Katya Paskaleva

Рождение : 1945-09-18, Petrich, Bulgaria

Смерть : 2002-07-23


From Wikipedia Katya Paskaleva (Bulgarian: Катя Паскалева) was a Bulgarian film and stage actress, born in 1945, deceased in 2002. She is best known for her performance as Maria in the Bulgarian film classic The Goat Horn (1972), for which she gained a broad critical acclaim. Paskaleva is also known for her roles in the films The End of the Song (1971), Villa Zone (1975), Matriarchy (1977), Elegy (1982), Eve on the Third Floor (1987) as well as her numerous notable appearances on the stages of the Sofia Municipal Theatre and the Satirical Theatre “Aleko Konstantinov”.


The Forbidden Fruit
The film depicts the incredible metamorphosis of a clerk whose sense of identity and pride are reawakened by an unexpected development.
Live Dangerously
Valeri's Mother
Valeri is a senior in high school and a good athlete. He's very close to his father, but when his father suffers a fatal heart attack Valeri becomes convinced the doctor is to blame. He's set on revenge.
Az grafinyata
A Bulgarian "Drugstore Cowboy." A teenage girl's rebellion through drugs becomes a metaphor for the struggle between individuality and totalitarianism. Amidst the political upheaval of 1968, Sybilla (the "Countess") is sent to a girls' re-education camp when she is caught using drugs. After a failed affair and an abortion, Sybilla's drug use lands her in a mental clinic where she resists efforts to remold her personality. Based on a true story.
Monday Morning
Frivolous girl falls in love with a young construction worker. He trusts her and decides to include her in his team of workers. In the beginning, she is happy, but soon starts to feel the tensions between the people in the team. Hypocrisy and demagogy fill her with indignation and she does not keep silent about the shortcomings and mistakes of her colleagues. Gradually, her superiors become uneasy about her and the girl has to go. Her boyfriend offers her marriage, but she decides to take her own path and lead a worthy life. The movie was shot in 1966 but was censored by the communist government and released in theatres on 31st October 1988.
Chicho Krastnik
Eva on the Third Floor
Gynecology clinic in Sofia, Bulgaria. On one of the floors several women are waiting for their turn to get an abortion. And on the other floor, four older women struggle to preserve the life they carry. Toni must decide whether to give birth to a child who will not have a father.
This Fine Mature Age
An older man of high social standing begins to understand that he's not as perfect as he believed.
The Poet and The Devil
The Lady
Fictional film about Hristo Smirnenski's life before his death of tuberculosis at 27...
The Biggest Sin
Diana, Abrashev's wife
In the last moments of his life, the writer turns over episodes from his past. He finds the cause of another death, ahead of the last breath.
The last student days before the redistribution. The linguist must go to a remote village to work as a teacher. The outlook is not good at all for the ambitious man who published his own story and is searching for the realization of a career in literature. Mihail is looking for the possibility that will let him in Sofia. He is from countryside; his diploma is not of the highest merit; his career as an author is still not established. He meets by chance a famous writer. Soon the attitude of Mihail towards the writer becomes colder,, since he understands that he was used as an object of description. Mihail sees the situation as a deal - he offers "material" for the writer's novel for a note, needed for him to stay in Sofia. The writer's uncompromising nature breaks the deal and Mihail is traveling to the village or maybe to himself.
Near a large Bulgarian city begins the construction of a large factory. There is a fertile land in close by. Prof. Dimov, Director of the Environment Protection Institute has to submit his official approval for the civil works to begin. He and his co-worker Prof. Radev refuse.
Звёзды в косах, слёзы на глазах
Liza Strezova
В маленький городок приезжает бродячая труппа, состоящая из нескольких семей, эксцентричного студента, анархиста, объединенных любовью к театру. Театральные постановки «Отелло» еще не закончены. Внезапно исполнительница роли Дездемоны заболевает. Вместо нее играет местная учительница. Она добивается успеха и присоединяется к труппе. Молодая женщина путешествует с ними по пыльным проселочным дорогам и никогда не сдается. Шаг за шагом она становится очень хорошей актрисой и берет на себя руководство группой через ее сложную жизнь. Объединенные общей судьбой, актеры вместе переживают радости и разочарования своей новаторской просветительской миссии. Они останавливаются в захудалых отелях, спят под открытым небом, играют на импровизированных сценах и в роскошных залах, и куда бы они ни пошли, они натыкаются на богатство и бедность, славу и унижение, забавные и грустные приключения...
The film belongs to the 'migration cycle' in the Bulgarian cinema. It is about the drama of a group of women who have been left alone in their 'female kingdom' - a village deserted by its entire men folk.
Дачная зона
Обычная болгарская семья проводит теплый осенний день в загородном доме. Подготовка к праздничному столу идет полным ходом. Формальная причина заключается в том, что сын уходит в армию, а настоящая причина заключается в том, чтобы устроить матч между ним и дочерью босса. Все схемы рушатся, так как оказывается, что парень уже женился на другой девушке. И хозяева, и гости теряют над собой контроль, развязывая череду трагических или комических ситуаций.
The Mother
The days of antifascist fight are over. In an orphanage for gifted children lives Milcho. The music helps him to escape from the real world to the world of memories. He remembers the days that the police officer arrested his mother for hiding a fugitive. A bright mark has left people that Milcho met, looking for his mother: the good old musician, the gypsy Shukri - raw natural talent, the beautiful Mila, and the Poet. They help Milcho to live through his pain. A piano concert of Brahms is playing by the young artist.
Ivan Kondarev
Hristina Vlaeva
The film shows Bulgaria after the First World War - different destinies, different turns on both sides of the political barricade. A life full of contradictions and passion.
The beginning of the 20th century. The young Nona comes back to her father's farm from Switzerland. She meets colonel Galchev. The officer expresses his love for her. The teacher Yosif who is in love with Nona organizes a revolt of the villagers with no property. Armed villagers rob the farm. Galchev and his soldiers arrive. During the shooting, the colonel is killed. Nona accuses Yosif of Galchev's death. The carriage of Nona's fiancé, who travels from Switzerland to the village, passes by the coffin with Galchev's body. A second after the fiancé enters her house Nona kills herself.
Men Without Work
A road-building team is forced to stay idle for a couple of days since the asphalt has not been delivered.
The Great Victory
The grand auto-tour of Bulgaria begins. Excellent drivers take part in it. The Bonev brothers are in the Bulgarian team. They have decided to win this race no matter what. With great efforts, they manage to get ahead from the rest. An unexpected problem arises - some rocks nave fallen on the road. The confident drivers manage to avoid the crash closely. Their road to victory is open. However, a feeling of responsibility arises. There will be accidents for sure. The brothers stay at he crash site to warn the other.
Козий рог
Маленькая дочь пастуха Караивана становится свидетелем жестокой сцены изнасилования и убийства своей матери бандой разбойников. Караиван в течение семи лет воспитывает свою дочь как юношу-мстителя. Но однажды Мария встречает в горах молодого пастуха и влюбляется в него со всем пылом юности. Планы отца об отмщении под угрозой. Караиван решается на роковой шаг: убивает юношу, не подозревая, что этим убивает и собственную дочь.
End of the Song
A tragic love story set in the Rhodope mountains.
On the road one day two people meet again after seventeen years. They'd had a brief, burning affair seventeen years earlier, in their idealistic youth. That had been just after the war, the time of great enthusiasms and faith in the future. Wishing to dedicate themselves to the new society they had chosen to renounced personal happiness, considering their love as an impermissible sidetrack from the requirements of the time.