Anna Fischer

Anna Fischer

Рождение : 1986-07-18, Berlin, Germany


Marion Anna Fischer (* 18. Juli 1986 in Ost-Berlin) ist eine deutsche Schauspielerin und Sängerin. Seit 2003 trat sie in über 30 Film- und Fernsehrollen in Erscheinung.


Anna Fischer


Beutolomäus und die vierte Elfe
Harter Brocken: Der Waffendeal
Mette Vogt
Aljoscha Stadelmann has to deal with a criminal rocker gang and opaque BKA colleagues in "Der Waffendeal".
Die Bestatterin - Die unbekannte Tote
Lisa Taubenbaum
Harter Brocken: Die Fälscherin
Mette Vogt
A survival seminar in the tranquil Harz mountains? Village policeman Frank Koops is not very enthusiastic. But soon he and the other participants are drawn into a espionage case and actually have to fight for their survival...
Stenzels Bescherung
Harter Brocken: Der Geheimcode
Mette Vogt
Policeman Koops witnesses a car accident. The dying driver gives him an envelope with the part of a code. Shortly thereafter, Koops gets in the sights of a contract killer.
Die Bestatterin – Der Tod zahlt alle Schulden
Lisa Taubenbaum
Entdecke die Mandy in Dir
Harter Brocken: Der Bankraub
Mette Vogt
Ironically, the law enforcement officer of integrity Frank Koops is forced by his old colleague Simone Schmidt to take part in a bank robbery...
Der König von Berlin
Carola Rimschow
Full of anticipation, the young and ambitious Commissioner Carsten Lanner (Florian Lukas) is moving from Berlin Cloppenburg in Lower Saxony for a further education. However, he did not expect the outspoken chutzpah of the Berliners and, above all, the rude nature of his colleagues, who in no way received him with open arms. And so he slips more accidentally than wanted shortly after his arrival in Berlin in his first case.
Harter Brocken:  Die Kronzeugin
Mette Vogt
A shootout, five fatalities and he himself wounded - in the otherwise quiet station of the village policeman Frank Koops, things are just like in the Wild West. The bloodbath was commissioned by the imprisoned mafia boss Petrovic, who wants to use all means to get rid of a key witness who was hidden in the tranquility of St. Andreasberg in the utmost secrecy.
The Last Compartment
Set in 1986. After their train is hit by an avalanche in the alps, 30 year old Greta and five strangers find themselves trapped in the last car of a train, buried underneath the snow. On the radio they learn that a rescue operation is under way, but for some reason the last compartment seems to have disappeared from the face of the earth. As we follow their attempts to escape their icy prison, we begin to understand that there is more to the compartment than meets the eye...
Hilla Palm
Hilla grows up in the 60s, her father is a worker and her mother a charwoman. But she wants a different future for herself, wants to study. After a violent incident she needs a strong shoulder. Who of her life will do?
Die Hochzeit meiner Eltern
Einfach Rosa - Verliebt, verlobt, verboten
Weihnachten für Einsteiger
The trickster Katharina is in a bind. After relieving a heavy Russian about a suitcase of money, her stooge is on his tail. Forced her immersed in a sleepy town in the Eifel. Having lost the suitcase while fleeing, Katharina urgently needs to raise new loot before she meets her partner Rocko again. In the sympathetic Matthias, she senses a slight sacrifice - but unfortunately his small bed manufactory is on the brink of ruin.
Besondere Schwere der Schuld
Natalia Nowak
Joseph Komalschek was sentenced to 30 years in prison for cruelly murdering a young mother and her newborn baby. He never confessed his crimes and the bodies could not be found. After being released from prison, he returns to his hometown. People there treat him with distrust and disdain.
Better than Nothing
Sarah Gerster
The 17-year-old Tom filled out a questionnaire for the Employment Agency at a vocational guidance office in his school. He falls in love with the trainee, which distributed the questionnaires. In the evaluation he gets out a job as an apprentice at a funeral home as a funeral professional.
Angela Kanning
The Dead and the Living
The personal journey of young Sita is not only an expedition into her family's burdened past during World War 2. It is also a journey to the abyss of modern European society, a trip which takes her from Berlin to Romania via Vienna and Warsaw - about losing one's homeland and discovering oneself, about hope and responsibility.
Переменная облачность
Marie Breuer
Лучшие друзья Тим и Джан придумывают новый способ знакомства с красивыми девушками. Один из парней притворяется, что он смертельно болен и скоро умрет от рака, второй рассказывает об этом в баре симпатичным незнакомкам и предлагает им скрасить «умирающему» его последние дни. В эту игру они играют до тех пор, пока Тим не влюбляется по-настоящему. Его избранницей становится Мари — девушка, у которой есть больная раком сестра Эдда. Обе считают, что в лице Тима нашли человека, способного их понять. Открыть Мари правду парень не может и потому продолжает играть свою роль, все больше запутываясь в собственных чувствах.
Sechster Sinn, drittes Auge, zweites Gesicht
A young man is seeing the world through other people's eyes, struggling to find his own perspective.
Вкус ночи
Лина — трудный подросток, она не находит общего языка с родителями и сверстниками, промышляет мелким воровством. Однажды, пробравшись на закрытую вечеринку, она знакомится с богатой и эффектной Луизой — вампиром, главенствующим в трио себе подобных существ, куда также входят бесшабашная Нора и томная Шарлотта. Луиза решает приобщить закомплексованную и зажатую девушку к своей банде. Теперь Лене суждено познать блеск и проклятие вечной жизни «неупокоенных». Перед ней открываются все двери в мир гламура и беспредельной свободы. И с каждой ночью ее новые подруги становятся все ненасытнее, а число жертв вурдалаков безудержно растет. Но когда за расследование их преступлений берется давний знакомый Лены — молодой полицейский Том Сернер, приходит пора платить по счетам…
Фанатки на завтрак не остаются
Lila Lorenz
После года, проведенного в США в качестве студентки по обмену, 17-летняя Лила возвращается домой в Германию, где влюбляется в привлекательного молодого человека по имени Крис. То чего Лила изначально не знала: за год ее отсутствия в Германии появилась молодежная супер-популярная группа, в одночасье добившаяся огромного успеха среди подростков. Слава группы еще не дошла до США, но в Германии они стали мега-звездами, а солистом группы как раз и является Крис. Когда Лила узнает об этом, трудности неизбежны. К тому же, Крис разделяет чувства Лилы к превеликому ужасу своего менеджера: по контракту Крису запрещено иметь подружек, так это испортит его имидж одинокого красавчика. Есть ли шанс у любви Лилы и Криса?
Melanie 'Mel' Tauber
With provocative dresses and a lot of make-up, the 19-year-old Melanie defies her bleak hospital stay in Masserberg in Thuringia. For years, she suffers from a very serious eye disease that will lead to blindness without expensive therapy and expensive drugs. Mel dreams of freedom in the West and is convinced that they could be treated there as well. So you only the new doctor Carlo Sanchez remains as a worldly glimmer of hope. As their escape plans fly up and Carlo is to spy on behalf of the Stasi, begins for the unequal pair a race for life and death, love and freedom.
Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten
A man had a donkey that had carried the sacks to the mill for many years, but whose strength was now coming to an end, so that he became increasingly unfit for work.
Live Wire
Gloria Huber
A comedy about relationships. A just-divorced couple, the wife's lover; a convicted criminal, his pregnant wife and his best friend; the economy minister and his secret lover; all parties are under stress in a hostage situation and surrounded by uncoordinated police troops.
Beloved Berlin Wall
Berlin, 1989. Sascha is a young East German border guard and Franzi is a lively young West German woman who's just moved into a flat next to Sascha's watchtower at the Berlin Wall. It takes only a slight mishap and a selfless act of chivalry and the two fall in love. But soon the Stasi believes they are witnessing the start of a revolt. This is the time of mass protests and East Germans taking refuge in the West German embassy in Prague after all. Franzi and Sascha have to find their ways to stand up for their love and strive for the impossible; to bring down the wall.
The Wall - The Final Days
Jule Hoffmann
Ein Job
Fleisch ist mein Gemüse
Allein unter Töchtern
Jessys Schulfreundin
Reife Leistung!
Kalra Wünsche
Les Européens
5 short films on the theme of European identity.
Маленький немецкий городок Шлитц объят паникой — на расположенной неподалёку атомной электростанции произошла авария, и всю округу накрывает радиоактивное облако…
Marie Wagner
One day seventeen-year-old Alma sees her father who had left the family five years before and had never contacted them since then accidentally on a subway stop in Berlin. She finds out where he works and start spending time together. Very soon the feelings they have for each other extend a normal father-daughter basis and they erotically attract each other.
Schwarze Erdbeeren
Die Bestatterin - Zweieinhalb Tote
Lisa Taubenbaum
Harter Brocken - Der Goldrausch
Mette Vogt
Sechs auf einen Streich - Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten
Bauerstochter Lissi