заговорил весь Париж, и многие девушки мечтают встретиться с ним, одна из них - Сюзен...
On demande un bandit
L'inspecteur Martin
"Le Tambourin", a Montmartre nightclub, is on its way down. Although it can boast great performances by the alluring Les Bluebell Girls and by Jacques Hélian's lively Big Band the venue does not attract people anymore. Nightclub patrons now prefer the jazz cellars of Saint-Germain-des-Prés. Taking this new taste into account, the staff of the "Tambourin" and Jacques Hélian decide to set up their own club, "La Pivoine Ecarlate". They are joined by Pâquerette, a flower vendor and amateur singer, and by Jean-Pierre Francis, an existentialist poet...
Mademoiselle Josette, ma femme
Monsieur Dupré
Josette needs to marry within a year to get her aunt's money but her fiance has left.After getting permission from her godfather for a "white wedding, " she realizes she loves the godfather instead.
Le roi Pandore
Adrien Cochard
A policeman receives a fabulous inheritance. Thanks to this, he conquers the heart of Queen Marika. But crooks deprive him of his financial means
We Will All Go to Paris
Radio director
The film tells the story of three presenters on Radio X, an amateur clandestine radio station.
The Chocolate Girl
Benjamine, the daughter of the chocolate maker Lapistole, has broken down in her car, spends a night at Paul Norman's, imposes herself casually and causes the break-up of the engagement of this peaceful civil servant with the daughter of his department head. A friend maintains contact between Paul and Benjamine, becomes the head of publicity at Lapistole and when Norman is dismissed through Benjamine's fault, brings his two friends closer and proves to them that they are made for each other.
The Barton Mystery
Following the assassination of a financier, several people who had an interest in seeing him disappear are suspected.
Mademoiselle Has Fun
Christine, the daughter of a rich American, acquires from her father the jazz band of Ray Ventura who will be made responsible for accompanying her from morning till evening wherever she goes. From an endless number of amusing situations, the fiancée of the girl despairs. But soon the musicians rebel in in the face of the requirements of their patroness. More than a job, it is for them misery. Christine excuses them and she goes back to America with her band. Things go bad, degenerate, but the kindness of the musicians and the firmness of the fiancée of Christine really quiet down the moods of the young woman .
Danger of Death
Loiseau the pharmacist mistakenly mixes potassium cyanide into a batch of cough syrup and sells five bottles. With horror he discovers his mistake and sets out to find the buyers. He finds only four. The fifth, not a regular customer, comes back to the pharmacy...
The Fugitive
Fred Maubert, an innocent convicted of a crime he did not commit, escapes from prison and goes in search of the real culprit. He begins by looking for his former mistress, Simone, who has since married Doctor Bréville and lives in Canada.
The Sea Rose
Monsieur Pierre
Jérôme owns a boat with his crook of an uncle, La Rose de la Mer. They sail with a band of crooks hired by the uncle to scuttle the ship and collect the insurance premium.
Master Love
Director of a music hall, the dubious Ribero, to save himself from bankruptcy, only hopes for the victory of his horse. An English lord enlists his crack Master Love in the race. Ribero will try to prevent its departure. He is thwarted in his dark projects by the lord's daughter, captain of a troop of girls, and by a wise and determined sportsman who does not hesitate, for the occasion, to become a jockey. Master Love wins the race, Ribero is confused, a few weddings are celebrated.
One Does Not Die That Way
Le docteur Jacques Forestier
In the studio where the famous director Eric Von Berg reigns, Pierre Vanier, the male star of the film and the lover of Berg's muse, dies while rehearsing a scene. Over the course of a tangled investigation, the culprit is unmasked. This honest dresser is the adoptive mother of Vanier's wife, too unhappy with such a husband. The inspector, moved, concludes a suicide.
As Long As I Live
Following a trivial road accident, Ariane, an international adventuress, falls in love with Bernard Fleuret, a young artist-painter with diseased lungs. Being pursued by the police, she chooses to hide in the sanatorium where the young man is treated. Ariane proves so smitten by love that she finally changes her ways: she decides to let herself be arrested, sure as she is she will be reunited with her loved one later on.
An Alsatian, head of a section of the Gestapo, is actually spying on behalf of the French and dismantling a Nazi network. His activities are brought to light by the Germans and he owes his life only to the intervention of a young woman.
The Hunchback
The knight Henri de Lagardère wants to avenge the death of his friend, the duke Philippe de Nevers assassinated by the prince de Gonzague, a few years before.
Le mort ne reçoit plus
In his will, the late Jérôme Armandy has expressed the wish to have all the surviving members of his family summoned to the Château de l'Etang, in Provence. Firmin, Jérôme's servant, asks Claude, a Montmartre artist, to organize the reunion, to find the sum of 17 million francs which is hidden there (as a child he had been told by Armandy where the hiding place was) and to divide the amount between the different heirs. But a series of odd facts occur: Claude is knocked unconscious as he is busy opening the hiding place door; one of the heirs gets killed; and even more astounding, the dead man reappears and... asks his money back!
Don't Shout it from the Rooftops
A scientist who have discovered how to turn salt water into petrol dies before he has revealed his formula. By mistake it's assumed that his assistant knows it although he does not.
Départ à zéro
Two young people, cousins to each other, inherit a domain where three comrades come to camp. The castle serves as a reserve for a black market band whose leader will do his best to clear out the new occupants. An inventor, an archaeologist, an inspector and a goatherd enter the circle...
La Croisée des chemins
A prestigious Paris doctor is tempted by a woman he knew in his youth, whose politician husband has neglected her.But will he in turn neglect his duties toward work and family?
Men Without Fear
1895. Discovery of X-rays. Researchers and scholars are true martyrs, because they do not know how to protect themselves against radiation dermatitis. Professor Belcour has to have one hand amputated, his assistant Henri Vermont, aware of the danger, has the courage to break up with his fiancée. Withdrawn to the countryside, they eventually recover.
L'assassin a peur la nuit
Having pulled off a robbery with his friend Maurice, Olivier leaves his mistress Lola and hides out in a small village in the country. He finds work, thanks to a young man named Gilbert, who introduces him to his sister, Monique. Once the robbery has been all but forgotten, Olivier intends to head back to Paris, but before he goes, he steals money from his employer. In Paris, Olivier wants to say a proper goodbye to Lola, but she is being blackmailed by Jérôme, an antique dealer who has recognized a necklace stolen by Olivier. Before returning to Monique, Olivier calls on Jérôme to recover the necklace.
La Neige sur les pas
André Norans
Abandoned by her husband Marc, Thérèse Romanay cheats on him with André Norans. When Romanay finds out, he drives her away. She runs away with her lover. But, during a mountain excursion, Norans is killed and Thérèse is herself seriously injured. But she recovers. The husband then forgives the unfaithful wife, and the couple reunites.
Gambling Hell
In Macao, where places of pleasure and arms trafficking are concentrated, a tragedy opposes an adventurer and his daughter whom he has brought up in ignorance of his profession. She is torn from her environment and saved from tragedy by a young journalist who loves her.
Hangman's Noose
In England, a boxer is sentenced to death for a murder he does not seem to have committed.... Anthony Gethryn, who has just resigned from the police on the occasion of his marriage, has three days left to find the real killer.
There's No Tomorrow
Paul Mazuraud
Evelyne, a woman of bourgeois origin, now reduced to dancing in a sleazy nightclub, is reunited with her first love, who has become a successful doctor.
The Emigrant
Fearing a gangster's vengeance,his moll sails away to South Africa ,where many emigrants intend to work in the mines there.
To inherit from his late uncle, Narcisse Pigeon is obliged to pass his pilot's license.
Extenuating Circumstances
Harsh Parisian judge Gaetan (known as Monsieur Maximum), chafing in the idleness of retirement, leaves for a seaside holiday. But Gabriel the chauffeur has his mind on his girl, not the car; Gaetan and wife Nathalie are stranded in the country, where they find shelter in a low class bistro patronized by cheerful jail birds. Once the ice is broken, they have a wonderful time, but as the judge tries to trick his new friends into reforming, inevitable exposure approaches...
An employee at a jewelry store falls in love with a woman who secretly plans to rob the store.
Nightclub Hostess
Philippe de Lormel
The young Suzy is a nightclub hostess in a cabaret in which Frehel is the star. Because one night she gets propositions from a rich widower who would like to have her as his girlfriend, Suzy wishes to leave this place, where she has no future, for a better one. Abandoned by her protector, a young hoodlum named Robert, she gets the occasion to get away from it. She decides to go on vacation on the Riviera and stay at the Chateau des Cedres, the former residence of a noble family that has been transformed into a bourgeois guest house by the baroness Saint-Leu. Shy and elegant, in her modest suit, Suzy stays there under the name of Suzanne Michelet and soon makes new friends among the young people of very wealthy families.
A small town gentleman learns that his prim and proper wife was once a showgirl, and that, even worse, he had enjoyed a one night stand with her in the Orient.
Beautiful Star
Monsieur Albert
Meg decides to commit suicide to escape the marriage to which her father intends her. She is saved by Jean-Pierre, another candidate for suicide, and Léon, a tramp who was just trying to reason with him. The trio then becomes inseparable and organizes a new life based on friendship and freedom.
The Stream
When Paul, an officer, discovers Denise, a young orphan escaped from her orphanage, he takes advantage of his naivete to seduce her before changing her mind and sending her to live with her mother while sailing.
S.O.S. Sahara
At a North Africa desert outpost threatened by Arabs, the French commander has added trouble when his wife visits and is captivated by a younger officer.
Alexis gentleman chauffeur
Alexis, a former war pilot, attempted the Paris-Tokyo raid and failed. He became a taxi driver. The film actress, Margot Fontane, forgets her bag in the taxi and Alexis thus meets her. He goes to see the great actress shoot, he is hired for a small role as an aviator, and to simulate a take-off, he flies to Tokyo. It is the signal of happiness for the two lovers.
Hercule, a young peasant, inherits a Parisian newspaper with a large circulation. The editor-in-chief, Vasco, takes advantage of his ignorance to make corruption prevail. But Hercules gradually realizes the role that we make him play.
Abused Confidence
l'homme du cimetière
Lydia (Danielle Darrieux) is a student, poor and orphaned, who pretends to be the daughter of a famous writer.
The Queen's Necklace
le cardinal de Rohan
Adaptation of Alexandre Dumas's novel 'The Queen's Necklace' which portrays the Affair of the Diamond Necklace which occurred before the French Revolution.
L'âme de Pierre
Pierre Laurier is under the thumb of a dangerous woman. He considers committing suicide but would like to bequeath his soul to his best friend. Good people save him from death, but his friend falls prey to the bad woman. Pierre then does all he can to remove him from this evil influence. He eventually succeeds and finds serenity with a faithful and pure young girl.
André Cornelis
L'orphelin du cirque
Comment j'ai tué mon enfant
L'Abbé Constantin
Jean Reynaud
Poor abbé Contantin, he is devastated at the news: to think that two American ladies have bought the local manor where he has always been welcome! Worse, Mrs. Scott and her cousin Bettina are protestant. But the good priest soon realizes there is no cause for alarm. The two ladies are charming and open-minded. They insist on Constantin sticking to his old habits and he gladly resumes his visits to the manor. Paul,his nephew, will even fall in love with Bettina and the priest will unite the two young people in the village of mirth.
Beyond Death
Raimondo de Mendoza
Raimundo Davidson is a young man in love with Florence, the niece of Dr. Belforger, master of hypnotics, who takes advantage of this faculty to intervene in a series of illegal business with his friend Burner. Aware of the fortune of Davidson, they accelerate their marriage with Florence to obtain it through the girl. Davidson is put on notice of Belforger's activities by an insurance firm. Discovered and stopped by the doctor, Davidson finally meets with Florence.
Le petit Jacques