Marc Brunet

Marc Brunet

Рождение : 1952-11-10, Paris, France


Marc Brunet is a French stage, film and television actor.


Marc Brunet


Entre ses mains
Clara, a lawyer in Annecy, leads a serene but monotonous life with her husband Damien and their two children. One night, she falls under the spell of a mysterious sculptor, Stéphane. This one torrid night will have dramatic repercussions for her and her family...
The Crossing
Maxime della Chiusa (voice)
In a small town plunged into darkness, two children, Kyona and Adriel, are separated from their parents and, facing the path of exile alone, embark on a heroic journey that will take them from childhood to adolescence, in search of refuge, peace and the hope of finding their family.
Paris Pigalle
Georges Chalvat
Paris, 1982. Franck and Serge are police investigators in charge of making a good catch in the Parisian porn industry. In order to infiltrate the mafia, they take over a peep show in Pigalle riddled with debts. In attempt to jump start the business, they begin to produce short porn films.
Photo de famille
Gabrielle is a "statue" for tourists, much to the chagrin of her teenage son. Elsa is in angry at the world and desperate to become pregnant. Mao is a chronically depressed video game designer who drowns his melancholy in alcohol and psychoanalysis. They are brother and sisters but do not hang out. Ever. Their parents Pierre and Claudine, separated for a long time, have really done nothing to strengthen the bonds of the family - yet, at their grandfather's funeral, they are going to have to meet, and together answer the question: "What to do with grandma?"
Саймон преподаёт музыку детям начальной школы. Он — профессиональный скрипач. Герой испытывает трудности в личной жизни и профессиональной карьере. Однако однажды Саймон встречает талантливого мальчика Арнольда...
Land Legs
Dom, 36 years old, is a sailor on board of the fishing boat Petit Gael II from the port of Les Sables d'Olonne, a small town in western France. He is used to leave for the open sea for at least three weeks in a row. Despite of his absences, his teenaged children decided to live with him since the divorce of the parents. But when his daughter Mailys gets pregnant, Dom understands that he will have to choose between the sea and his family.
Foreign Body
In the turbulent aftermath of the Tunisian revolution, young Samia flees her homeland. She braves hostile seas in the crossing to France, but once there she finds that her struggles have only just begun. With no friends, no family, and — most crucially — no immigration papers, Samia has to figure out how to make a life and a living in a foreign land. She meets a young man, Imed, and soon finds work in the employ of the elegant Leila. But her presence in Leila's middle-class household triggers a shift in its dynamics, and soon Samia is enmeshed in a web of sexual tension.
Exil nazi : la promesse de l'Orient
Le Père Frimas
Les lendemains
Christian, le père d'Audrey
With her baccalauréat under her belt, Audrey decides to continue her studies at Rennes university. She leaves the family nest, her best friend since childhood, and her boyfriend. Her new roommate introduces Audrey to political activism. From disillusions to difficulties, Audrey crosses paths with the young members of GRAL, a squatter group, who propose a different way of living and offer a new vision of the world. She decides to join them, becoming increasingly radical in the process.
Dans la tourmente
Homme RG
Dans la région de Marseille, un patron prépare à l’insu de ses ouvriers la délocalisation de son usine, couplée d’un détournement de 2 millions d’euros. Franck, l’un de ses salariés l’apprend et, sans en parler à sa femme Hélène, décide avec Max, son ami de toujours, de passer à l’action...
Georges Nicolle - le père de Darling
Darling is a woman of today. It seems to always choose the wrong path. Suffers but does not look like a victim. Do not feel sorry for herself. On the contrary, shows a passion for life against all odds. She is struggling to exist. If you fall, get up. Because Darling is naive and fearless, brave and instinctive. Has the life force of a tragic heroine.
Horse Sun
Merlin against Santa Claus
Catfish Blues
La vie nue
Le thanatopracteur
The story is inspired by the biblical myth of Lazarus. The main character is called Lazarus who was a follower of Jesus, brother of Martha and Mary who was resurrected by Jesus.
Дежурный аптекарь
Янн Лазаррек - аптекарь, облегчающий своими лекарствами человеческие страдания. Он - идейный борец против загрязнения окружающей среды, но давно известно, что благими намерениями вымощена дорога в ад. В своей лаборатории Лазаррек тайно изготавливает яды, которыми уничтожает «отравителей» природы. Блестящий фармацевт становится серийным убийцей. По иронии судьбы, ведущий следствие по делу об этих изощренных убийствах Франсуа Баррье убежденный активист движения за сохранение природы. Познакомившись на одной из конференций по защите окружающей среды, Франсуа и Лазаррек сразу подружились - ведь они борются за общее дело. Франсуа пока не подозревает о том, что его новый друг - тот самый монстр, за которым он охотится..
The King of the Misty Forest
Шкура человека, сердце зверя
Действие разворачивается в деревне, куда за неуравновешенность и склонность к насилию отправляют в принудительный отпуск инспектора полиции Пюжоля, где его (не) ждут две дочери, мать и младший брат, прислуживающий местным бандитам. Его приезд совпадает с появлением третьего брата, беззвестно пропадавшего 15 лет, пришедшего в родной дом пешком, встречающего бывших знакомых с вымученной улыбкой и огоньком безумия в глазах. Два старших брата разнесут мирную идиллию, но о мотивах их действий можно только догадываться, потому что никаких флэшбэков в прошлое не будет.
Волчий глаз
Marie from the Bay of Angels
A random montage of disturbing images tell a story about one summer in the lives of two teenagers who somehow find love within each other, Orso and Marie. After they realize this, they run off to a hidden island off the coast of France where they can not be bothered until Orso's hunger for danger and crime become too much for him, forcing him to return to his normal life...
Индеец в Париже
Преуспевающий и очень занятой брокер из Парижа приезжает в дельту Амазонки, чтобы получить развод от жены, бросившей его много лет назад почти сразу же после свадьбы. Он с удивлением узнает, что она воспитала там, вдали от цивилизации, его сына, о существовании которого он и не подозревал. Отец берет дикого сынишку в Париж, где происходит масса забавных приключений, связанных с любовью, бизнесом и … русской мафией.
The Son of the Shark
Brothers Martin and Simon, not yet teens, are incorrigible vandals; Martin runs away from reform school, Simon from foster homes, and they always find each other in a seacoast town of Lignan, where their destructive behavior is infamous. (It may date to their mother's leaving the family.) Martin is philosophical, romantic, and poetic: he dreams of being the son of a shark; he holds tight to a book about goldfish his mother gave him. In both halting and wild ways, he tries to court Marie, a neighbor girl. Simon, with a pocketknife and an intractable will, seems more dangerous to others. What, on earth, is there for these children-becoming-men?
Le Moustachu
la routier
The French intelligence service want to use a double agent to eliminate a terrorist groupe. To do this, the captain Duroc will give to the traitor a car filled with explosives. But the whole thing is a double trap. One of the officer of the Service, Leroy, has plan a dreadful blow to discredit his new director. He had chosen Duroc because is not supposed to be an intelligent agent.