Teo Usuelli


Главный герой — бывший священник. Жизнь для него потеряла всякий смысл и, чтобы хоть как-то скрасить свое существование, он решил заняться фотографией. Главный объект его съемок — попки молоденьких девушек. Но и этого главному герою мало, и тогда экс-священник заводит себе подружку…
The Bloodstained Lawn
Original Music Composer
A couple of wandering hippies meet a man by the name of Antonio who takes them to the home where he lives with his sister and brother-in-law. There they meet several strange characters: a gypsy woman, a prostitute and a disturbing drunk. The host tells them that he is a producer of wines and loves to entertain strange people. In fact he is a madman who has created a mechanism that can suck blood from human bodies.
The Audience
Original Music Composer
Caustic satire on bureaucracy of the Vatican authority and a simple Italian who wants to achieve the audience with the Pope.
Music Director
A beautiful American woman infiltrates the home of a novelist and his wife so she can investigate the disappearance of her lover — who was her employers’ previous secretary — and soon finds herself the target of the couple's erotic desires and a murder plot.
Original Music Composer
A beautiful American woman infiltrates the home of a novelist and his wife so she can investigate the disappearance of her lover — who was her employers’ previous secretary — and soon finds herself the target of the couple's erotic desires and a murder plot.
The Golden Ass
In ancient Mauretania, the young Roman Lucius Apuleius and his friend Aristomene run into a series of misadventures.
Mio Mao: Fatiche ed avventure di alcuni giovani occidentali per introdurre il vizio in Cina
Nailed Lips
A young commissioner investigates the murder of a Sicilian criminal with the help of a social worker.
Диллинджер мёртв
A man decides to cook for himself and finds a revolver (which may have belonged to John Dillinger) hidden in his kitchen.
The Seed of Man
Original Music Composer
During a Post-Apocalyptic period in the near future the majority of the European population has been wiped out by some sort of undefined plague. Cino and Dora, a young couple, are rounded up by what constitutes the authorities on an isolated temporary base. They are examined and given antibiotics which will protect them for six months, told to pick out a deserted house to live in the area, and use that time to conceive a child.
Una malattia che si chiama Sud
The Man with the Balloons
Mario is a Milan industrialist who is constantly testing balloons to see how much air one can take before busting.
Il fischio al naso
In this unusual offbeat black comedy directed by Ugo Tognazzi, Giuseppe (Tognazzi) is a middle-aged industrialist obsessed with gadgets. When his nose starts to whistle uncontrollably, he checks into a clinic to resolve the problem. What begins as a minor affliction worsens, and Giuseppe is placed on a different floor as his ailments multiply. The sicker he gets, the higher he goes up in the floors of the clinic, until he is near death's door.
The Wedding March
Original Music Composer
Satirical film in four episodes about family and marriage.
Сегодня, завтра, послезавтра
Original Music Composer
Восхитительная комедия о жизни итальянцев состоящая из трех новелл. Во всех трех фильмах, показав три совершенно противоположных характера, главную мужскую роль сыграл Марчелло Мастроянни. В первой черно-белой новелле режиссера Марко Феррери - он играет роль человека одержимого идеей максимального надувания воздушных шаров. Во второй новелле Эдуардо Де Филиппо - его герой оказывается свидетелем странных любовных игр молодой пары пригласившей его в гости. Молодые выстраивают свои отношения при помощи истерически-ревнивых выходок и выстрелов из револьвера. Завершает трилогию история Лучиано Салче - где он играет коммерсанта, решившего продать свою супругу арабскому шейху. Но... судьба делает крутой поворот, и жена опережает коммерсанта, перепродав мужа в мужской гарем брата шейха...
Operation Atlantis
An American agent discovers that the Red Chinese have built a secret atomic city from which they will attempt to invade America.
Samson and Gideon
Consisting of two segments, the film is centered on two great Israelite leaders found in the Book of Judges.
Saul and David
Original Music Composer
David of Bethlehem slays the giant and becomes a rival to King Saul.
Original Music Composer
A vivid assortment consisted of three acts taken from the lives of modern 1960s Italians, always in orbit around the restless theme of sexual inhibition and the pursuit of pleasure in sex.
Slave Trade in the World Today
The film documents modern slave trade through a number of African countries, under dictatorship rule. The filming was conducted both in public places, and sometimes with the use of hidden cameras, for high impact scenes of nudity, sex, and violence - and a few surprises, as slaves made out of peregrins to Asia, and slave traders paid in traveller checks.
Original Music Composer
Некий проходимец, перебивающийся случайными заработками, находит золотую жилу: на кухне какого-то монастыря он встречает девушку молодую и стройную, но чудовищно заросшую. Герой сметлив и решителен - он женится на несчастной и открывает заведение с вывеской "Бородатая женщина".
Naked World
Mondo documentary.
Современная история: Королева пчёл
Original Music Composer
Молодожены любят друг друга. В их супружеской постели царит идиллия, но… женщина способна приносить потомство! И когда она забеременеет… В пчелиной семье это само собой разумеется, а в человеческой?
Original Music Composer
The quaint life of Ottavia, a widow living in Rome, is turned upside down when a young and pretty Japanese girl knocks at her door, claiming to be the daughter of her late husband, an Italian military officer who went to Japan on a secret mission during WWII and reportedly killed in action there.
Madri pericolose
Original Music Composer
100 Years of Love
Original Music Composer
Six episodes (adapted from as many short stories: Gozzano, D'Annunzio, Guido Rocca, Marino Moretti, Alba de Céspedes and Oreste Biancoli), six love stories set in different moments in italian recent history.
Pittori di provincia (I Macchiaioli)
Original Music Composer
Blame the sun
Original Music Composer
This short film is the only cinematographic experience of Alberto Moravia. It shows some typical themes of the writer: the bourgeois setting, the taste for detail, the eros and the violence that scratch indifference.
The Funicular of Mount Faloria
The short documentary film takes the viewer on a vertiginous cable-car ride in the Italian Dolomites. There is also a 4 minutes version titled "Vertigine".
The Funicular of Mount Faloria
The short documentary film takes the viewer on a vertiginous cable-car ride in the Italian Dolomites. There is also a 4 minutes version titled "Vertigine".