Pedro Serrazina


Нестор, страдающий неврозом навязчивых состояний, живет в неустойчивом плавучем доме, который постоянно раскачивается.
The Eyes of the Lighthouse
In a rocky island exposed to the elements, a lighthouse keeper lives alone with his daughter. From the top of his tower, the father keeps vigil to the horizon line and for the safety of the passing sails. With no other company, the girl develops a unique complicity with the sea, which brings her toys in the shape of debris on the shore. Following the rhythm of the waves, these objects will unveil previous events, memories that the tide cannot erase…
The Eyes of the Lighthouse
In a rocky island exposed to the elements, a lighthouse keeper lives alone with his daughter. From the top of his tower, the father keeps vigil to the horizon line and for the safety of the passing sails. With no other company, the girl develops a unique complicity with the sea, which brings her toys in the shape of debris on the shore. Following the rhythm of the waves, these objects will unveil previous events, memories that the tide cannot erase…
Анимация в стиле нуар
1. История о коте и луне - создан португальским режиссером Педро Серразином. История расскажет о коте, который безумно влюблен в луну. 2. Клуб брошенных – чешского режиссера Иржи Барта. Расскажет о манекенах, которые ожили, и решили создать небольшое общество на чердаке одного здания, чтобы быть похожими на людей. 3. Обезьяна - Юлия Заммархи. Муж и жена сидят за обеденным столом, и мужчина предъявляет жене претензию, что каждый день она готовит ему обезьяну на ужин. 4. Кроткая – польского режиссера Петра Дюмалья. Фильм снят по рассказу Федора Достоевского. 5. Похищение – фильм Пола Вестера. Построен на рассказах обычных граждан, которые уверены, что стали жертвами похищения инопланетян. Мини-фильм построен на нарезках документального кино, на анимации разных стилей и техник. 6. Улица радости, созданный Сюзан Пит. Женщина, доведенная до отчаяния, решается на самоубийство, но надежда в лице посланца из мира духов, возвращает ее к жизни.
Tale About the Cat and the Moon
A poem. A tale made of silence and complicity. Light and shadows, the charm of the night, the moon as a passion... This is a tale about someone who tried to make the dream come true. This is the tale about the cat and the moon.
Tale About the Cat and the Moon
A poem. A tale made of silence and complicity. Light and shadows, the charm of the night, the moon as a passion... This is a tale about someone who tried to make the dream come true. This is the tale about the cat and the moon.
Замкнутый круг
Glaxo Wellcome Anti-Tobacco Commissioned Film. (23 Sec. )
Замкнутый круг
Glaxo Wellcome Anti-Tobacco Commissioned Film. (23 Sec. )
Camera Operator
In the 40's, after the Spanish Civil War, many republicans defeated by the nationalist forces of Franco found refuge on the bordering mountains in the north of Portugal. Some saw them as brigands, others gave them shelter and helped them on the sly to police forces of Salazar. They were... the Outlaws.
Director of Photography
In the 40's, after the Spanish Civil War, many republicans defeated by the nationalist forces of Franco found refuge on the bordering mountains in the north of Portugal. Some saw them as brigands, others gave them shelter and helped them on the sly to police forces of Salazar. They were... the Outlaws.