Guo Tao

Guo Tao

Рождение : 1969-12-17, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China


Guo Tao
Guo Tao


In Our Prime
Ma Huaide
The film revolves around the story of Li Yitian, who struggles in a big city, showing the current situation of the life of a new generation of young people, focusing on the ordinary people who are trying to live in contemporary society, and their pain and struggle from ideals to helplessness to new life.
Big Three Dragons
Old Duan (Guo Tao) was imprisoned many years ago due to suspected cases. In order to clarify the truth of the year, he insisted on planning a dangerous chess chess. Unexpectedly, this operation was involved in the three children of his three ex -wife Wu Wen (Xiao Shenyang), Mo Mo (Xiu Rui), and Tang Ning (Zhang Yishang). The family of four joined forces to fight against the enemy and dismantled each other. What will happen in the next step ...
Антикварное мошенничество
По мотивам одноименного романа Ма Бойонга, фильм повествует о серии приключений, произошедших, когда потомки пяти колен захотели узнать правду о голове Будды у Цзетянь Минтана из династии Тан.
A Hustle Bustle New Year
Wang Zijian
The new year is approaching, the middle-aged screenwriter Wang Ziliang (Wu Gang) alone is burdened by layers of stress, dealing with multiple issues such as career, family, and interpersonal relationships, feeling "sad in the new year". The biggest wish of his mother (Wu Yanshu) is to go back to her hometown for New Year's Eve dinner with her four children. However, the complicated adult world involves the children. When mother is injured in an accident, the family's relationship dropped to a freezing point, and the conflicts between the three generations were pushed to the forefront... After choices and trials, the children returned to family's love and realized that "home is where mother is." No matter how difficult life is, there will be no years that can't be passed.
The Game of Desire
Set in 2020. After the death of his daughter, a leading figure in intelligent technology industry hides himself far from the madding crowd and stays with intelligent robots. He inexplicably becomes a murder fugitive when an accident happens, and falls into a trap step by step.
The Game of Desire
Guo Shi
Set in 2020. After the death of his daughter, a leading figure in intelligent technology industry hides himself far from the madding crowd and stays with intelligent robots. He inexplicably becomes a murder fugitive when an accident happens, and falls into a trap step by step.
Suspicious Secret
Culinary Judge
Chaozhou Gang
Zheng Xin
Я не мадам Бовари
Zhao Datou
Li Xuelian, a woman from the countryside is falsely accused by her husband of having an affair. To defend herself, Li moves from her small town to the big city until she reached the capital.
When Larry Met Mary
Lu Yao met his kindergarten classmate Ma Li in colleague, and his attraction towards her grows in his heart. Unfortunately, he was one step too slow to tell her his affection. In the following ten years, Ma Li went through following in love, breaking up, marriage, divorce, and getting married again soon. At the same time, Lu Yao has also experienced two fruitless relationships. What would happen next?
Mr. Nian
Growing Up
Coming of age story shot over 12 years, in which an actress grows up like her character, from 2001 to 2014
Yang Zidao
Трое мужчин собираются в загородном доме, чтобы поговорить о прошлом. Когда-то они принесли клятву и объявили себя названными братьями, но страшная тайна, связавшая их вместе, все еще тяготит этих людей. Какое отношение они имеют к кровавым событиям у стен водохранилища и что терзает их все эти годы – муки совести или нежелание забыть о собственных просчетах?
Dad's Holiday
A story above the three fathers who want to spend an luxurious holiday like an Emperor (the King). Jimly Lee (Wanted Criminal) has stolen famous diamond which is slipped into one the father's coat pocket. What follows next is story between four of them and the Interpol with Korea Police.
When a Peking Family Meets Au Pair
Mercedes-Benz owner
An Australian girl becomes an au-pair for a Chinese family.
Coming Home
Director of the Propaganda Work Team
Lu and Feng are a devoted couple forced to separate when Lu is arrested and sent to a labor camp as a political prisoner during the Cultural Revolution. He finally returns home only to find that his beloved wife no longer remembers him.
Where Are We Going, Dad?
A movie based on the reality show of the same name with celebrity fathers and their children.
Слепой детектив
Szeto Fatbo
Он — талантливый детектив, вынужденный уйти в отставку после того, как во время выполнения задания потерял зрение. С тех пор он зарабатывает на жизнь тем, что распутывает дела, с которыми не может справиться полиция. Она — многообещающий полицейский агент, терзаемая чувством вины из-за пропажи подруги детства. Потрясенная тем, с каким блеском он раскрывает дело, она просит его помочь разыскать ее подругу. Он соглашается… по только ему известным причинам.
7 убийц
Liu Aotian
Отряд мятежников под предводительством Те Юня в тайне перевозят золото собранное для закупки оружия за границей. После нападения бандитов золото было утеряно. Те Юнь и жители Золотой Долины под предводительством Мастера Мао решают помочь вернуть золото и разгромить Принца, тем самым пытаясь остановить угнетения народа.
Senior Dumb
Капитан полиции Чжан Кто из отдела по борьбе с незаконным оборотом наркотиков, начинает допрос наркобарона по имени Тимми Чой после того как он был арестован. Чтобы избежать смертной казни, Чой обязуется раскрыть информацию о своих партнерах. Удастся ли ему запутать следствие и выйти сухим из воды или же ниточка оборвётся на середине…
White Deer Plain
Lu Zhaopen
In the White Deer Village in Shaanxi Province the two most important families - Bai and Lu - and their sons have always lived together in peace. But the turmoil leads to a fierce struggle for land ownership.
Million Dollar Crocodile
Wang Beiji / Useless Wang
The film tells the story of an eight meter long crocodile on the rampage in Hangzhou. Xiao befriends Amao, a 36 foot crocodile, who lives on his fathers croc sanctuary. Soon his father is forced to sell the crocodiles to a gangster who plans to use them for high priced meals. The story begins.
Guns N'Roses
Crazy Dad
The film tells the story of a group of Chinese youths who robbed a bank of the “Manchuguo”, a puppet regime formed in China’s northeastern provinces by Japanese invaders in the 1930s and ’40s.
Основание партии
Tao Chengzhang
Картина обращается к событиям так называемой Первой китайской революции (Синьхайская революция), произошедшей в 1911 году, и свергнувшей династию Цин. Тогда было положено начало основанию китайской компартии. Фильм рассказывает о первых шагах самых влиятельных лидеров первого поколения нового Китая, в числе которых Мао Цзэдун и Чан Кайши.
The Law Of Attraction
Wang Yong
Country: China Production Company: Angel Wings Entertainment Genre: Drama Director: Zhao Tian Yu Starring: Wen Zhang, Bai Bai He, Zhang Jing Chu, Guo Tao, Leon Dai, Karen Mok, Bowen Duan, Huang Huan Length: 97 mins Date of release: 8th April, 2011
Deadly Will
Detectives receive a anonymous letter asking for their help in solving the murder of the world's richest man.
The Love Clinic
City Monkey
He Youqing
Ещё один ящик Пандоры
Dr. Hua Tuo
Странствующий проходимец Цинг встречает девушку с мечом, намертво вложенным в ножны. Совершенно случайно ему удается достать ее меч, и девушка извещает его, что это знак — теперь он должен на ней жениться. Однако в планы Цинга это не входит, поэтому он удирает он невесты в прошлое, во времена Троецарствия, воспользовавшись легендарным Ящиком Пандоры.
Док Кихот
Tang Fanghai
Дон Кихот - фильм китайского и гонконгского фильма 2010 года режиссера Ахана, основанный на романе Мигеля де Сервантеса 17-го века. Это было продвинуто как первый полностью трехмерный фильм в Китае.
Chengdu, I Love You
A satirical comedy set during the 1976 earthquake of Tangshan, which then zips forward to 2009 offering a Matrix-like science fiction story of contemporary China.
Gao Xing
All's Well, Ends Well 2009
Chu Yu's boss
Kei's eldest sister Sandra is a hot-tempered magazine editor and her temperament has left her single all this while. One of the family rules is that none of the siblings could get married before their eldest sister. Kei seeks help from the famous Casanova, Koo Chai, to pretend to court his eldest sister and lure her into the mood of love.
Desires of the Heart
Zhang Su
Follows urban youngsters in their pursuit of true love and all the set backs and comedic mishaps along the way.
Out of Control
The film mainly tells the story of a couple of urban men and women who embarked on a road of escape due to an accident.
Two Stupid Eggs
Chinese film directed by Jin Chen.
Mr. Wang Sam
Three years ago, drama teacher Lam Hiu Yeung (Karena Lam) lost her younger brother in a kidnapping case, headed by female inspector Ho Yuen Chun (Rene Liu). Three years later, she is now on the verge of another great loss: her husband is in the late stages of cancer, and options are running out. To take him overseas for medical treatment, she needs money, and a lot of it. Using what she learned from her brother's tragic incident, she calmly masterminds the kidnapping of a tycoon's son, a case that again falls into the laps of workaholic detective and divorced mother Yuen Chun. These two strong-minded women square off in a high-stakes battle of wits, but plans and composure melt away on both sides when they realize that Hiu Yeung has nabbed the wrong kid - Yuen Chun's son.
2 Become 1
Mr. Chan
Bingo leads a carefree city life that revolves around work, friends and dating. Her yuppie life is turned upside down one passionate night when her hot date Dr. V discovers a lump on her left breast.
Crazy Stone
Three thieves try to steal a valuable jade that is tightly guarded by a security chief. But the security guards are not the only obstacle these thieves are facing. An extremely unlucky internationally known master thief is also trying to get a hand on this piece of precious jade. What would be the final destination of this piece of crazy stone?
Sudden Lover
No Lonely Angels
Lang Zhuo
True and False, Heroes and Brothers
Chinese film directed by Mao Xiaorui.
So Close to Paradise
Two young farm workers, who like millions of others, leave their village to seek their fortunes in the city. Each chose a vastly different path to make it and become embroiled in misunderstandings, gangster brawls and police raids.
Spicy Love Soup
Yu Xiaohui
Six different episodes about different generations' relationships. Love can be sweet, sour, or spicy.
Gone Forever with My Love
Su Kai is spunky but lonesome: his job takes him on long solitary drives across China. On a ferry, he meets two China Air flight attendants, Ge Ge and Yang Yan. He's smitten by Ge Ge, and within a few days, she agrees to move in with him. They borrow money, build a house, live in harmony, and plan a wedding. Then, a sudden turn of events brings a change in Su Kai; he becomes moody and remote. Is there any way Ge Ge can salvage their relationship? Su Kai's breakdown brings Yang Yan back into the picture as well, and her feelings become central to the story.
Действие этой семейной саги происходит в Китае в течение трёх десятилетий - в 1940-60 гг. Наследник уважаемой в городе семьи, Фу Гуй - заядлый игрок. Злоключения его семьи начинаются с того, что однажды он проигрывает свой дом…