Additional Photography
The candid, and naked, Katie Morgan takes us through a history of porn. From ancient paintings and sculpture, to early pornographic silent films, to modern day adult films.
Director of Photography
Cryptozoologist Doctor Peña traps the legendary Chupacabra on a remote Caribbean Island to make his name in the scientific community. When he smuggles it aboard the cruise ship Regent Queen, commanded by Captain Randolph, the monster breaks out of the cargo hold and makes a smorgasbord out of the passengers and crew.
The story of Lehi and his wife Sariah and their four sons: Laman, Lemuel, Sam, and Nephi. Lehi leaves Jerusalem because he prophesied unto the people concerning the destruction of Jerusalem, and they sought his life. He journeys into the wilderness with his family. He sends Nephi and his brethren back to Jerusalem after the brass plates and the family of Ishmael. The sons and daughters of Lehi marry the sons and daughters of Ishmael. They take their families and continue into the wilderness. Ishmael dies in the wilderness. They come to the sea. Nephi's brethren rebel against him. He confounds them, and builds a ship. They cross the sea to the promised land in the Americas. Lehi dies in the promised land. Nephi's brethren rebel against him again. Nephi departs again into the wilderness.
With archive film clips and interviews, this brief look at a frequently overlooked historical period of filmmaking acts as an introduction rather than a complete record. It features interviews with some of the genre's biggest stars, like Fred Williamson, Pam Grier, and Richard Roundtree. Director Melvin Van Peebles discusses the historical importance of his landmark film Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song. For a contemporary perspective, the excitable Quentin Tarantino offers his spirited commentary and author/critic bell hooks provides some scholarly social analysis.
В 1995 домохозяйка из Оклахомы Стейси Бекер позировала для фотографа, эта сессия изменила ее жизнь. Муж сподвиг ее на то, чтобы позировать обнаженной в конкурсе, и скоро она красовалась на обложке Хастлера и принимала предложения на участие в фильмах категории Х. Став более независимой и свободной, она увеличила грудь и начала новую карьеру, подала на развод и стала Стейси Валентайн.
2047 год. На планете Маркус вспыхивает эпидемия страшной болезни, против которой бессильна местная медицина. Группа авантюристов-землян прилетает на Маркус и спасает от гибели остатки населения, внедряя в тела умирающих электронное оборудование. Эпидемия прекращается, но жители планеты теперь превращены в киборгов. Преступный синдикат решает воспользоваться этим…
Director of Photography
The Bonnie & Clyde story is re-told from a contemporary viewpoint. Clyde in this movie is a high school nerd working in the local burger joint. Urges to steal things are inflamed when he runs into Bonnie, the bored daughter of the local police commissioner, who is running with a street gang led by Kirk. Clyde immediately senses a kindred spirit in Bonnie. Initially she ignores him, but he rescues her from a shop-lifting charge and offers her a ride in a stolen van. Soon the two have taken guns from her father's home and go off on a bloody crime spree...