Philippe Clévenot

Рождение : 1942-09-10, Paris, France

Смерть : 2001-10-18


Philippe Clévenot compte parmi les plus grands acteurs d’une génération qui, dans les années 1960-1970, se lançait dans l’aventure des créations collectives et entendait toucher un nouveau public, populaire, à l’instar de Jean Vilar ou d’Ariane Mnouchkine. De 1962 à 1965, il suit les cours du Centre dramatique de l'Est alors sous la direction d'Hubert Gignoux, Paul Lefèvre et Claude Petitpierre. Parallèlement, il continue l'étude de l'orgue, du clavecin et du piano. Après les deux années de son service militaire (1965-1967) pendant lesquelles il apprend l'allemand, il devient membre de la maison de la Culture deBourges, dirigée par Gabriel Monnet. En 1971, il participe aux débuts du Théâtre de l'Espérance avec Jean Jourdheuil etJean-Pierre Vincent, puis, en 1976, rejoint l’école du TNS (l'école supérieure d’art dramatique de Strasbourg) que dirige le même Jean-Pierre Vincent. De 1985 à 1987, il est pensionnaire à la Comédie-Française. Philippe Clévenot joue aussi bien le répertoire classique que le théâtre contemporain. Ainsi le voit-on dans Le Misanthropede Molière ou Macbeth de Shakespeare (deux mises en scène de Jean-Pierre Vincent) ; dans Le Prince de Hombourg deKleist (mise en scène de Matthias Langhoff), La Cruche cassée du même Kleist (mise en scène de Bernard Sobel) ; dansL'École des femmes de Molière (mise en scène de Bernard Sobel), Le Neveu de Rameau de Diderot (mise en scène de Jean-Marie Simon), dans Artaud Mômo ou la conférence du Vieux Colombier et Histoire vécue d'Artaud Mômo d'Antonin Artaud, où il interprète l'auteur, dans Un barrage contre le Pacifique de Marguerite Duras ou encore Dans la jungle des villesde Brecht (mise en scène de Stéphane Braunschweig), dans la Vie de l’égoïste Fätzer, du même Brecht (sous la direction de Bernard Sobel), dans Rumeur à Wall Street de Bernard Chatellier, d’après le Bartleby de Melville (mise en scène deBérangère Bonvoisin), ou bien Pionniers à Ingolstadt de Marieluise Fleisser. En tant que metteur en scène, on lui doit notamment Anna Christie d’Eugene O'Neill, à Genève, en 2000 — spectacle qui est repris au Théâtre Gérard Philipe, à Villeurbanne, en 2001. Par ailleurs, il a également écrit Celle qui ment, d'après la célèbre mystique italienne Angèle de Foligno. Son premier rôle au cinéma lui est offert par René Allio en 1970, dans Les Camisards. Il travaille ensuite avec de nombreux cinéastes, dont Bertrand Blier, Patrice Leconte ou encore Jean-Jacques Beineix. L’un de ses derniers films au cinéma estDisparus (1998), premier long métrage historique et politique d'un jeune réalisateur, Gilles Bourdos. Ayant toujours partagé son temps entre Paris et la Normandie, avec sa compagne la comédienne Bérangère Bonvoisin, Philippe Clévenot meurt à l’âge de cinquante-neuf ans, le 18 octobre 2001, des suites d’une longue maladie. Il repose au cimetière de Villerville.


Malraux, tu m'étonnes!
Feature film about the life of André Malraux. While still a teenager, Malraux embarks on an initiatory journey in search of the artistic and literary culture of Paris. He won the Goncourt Prize for his fourth novel and went to Spain to fight fascism.
Вандомская площадь
Уличенный в скупке краденого Венсан Маливер, хозяин ювелирной фирмы на Вандомской площади Парижа, совершает самоубийство. Марианна, его вдова, серьезно подавлена произошедшим, и только неожиданная находка — семь восхитительных алмазов, припрятанных ее супругом — дает ей шанс вновь обрести вкус к жизни...
The Place of Another
Thomas' father
Thomas is an up-and-coming actor. His proud and loving father is watching him in a Shakespeare performance. Not long afterwards, his father dies, Thomas accidentally kills a bicyclist with his car, his girlfriend leaves him, and he develops a disorder of the inner ear. As a consequence of these and other misfortunes, he becomes depressed, attempts suicide, and has a psychotic break which lands him in a mental hospital.
Urgence d'aimer
Le professeur Thibaud
Joëlle, a simple and energetic young woman, works as a hairdresser for Mrs. Delbarre. When Professor Thibaud, a great bone specialist, asks her to donate her bone marrow for a transplant, on the condition that she does not seek to know the recipient, she accepts without hesitation. But the temptation is too strong and she investigates in order to discover the person who benefited from her generous gesture. It is a handsome young man with whom she immediately falls in love.
Le Pr Thibaud
When Professor Thibaud, a great bone specialist, asks Joëlle, a simple young girl, to donate her bone marrow in view of a transplant, she agrees without hesitation. Despite the pain and the risks, she only thinks of saving a human life. Just one condition is imposed : the giver is not allowed to meet the transplanted in any case. However it is more than she can take, so Joëlle sifts through the medical network until she meets Arnaud. The more she advances, the more she becomes attached to her transplanted, to the point where she believes that her marrow influences his dreams and desires. Ambiguity will reign throughout this love comedy.
Just a Game
Emile Michel, Lapland, orphan, is obliged to bring back within the tribe the ancestral totem: a gold plumb line "borrowed" formerly by his grandfather Raymond Michel. His quest will take him aboard a floating boat that crosses Baffin Bay in the icy waters of Greenland.
Спасибо, жизнь
Юная Камилла подбирает на дороге Жоэль в подвенечном платье, жестоко избитую мучжиной, и предлагает остаться жить у нее, ибо она давно мечтала о такой подруге. Вместе они крепко ударяют по мужикам, занимаясь сексом на пару. Почему? Какая тайна скрывается за этой одержимостью? Почему все мужчины хотят ее избить или убить?
Муж парикмахерши
В детстве Антуан очень любил ходить в парикмахерскую. Как-то раз мальчик сказал родителям, что обязательно женится на парикмахерше, и тут же получил от отца оплеуху. Но желание мальчика не исчезло. Прошли годы. В маленьком городке, где жил Антуан, появилась парикмахерша Матильда. И при первой же встрече Антуан сделал ей предложение…
I Have You Under My Skin
Jeanne is a woman who is driven by her very active conscience. She attempts to assuage her idealistic bent by trying out life as a nun, but this doesn't work out. After she leaves the convent, she takes a job at a factory, where the callousness of management spurs her to become a labor activist. Her efforts are marked by great persistence and fervor, but she lacks any kind of diplomacy or persuasiveness, and as the years progress, she manages to alienate everyone in her life. By the end of the film, there is only one way that she can see to resolve the horrible situation she finds herself in.
Eden miseria
Danuta Zarasik plays Isabelle Eberhardt in this biographical drama. At the turn of the 20th century, Isabelle fell in love with the African desert, donning men's clothing to travel and record her adventures in writing while her Moslem husband patiently waited at home. This visually stunning feature shows the overwhelming majesty and beauty of the forces of nature. Director Christine Laurent relies upon her expertise as a painter and designer to bring an added dimension of artistic beauty to the film.
Roselyne and the Lions
Thierry drops out of school to apprentice as a lion tamer at the zoo where he meets Roselyne, who shares his passion. They fall in love and when he loses his job, the young lovers journey across France finding odd jobs at several circuses. In Germany, they fall under the tutelage of ageing big cat trainer, Klint, and while they are closer to realising their dreams, they find that their success drivers them part.
Les deux Fragonard
Father Rudolphe
The name of painter Jean-Honore Fragonard (1732-1806) is synonymous for a kind of painting style which celebrates carefree romantic life, indoors and out. He was a painter during the final decades of the French monarchy. In this story, he and his brother Cyprien (Robin Renucci), who is an early pioneer in medical anatomy (he dissected corpses and made drawings of what he found in them), have fallen in love with the same woman, Marianne (Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu), a laundress. This attraction has not escaped the notice of Salmon d'Anglas (Sami Frey), a conniving nobleman, who has his heart set on getting revenge on Jean-Honore (Joachim de Almeida) for refusing his patronage and becoming the darling of the French court.
Kiss Me
The life of a twelve-year-old living with her mother is disrupted by the arrival of a very young man at home. While her feelings become confused and the dramas burst, the girl will try to find in his entourage someone able to listen and understand it, before the worst happens.
Камилла Клодель
Eugène Blot
Судьба одарила Камиллу талантом, умом, красотой и нежной душой. В 19 лет она стала ученицей и возлюбленной великого Родена. Но расплатой за недолгое счастье стали одно за другим обрушившиеся на эту незаурядную женщину проблемы.
Elvire Jouvet 40
Louis Jouvet
The Sidewalks of Saturn
Hugo Santiago and writers Juan José Saer and Jorge Semprún move back and forth between Paris and the city of Aquilea in a shadowy fable about exile. The frontier between one city and the other begins to blur after Bandoneonist Rodolfo Mederos is visited by his sister, a member of a guerrilla organization.
The Mystery of Alexina
Doctor Chesnet
In 1856, fresh from life with nuns in an orphanage school, Alexina Barbin comes to a coastal village in La Rochelle to teach the village girls. She is deeply religious. She shares the classroom and a bedroom with the young and vivacious Sara, with whom she falls in love. Alexina has another secret: her gender is mysterious. She and Sara begin a scandalous love affair, but Alexina seeks marriage and social acceptance. She discloses her secrets to the village priest, to her mother, to the bishop, and to the bishop's physician. After the church and court rule on her petition, marriage to Sara becomes Alexina's sole purpose and hope.
A prostitute, released from prison, tries to change her life, but a murderous slave organization, the Consortium, is determined to bring her back to the fold or kill her, which forces her to seek help from Liberty, an anti-Consortium group.
Blanche and Marie
A little town in the north of France, 1941. Blanche has three children. She worries about her husband Victor, who often goes out at night. Actually, Victor belongs to the Resistance. Soon, Blanche will be a resistant too. In the network, there is also Germinal, the hairdresser. His daughter Marie knows everything and asks to be part of it... Chronicle of the occupation and of the resistance through the eyes of the women.
The Eyes of the Birds
Enrique Materneo
A Red Cross inspection team visits a prison and holds interviews with a range of inmates.
Глубокие воды
Henri Valette
Вик Аллен, владелец небольшой парфюмерной компании, женат на молодой женщине Мелани и имеет от нее десятилетнюю дочь Марион. Мелани, почти не прилагая усилий для утаивания от мужа своих любовных романов, играет в своеобразную провокационную игру. А Вик искусно делает вид, что ничего не замечает, хотя уже строит планы – как изощренно отомстить.
Коктейль Молотова
Le diplomate
В Париже, за несколько дней до взрыва в мае 1968 года, Энн, ученица средней школы, яростно спорит со своей матерью, прежде чем сбежать из дома, решив отправиться в кибуц в компании своего парня Фредерика. . Однако последний не проявляет особого энтузиазма по поводу проекта, поэтому Энн решается отправиться в одиночку, автостопом.
West Indies
A single-set color musical tracing the history of the West Indies through several centuries of French oppression.
The Story of Paul
A young man is checked into a mental hospital for unexplained reasons.
Селина и Жюли совсем заврались
Фильм начинается с Жюли, молодой рыжеволосой женщины, сидящей на скамейке и читающей книгу. Она замечает экстравагантную девушку с длинным шарфом, который та роняет в парке. Жюли бежит, чтобы вернуть его, но не может догнать Селин, теряющую всё больше вещей. Но наконец, они знакомятся и начинают свои проделки в параллельной реальности.
Marriage a la Mode
Don Juan
The main character is a woman trapped in the long stifling marriage in a boring province. She has an affair with a traveling photographer, follows him to Paris, and then has a series of unsatisfactory but interesting relationships, one of which is with a woman.
The Monk
Ambrosio (Franco Nero) is a monk who is sexually tempted by an emissary of the Devil, a young girl in monk's robes. After he has committed numerous crimes, it appears that he will be caught and punished by the Inquisition. Instead, he signs up on the Devil's team and wins his freedom.. and eventually, the papacy.
Les Camisards
La Fleur