Through his whole life he is fighting the twisted world he lives in. In the end, in a moment of englightment, realizes: "It cannnot be done, someone decided he wanted to die. Path must be passed. Faith to be gathered. Life to be lived!"
There were times when stealing girls in these lands has been a worthy vocation, was a habit and a sort of custom in Bulgaria. Only the strongest and most experienced men took the profession up. A young and brave Bulgarian highlander was given the job to bring, no matter how, a certain beautiful girl to be married to somebody.
There is a dragon, which threatens the life of the shacked village. The attempts of lumberjacks, shepherds and hunters to get rid of the menace are without success. Their battle with the imaginary mythical monster makes them realize that their real enemies are the master Kolota and his servants. The dragon is beaten not physically but spiritually.
Маленькая дочь пастуха Караивана становится свидетелем жестокой сцены изнасилования и убийства своей матери бандой разбойников. Караиван в течение семи лет воспитывает свою дочь как юношу-мстителя. Но однажды Мария встречает в горах молодого пастуха и влюбляется в него со всем пылом юности. Планы отца об отмщении под угрозой. Караиван решается на роковой шаг: убивает юношу, не подозревая, что этим убивает и собственную дочь.
The beginning of the 20th century. A village in the mountain. The young barrel maker Liyu is to be examined by the local craftsmen. They approve the barrel he has made, blindfold. They give him "the craftsman's belt". At the beginning, nobody considers him a master.