Art Direction
Set in Sapporo during the oil crisis of the early '70s, the film centers on the Hokkaitei soba stand run by a stoic patriarch and his perky wife. One New Year's day, a haggard-looking mother and her two adorable moppets poke their heads into the restaurant and ask for a single bowl of kakesoba. Noticing that the trio is looking a little low in the heels, she puts in an extra scoop of noodles. The youngest boy declares that the soba is delicious. The next year, the same threesome appears again asking for one bowl of kakesoba. This time the old man dumps in two helpings. He is struck by how much the youngest looks like their own son who was hit by a truck three years previous. The following year, the three return and this time the mother tells her story...
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TV film about the "Nishiyama Incident", a scandal surrounding the 1972 return of Okinawa to Japan. Produced to commemorate the 20th anniversary of TV Asahi in 1978 and released theatrically by Office Henmi in 1988.
Art Direction
Nakata, an author, resides utilizing the painful memory regarding the death of his partner, whoever life had been cut short a few many years earlier. Ended up being it a crash or ended up being it suicide? Doubt persists. In order to escape his guilty Nakata, conscience gives up on marriage and fatherhood. Hence freed, he embarks on an obsessive intimate records and jeorney his activities in a book, "The Dark Room". A philisophical essay on sexuality, reproduction and the fate of mankind.
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Kato is a small time TV producer. He has a wife Masako, and a young son Taro. Kato also has a friend Yamazaki who he knew since college. Yamazaki has a girl friend Riko who lives with her younger sister Yuko who's an actress. Yamazaki is a lyric writer/womanizer and he starts to have an affair with Masako, but he's still going out with Riko.
Art Direction
Действие фильма происходит в 1866 году, накануне реставрации Мэйдзи. Эпоха правления сёгунов Токугава подходит к концу благодаря усилиям сторонников императора и действиям западных бизнесменов, прежде всего американских.
Production Design
Семьдесят восемь дней смертельного веселья безжалостного человека — история о воре, убийце, мошеннике и сердцееде Ивао Энокидзу.
Art Direction
Kyoko met Tetsu during her trip to San Francisco. Soon they fell in love but getting married was not in his mind. They were to meet again back in Tokyo but Tetsu didn't turn up. She went to look for him in San Francisco but all she found was him with his new girlfriend. Kyoko went back to Tokyo and eventually married a big corporate CEO...
Art Direction
По одноимённому роману Сэйтё Мацумото. Юная девушка приезжает в Токио с острова Кюсю к знаменитому адвокату, чтобы он спас её брата от несправедливого обвинения в убийстве. К сожалению, у неё нет денег, которые обычно просит адвокат за подобную работу. Само дело также представляется безнадёжным.
Art Direction
Komori Tiaki is a budding tennis student, however one day in training her coach hits the ball into her eye accidentally. She is taken to hospital but it advised that she will never regain the sight in her eye. Her coach knows of a mysterious doctor 'Blackjack' who lives in a secluded house, who might be able to help. 'Blackjack' agrees to do the operation, but for a 'substantial reward'! Her sight is regained, but now she starts to see a mysterious man that is invisible to those around her....
Art Direction
Наследница богатого торговца потеряла зрение и посвятила свою жизнь музыке. Её комплекс неполноценности не позволяет ей открыто признаться в любви к слуге. Юноша не требует для себя ничего, он готов на все ради любимой.
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Nanjo, a new teacher at a girls' high school, unwittingly becomes the object of gossip when he buys underwear for Shimizu and spends his vacation with a female teacher. It turns out that Nanjo and Shimizu have fallen in love.
Production Design
Lonely youth Shinji meets Hatsue, a pretty pearl diver, on the beach and the two fall in love. But Shinji has a rival for Hatsue's affections, Yasuo. Yasuo spreads unpleasant gossip about his rival, and Hatsue's father forbids her to see Shinji. But when the boy saves the passengers on a boat owned by Hatsue's father, his luck in love begins to change.
Art Direction
Студент Мидзухара во время летних каникул путешествует по полуострову Идзу. В пути он встречает бродячих артистов. Труппу возглавляет Эйкити, с ним работает его жена и младшая сестра Каору. Между Каору и Мидзухара возникает симпатия...
Экранизация хрестоматийной новеллы классика японской литературы, лауреата Нобелевской Премии по литературе (1968) Ясунари Кавабата.
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The Akiba and Shimura crime families run the streets of “K City”. With the construction of new buildings and new factories underway, the city has sprouted into a boomtown and business is good. Two of the most infamous mobs of Tokyo want a piece of the pie. As out-of-town yakuza flood the city overnight, the crime boss of the Akiba family, Tezuka (Joe Shishido), is released from prison after a five year sentence. He does not like the "change" he sees.
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Tadao Konno (Yujiro Ishihara) had been staying in Canada for 5 years since his girlfriend's death. She was killed for Gang's boss, Shiraishi. Now Tadao returned from Canada and Gang member wonder if he will do revenge for her death…
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Two Japanese men help a Vietnam war deserter escape from Japan for Sweden. They plan to fund the escape by selling LSD pills. After word of the drug deal gets spread around they find themselves fending off rival gangs.
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Байкерша-одиночка Ако на задворках Синдзюку знакомится с девчонками из банды красавицы Маки. У Маки назначена дуэль на ножах с соперницей из другой стаи, но та привела на помощь толпу бандитов-чернорубашечников. Если бы не молчаливое вмешательство Ако, инцидент мог бы закончиться плачевно, но кровопролития все же удалось избежать. Ако стала тусоваться вместе с «кошками», выступая у них в роли альфа-парня, и вскоре оказывается втянутой во все их проблемы.
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Akemi is a dragon tattooed leader of the Tachibana Yakuza clan. In a duel with a rival gang Akemi slashes the eyes of an opponent and a black cat appears, to lap the blood from the gushing wound. The cat along with the eye-victim go on to pursue Akemi’s gang in revenge, leaving a trail of dead Yakuza girls, their dragon tattoos skinned from their bodies.
Production Design
Around Ginza there is a night-city of bars and cabarets, hostesses, customers. Assisting to keep order here is Kagari (Akira Kobayashi) who specializes in the women, their problems and troubles. He has saved many a girl from blandishments of pimps, makes customers pay up and women play straight. So he is called 'the woman's police-man' and he takes his job seriously.
One day, Chiyoko (Yukiyo Toake), a former hostess, comes to him. Her husband has been murdered and she wants help. The man had been a college classmate and Kagari decides to do what he can. In his investigation he overturns a whole nest of intrigue. Men he had thought irreproachable turn out to be corrupt; solid citizens are seen as the worst kind of scoundrels. Until now, Kagari has specialized in women and their problems. But, realizing the real state of affairs, he rolls up his sleeves for a good cleaning- up-at the same time discovering the murderer of his friend.
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Two years before they collaborated on the immortal Stray Cat Rock series, director Yasuharu Hasebe and soon-to-be-superstar Meiko Kaji teamed up for this potent gangster flick that also stars the great Joe Shishido (Branded to Kill) and Akira Kobayashi, who would shortly thereafter star in Kinji Fukasaku's epic yakuza series Battles Without Honor and Humanity. Emerging from a stint in prison, yakuza lieutenant Sumukawa (Kobayashi) discovers that his gang has disintegrated while he was in the pen. An ambitious type, he quickly hooks up with another gang (led by Shishido) who promise him a prominent position if he helps them deal with a rival family. But bonds are made to be broken, and pledges of loyalty soon give way to competition, betrayal and — naturally — retaliation. Tough, cynical and violent, Retaliation cheerfully overturns romanticized notions of underworld honour, paving the way for Fukusaku's revisionist yakuza pictures of the 1970s.
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Goro Fujikawa (Tetsuya Watari) was indebted to Mitsugimoto. Sawada, a low rank yakuza with a gambling problem owed Mitsugimoto three million yen. This equation can only lead to one answer. Mitsugimoto needs to pay and Goro's coming to collect.
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Production Design
Daisuke Honda, a war photographer in Vietnam, meets Yuriko Sawanouchi, a stewardess on his plane back to Japan. After drinking with her at a Tokyo bar, he becomes involved in saving Yuriko from assassination by stylish, female ninjas. When trying to rescue Yuriko from kidnappers, Daisuke discovers a group of foreigners are hunting for a WWII-era treasure hidden on an island by Yuriko's father.
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A father gives his four daughters his substantial retirement allowance on the stipulation that they leave him alone, as he wants some freedom. Each of the daughters has a romantic interest and it's noticeable that the father, too, has someone in mind.
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Japanese drama film.
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Shinko Terasawa was always considered to be the odd ball of the bunch. At a time when romance was against school regulations, Shinko was the first to take a bite out of the forbidden fruit. Expelled from her former school, she finds herself in an all-girls school in Jokamachi, where rumors fly. One day, Shinko delivers an anonymous love letter addressed to her English teacher, Ms. Shimazaki. Convinced that the students are playing a prank, Ms. Shimazaki is adamant about getting to the bottom of this "problem”.
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Keiko is pretty and intelligent but her home life is not a happy one. Never having known a father's love, she develops a possessive attachment to Mr. Mazaki, the new mathematics teacher.
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В деревне на горе Сюрэй поселяется странник Рёдзи, вооруженный охотничьим дробовиком. Хозяин лесопилки Нисиока держит при себе подозрительную троицу телохранителей. Обеспокоенные жители деревни выбирают шерифа. Им становится Окумура, твердо решивший отомстить за изнасилованную и убитую жену.
Production Design
Глава семьи Мацудайра, потомственных землевладельцев на острове Авадзи, внезапно умирает, и его мать, старая Икуё, начинает поиски юноши, который приходится ей внуком, — он был рожден от внебрачной связи сына со служанкой. Садао живет в учениках у художника в Токио. Смерть художника в аварии по вине президента туристической компании Нандзё втягивает Садао в скандал, попавший на страницы газет: разъяренный юноша требовал у Нандзё миллион иен в качестве компенсации. Юрист семьи Мацудайра убеждает Садао приехать на остров. На Авадзи Садао завоевывает расположение бабушки. Он мечтает разыскать свою мать. В это время на остров приезжает и Нандзё с секретаршей Юки, они планируют создание на землях семьи Мацудайра большого развлекательного комплекса.
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Two men perform a robbery on an airplane before parachuting to safety, and a newspaper reporter attempts to solve the crime.
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Story of an ex-con trying to go straight, but of course the old ways die hard.
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Art Direction
Roppeita is big in size, clumsy and full of energy. When his grandfather orders him to move out to Tokyo to save a sinking milk delivery business a distant relative of his runs, he encounters the most strangest of clientele.
Production Design
В процветающем токийском районе Гиндза женщина, продающая коллекцию произведений искусства своего бывшего мужа, пытается опознать мужчину, который нарисовал её портрет пятнадцать лет назад.