Fiona Reid

Fiona Reid

Рождение : 1951-07-24, Whitstable, Kent, England, UK


Fiona Reid


Royally Wrapped For Christmas
Queen Rayna
Lindsay Palmer, the NY director of an international charity organization, is called to the Kingdom of Veronia by the royal family who runs the foundation to interview for the job of overseeing the whole operation. As Lindsay is put through the interview process, she ends up finding true love with the prince.
Trouble In The Garden
A jailed activist is bailed out by her brother, who happens to be involved with the very land development she was protesting.
Моя большая греческая свадьба 2
Harriet Miller
Продолжение приключений греческого семейства Партокалос. У главных героев первого фильма, Тулы Портокалос и Йена Миллера, подросла дочь, которая ждет не дождется уйти из-под крыла родителей.
Жена путешественника во времени
Lucille Abshire
Они познакомились, когда ей было шесть, а ему — тридцать шесть. Они поженились, когда ей было двадцать три, а ему тридцать один. Потому что Генри страдает редким генетическим заболеванием — синдромом перемещения во времени; его исчезновения из жизни Клэр непредсказуемы, появления — комичны, травматичны и трагичны одновременно.
Одна неделя
Mary Tyler
Когда Бену Тайлеру был диагностирован рак, небольшой шанс на излечение он сразу отверг, а стал собираться в своё последнее путешествие. Пересекая Канаду на мотоцикле он найдёт новых друзей, многое переосмыслит, вспомнит несбывшиеся мечты. А главное поймёт, что нельзя найти смысл своей жизни, не научившись сперва свою жизнь ценить.
Несносный мальчишка
Mildred Monterossos
Жизнь парочки геев, Эрика и Сэма, переворачивается вверх дном, когда они решают усыновить ребенка. Этим «счастливчиком» становится 11-летний Скот. Новоиспеченным папашам придется нелегко, ведь их сынок — маленькая надежда большого хоккея…
Relative Chaos
Every year the Gilbert family looks forward to the annual Gilbert Cup competition. Everyone, that is, except Dil, the youngest Gilbert sibling. He's never won the cup, not once. Dil's girlfriend, super-motivated and ultra-competitive Katherine, is determined to change Dil's luck, but can she change a 25-year losing streak? It won't be easy. The competition is beyond fierce, and if there's such a thing as obsessive competitive disorder, Dil's overachieving siblings Gil and Lil are certifiable. The Gilbert's go the distance in events that test their intelligence, agility, and sanity. The winning Gilbert gets the cup and the glory. Who will be the last Gilbert standing? Does Dil stand a chance? Let the games begin...
Prom Queen: The Marc Hall Story
Lucinda Pilcher
Marc Hall, a young man living in Quebec, registers his prom date as per his Catholic school's rules. He is denied his request, because his prom date is a boy. Marc Hall is an openly gay teenager in a very conservative Catholic school. This film documents his struggles (legal, emotional, ethical and personal) to be himself and to live his life the way he deems best. With the help of friends, family and supporters, "Cinderfella" makes it to the ball, With his Prince Charming.
Shane Bradley, who is fixated on ideas of luck and destiny, tries to win the girl of his dreams. After their relationship falters, Shane begins to think he might be unlucky and turns to gambling as an outlet for his obsession.
Моя большая греческая свадьба
Harriet Miller
Афродита, богиня любви и красоты, не благосклонна к Туле Портокалос. Ее регулярный ночной кошмар — уже за 30 и еще не замужем. В толстых очках и c обвисшими прядями, она обслуживает клиентов в семейном ресторане своих многочисленных родственников и спит и видит, куда бы сбежать от всех этих тетушек, дядюшек и бабушек.
Gahan Wilson's The Kid
The stellar drawing style of illustrator Grahan Wilson – world renowned cartoonist for the New Yorker – comes to life in this off-beat story about growing up. Based in the comic strip “Nuts”, Gahan Wilson’s The Kid is an edgy, irreverent and primetime exploration of childhood. From know-it-all parents to annoying teachers and peer pressuring friends, this animated Showtime special offers a flashback to those times when being a kid was a real drag. As the star of the show says: “They ought to pass a law that you’re not allowed to go though childhood until you’re a fully grown adult.”
Walter and Henry
Dr. Goodfine
Walter and his 12-year-old son Henry are a pair of New York City street musicians living at poverty level in an empty Brooklyn lot. When Walter has a nervous breakdown, it's up to Henry to find his father's long-lost family, including the grandfather and aunt he's never met.
Any Mother's Son
A Mother is devastated when her sailor son is murdered by two of his crewmates in a homophobic attack.
In His Father's Shoes
A fortyish cancer-stricken, emaciated Frank Crosby and his fifteen-year-old son Clay, who is the healthful, youthful image of his father, are spending an afternoon enjoying the atmosphere of Venice Beach. They enter Oddities, a store where the gypsy woman owner gives them a pair of special wingtip shoes. Later that night in the hospital where Frank lay dying, he shares with Clay his memory of a postcard image: a golf course where people are playing and are leisurely sipping tea. Frank dies and leaves behind a distraught family: Clay, his little sister Maggie, and their mother Janice. Clay wistfully goes to his father's closet and finds the wingtips from earlier in the day. Putting them on, he is transported back in time and becomes his father as a child. He discovers he can travel back and forth in time just by putting on or taking off the shoes. Clay learns a great deal about his father's early years and is eager to learn more.
School Teacher
Семилетний Альберт остался один. Он пережил страшное горе — его мама, артистка цирка, погибла в автокатастрофе. Поэтому его отправляют из волшебного Лас-Вегаса в неказистый провинциальный городок. Альберта берет к себе старинная подруга мамы Харриет. Но она совершенно не представляет себе, что делать с ребенком. И поэтому Альберт и Харриет становятся врагами. А светом в окошке для обоих становится изысканный французский выдумщик Богус. Он помогает не только Альберту, но и Харриет.
Blood & Donuts
In 1994, in Toronto, the vampire Boya awakens from his twenty-five years of sleep in a basement hit by a golf ball. He takes a cab to the local cemetery, retrieves his belongings from a grave and lodges in a low budget hotel nearby an all-night donut shop. Boya does not drink human blood anymore but rats and pigeons blood instead. While in the donut shop, Boya befriends and protects the taxi driver Earl, who is having trouble with two criminals, and falls in love for the waitress Molly. Meanwhile, his former passion of 1969, Rita, who misses her lost youth, is trying to locate him.
Beethoven Lives Upstairs
When his mother rents their vacant room to a peculiar composer, Christoph can't believe his bad luck. But as the abrasive boarder, Ludwig Van Beethoven, begins creating his masterful 9th Symphony, Christoph is won over by the majesty of his music. This lighthearted family drama was awarded the 1993 Emmy for Outstanding Children's Program.
Mark Twain and Me
Mrs. Quick
During the final years of his life, the famous writer Samuel "Mark Twain" Clemens is befriended by a young girl named Dorothy Quick.
Если бы взгляды могли убивать
Marge Corbin
Американского старшеклассника, отправляющегося во Францию на экскурсию, из-за рокового стечения обстоятельств принимают за опаснейшего агента ЦРУ и вовлекают в головокружительный водоворот приключений, удивительно напоминающих похождения Джеймса Бонда.
Milk and Honey
Sandy Wineberg
Jo, a Jamaican native, moves to Canada to help support her family. But she quickly learns that earning money and respect will be more difficult than she ever imagined.
A New Life
Steve Giardino, an abrasive workaholic Wall Streeter, and his wife Jackie divorce after twenty-six years of marriage and find themselves thrust back into the dating world in middle age and in search of a new life.
Переключая каналы
Pamela Farbrother
Репортер программы новостей Кристи решает оставить свою работу, чтобы выйти замуж за богатого и влиятельного Блэйне, но ее босс и экс-муж не собирается уступать так легко и пытается сорвать ее планы.
Heaven On Earth
Abigail Hawthorne
An armful of destitute orphans transported to the New World at the turn of the century. This is the turbulent and moving story of four British 'bricks for Empire building' - based on the memoirs of some of the 100,000 'home children' who helped build the new Canada.
The Accident
Everything seems normal at a hockey arena until the roof, straining under the weight of the ice and snow that has built up, finally gives way, collapsing on top of the fans and players below. Many are killed in the tragic accident, but a few survive, trapped under tons of snow and steel. Can they hold out long enough for the rescue teams to reach them?
Hot Dogs
Mme. Frappier
Mr. Clean (Harry Reems) is a police detective who heads a special task force of the vice squad. Clean's by-the-book attitude makes him none too popular with his underlings, so they try to fake a sex scandal that will cause him to be fired from the force.